The Prince Seduces Me With His Body


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Diana Susfield, the illegitimate child of the Duke of Susfield, grew up like a caterpillar in the family. As she caught the eyes of Rebecca, the first princess, she became a great sword dedicated to her. However, her neck was cut off when she was framed for trying to kill her, who became the emperor. To be precise, Diana returned to before she met Rebecca. She then try to change her future so that she doesn’t die at Rebecca’s hands like before.

“If you really don’t want to get married, you can refuse it comfortably even now. I swear on my name. But if not, I will try to do whatever you want as a husband.”

Become the contract wife of Prince Cayden, the only person who treated her like a human being.

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황자가 나를 몸으로 유혹한다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Alyalia's Translations
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  4. Romance Books
  5. have read

Latest Release

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seemanta rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: c06

I really like how FL is so relaxed. She wants to take revenge but she's not dying for it to happen immediately, she's planning to take it slow and save herself first. She also didn't go find the 3rd prince immediately after rebirth. Cause, honestly, no matter what talk she had with him before dying, she was never close with him in the first place. They had a few interactions in the past but it was like seeing an acquaintance from the enemy group. That's it. Also, she didn't scare any maids or servants or family with her "bloody presence" either cause, tbh, they aren't worth it and she already got her revenge in her first life. Actually, her first life wasn't THAT bad untill she was betrayed and then, umm, killed. Cause the 1st princess treated her pretty well, comparatively. Got her out of her shitty house, gave her a job (maid in the day, sowrdsman in the night), didn't humiliate or torture her, even took revenge on her shitty family for her (it was in her plan anyway but she let FL take a good look at it), FL even had a bit of power as her close aide. It's just that she betrayed her after getting the throne cause, you know, nobody will know if there's nobody to tell. Gotta kill her keep the dirty laundry in the dark. And yeah, FL had a big unrequited crush on the princess so she never really cared for anything unrelated to her. Princess never gave the green light in romantic way tho, that's why it was unrequited. So, you see, FL was hurt, but not in that "revenge is my only goal in life" way. She wants her revenge but she's gonna get out of the house first, then get strong again, and probably look for the 3rd prince or other ppl to take princess down after that. Well, it probably won't go that way but I like her relaxed and flexible attitude. Gotta love myself, other things come later. It's not a proper revenge if it hurts yourself too!

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