The Story of Gothic Lady Who Met a Grave Keeper in Another World


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Himeno Eri was a 28 years old woman who was familiar with historical clothing due to her growing love for Gothic Fashion.

On her trip to Germany, she got lost in another world at the goth festival she participated in.

She mistook a muscular grave keeper that she met as a festival participant. Letting her guard down, the place he brought her was an eerie graveyard…

On the other hand, Toden, the Grave keeper, had mistaken the lady in a pretty dress who suddenly appeared in front of him as a noble daughter. He swore absolute obedience and served her from his heart, yet Eri was completely oblivious to it.

The two, who couldn’t communicate at all, seek help from Scutt, the High Librarian who could speak all languages. But instead, Eri was told “You are in another world, and the s*ave of Toden.”

With the help of a grave keeper who never broke his obedience to Eri and a librarian who was always taking care of her, she began her life in another world where she didn’t know whether it was in easy mode or hard mode.

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Gothic shukujo ga isekai de hakamori to deau hanashi
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07/24/23 Salmon Latte Translations c14
07/19/23 Salmon Latte Translations c13
07/18/23 Salmon Latte Translations c12
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SublimiSomnium rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Mixed feelings about the romance, but the MC and engrossing world building more than make up for that awkwardness. The ML is also flawed but adorable, which will make your heart hurt and melt along with the MC.

The ML improves himself for the MC so he cures his unhealthy yandere tendencies before hurting the MC.


Tags don't give any warning, but I feel like you need to read the spoiler below if you are the type of person who only likes stories with s*x strictly between the MC and ML. Although, rest assured there is only a single OTP.


2 out of the 3 s*x scenes are 3P - BUT IT IS NOT CHEATING. The extra wheel is there to provide guidance because the ML understanding of normal social interactions is negative. The MC is physically but not emotionally attracted to the third wheel.

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