The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother


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Yan Shuyu, a big fan of all sorts of cliche CEO novels, had transmigrated into a book —

In the novel, the wealthy CEO male lead has a villainous stepmother. She put up a front of being nice and tender to him, when in fact she was bullying the male lead with her son. After she had successfully driven the male lead and his father apart, her ambition continued to grow as she attempted to take away the inheritance from the male lead. In the second half of the book, the truth came out — that the father had no feelings for her whatsoever but was merely using the two of them to hone his son’s character. In the end, both the stepmom and her son were sent to jail by the male lead after he took over the family business.

Yan Shuyu transmigrated and became the well-hated villainous stepmother, but she had transmigrated to the time before everything happened, and the male lead was still a foolish child. Only a fool would want to become the stepmother of a foolish child. Yan Shuyu took a longing look at her “assigned husband”, who was pretty much like the Sleeping Beauty, before she quickly packed up and made a run for it.

After that, Yan Shuyu checked out her $250 remaining on her card. She turned to look at her son, who was clinging onto her leg and asking for milk. She wanted to look up at the sky and howl. Is it too late to go back to become the male lead’s whetstone?

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Evil Stepmother Fled (Webnovel)
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165 Reviews sorted by

Rida rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: c32
The FL is so dense! Initially, her internal dialogue was entertaining but after so many chapters, it became frustrating. I don't even mind that she thought the ML had an ulterior motive but she couldn't even stand up for herself. She never outright rejected him and whenever she tried to refuse, she was walked all over. Whenever the ML spent money on her, she'd drop her bottom line and give in. And I don't understand how she was able to adapt so quickly. She kept on mentioning how her original... more>> parents treated her so well but I never once read her being sad or shedding a tear over them.

I didn't particularly like the the son, Zhang Yuanbao, either. The text kept on mentioning how mature he was for his age, and I could see it; he was only four years old yet he could stay at home and bathe and do everything himself. However, how did he get attached to the ML so quickly? With how mature he is with other people, how could he not see the FL didn't want to further interact with the ML?

Overall, one of the most frustrating stories I read. The FL gets boring and there's not much drama, so it gets very dull after a while. I've only read 32 chapters yet I can guess how the rest of the story is going to go. <<less
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July 12, 2022
Status: c114
A story about a spoiled child suddenly getting an instant son. Lmao, she's dense and narcissist af so it can sometimes come off as annoying to others but it's just funny for me. Just like everybody said on the review, if you don't like the fl's attitude at the beginning then you won't like her as you read more. But, I don't know since I'm just half way through the story. I just hope she would get a character development. I mean, her character develops but it is so subtle... more>> that you won't notice it but it's there! :)) I love the two kiddos so much in here to the point I would want to read chapters just about them even without the lovestory between the FL and ML lol. <<less
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niosha rated it
May 19, 2022
Status: Completed
org; 4.0

but the rating is bad so 5

no drama

it has some minor things that I dont like? Or am dissatisfied

but its quite ok and decent for this kinds and trop

there are my novel with higher rating but much worse than this

FL isnt that bad, sometimes relatable for me, ML has its own shortcoming too

in summary : ok~
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Nonameschemer rated it
December 16, 2021
Status: Completed
The review section really makes me question people's intelligence and reading comprehension. You don't want a mary sue, fine don't have an expectation a normal human being will be able to adjust to unnormal circumstances. The people who are gripping about her leaving her son at home ONCE, aren't being realistic. She did it once, in comparison she's a dirt-poor new mother to a 4-year-old son. Saying that she should be more responsible, she IS. Before she had no clue on how to budget anything, fold clothes, and or do... more>> anything for herself. A typical spoiled middle-class girl who has maybe slightly less than average morals, which makes her likable. I'm sorry, but for a CN novel to NOT have a virg*n protagonist who's sparkly clean and kind it's groundbreaking. She is responsible and doesn't dump her child anywhere. The only person she trusted her child with, was someone with experience handling children. She has limited options with who watches her children, and trust me what she's doing is safer than letting any nutjob babysitter that she doesn't know to watch her kid. The little lesson here, public areas are more likely to have fewer incidents than a babysitter who doesn't have as much experience. Most babysitters are teens or college students trying to make a buck and have less experience with kids than so say a music center teaching kids, someone who's a literal uncle, and a school. It's more likely for a child to be abused by a babysitter than in a public setting with more eyes and ears than just an impressionable child. People are acting like single moms especially single moms with no experience raising children shouldn't have fun. The idiots saying "take him to an orphanage" are even dumber and never stepped foot into an orphanage. The kid would feel way more hurt to be left in an orphanage, than a slightly less responsible mom who's going out of her way to actually enrich her child in ways most parents don't actually do. Most people don't know how to play an instrument, let alone two, and in China, free education isn't a thing, and guaranteeing he'll grow up and be educated, successful AND without abandonment issues is slim to none. Yes, she's vain, but never tries to hide it. She's someone who is certain to like to take more than she gives, but relationship dynamics work like that sometimes in real life. She doesn't ask for much and is content with her life, which makes her likable.

About the plot twist. It wasn't well done, I feel like it didn't suit the complexity level of this novel. It just makes the reader feel emotionally burdened with no satisfaction. I also felt a bit weird how the original novel and so many chances for a more drama-filled and dynamic novel were missed. Realistically this novel is a solid 3.5, but people are just rude so I'm rating it a 5. I really wish this novel was more serious because it had the POTENTIAL to be very intriguing instead of just a novel you read to pass the time. The insta-dad is really similar to her ex-boyfriend she has the luck of meeting good people. People are complaining that she, a woman in a relationship should just break up just because a man she doesn't remember isn't dead? It's not fair and would make her seem even more fickle and sleazy. Yeah, losing the love of your life you found had a son with you would break people, but why should she be responsible for the mistake his family made? Of course, she feels bad but it was WAY too late for her to reconsider things. This drama feels half-baked and the fact this could have appeared at least 50-100 chapters earlier to add depth instead of last-minute mysteries feels forced. The slight suggestion of the romance between the two boys would have just been off-handed remarks, but the novel amnesia reincarnation thing makes it feel like they're really could be more to it. The novel keeps referring to the little boy ML as "pretty as a girl" and the fact we never get any explanations about why the ML likes her, how she remembers this, etc, etc and the hate between the two makes me uncomfortable. What I'm trying to say is that the author shouldn't leave so many unexplained mysteries for the end and just leaves the reader feeling unsatisfied. It also wouldn't kill to have the ML's perspective more, since if the MC was written so realistic and in detail, the ML should have been too. We still don't know WHY he would do that to the og MC. If the MC is explained why she did so many bad things, the ML should have had his time to tell why he would abuse his own son so much, and allow his stepson to walk the path of no return.

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Miyacherry rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Personally, the main attraction of this transmigration novel is the FL is perfectly FLAWED. She's spoiled, fickle, indecisive, narcissistic, but all of that that makes the comedic tone throughout this novel. But, she was sincere when dealing with other that's why she had friends wherever she worked.

For being an instant mother, she's quite good at it, because she takes a job a waiter that she previously frowned upon, just because she wants to provide for her instant son. Even she wants to cultivate her instant son to be a great... more>> figure as a pianist, she ASK her son first what he want.

The 'golden finger' other transmigator had, was nonexistent, except that she used her previous life's ability in playing piano and cello. Other than that, she was blessed with good friends and acquaintance.

FL such a face-con that didn't shy away from her s*xual urge towards ML, and on this story, have a healthy woman-men close friendship with other character.

ML is the one that pampering, giving leeway towards FL, but also her biggest scammer. Also the reason why ML liked her was explained well.

The 'instant son' and 'male lead' is a perfect kiddos.

The plot twist near the end is confusing, even the FL was confused.

If there's something unsatisfying about this story is

that I wish her ex husband has a his own happy ending because he is too pitiful


I loved it a lot, thank you translator. <<less
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kichullie rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Yesss the MC was really really unlikable at the start of the novel. But after went on reading this I somehow like her a lot.

  1. She's indeed a narcist LOL Some complained about her being not attentive enough to her son but she will get better and better. The interaction between them also not forced or instant. Remember she's a spoiled brat who do nothing at her own home. She just tried to make a living after transmigrated. She became responsible after she was inside that novel plot. Although sometimes at first she's annoying that she's not attentive enough to her son, because you know she's not his real mother in a sense.
  2. She's a naive airhead. What shocked myself was that I could read this story till the end. Usually I hate it a lot by that type of female MC but this one was GREAT! I laughed on every chapters even though there were no particularly funny scenes. Her dumbness was just fresh to me ahahhahahha I don't know why people called her superficial. Is it because she's a face dawg? I think all people were like that at first, they will choose to stay with another later after finding the other person personality.
  3. About the parents. I don't think she forgot them easily. If she was like that then she would not mention them here and there in the story. I feels like her mentioning her original parents was the type of her missing them without the needs to tell it. Turned out she had the reason at the end about that (people called her ungrateful towards her parents.)
  4. Her decision to always postponed her marriage to the ML was because she's afraid something happened to her son. She know the original novel plot that's why she's hesitating. She needs to be sure first that her son will not have any accident then she can accept.
  5. The ML was really a jerk (bastard even) in original novel. I still trying to figured out how in the original novel turned that way. Even the MC thought the situation of her and son should be a protagonist backstory, not a canon fodder or even villain. The ML was sweet yet scheming. He schemed her way into her life every time and she's always walking into trap herself LOL
  6. Hemm what else to say? I forgot ahahha Just read it when you don't have problem rising in your life, not too stressed out, etc.
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JIN_05 rated it
October 22, 2021
Status: --
I find the protagonist really unlikable. I saw a few of good reviews so I wanted to give it a try but I really couldn't stand the s*upidity of the protagonist anymore.
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October 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I dislike s*upid main characters. However, even worse are main characters that suddenly act s*upid every time the author wants the plot to progress. The MC was trying her best to stay away from a guy who would mean doom for her and her child, yet...

... more>>

is somehow convinced to both date him and move in with him, mostly because she couldn't "find a way to argue back with what he's saying". Seriously? Just say no. I hate it when plots are pushed forward in this way. It's not even creative writing. She should be thinking "Regardless of what this guy is blabbering about, I'M NOT MOVING IN WITH HIM!!" and stuff like that, but because he used words and certain logic to trick her verbally, she's stuck? She convinces herself that he wants to train her to be his personal driver? Even though they just had sex? What? This is just s*upid.

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SunShadowless rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: c101
Sorry everyone, I will write in my mother tongue and translate it

First of all, this site seems useless, as many people give irresponsible and harsh reviews, causing many good and even great stories to fall into the abyss of bad reviews, I've already disregarded these reviews a bit after realizing this, but after finishing this story and coming to see how it was evaluated I was upset, if it wasn't for some wise fellows trying to fix it with lazy and irresponsible evaluations ​​of many people this story would go... more>> to a hole, which it doesn't deserve, now after venting about what bothered me the most let's go to the story, she prefers me a good story, I think the biggest feature I can highlight would be the realism, the fact that the protagonist and most characters have a solid personality base that is not changed as the wind according to the situation, and the protagonist seems more than anyone an ordinary person, the many faults that label her in negative comments, some exaggerated, others are totally absurd, but she actually has several flaws, but that is more than anything HUMAN and in general she is a good person, with values ​​different from mine, but nothing that is an affront to society, the development of the story is very slow and simple, and sometimes you feel that the protagonist is too silly and naive to get more and more entangled in what she wants to escape haha ​​​​beginning to almost the end the story is a little slow but it doesn't get very fast-paced ending, and maybe even miss some details, but a lot of interesting twists hahahaha no spoilers anyway, I hope you give it a chance, reading the last chapter brought me a warmth in my heart and I kind of miss it, that's why I still look here even though it's been over for a while haha <<less
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sansukini0923 rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This is about a bimbo who transmigrated to a villainess. She's not too smart, so after sleeping with the ML's father, she immediately ran out of there. She just doesn't want to end up as a cannon fodder and doesn't want the son to die as well. She's really simple-minded. As long as she doesn't show up, then the ML's father won't marry her later, thus avoiding the tragedy. But she miscalculated because the ML'S father just became more interested in her, initially because of the s*x, then he really... more>> fell for her.

The story has a very comedic tone, especially how the MC just takes everything in stride thinking she's just a fling or a vase he flaunts on several occasions, but not knowing he's already cementing her place as his wifey. Eventhough she's dumb, she really cares for the people around her that's why she makes a lot of buddies who are ready to help her take care of her son while she works.

I like how the dilemma about their future gets resolved. She was wary of the baby ML at first, but she ended up treating him as her son and the ML became her son's bestfriend.

It's a very enjoyable novel although not the smartest MC. She's like a child herself so sometimes it seemed like her partner is taking care of 3 children instead of 2. But the ML dotes on her a lot which is different from other novel's doting. He substitutes in her place so she can get some more sleep, he shows her around the office to show everyone his gf, and little things that might seem shallow but is very sweet <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Others have already written some proper long reviews for this story so I won't make this long.

I hate this. Especially the weird ass plot twists and the ending. It was definitely unfair to many characters who were actually decent. Plus MC is a naive idiot and she only managed to get by cause she met good people.

Anyways this was a waste of my time.
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ricachuu rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Hmmm... It was pretty cute and fast read for a novel.

What can I say... You can say the FL is that type of annoying and selfish b*tch that quick transmigrators would most likely b*tch-slap lol. She's easily tempted by money and face value, she was spoiled by her original family too much, she's vain and narcissistic, and she is also extremely selfish. But at the same time she was very honest that she was an unscrupulous person to everyone. Thank God, although she wasn't perfect at it and even did... more>> a few worrying decisions, she was a great mom to her son and sooner or later to the little male lead too. In a way she was sort of adorable especially at how she makes such s*upid decisions and keeps on being lured by ML's traps while thinking about some weird assumptions and that she was able to beat/fool ML lol.

ML is still quite a mysterious character. While there was no doubt that he truly did love her in that life but for the fact that in the original novel he used the mother and son as a whetstone to train his own son made the readers and the FL be really suspicious of his real thoughts and feelings. Although he seemed to be like the usual perfect domineering CEO ML, he was truly quite scum lol. He started growing his feelings for MC after having an interest in her when she bedded him and ran away.

You can say that they are both imperfect. I wondering how their relationship would go seeing that they are both honestly hate-able characters than have some okay qualities but surprisingly they fit each other pretty well. Also, the buns definitely helped a lot in getting them together and this time they treated each other like good brothers.

If you want to pass time and is a patient person that loves cub-raising, then go ahead and read this~


One last thing is that I feel bad for the sudden second male lead in the novel and he was Yuanbao's dad who apparently didn't die because he was saved by his real family and had amnesia. He was honestly too late at this point. He also revealed that MC transmigrated from the very start and MC and him were childhood friends turned husband and wife and she trusted him enough to tell him the truth back when they were together. The MC still couldn't remember their past but she did indeed cry upon rejecting him. However, MC already loved ML a lot and the fact that her son's dad who was supposed to be dead was alive made her finally realize that her son might've not necessarily died in the novel but could've been saved by his dad.

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chansbabygirl rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: c245
I thought this novel was okay at first, but it's clear to see that the MC's character is too annoying. I mean like, poor ML is always complying to MC's wishes. It's also annoying how unmotivated she is in child rearing. Poor children. MC and ML's relationship is toxic. I won't be surprised if they separate in the middle of the novel. But at the same time KNOW that they will be happily ever after. Damn. (Unless a plot twist happens, which I highly doubt)
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17_rj17 rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: c135
Typical transmigration romance novel. But with idiot-reader-fangirl-overthinking MC. Honestly, she's quite dumb, well we can tolerate cause she has been spoiled since little as little princess just like the author wrote everytime she being unreasonable to justify her action. The ML like any other CEO ML surprisingly not the domineering one, but still in category of black belly. The only likeable in this novel are their sons. Their sons interaction were cute. Honestly, I don't mind a character development from bad to good, weak to strong, or s*upid to smart,... more>> she's kind of like that. Developing too. That's good.

I just don't like her lying all the time. It's okay I guess if you lie, but her lie is so obvious that makes her idiocity showed and it's actually not funny at all. Lol why everyone liking her s*upidity haha. <<less
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SnowDax rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: --
I honestly don't know how to rate this. It's bad. I don't like to say a novel is bad but this one.... It is bad.

MC's personality......... I really cannot understand why she's an MC? Other than being pretty, she's has no other redeeming quality. She's s*upid, careless and lives in her own bubble.

There are some people in this world who don't deserve to have a child and she's one of them. Actually, this might be a good story if it is not a transmigration story but a rebirth one.

The original... more>> Yan Shuyu is actually a better mom than her. At least, that's what I can conclude for now. Original slept with male lead's father (ML of this novel) because she wanted to make sure her son can have resources to access good education. Almost all the vile things oriFL did because she hoped that her son would have better education. Although somewhere in the middle, her objective went haywire. This, was a good premise for a rebirth story. However, nope instead of that the author decided to transmigrate unconcerned and absolutely useless woman into oriFL.

This MC.... is so freaking brainless honestly. Her behavior keeps contradicting. I mean, from the start it has been decided that MC is someone who judges people from their good look and has no intention being independent as she wanted to leech off her parents. I never expect someone like that to be a good mother and the fact is, she's not a good one. She keeps justifying that her son is smart to leave him alone without caring about his safety. Please note that MC's child is not freaking ML of the world. Not even a villain, just a cannon fodder. For someone who had read so much cliche novels, it should be known that no matter smart that character be, it cannot be THAT smart. Oh, wait! She's brainless...

I just cannot read anymore. I really hope it gets better but as far as I can see now... Nope, I cannot see her getting better.

I respected the translator for being able to translate that much but personally, I cannot really see the charm of this novel to keep going. Low-key hoping they would drop this novel and take up another project because their translation is too good for this novel. <<less
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November 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Too confused about the FL's decisions and character. Too vanity.

Besides being pretty and all, the FL doesnt have that high qualifications to be loved. Too superficial.

The plot sometimes too absurd. 3 stars


HE with a daughter in the later years

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Missy2894 rated it
October 1, 2020
Status: Completed
I read it, but I skip many words

Why? The explanation and inner monologue is too long and boring. Sometimes it just repeat the same thought again and again

The plot is actually interesting, but the how the author tell the story is too convoluted. And I am just tired reading the long explanation

For MC character, actually, I learn nothing from her, there is nothing special about her except her pretty face. And somehow, if she is my friend in real life, I just want to say, 'how can you have no... more>> spirit to live'? She always choose the easy way out and avoid conflict just because she want everything in life to be easy. Spoiled girl

And ML? Well he just an ordinary man with no special character at all, his value only lie to the fact that he is fillthy rich. In real life for the man who love the hunt game, he will only be good as a boyfriend, but not as a husband. He is interested in MC just because he thought he play hard to get, not because he saw a special character in her. The author suddenly make him a faithfull man who only loves MC, but with what reason? It just doesn't make sense. From the beginning the is no hint in his character that he will be a good long term partner, not in real life

The romance just so so, it doesn't agitate me at all.

And the ending where her husband (suddenly become ex husband) is coming with cliche "memory lost drama" just give me a long sigh, plus MC and ex husband discussion about transmigration story really doesn't make any sense. I am like : what the hell is this?

But I don't hate the story, nor did I like it. It is just too plain and flat. There is no up and down, no climax and anticlimax

But what I like about it is, there is no bloody s*upid drama like other chinese novel

  1. So yes, three stars
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xuexin rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: c60
It’s an okay story. However, so far MC just seems to be very bad with money. She doesn’t know how to cook and doesn’t bother learning how to. The father of the ML... There’s really nothing to say about him.

I don’t know, I don’t really think there’s anything that makes it stand out.
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Mmailah rated it
January 28, 2020
Status: Completed
There’s nothing bad about this novel; however, there’s nothing outstanding about it either. When I finished the novel, my first thought was “That’s it? Wow, nothing happened.” Just read this novel while waiting for updates on other novels.
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Platos_Redhaired_Stepchild rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c42
I like this quite a bit. The set up is typical "transmigrated into a novel" but the MC is quite zanny. She does her best to raise a child that's not hers & she has no magical cheat and has to rely on her own talents to get a job. The ML is okay so far.

... more>>

The book version of the ML is a creep and the MC decides to avoid him at all cost.... after they hooked up. The ML is a rich boy and is quite amused by the novelty of a woman who isn't falling all over herself to 'catch' him.

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