There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One (In Exasperation)


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The protagonist wakes up to a superpower one day, out of the blue! But there’s no organization targeting the protagonist’s superpower! The prettiest girl in his grade doesn’t turn out to be a psychic like the protagonist himself! No door opens to another world and he doesn’t get summoned! There is no secret history in the protagonist’s past! There is no reveal explaining the protagonist’s sudden attainment of his superpower! So normal! Such overwhelming normalcy! He graduates from school and gets a job without anything happening! He lives as a mediocre working adult! Having enough power to fight against all of humanity yet not seeing anything happen finally makes him snap! Fine, be that way! If this is the way it’s gonna be, then I’ll make it! I’ll make the secret supernatural organization myself! Welcome to my manmade extraordinariness!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sekai no Yami to Tatakau Himitsu Kessha ga Nai kara Tsukutta (Hangire)
There Was No Secret Evil-Fighting Organization (srsly?!), So I Made One MYSELF! (LN)
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53 Reviews sorted by

Nightwing rated it
December 14, 2020
Status: v4c3
A very solid average. I want to enjoy it more but I really can't. It can be fairly boring and the characters are pretty average.

A personal pet peeve is that despite being OP, MC still has enough glaring weaknesses that he isn't actually all that OP. He's essentially a glass cannon


The translator is pretty good, though. Nice long chapters (which could be a reason why I struggle to stay up to date).
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moneng85 rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Unique, deserving an 4.3 - 4.6

The plot twist are on point, relationship with gov are OK

Should have added an arc between the last arc and the second last arc though

Powers used as it is, is also very well done

Good ending

Finally, the side chapter 'IF' was amazing!!!

The first IF chapter can even be made into another series even if it is expanded by a bit and can be a stand alone 5* oneshot
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kalich411 rated it
February 22, 2020
Status: c7 part1
It is just a selfsatisfactoty slightly technical chuuni diary.

I thought, something will change, after meeting a heroine, however everything stayed the same. Only dialogue added.
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SlumberingNightmare rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: v6c3
HELL YES! I LOVE THIS NOVEL, honestly the pain I felt when I realized that It had not been updated for an entire year shook my entire soul and brought chaos on a rampage inside my shell.

Yes, it might be boring to a vast majority but it is a fun read.
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suzga rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: v5c6
So, this is mostly a slice of life book series. I know a lot of people don't like it because it's mainly the MC's internal commentary on the happenings around him. Usually, I hate the slice of life genre, but this series has become one of my all time favorites. It's a realistic take on what would happen if an average person suddenly developed super powers. It's kind of reminiscent of the Saiki K anime. It's more grounded in unpredictable reality instead of the ridiculously predictable and cliche plots of... more>> other fantasy novels. If a cliche harem protagonist is your thing, then this novel is probably not for you. <<less
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No Idea Stupid Brat
No Idea Stupid Brat rated it
September 6, 2021
Status: v5c1
At first the novels is very good. The trainng arcs, the planning, making the organization, everything is screaming "OH MY GOD THIS IS GOIN TO BE FANTASTIC" but after a while, you see how actually boring it is. First of all I wanted to make some things clear, the MC is overpowered, yes, he is very strong, but, he isn't omnipotent, many things on the novel, the MC just can't do, don't know why the author didn't let the protagonist do these things, but he just couldn't to that. I... more>> am gonna sum everything that you SHOULDN'T expect from this novel.

1 - An actually overpowered MC, he get COMPLETELY destroyed by anyone with the same level of strenght as his own

2 - The point of view outside of the group of the protagonist


3 - an interesting world, no matter how much you want interesting things to happen, it won't, like The princess that they meet, you expect her to be strong, or at least special after she get's her power, but no, she just get upgraded 3 times and stops



4 - if you're the kind that likes that the government take measures agaisn't the extraordinary, then this isn't the place for you, because everything just spins around the MC's organization, at most it shows other 3 or 4 POVs trought the ENTIRE BOOK, they being The dark organization, some random people that just appear 1 time, and SIDE HISTORIES


5 - other people with powers. The author makes it clear that there's no other natural esper in the world, MC is the only one that can make them, wich makes the story completely point less, because the MC DOSEN'T wan't to change the world, he dosen't want to affect the life of the ordinary people, and you will most likely get annoyed by the MC's personality

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CherShootX rated it
January 1, 2021
Status: v2
The idea and the premise themselves are cool but the problem lay where the MC is too busy doing too many things that it become quite boring the more you read.

This resemble a lot like "To be the Power in the Shadow" but didn't really have anyone that could be called a "true villain". In the "To be the Power in the Shadow", despite the the villains was made up the MC, the villains does exist. Here though, he need to be almost everything that it become a bit of... more>> a drag.

On the other hand however, it does gives a new light to the way this kind of troupe could be used. But I hope that in the future, the repetitive troupe where the MC is the villain and the side protagonist at the same time can be reduced by introducing a "true enemies".

Would still recommend it for someone that like the anti-hero and power in the shadow troupe though. <<less
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EroticReader rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: c31 part2
I highly recommend this novel. At first, it starts off as a long and boring intro, but as you read further you are laughing your head off by all of the things that happen in this novel.
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Pixeldrum rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: v3c4
Usually, I don't really like reading JP novels like these because they reek of a wish fulfillment story where a bland JP guy becomes OP and surrounds him with a harem while easily dealing with any situation thrown at him.. "Lazy Dungeon Master" and death march gave me similar vibes to this novel, and they were both totally garbage.

However, after reading the reviews, I decided to at least give it a try. And well, it was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one (pun intended). It's a lot... more>> more slow paced and grounded in reality than I thought. The novel really puts in the effort in explaining how the MC developed and trained his powers, making it a sort of "pseudo-science, " if you will. And well, after his training period, he creates a fake "secret organization" that fights a great "evil" because he felt like it.

Well, I won't bore you with any of the details, but the plot progresses at a pretty slow, but enjoyable pace. New characters get developed and join into the fray, and the plot gets developed as well so as to not make it stale. Overall, it's not bad. The characters and monologue from the MC are definitely the charm points of the novel. After all, the plot is fine, but it wouldn't be interesting without some good characters being in it. I enjoy the developments of the plot because I find the characters fun to read about. As you progress through the novel, characters definitely get characterized and you get to know more about their personalities as a result of good dialogue and enough "screen time" for each individual character. Is it Overlord level? Of course not, but it's pretty good, and the cast is pretty small, even with the additions of a few characters here and there. Novels like these love to have throw away characters and antagonists that you frankly, don't care about since they're just there as a prop for the MC to vent his anger, find something to do, act as comedy relief in front of the MC. This novel doesn't really have any of those one dimensional throw away characters that don't get any characterization.

The plot is grounded in reality and isn't rushed, and all of the characters get developed one form or the other. As a result, you get a pretty decent novel. It's not perfect by any means. Like, the characters are all extremely convenient for the MC in his production of his secret organization, and all of them are eccentrics personality wise. This is explained away pretty reasonably and it's not really a plot hole, but the MC doesn't really run into any major problems as a result. Dialogue is also fine, but the world building is pretty choppy. It's not amazing by any means, but it's worth a try. <<less
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My name is JJ
My name is JJ rated it
May 15, 2020
Status: c28
Let me say it straight for you who is like me and decides on what to read based on the reviews:

This novel's protagonist (1st sper) doesn't possess the absolute will for a change (or is willing to break his way to his objective) so he, on his own way, tries to create his own secret organization behind the scenes. Simple no? It's the description and a resume of what we have until now. To be more specific I'll have to go for spoilers.

... more>>

He discovers his powers, nurtures them for years, and (probably) becomes the most powerful being on the planet. Now, as an adult, he finally gives up on his search for a secret organization because he finally accepts there isn't one. So, for the sake of his (future) sper comrades, decides to create the organization.

How? Getting someone to back him with the money that also has the same dream as him and slowly gathering similar fellas to join him. I won't enter THE details because if I did where's the joy in reading?


    • Positive points
    • The pace is okay. Nor too fast, nor too slow
    • Characters aren't two dimensional and actually have some background
    • MC isn't a total beta
    • Negative points (mostly about the MC sorry guys)
    • MC shows some next level insecurity about his powers (and trusts strangers WAY too easily) [<may change later dunno]
    • MC does have his beta moments here and there but nothing too disruptive
    • This novel's naming sense can make a perfect sphere grow edges sometimes and produce laughs in others (not really a negative point but not positive as well)
I think it's too soon to judge it completely but you might as well give it a read. Starts out slow but has solid foundations. <<less
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blackmask rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: c1 part2
Boring, I think this novel more to slice of life. Author not really trying to planning the plot. Just write whatever it want. The objective of plot can't be understood. Lame jokes n boring joke. Not worth for reading.
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Lot10n rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: v4c1
This novel is among my top 3 favorites. Many would be driven away from this novel because of the fact that the prologue is so long. It feels like the first few chapters are all apart of the prologue, and honestly its a bit tedious to read all of it. However all that buildup is worth it because it allows you to understand how things work on an equal level as the MC. One time I saw a review for this novel (i believe on a different site) that send... more>> something about this reading like a log and not an actual novel, and while I do agree that the start is like that, it gets way better.

Apologies for how bad of a review this is, its 4 am. I really only made this so I could say that the last person to made a review before me (xiazixin) was in fact wrong about "no loli" but they appear much later. <<less
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yukitsune rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: --
The plot is promising and the translation is very good, but...

I can't, I really can't continue to read. This is too cringe for me, both of my hands shriveled and I can't stop cringing especially after they got their first student.

i can only say this is not for everyone.

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