The Stranger’s Homeward Journey


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Luo Shaoheng could never have imagined that the man he rescued in an alleyway that night would change his life forever. He was the one he had been searching for his entire life – his soulmate.

With him, he experienced the sweetest love, yet he also experienced the irrevocable pain of separation through death…

To his surprise, the lover he had thought had perished in that car crash ten years ago appeared in front of him once again. However, he had no memory of him nor the time they spent together…

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll use this chance to make you fall in love with me anew.”

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei; has been read (2)
  2. All the Books i've read!
  3. [BL] Patiently waiting for the updates
  4. MLM IX
  5. Translation dropped like a hotcake

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/06/21 KnoxT c9
10/24/21 KnoxT c8
10/16/21 KnoxT c7
10/10/21 KnoxT c6
10/02/21 KnoxT c5
09/25/21 KnoxT c4
09/18/21 KnoxT c3
09/18/21 KnoxT c2
09/18/21 KnoxT c1
08/30/18 Volopolis c2
08/28/18 Volopolis c1
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Aila rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: Completed
I read this expecting (and wanting) angst but got served with dog food instead 😑

Can you blame me? That summary speaks ANGST to me and I was anticipating drama and how will MC make ML fall for him. And guess what I was bound to be disappointed

because of how easy it was. It was such a let down because ML was already partial to him at the beginning.


Why do this to me when I rarely crave angst TT (Guess I should've looked for the drama tag).
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PalenMisha rated it
February 22, 2022
Status: c21
I just found this and binged all the available chapters. The way the main character is dealing with his grief is pretty heart-wrenching (reminds me of Icy Hero and the stuff in Eroge Villain after a certain event), but then he'll have a dream or remember something that's quite fluffy. His internal struggles are written vividly which makes him seem like a real person. I won't say too much about his lover since I don't want to spoil the plot.

4 stars for now, but if this stays on track it... more>> will likely be 5 at the end. Will circle back if things change. <<less
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