The Top Marksman is Reborn [E-Sports]


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The League’s top marksman, Cheng Che, is reborn and goes back in time three years. After being humiliated, he ends up on the streets, until he is picked up by Lin Xingling, the captain of DCT Esports team, who brings him home with a string of AD milk teas.

Later, Lin Xingling buys Cheng Che back to the team with his own wife’s dowry and five million yuan scraped together.

On Cheng Che’s first day with the team, he is assigned to share a room with the captain. Unable to sleep at night, he sends an anonymous question: “Is it safe to live with other teammates?”

Hottest reply: “It’s safe. Just cover yourself with a blanket and sleep tight.”

After one month with the team, Cheng Che becomes unstoppable in the league, but he feels intimidated by Lin Xingling alone and asks for help: “How can I appear obedient in front of others?”

Hottest reply: “Be yourself, and you’ll be the most obedient cub.”

After one season with the team, Cheng Che wins the Autumn Championship in the professional esports arena, and he asks: “How can I make the man I live with (love) me?”

Hottest reply: “Take a shower and go to bed.”

Following the advice, Cheng Che takes a shower and waits for his captain in bed. However, Lin Xingling tucks him in and leaves without fulfilling his expectations.

“What should I do if my husband doesn’t love me anymore?”

Hottest reply: “Cute cub, you’re too young for me to do anything, but believe me, I really love you…” (Click to load more)

OP’s response: “Don’t comfort me anymore…”

Latest reply: “OP, take a closer look at that highly upvoted reply. I seriously suspect that’s your husband, aahhhh!!!”

In his second chance at life, the strongest wild dad, Lin Xingling, gives up his jungle position and transitions to support, becoming a true milk dad.

He spends all his savings to buy back the future top marksman, hoping to lie back and let him carry. However, he realizes something is off when he sees the way the child looks at him…

Until one day, the child sits on the bed, all clean and innocent, and Lin Xingling can no longer bear it. He turns around and leaves him alone in the room.

Child: “What should I do if my husband doesn’t love me anymore?”

In his response, Lin Xingling reveals his true feelings, only to find Cheng Che standing behind him.

Cheng Che: “You bought me with your wife’s dowry, so I am your wife.”

Lin Xingling chuckles lightly: “If you were a few years older, I would have…”

But the child furrows his brows: “You’re lying. Three years later, you’re still not with me.”

Lin Xingling: “???”

You have a new question waiting for an answer:

“What should I do if I realize the person I’ve been raising as a cub from my childhood, is also someone who has been reborn?”

— [Reading Guide] —

Double rebirth sweet story.
Stuttering receiver (ADC) × fatherly gentle attacker (support).
The author’s reference to a self-created version of KPL after the autumn of 2018, with privately devised match schedules. The professionalism is average.
Emotion-driven story. I’ll add more if I think of anything.
Daydream literature. Don’t get too caught up. If there are inconsistencies, I’ll compensate you.

Associated Names
One entry per line
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/01/23 Wanderer Translations c76
11/30/23 Wanderer Translations c75
11/29/23 Wanderer Translations c74
11/28/23 Wanderer Translations c73
11/27/23 Wanderer Translations c72
11/26/23 Wanderer Translations c71
11/25/23 Wanderer Translations c70
11/24/23 Wanderer Translations c69
11/23/23 Wanderer Translations c68
11/22/23 Wanderer Translations c67
11/21/23 Wanderer Translations c66
11/20/23 Wanderer Translations c65
11/19/23 Wanderer Translations c64
11/18/23 Wanderer Translations c63
11/17/23 Wanderer Translations c62
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New 2801jj rated it
December 31, 2024
Status: c39
hi, I made this account just to rant about this story.

i don't know how to use this site and won't use the spoiler tag so just scroll past this comment

it's just really frustrating. ML treats MC like a son and he just keeps micromanaging and being so unreasonable I really can't see them being in a romantic relationship at all.

despite being? what? mentally 24-25? ML acts really immature and suddenly gives silent treatment to MC, how do I explain this? he gets jealous over nothing and is just really unreasonable... more>> sometimes

MC is also weird? he just grits his teeth and accepts the bs ML throws at him because "it's okay! he's my idol.." or something. and also the way he's treated like a child.. and just accepts it. he arguably also is childish

other reviews have also talked about the translation. yeah, it's bad. i've read so many esports novels so it's endurable for a while but I geniunely have no idea what's going on during the matches I just sit back knowing MC will win everything anyway

you can notice a lot of errors in the translation. like there was one typo so I could tell the translator actually took the time to try editing but?? was this checked with grammarly or what

men can be referred to as "her", ml's 'xing' in his name becomes 'star' when it's clearly meant to be xing, whatever is going on with the characters names.. like is coach t's ID tea? why is he referred to as T-Tea sometimes? this translation is so funny. there's a line that goes something like "abc's fans, which are called xyz (fans of abc) " like what is this extra clarification for

some parts of the story just feel ridiculous. the whole fiasco of "ml-loses-ADC-and-support-in-one-go" it's just like?? how do you expect me to believe the adc tryout just took the support with him? MC went through all that contract termination fiasco but this team's support can just... walk out? and the ML just let it happen? didn't he also go back in time?? just felt like a "i want to make MC the marksman so I need ML to be a support! let's just quickly come up with a story to have those spots open.." lazy moment by the author

happy new year to everyone anyway. don't read this. if you want tr*sh talk MC who 'idolises' ml, just read I can do it. or if you want double rebirth just read you're causing chaos again. trust me. <<less
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December 18, 2023
Status: --
Can't give a fair rating for now. I was wondering about the low score, for a completely translated novel, with zero reviews, and no overtly alarming tags. The summary barely makes sense. And then I read the first chapter.

I think the mid ratings are mostly due to the translations. E-sports is already a genre that I think would be difficult to translate while properly conveying the intent of the original author.

I didn't think it was MTL at first and pushed myself to finish at least 10chapters before DNF-ing this. I... more>> just thought maybe my brain was tired and things would make sense the further I read on (because context clues). But they didn't. And by the nth time characters' names kept switching, and certain things sounded off in the second chapter, I took a step back and realized this is a barely cleaned up MTL.

Certain parts sound decent but so many parts in between sound like they were literally run through word by word on Google translate.

No hate on the translator for bringing this to a wider audience, but I do hope it gets a better translation in the future and maybe get a properly deserved rating (whether higher or lower than what it has now).

-- review as of 12.18.23, marked complete with translations from Wanderer Translations. Might come back and update review in the future. <<less
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Iluvstorys rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: c67
Its worth trying... the romance is excellent and worth staying for, although I agree with the reviewer who pointed out the inconsistencies. The author cannot keep track of what they have written and often contradicts themself. Also, the chapters are often completely disconnected... this feels more like a series of drabbles set in the same universe than a single, unified story. For instance, the escape room episode. It came out of nowhere with zero foreshadowing. No making plans or buying tickets. One moment a regular chapter had ended, and the... more>> next, they were in the escape room. And it felt completely pointless to the main storyline, although side pairings did get some romantic moments, but it didn’t fit in with the rest of the story. So yeah... the translation is readable- a step above MTL but not great, the writing leaves a lot to be desired, but the romance and its premise is cute and makes it worth the read. <<less
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peilican rated it
April 11, 2024
Status: c90
Wow. Where to begin. As a whole, I would say this wasnt a complete waste of time? The main CP was, for the most part, enjoyable enough to read. They have a good dynamic going and are quite comedic sometimes. The ML is probably one of the few gong I've read that actually tries to restrain themselves when it comes to s*x. In my opinion, all the side CPs can be skipped.

Entertaining as the CP was, the novel itself was hard to get through and confusing at times. Some of... more>> it is probably the translation as it's just edited MTL where the translator has limited knowledge on Chinese and English so a lot of the things Google or whatever missed, they also missed. A very obvious example would be when MC is trying to say Sprite, but changes their answer midway so the translation, not catching that, had snow, which doesn't make sense in context. That being said, it's also very obvious that the author themselves just handwaved details they didn't understand and couldn't find from a simple Baidu search and the whole fic as a whole wasn't properly planned out leading to details that don't add up.

All in all, an ok read to pass the time while you wait for your WIPs to update, but not really good for much else. <<less
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Ebonsolaris rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: c18
Unlike previous review, I don’t think this is entirely a translators issue. The author flip flops all over the place; contract ended yesterday, going to end in a month, has two months left on the contract and that’s just a small example. Coach T (minor) character is a respected coach in the beginning, then turns into some kept canary without skill?

there is also things that do not make sense; you discover this is a double rebirth early on, but Stars manages to f*up in the beginning conveniently making space for... more>> Clear. How would he not know that he was about to lose both marksman and support with no back up plan or avoidance plan?

i don’t mind E-sports novels, but this isn’t great. <<less
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