365 Difficult Ways To Live


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Chu Yu saw Xia Yihan for the first time in a psychiatric hospital in her hometown. She would never forget the experience that day even if she dies.

Sleeping deeply at home, she suddenly received a call from the psychiatric hospital

Dean: “Ms. Chu, can you come? We have a new patient here.”

Chu Yu dully replied: “Sorry, I only visit special patients.”

The dean was anxious: “She is very special!”

Chu Yu didn’t have the slightest interest: “Where is she special?”

Dean: “When she came, the whole psychiatric hospital went crazy!”

Chu Yu: “…”
Chu Yu: I heard that you made the whole hospital crazy?
Xia Yihan: What do you mean, I am the only normal person in the whole hospital!

Associated Names
One entry per line
365 Kinds of Difficult Living Methods
365 Ways To Live A Difficult Life
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V_sA.Bl_.E rated it
November 17, 2021
Status: c81
This is a very suspenseful novel with police, crime, etc. Center of the mystery in this novel is the FL, a psycho yandere girl who came out of nowhere. Not much is known about her in the beginning and she causes a lot of chaos, which makes MC more curious. As MC finds out about FL’s suspicious activities and past, it starts to link up with her’s too. FL still hasn’t completely opened up to her yet, but they did ally together.

First quarter of the story was about MC going... more>> on a wild goose chase, second is about FL’s true past. I don’t know what happens later, as I haven’t caught up yet. <<less
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September 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Very engaging piece.

Too much details, but its engagement with you is finessed. You doesn't even realise that you're engaged.

I started reading this because of there is supernatural tag. But, there's probably 0.1% of this is supernatural. If supernatural=mental illness, then yes.

... more>> The mystery is very intricate, like a vine interwined in branches, like when you watched a good tv drama where you doesn't really know who's the perpetrator or what their goal is.

The romance in this piece is keep to barely there. Its not much, but its enough to pass my level of satisfaction, because I usually go for pampering n devoted type. This CP?there's pampering, there's devoted, but just sufficient to hook people.

Don't be turned off by the summary, give this piece a try. <<less
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