The Silent Cherry And Plum Blossoms


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Tao Anzhi: “Yan Xi, do you love me?”

Yan Xi: “Taotao, of course I love you.”

Tao Anzhi: “Then do you like me?”

Yan Xi: “Taotao… I can’t…”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Peach And Plum Trees Don't Speak
Tao Li Bu Yan GL
The Silent Peach And Plum Blossoms
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/02/22 Ignavae Traps c1
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Eve20 rated it
April 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I read the MTL version of it although there were some errors But believe me you will not regret reading this story if I could I would give it 100 instead of 5 stars

It is an age gap gl story aunt x niece But they are not blood related Yan xi the MC is a friend of Tao anzhi's (FC) mother ! Some reason Yan xi adopted Anzhi And anzhi falls in love with MC's gentleness and care But Yan xi considered anzhi as her sister ! Now you can imagine what goona be happened

If you want to read this story then you need to prepare your heart beforehand Because there are so many emotional roller coaster journeys And it is very hurt and painful !! I cried like... more>> crazy when I read this story This is one of the best gl stories I have read ! I want to read this story again with proper translation ! So thank you for picking this story <<less
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