The Lazy Swordmaster


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“I finally managed to kill the demon lord. Can’t I rest now? At least for a bit. Actually, just leave me alone. I’m not working anymore.”

In his past life, Riley Iphelleta was a hero who defeated the demon lord. Though he emerged victorious from his battles, the emotional strains from fighting all the time got the best of him.

After experiencing a rebirth in a powerful family who upheld their reputation through swordsmanship and didn’t lack the power to support his leisurely life, Riley decided to become House of Iphelleta’s lazy swordsman, but the course of the path he walked was never easy.

He’ll need to make a choice to bare his fangs or continue his naps…

Associated Names
One entry per line
나태한 소드마스터
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Recommendation Lists
  1. my tbr
  2. Less talking, more punching
  3. KR Novels I'll Read When They Finish (and some CN)...
  4. bekhon
  5. Wow there's a manhwa version (ML)

Latest Release

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89 Reviews sorted by

WSage rated it
August 21, 2017
Status: c145
It started out oh so well with the premise of a retired but lazy swordmaster reincarnated into the the body of a young noble. It started out with a solid and decisive character but the latter developments just seem too forced imo. There is too much drama for a story that started with a much different approach and I simply don't like it.
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SilverCrow63 rated it
February 23, 2017
Status: c52
When reading some of the negative reviews just realize that they are nitpicking over alot of the minor details. While this isn't a masterpiece of a story it there are parts that are unique and interesting.

The story rather slow paced. Revealing information about the characters and their past as the story goes along.

Here we have a former hero that has been reincarnated into a new life as he tries to avoid taking the same path as he did in his former life. This might irritate people who want the MC... more>> to show off his prowess
but a part of what makes the story interesting is that he pretends to be a worthless young master despite being slowly forced to reveal his abilities.


While it isn't directly stated we can assume that the MC was a high school student in a modern world like Earth, that was invaded by a demon lord and monsters.
"The hero could see the ashen black buildings made of concrete."

As a normal student he was forced to fight and not allowed to die due to the people expectations him. Forcing him to fight on as he watched those he loved die around him so that he continued on his 'noble' duty.
This is why he is determined to live his new life differently.


While some people might say the MC has an inconsistent personality keep in mind that he died young (so he isn't exactly mature) and was forced to kill and watch people die since high school. Not to mention the MC is scarred by his previous life affecting his decisions in his new life.

He hates the priests and religions that forced him to fight and give up the peaceful life other kids his age would have had. Which is why he disliked the preistess from the very start.


The MC is also a bit of a contradictory character. While he doesn't 'want' to interfere when a situation actually occurs in front of him he is usually forced to deal with it because no one else can. Despite this the MC tends to run away from the problems and ignore them so that he would not have to deal with them. However when he is forced into action the MC would tries to eliminate all possible threats from the shadows to prevent retaliation and would prefer to eliminate those that know of his true capabilities.

Another good point about why the MC doesn't want to show his talents by cyndor:

Someone pointed out that he should just show a bit of his talent and hide in his brother's shadow, but that is just not possible because of one simple reason: his mother. Why else would the baron allow his shenanigans if it were not because of his mother. The baron's first marriage was one of benefit, while the second was out of love. I'm sorry to break it to you all out there, but your parent's have a kid they love more than the other (s). The satisfaction, hope, and effort they give one kid is above the rest, and the amount given is even more different with those who have different mothers. If Riley were to even show that he could defeat a novice, the amount of attention and expectation the baron would give him would be suffocating to him, and his brother's would probably hate him even more (and tried to get rid of him earlier.


To summarize: There ARE reasons behind his actions but the story doesn't directly tell you. It will slowly reveal the details for you to piece together. Some of the parts people are complaining about are easily explained if you read the details in the story.

While it isn't the best story it is a interesting read about a MC that doesn't want to reveal his abilities and won't leave behind enemies that can cause problems. All for the sake of his peaceful life. <<less
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NightmareMBD rated it
December 26, 2016
Status: c30
A nice start to a novel with good potential. The MC is a sword genius who got sick of being pushed under a world of burdens that cost him both his friends and family in previous life. Now in his new one, he is completely uncaring as if this is his 'Holiday' after the impossible feat. The MC is a genius to such an extent that even watching someone use the sword would annoy him with the shoddy way it was being used and so just wastes his days being... more>> lazy while his servant noticing his real talent keeps attempting to make him pick up the sword. So far the tropes have been common, but there is potential in this story. <<less
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Rensarian rated it
October 21, 2016
Status: c14
I've only read up to the latest currently translated chapter (ch 14) so perhaps it is too early for a legitimate review. Nevertheless, my initial impression of this novel and its fourteen chapters is this: impressive! There has yet to be any true character development, and even the characters themselves are hardly established, but this novel certainly has a great opening act. The main character is, as the title suggests, lazy and (almost) without a care in the world. However, he also happens to be incredibly powerful. The combination of... more>> the mc's lazy, nonchalant attitude and his miraculous actions make this very satisfying. At this point in time, I would highly recommend this novel; it is a very fun read. <<less
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raiha88 rated it
August 15, 2017
Status: c140
The start of the story was good until the Astroa arc or until the conclusion of the Iphalleta succession story. After that, the story became unbearable due to the drama surrounding Nainiae. And the MC has been behaving illogically due to his past, IMO he became a side character with Nainiae becoming the MC.

The current story is like a bad attempt at having romance in the story but to me, it fails miserably. I'm so done with this novel and have hidden it from the release page.
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Rosver rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c64
It is bland.

It started okay if albeit nonsensical and slow. The MC is still rather interesting in all that. Sure, not the greatest MC ever, but still entertaining enough to keep me interested.

Then the other characters started to creep in.

The slow story become even slower and the focus starts to stray. We don't get much of the MC anymore, instead we got these other characters. At least with the MC, I am still entertained; these other characters however is the very definition of boring. They just have nothing at all... more>> that is interesting. They do nothing interesting. Their reactions aren't entertaining. Their personality is meh. And their side of the story offer nothing truly important for the need for their own POV. I'm not really sure why the author is focusing on them when they are boring as heck.

A slow story that is getting slower, translation that is becoming slow too, the ever increasing number of bland characters, and other issues like lack of logic and sub par writing. The Lazy Swordmaster is a story that just becomes more and more uninteresting the further you go. <<less
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BitterCoffee79 rated it
February 20, 2017
Status: c49
Starter really good, interesting background, MC doesn't anything to hide his skills then he forse to the city... He keep saying he wants a nice and easy life yet does everything he can to seek attention... Insults higher up of a church, cause a scene at magic tower, kick a noble's ass, takes his time fighting in the middle of a plaza and so on... He's meddling with others and b*tching about wanting to be left alone yet when he finally can leave things to others he goes in the... more>> middle of a fight to watch and end up joining for a bullsh*t reason... I can only guess that the autor wants to make it look like he can't stop being a hero but that's not what you get from what he does. <<less
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mmem rated it
September 4, 2016
Status: v1c2
I love protagonists like this. He's called the Lazy Swordmaster, but he really isn't lazy. He worked hard and suffered through so much only to be reincarnated and decides to live a life without doing much. Which would be fine, after all if anyone deserves to rest it's him, but while his family is rich it's also all about being the best swordsman, and there's the conflict. For characters who don't know his past it's easy to see why they're all frustrated by him and his "laziness." But it's also... more>> easy to see why he's the way he is too.

And props to the author for speeding through his childhood by having the first chapter be excerpts from the family butler's diary. <<less
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salazar rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c101
first, I need to defend this novel, up til chapter 20+ anyway. the MC is just a weary, burnt out person who longs for nothing more than eternal rest. heck the way he was reincarnated was essentially su*cide.

he was a "hero" pushed by the masses to kill the demon king, his comrades are dead and the tragedies he's seen haunts his dreams, after all that..... its just regret for ever taking up the mantle, he never got to see the after effects of him taking down the demon king and... more>> I think that's a big reason why he is so pessimistic and angsty about responsibilities, bc the biggest and heaviest responsibility that he ever had to bear gave him no sense of accomplishment at all. so he does flip out a few times, but in my opinion its pretty understandable. take this with a pinch of salt as everyone's opinion is different.

NOW TO CRITICISE THIS NOVEL. aft chapter 20+ it goes down hill all the way. an originally light hearted novel about him having a lazy life and recuperating from his trauma became some typical dog sh** japanese novel that is down right annoying bc he loses all his laziness and gets caught up in lotsa trouble-trouble that he was supposed to avoid

all in all about 5/10 would not recommend <<less
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Yumina rated it
May 13, 2017
Status: c84
It started out good, Mc's view and priority is kinda interesting at first. But as the time goes by it just become so bland or something twisted? Idk can't really say but he will act if it needs to be but for some reason he can just avoid a lot of trouble if he will just show his real capabilities or something? And I know and read that he has a past life as a hero. And with that I kinda expected that he will have a more depth on... more>> his personality not this nihilistic kind. <<less
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jusso rated it
September 3, 2016
Status: c2
First sorry for my bad English. So this is story about reincarnated hero who defeated the demon lord but he was so tired of all the 'must and should' that he decided to die with him (or it was accidentally- doesn't matter). Now he is reborn (does not say if it is same world or not) in a rich family and at the age of 1 he was inspected to be the ultimate sword genius or something like that, but for 18 years he refuses to pick up the sword... more>> and just eating/sleeping/reading all day long. Comes day of deciding a successor and his brothers insulted MC mother. Quite too early to see what will be next, so I'll wait. <<less
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2Girls1Cupcake rated it
November 9, 2018
Status: c126
We start off with the typical Korean template where monsters spawn on a modern earth-ish world and the MC kills the demon king, then he's thankfully reincarnated into a different world, it really is the worst template ever, where he's supposed to be an OP lazy young lord, but in reality that's not what we get.

First off I really hate lazy MCs that sleep all the time, especially in a story where it's a grown man that's reincarnated, he should know the feeling of wishing you'd done so much more... more>> while still young, but whatever, it's the premise of the story and I wouldn't hold it against it, that's just my preference.

I can accept that the demon king slaying hero is enjoying his retirement by being lazy, I think it should be more slice of life then, but whatever, what I can't accept however is how he's actually not aware of everything going on around him, there's a time where he's on the second floor of a building while people are being mu*dered on the first floor, shouldn't he be all over that and just be "taking a step back" as he says? it seems the author is clearly bad at intrigue and instead it just turns into your typical shounen novel.

The MC is mentally crippled after years of everyone looking at him with hope and expectations while being cursed by the people who lost something, either it's the "the reason there are super villains is because they are born as an answer to there being a hero in the first place" or the "why didn't you make it in time like you're supposed to since you're the hero", that's very realistic and something that's used before as a premise for novels or the like, but it's clear that in this new world it's just a misunderstanding as the priestess is told he will do something heroic, not that she's supposed to make him do it, and whenever he does it, it doesn't have the same consequences in this new world, consistency please... <<less
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Zion rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c71
I have developed a major love/hate relationship with this story, largely to do with the protagonist, but to some extent his supporting cast is to blame too.

First our protagonist, Riley:

I sincerely love his frankly ridiculious level of power despite never once actually picking up a sword in his current lifetime before the story starts. I can also deeply respect that he has some verious serious trauma involving being the hero before.

I can't respect how he basically refuses to explain things to anyone though. He doesn't trust his mother, doesn't trust... more>> Ian whom his mother appointed to take care of him, doesn't trust anyone close to him to know anything about why he doesn't want to touch the sword, look at a sword or even think about swords.


Basically despiting being both a transmigrator and a reincarnator (he transmigrated in his past life to become the Hero chosen by the Holy Sword, then reincarnated upon his death into yet another new world) he shows a major lack of growth as a person. He cares more about snacks than actually solving problems (wanting to "enjoy the show" more than doing anything to protect the people closest to him who are in harm's way), and while there are many ways to solve problems without being front and center in a problem he basically throws that out the window in favor of pretending problems don't exist until they become to big to ignore and forcing him to take action in increasingly obvious ways. He exposes him skill completely to his companions and mother not because there was anything that'd actually harm them but because he wanted to get to the capital faster to fill his gluttonous addiction for soda, something he hasn't had in probably twenty years but apparently remembers so clearly it causes him to drool like a dog being offered a steak.


Basically for someone who knows the pains of loss for his companions he fails to treasure the ones he has, for someone who is so emotionally dependent on his mother he fails to properly protect her as she ends up poisoned early on due to his lack of vigilance, and compromises his supposed stance on things for snacks instead of the safety of those close to him. Also with his level of skill he could teach his companions how to be better with the sword (something that'd make it so he could actually step back and not do anything like he claims he wants to) instead of being the only one who can do anything.

At least his magic affinity is interesting and that gives me hope for the way the story goes forward.

He has a non-elemental affinity of Time. Yes, as in the fourth dimension itself. I see it mostly being a device to save the companion of his who has a short life expectancy upon the completion of the capital arc, but it may get used in other ways. The affinity does make him MUCH weaker in other magics (a fireball looks more like a tossed a match for example) but with his ridiculious levels of mana that means he's probably just going to solve that by putting more mana than necessary into every non-Time based spell just to make them more effective. A thought I have at the chapter I've reached is that Time could be infused into his other spells to change their effects, when they hit (sending spells back in time to hit before they're cast for example) which might allow him to get around his elemental weaknesses, but I have a strong feeling that such ideas will be left untouched in this story.


Basically I like the idea, and I love how he can utterly thrash his opponents but I despise basically everything else about him because Riley is less of a fleshed out character and more of a mess of character traits that don't fit his own backstory.

As for the supporting characters the real problem as of where I am in the story is Ian. A veteran adventurer turned butler for a noble family and the person who first recognized that Riley has more to him than he shows. The problem? He's a weepy old man who gets caught up in trying to shove the sword on Riley and fails to do his own job properly. A key example is from early on when

Iris (Riley's mother) ends up poisoned largely because he failed his duty to monitor the staff by choosing to instead follow Riley around like a puppy who can't shut up about how great swords are. He fails as someone who serves a noble family because he fails to respect the insturctions of Riley and Iris to back off about the whole "take up a sword young man!" nonesense and even when he knows Riley is basically a walking sword god he still acts like Riley is the weakest and most vulnerable human being on the planet. He's also a miserable drunk whom Riley should have just casually knocked out instead of allowing him to bawl like a heartbroken girl all night.

His only redeeming factor seems to be the gap between his image as a butler and his bad habit of swearing like a sailor everytime he gets mildly upset. Its enough to make him tolerable, but it doesn't resolve his shortcomings.


The other supports are rather good with a mother who can see the pain Riley tries to hide, a maid who does a much better job than Ian in fufilling her duties while learning from Riley when she has the chance, a mage with a short life expectancy but a devoted heart (who may also be a love interest in the future if my hunch about Riley's magic holds true), and a tsundere father who can only manage to say gruff things to his son while hiding his true feelings (Iris does a nice job translating when they're in the same scene together and it makes his tsun-tsun side even funnier).

Honestly I can't claim to like Riley very much, and I've wanted to hit Ian for being such a naggy character who can't stop acting like the lead is made of glass when it keeps becoming clear that Riley has passed his level a long time ago, but the other supporting characters are interesting and keep me wanting to know more about them and the antagonists are just smart enough to keep them from being a waste.

It's not a bad story, it's just one that feels like it fell short of its premise and fails to fully dig into the pain that Riley felt in his past life choosing for him to hide it from everyone and not just be honest with people. His lack of maturity matching his mental age is likely an act to try and secure his free and easy life, but honestly I don't buy it as it's more likely that the writer can't bother to write him more mentally mature while playing the pig to eat the tiger instead of just being a pig who happens to be incredibly powerful. <<less
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SHIPPER rated it
May 12, 2017
Status: --
It said it's a KR novel but why does it read like a JP novel that I avoid!?!

Read this if you dont want to think and if you want a light relaxed paced novel to pass the time. This is a novel that reads like a script-y Japanese novel though.

I like the premise and even the main character and how lazy he is. I just dont like how the novel is written as if im reading a script instead of a novel. The translators are not at fault and they... more>> are all awesome.

Im disappointed since I avoid the bland almost script type, first person story telling and this is all of those.

"I did this and I went there and I saw this and he saw that then I ate this and I said this to A and A told me to go there and I said to A that I can't..."

Normally I dont complain even for terrible grammar for novels if it reads fine but then this will try to build up some scenes where you finally get to see his talent but it becomes bland and lack luster and just doesnt pay off. It is just EXTREMELY unsatisfying. <<less
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Nerodith rated it
November 3, 2016
Status: c18
Might be a little early to judge, but as for now, it's average (but a good average).

As for now, the story is pretty nice but little too slow paced for me. The chapters may also be a little short, but in a dozen of chapters, not a lot have happened. The MC it pretty likeable. Another lazy OP MC, but well he's cool so it's okay.

Thus being said, like I said, for now, there is too little chapters too judge.
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Hawk73 rated it
July 29, 2019
Status: c61
I think I gave it a generous amount of time, but even though it always shows promise, it really is disappointing. All of the characters in it seems pretty two dimensional, even the MC, and they have to dumb down all the side characters in order to make the MC seem smart.

MC also shows off way too much, but then gets angry at people for knowing his power. The most annoying thing was that it wasn't obviously bad immediately, and I wasn't sure if it wasn't taking itself seriously and... more>> it was a comedy or if it was simply taking a while to pick up the pace, but it baited me into spending a few hours of my time to conclude I'm wasting my time <<less
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Termina rated it
April 27, 2019
Status: c135
I can't recommend this series enough. It brings back previous things referenced in interesting ways and even at ch135 it's still very interesting and doesn't feel tired.

Instead of the typical hard working and modest protagonist, we have someone who is selfish and more than willing to let others die.

It's a shame this is no longer being translated.
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Sceer rated it
January 1, 2018
Status: c60
For someone who claims to want a lazy life sure make things complicated

I stopped reading after


became an important piece of sh*t who is in constant need of praise from Riley. Sorry

The story is good though, it just didn't fit me this time.

Please feel free to read a few chapters before judging and don't mind my review too much.
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args.equals.5 rated it
July 2, 2017
Status: --
You have to keep in mind that you are looking at the world from the MC's point-of-view and that he really doesn't want to do anything but chill. He isn't going on a adventure but instead adventure is coming to him which limits the amount of lore/story progression. I'm glad to see that this novel isn't one of those novels that dedicate half it's content to insults to justify life and death battles.
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Chamber rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: c117
I've read this in the raws, and dropped at chapter 117 (Around there anyway)

The MC's laziness gets pretty damn annoying. I mean, something serious happens and he's not even bothered to move! He just orders other people to do it! Come on, bro! At least you should try!

Anyway, not a lot of good action scenes, no interesting settings either, just generic reincarnation fantasy. And I've seen ones that do this genre more justice.

2/5 increased to 3/5 just because I'm biased to Korean novels (Let's give it some more love!)... more>> (In fact, I accidentally clicked 3/5 and I dunno how to change it now <<less
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