The Healer Who Wants To Be Healed


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Nikola, a magic manipulation surgeon who runs a treatment center in the city, is asked to treat a colleague of a childhood friend from the royal palace. It was Aldo, the well sought out healer, who was brought here. Aldo has a surprising slump in the purification of the magic element, and Aldo is gradually attracted to Nikola who works hard to cure him….

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Recommendation Lists
  1. A Spell of BL
  2. Short Novels (30 chapters & below)
  3. to read (incomplete) - part 2
  5. Romance - no r*pe; minimal angst; lots of fluff

Latest Release

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vasiliassy rated it
February 6, 2019
Status: c3
Damn curses yaoi hatters who gives 3 star!

This story is very good! Talk about magic circulation, surgeon, ect and the treatment for that! The concept of the story is very good! Its talk about the healer must seek other healer to heal their sickness because some treatment can't be do alone! And not smut! But very logic explanation in c1.

Guys, please try read it! Its just 9 chapter but very good short story!
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