The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother


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Yan Shuyu, a big fan of all sorts of cliche CEO novels, had transmigrated into a book —

In the novel, the wealthy CEO male lead has a villainous stepmother. She put up a front of being nice and tender to him, when in fact she was bullying the male lead with her son. After she had successfully driven the male lead and his father apart, her ambition continued to grow as she attempted to take away the inheritance from the male lead. In the second half of the book, the truth came out — that the father had no feelings for her whatsoever but was merely using the two of them to hone his son’s character. In the end, both the stepmom and her son were sent to jail by the male lead after he took over the family business.

Yan Shuyu transmigrated and became the well-hated villainous stepmother, but she had transmigrated to the time before everything happened, and the male lead was still a foolish child. Only a fool would want to become the stepmother of a foolish child. Yan Shuyu took a longing look at her “assigned husband”, who was pretty much like the Sleeping Beauty, before she quickly packed up and made a run for it.

After that, Yan Shuyu checked out her $250 remaining on her card. She turned to look at her son, who was clinging onto her leg and asking for milk. She wanted to look up at the sky and howl. Is it too late to go back to become the male lead’s whetstone?

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One entry per line
The Evil Stepmother Fled (Webnovel)
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January 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Personally, I really enjoyed this novel.

I read the comments that said the FL is childish, unintelligent and leeches off her parents. Howerver, I don't agree. First of all, at the beginning she is a girl who still hasn't graduated from school and experienced life. She can say whatever, but when she transmigrated, she worked hard to support herself and her child. It may not always be expressed, but if she didn't complain and remain cheerful despite having to go to work everyday with no breaks, then what's with the judgement?... more>> Anyway, I like reading stories where everything goes well for the mcs, rather than constant dogblood drama over nothing.

I also like how FL straightforwardly expresses her feelings. If she likes, she likes - if she doesn't, then she makes herself clear. She may give in to MLs tricks a lot, but when it really counts, she can stand up for herself (

she refuses to marry ML until she is sure that her child won't end up like in the novel despite her personal feelings and the pressure from ML; when given the chance to become a celebrity she feels tempted at first, but quickly realizes that it's not for her and isn't tangled over it for long


The ML is also quite good. I can't say that I totally understand him or that the author managed to completely convey his supposed shrewdness... but I really liked how he was willing for FL to have her own career, do small things for her and spoil her. He is also good with the children, and even gets jealous (but not over the top). An ideal guy!

Finally, the novel is very sweet, with some undramatic drama, which is told very warmly. The secondary characters are also interesting and even if they appear 'evil' at first, they have their reasons.

I recommend this novel for those, who like to eat sugar ^^ <<less
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anokoking rated it
May 25, 2020
Status: c19
I really wanted to like this novel I really did. But I absolutely hate the female lead. She’s lazy and mooched off her parents in the previous life. Broke up with her ex boyfriend because he was “too ambitious” and she just wanted to be lazy all day. Her only redeeming feature is her appearance??? Wtf??? She’s superficial and vain. After transmigration she’s still lazy af and praises herself for the most basic human functions. Her son is only 4-5 and he’s more responsible than her??? She barely takes care... more>> of him and makes him do everything himself unless he really can’t. The original host was a better person than she is and I would have much rather have read about the original host getting a redo than this girl taking over the original host’s body. I’m really curious to know more about how the CEO father handles the situation but I can’t read any more of this female lead. I hate her too much. The FL is 1 star but I’ll add another star for the sake of the innocent son and the translator’s efforts. <<less
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Ariion rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: --
Reading up to c94 was good, I read the comments before and I see no need for such negativity. Loving beauty is fine, normal Web romance novel have obsessive males thinking about beauty.. As a female loving it and as well herself this is refreshing.

The translations so far are extremely well done so full marks, the FL ML and children are decent as well.. The only dislike is her leaving the child alone... That I think is kind of disgusting but in her defense the child is a 'instant child'... more>> so she doesn't have that motherly bond of caring, birthing and raising it.

Anyway I hope that this translation does not get drop and that the plot continues smoothly.

All in all if you are willing to read a modern day book with a female lead who is basically a narcissistic woman and a sly ML with two sons please give it a try I doubt you would regret it for as a picky reader myself it's worth your time. <<less
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Mihami rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: c70
I read until chapter 70 and I really don't understand the good reviews.

A warning for readers : If you're expecting seeing a lot of cute little buns, nah, give up.

The child of the FL is reaaly cute but she is a bad mother. Even if you transmigrate and it's not your little bun (even though he looks more like her original apparence so she could feel something) an objective person would'nt treat him like that.

The other child is cute too but she is seeing him at first as a way... more>> to free from the father, almost as an object.

Just like her child. The two little buns have really no chance with the mother and the father.

So if you love fawning over two cute little buns, you're gonna more easily get angry to the other characters.

And to not spoil too much : she is just idiotic in her comportment. Forget having a smart FL. You won't see a beautiful scheme or even just a good talk. And overall she's not event described as a sheltered lady, just like someone having an easy life (loving parents, normal life...) but easy life and being sheltered are different things. I'm pretty sure she'll die on a street seeing she is so... out of the reality if the author didn't need her to be the FL.

The only 'good' thing is : it is not bad written, it's easy to read but it's not beautiful to read.

The END : Don't lose your time ! <<less
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: --
The novel wastes too many words to explain a single point. The chapters are very repetitive explanations of the clickbait synopsis. There is very little dialogue and the content of each chapter compared to the word count is almost negligible. It contains mostly reflections and the MC's thought process and inner monologue.

This book lacks the true spirit of novel writing.
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Hundred Lilies
Hundred Lilies rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I really don't feel much love between the MC and the ML, mostly because of the MC who is selfish, superficial, rather dumb and has a somewhat fake personality. The dynamic between the MC and the ML is also awkward and they never seem to be on the same wavelength, which makes it feel less romantic. It's a cute story, but that's about it.
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selselsky rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c108
So I'm seeing a lot of negative reviews from people who can't like the main character based on the first chapters, and honestly I was right there with you.

But you gotta push through them guys because they do get better. They are the trials and tribulations blocking the way to a competent story.

The thing I like best about this story is that the main character seems very real to me in the later chapters.

Let me explain; I've noticed people complaining that the main character is weak willed, that she's getting... more>> pulled around by the male lead

And my response to this is: yes. Because that's what happens. A young lady who doesn't have a lot of money gets approached by a rich handsome man who wants a relationship with her? Who keeps buying stuff for her and keeps offering her rides. Even if they're not interested, they don't want to make a scene. They don't want to have a confrontation so they just go with it and hope by the end of the day this dude will stop being interested.


He's showing up at her place of work, what do you want her to do? She can't yell at him, she's at work! He has a lot of power he can make life hard for her. So why not just let him do nice things for her since she's always kind of strapped for cash.


This seems like a very real response to me and I love it. I love seeing how this real person is going to react to this wild thing that just happened to her. It's a lot of fun for me.

tldr; Push through the first few chapters. She gets more likeable. <<less
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June 4, 2020
Status: --
wow this is the first time like the very first time I gave such low rating. Loke that star? It's only for little ML bun (actually I want to give two star but whatever).

I can't understand how people could like the FL (I'm so sorry). She's like a kid and an irresponsible one at that and I can't find her charming oh my god

Ive tried so so hard to give her a chance and read more but dang her whole personality is so frustratingly annoying oh my god. This is... more>> the first time my head hurt so much when reading a novel. I'm very sorry for this review but I just can't like YSY <<less
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Channybal rated it
March 29, 2020
Status: c1
I really like novels about childcare and "instant sons", but in the first 30 chapters of this novel there is no childcare at all, on the contrary it's the kid who act like the wiser person in the room.

The MC is a spoiled, dumb narcissist who doesn't even think that a four year kid could easily fell or drown if washing himself alone.

Also, it's very boring. Most of her thoughts are something like "I'm so beautiful" or "I'm a genius". Top.

I'm sure she will grow, but I don't have the... more>> patience neither the will to waste time reading about a MC who's mentally 12. <<less
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SeiraJLoyard rated it
January 29, 2020
Status: Completed
The characterization for the MC was expressed very well. Based on her backstory of being a single child that was spoiled while growing up not having to do anything, her decisions after crossing over really held true to that. As the story progresses you could see her character growth as she slowly moved away from thinking only about herself to having more consideration as a mother.

This was a pleasant read. Not a lot of dog blooded drama, but at the same time, there were no real antagonists. As soon as... more>> a possible antagonist appeared, they were dealt with almost immediately and never showed up again. I was a little disappointed because of this, because you didn't really get to see too much in regards to how our characters responded/handled such things. However, as someone who loves a straightforward story with no drama, this was done so well that there basically was no drama, more slice of life than romance.

I feel that the MC is a hit or miss protagonist. She stays true to her 20 year old naive/spoiled character, and doesn't think too much. This is both a pro and con; she can sometimes come off kinda flakey, insincere, or s*upid. I wish that the author had a little more focus on our ML as well. For me it seemed kinda sudden, he went from ok this girl has hooked my interest to let's get married. I just wish there were more insight into his thoughts about her so we could understand his character better.

Rated 3/5 as this was a straightforward lighthearted read. The twist at the end finally gave this a little bit of drama. Not considered great because of how insincere the "drama" ended up being (either have it or don't, don't half a$$ it.) Not a huge fan of MC or ML, but enjoyed the interactions she had with the kids. <<less
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Kaylee rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: Completed
Hmm....... MC is not likeable at all. I forget how old is her real age, but reading her interaction with her child, it's like she's a teenager with no experience at socializing, money awareness and sense of urgency that all transmigrated character has.

It's why I also get sidetracked and stopped reading this. Finished. And still will not change my opinion. What a bleh character. Her child is cute and a prodigy or every 4year old child in novel is LOL

Both her and ML are two people who should not be... more>> parents. What instant kid?? It's her own son! She gave birthed not another soul, but her! And her character was like that from the beginning to the end toward her son. Mygawd. Teenager whether in body or mind should not become a parent or even give birth themselves because they could only think and love themselves!

People who rate this novel 5star, I want to ask, do you really rate it after you finish it? And you dont mind having this character as your mother if you're her children? <<less
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coinssa rated it
May 31, 2020
Status: c105
Good to pass your time

I admire and dislike FL at the same time. She's exactly what the author describes her to be: a happy-go-lucky girl who doesn't care about the depth of sh*t she gets into (gets out of?) in the world of the novel. Some things she does are downright DUMB.

Yet what I appreciate is that the author seems to admit her flaws. It's much better than when FL behaves like an *sshole but is portrayed as a noble character all along. Here no one behaves out of character.... more>> FL does have some good traits. She decides to take care of an unknown boy after all, despite her being a very young college graduate... I think her most dominant trait is being INSANELY LUCKY. (that's some author love for you, girl)

Dunno what to think about ML. There wasn't much in terms of plot development and romance has the speed of a snail. But I like him, so far he seemed pretty ok.

And of course, I love the clichés.

In short: while it's not the best piece of art, it's still fun and enjoyable. I recommend this if you love this trope and want to relax <<less
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Novelupdatesaccount1 rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: c101
The negative reviews aren't wrong. The FL's s*upid, a bit vain and incredibly dense - but that's her charm.

This novels essentially a Chinese version of Bakarina and the female leads a sightly more realistic Catarina.

If you're a fan of Aqua from KonoSuba this is the novel for you.
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Milkywaylunar rated it
May 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Fluffy love story. FL is quite responsible tbh. It's not easy to be a mother and in this story, FL and ML were good parents. As a parent myself, I could say that. Really
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Dhaturas rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: --
I feel compelled to leave a review after reading the other negative reviews. The MC is vain, maybe a little clumsy or shortsighted, but she's not an irresponsible waste. She was suddenly shafted into the role of a mother. She ain't perfect, but she does her best to provide for the new stranger she's suddenly responsible for.

I gave the story 5 stars just to shove it against all the negative reviews, but I really think it should be a 4 or 3. Like, yeah, it's not a bad novel, but... more>> after a while, I found myself disliking the ML. The power disparity between the two creates a dynamic where the FL is almost always on the losing end of things. And also, the ML seems to be attracted to the FL but he never outright says it to her face (at least until last chapter I read). He just kind of leaves her alone to wonder about his true feelings for her.

Speaking of, the FL is convinced that the ML has a black heart who could use and dispose of someone with a smile. This is the main reason why she diverges from the plot in the original novel and stays away from the ML. Ultimately of course, the ML is attracted to her because of her aversion of him. I skipped ahead to find out that they do indeed end up together, but I just couldn't stomach the idea of the FL falling for the ML after she repeatedly said that she wouldn't fall for his tricks again and again in her narration. <<less
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chindy02 rated it
April 16, 2020
Status: c86
MC is irresponsible. She never adapts. Live life as if she doesn't have a son. She even has the nerve to let her boss babysit her child while she goes away and shops. She never worries about leaving her child alone in the house. She's selfish and doesn't have any ounce of conscience when spending. I find her very annoying that I can't help but drop this in the middle.

I would have rated this 1 star if the premise of the story is only about the MC's daily life. But... more>> thinking that the beginning of the story where the MC transmigrated to a room with the ML (that was quite funny), then i'll give this 2 stars in total. <<less
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manjuone rated it
December 6, 2019
Status: c25
The protagonist is just so annoying. She is kinda delusional, narcissistic and irresponsible. I keep reading with hope that she will grow up, maybe think a little 'bout her son future/safety, but I give up now....
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Apaylia blackrose
Apaylia blackrose
October 16, 2019
Status: c3
It's interesting. MC is naive but vaigue. She is attracted by looks so she doesn't get attached easily. She doesn't desire for money or prestige. She just want a peaceful life with a steady income source.

Male lead is mc's novel's male lead's dad. He seems like a deepily hidden cunning person from summary. But he is yet to be properly introduced.

The story has reached the point where the MC has transmitted in between a s*x session. She thinks she is dreaming having s*x with ex boyfrnd, as she has just... more>> broken up. She than comments she must be fantasizing as boyfrnd has amazing skills in dream, even his chuckle is bone melting. She passes out.

When she wakes up she noticed the strange situation around her. The different room and the stranger on bed. She then quessed she must have transmigated. She goes to bathroom to admire her beauty and figure and thinks she has a killer body, even she as women is drooling over it.

After that by chance she remembers the stangers name and comment zhoi has performed good on bed. Lo behold. Boom. She remembers who she is and where she ia now. It's a novel world where in future she will be jailed. She realised it's first time she has bedded this zhou guy and its still 2 year early before she marry him. Being naive as she is, she decide to run from him as being with him will result in her being heroine og orange is the new black. So she hastly dresses up and flee like a typical playboy after a one night stand.

Zhou did wake up but he did not get opportunity to clarify the situation before she dash out. This was first time he was used and dumped. <<less
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Devi_SF rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: Completed
🤔 Let's see. 🤔 It's the most "cliche" story with the most unconventional MC.

The story starts when the MC (Yan Shuyu, YSY) abruptly transmigrated right after she graduated from her college/university. She transmigrated into a body of villainess stepmother, years before she married the ML's father. She's relatively poor with a little bun in tow and she's just took the first step of her horrible fate. Ofc, she should abort the "plot" and flee from the scene, shouldn't she?

What makes her different from the usual "villainess" MC is she's NOT... more>> your usual smart, wise, charismatic, and/or misunderstood girl. She's so unusual that I understand if some people wouldn't like her. Let's list her bad side first: She's a text book case of spoiled, unambitious, vain, shallow, short-sighted, happy-go-lucky girl who has severe case of face-con (she said good-looking is her "true love"). She's a melodramatic fictions addict who's also a "drama queen". She's not firm on her principles and she will readily lowered her bottom line in the face of beauty/handsomeness and huge pressure (physical, mental, and financial). She has a lot of confidence in her appearance 😅 and intellectual 😒😓🙈🤦‍♀️. She's a model case of having double-standard.

Now, let's see her redeeming qualities as an MC. Her biggest redeeming quality is her love for her son. Sure, she needed time to adapt to her "instant son" and her motherhood. She didn't instantly love him either. But, her past-life parents and society teach her to prioritize her children and she readily do that even when she hasn't adapted as an "instant mother". As much as she's an unambitious lazybum face-con, she broke from her boyfriend (the most handsome man she'd seen in her past-life) for the prospect of living a lazy "financial independence" life given by her parents over hard-working in the capital with her boyfriend. But, she firmed her resolution to avoid the ML's father for her son's safety. She doesn't mind her own horrible fate if she can enjoy a wealthy lazy life with the heavenly handsome boss for one to two decades (that's as much lazy and face-con she was). But, she can't stand the prospect of how it'll land her son in his tragic death. Her son is her impassable bottom line. So, she choose to work hard for him and change to be a better mother for him (and she actually gradually change). He's the one reason she would make or break.


It turn out that she's reincarnated as the baby "villainess step mother" and she's blackened over the years of growing up in bad environment. She retained as much her good qualities as she can, but she's a real FWS (foolish, white, sweet) person who can't survive in back-stabbing competitive environment for long. And she finally snapped after she lost her last shield (her son's father) against the harsh world and no one responded to her applications for decent job. Bit by bit, she bargained her naivety and morale for a better prospect for her son.

If she didn't recognized the ML's father as he was and remember how "digging his gold" would kill her son, she wouldn't be so traumatized that she immediately fainted and got amnesia (this is where the story start and she think she's 'transmigrated"). If she didn't know how being a greedy gold digger (and assist her son to steal the ML's fate) would ruin her son, she might follow the original plot of the novel.

The amnesia also help her to forget her love for her husband, so she can fall in love with the ML's father without burden. Imo, the novel version of ML's father was blackened and retaliate against YSY and her son by using them as whetstone because he can see that she always loves her deceased husband and only saw him as money-tree, that she has zero sincerity for him and his son. The amnesia also enable her to have a new "clean start" (mentality) and regain her positivity, thus she can pull good and helpful people into her circle and leave the previous toxic people out of her circle.


Now, how could the ML's father be our ML if she's so determined to avoid him? Have I mention that she's a FWS ditzy girl who's easily distracted? She's so foolish that she'll let people sell her and happily help them count the money. She needs good people to constantly look out for her, less she'd be swindled. Her son help her to get some brownie points. And there are also people who "respected and befriended" her for the Boss (ML's father). But, she's also kind, sweet, and soft-hearted person (especially toward good looking people), she's vain but she never look down on (nor belittle) other people, she owns her short-coming (if she's aware of it) and work on (some of) it instead of pretended to be what she's not. So, the real good people who have known her would willingly looking out for her. All of that and a good instinct to avoid disaster are what help her survive and retain her (newly regained) naivety and morale. It led her to enjoy her life and making money for herself (and her son). Eventually, she even got a decent high-paying job which in line with her expertise (piano and cello). But, it couldn't withstand the ML's father's scheme. 😅🙈🤦‍♀️

So, here we come to our ML, the ori-ML's father (Zhou Qinghe, ZQH, Boss Zhou, the boss). His initial description is a black-bellied evil CEO. There's not much narration from his perspective. But, what's character description, especially if we get that description from our foolish MC's perspective? Let's his actual actions speak for him. As far as I get from my observation of him, he's not as evil as YSY's initial description of him. He's a gentle, fair, but strict father. He's a workaholic and mature person who won't attack someone who didn't attack him. He's also rational enough to not let his jealousy blind himself and harm innocent people. But, he's also a cautious person who will investigate people who potentially is scheming against him (such as YSY). So, being a cautious and not foolish him, he investigate YSY after she "dine and dashed" on him. He relaxed his investigation after he saw only her harmless oddball-ness, but he let one string to dangle to watch over her. His interest in her was rekindled when she constantly left him stunned with her unpredictability. Over their interaction, he knows her good points and how she sincerely like him and his son (she clearly shows her mind and heart on her face, she can't act to save her life even if she's so confident in her acting skill 🤦‍♀️, and she can't deny her love for good-looking man/son) but trying really hard to hid it. Eventually, he fell for her and schemed to trap her in marriage. He deployed a combination of honey traps, food traps (she's a foodie), and distractions as his tactics and "cooking a frog in a slowly boiling pot" as his strategy. Our FWS YSY happily help him digging trap for herself until she's facing his proposal and ZQH let her see their serious actual situation.

Reading that part is like watching a foolish piglet which is cautious at the beginning, but eventually happily munching its fodder in its pen and cuddling its farmer... putting aside what's would happen to a fattened pig. Then, it's brought to slaughter house, out of its expectation. 😑😭🤦‍♀️🤣

Fortunately, ZQH isn't as bad as YSY thought and

her "deceased" husband reappeared to solve her biggest problem, a k.a a guarantee of her son's safety.

everything ended well. Ofc, there's some more drama and revelations before all end well for our protagonist and their children. But, I've written too much spoiler already. 😅

Usually, I'll rate this book 3/5. But, the author ability to put new perspectives on such character as YSY and the lax of strictness in rating in NU for this genre, imo, it deserves 4-4.5/5. Furthermore, the low rating people give this book... So, I give it 5/5 to pull up its rating. <<less
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Shortk rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c110
Her brain logic actually hurts to read. Half bc they are literal expositions and half bc the author is just trying to justify her actions with her maze like ditzy thinking. Like "uh.. ok... ok maybe yea" <- me after her brain expositions and daydreams. It doesn't change that the author is just trying to make her dumb actions seem reasonable.

But honestly this what you pay into - the MC is written to be a "slightly not bright girl raising her "instant" son", EMPHASIS ON GIRL NOT WOMEN so it's... more>> technically not bAd character writing; just exhausting and annoying to read after her 10th+ inner exposition. <<less
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