Writer’s Return


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I’m dying right now. Yet, I can’t rest.

– Seems like it’s dragging on a bit, doesn’t it?

– The author’s trying to wrap it up quickly.

– But we haven’t even gotten all the plot points yet?

– It’s just about to get interesting, so how can they end it? We need 10 more volumes!

– I’m hooked as always. Thank you writer-nim!

The readers don’t understand my situation. For the past 10 years, I’ve been writing like crazy. It’s almost over now. I must escape this hell…

1 point left.

Associated Names
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azuron rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: c9
This novel has a pretty amazing start and really engaging plot. The number of other characters so far isn't huge, but the ones that have been introduced so far are pretty well fleshed out.

The story is about an abducted, overworked author who travels back in time after he succumbs to illness.

The writing style and translation quality are commendable. The only drawback I have seen so far is some of the scenes are a bit drawn out. Personally, I skipped 95% of Chapter 3 and did not feel I missed... more>> anything significant. C1-3 feels like a foreplay that drags on and on while we are eager to get down to the real stuff.

Will definitely recommend this. 9.1/10 <<less
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