The Secret Circumstances of the Fake Ducal Couple


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“I need a woman to mother my child.”

Her fiancé, whom she had abandoned seven years ago, came to her, now the most powerful man in the kingdom.

Standing at the pinnacle of nobility, he spoke in an arrogant tone, “If you accept my offer, I’ll pay off your debt.”

His contemptuous gaze swept through the house that the debt collectors had made a mess of.

“I see you have no right to refuse.”


Jane Whitney, a woman who once believed she was loved by God, lost everything when her parents were caught in a treasonous plot: her family and her love.

Now, seven years later, a man stood before her as she suffered the indignity of debt collectors.

Cain Hastings. A war hero, a man of great wealth, and a Duke trusted by the Queen.

And a man who was Jane’s first love and fiancé.

Still handsome yet with a cold expression he never had before, Cain Hastings saved Jane’s life, making her an offer she could never refuse…

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February 9, 2024
Status: --
4 chapters in and I feel bad for this protagonist.. she lost everything because of her parents and then was forced to break up with the love of her life because of false promise made to her by her fiancés parents and for years she’s been trodded on.. then here comes her ex “love of her life” fiancé saying some crap like “I need someone to mother my child”. This story does have potential but I honestly believe this will head in to the direction of naive girl gets belittled... more>> by her ex fiancé who chooses his ego being hurt over understanding her circumstances at the time she broke up with him and then him eventually forgiving her and her constantly belittling herself and putting him on a pedestal when they end up together. Desperately hope I'm wrong though since the translation looks good... 🙏 <<less
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