The Fake Heiress and Her Five Villainous Brothers


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Yuan Luoyi felt like she was a little hamster in a pit of snakes, with her family full of crazy villains, yet as the fake heiress she still focused on slacking off.

Dad was an arms dealer, Mom an ace assassin.

Eldest brother, business world’s killing god, with proxy syndrome.

Second brother, cold-blooded lawyer, zero moral sense.

Third brother, addicted to killing, born with antisocial personality.

Fourth brother, evil celebrity, who trained fans into believers.

Fifth brother, genius scholar, loves those pure white bones.

Yuan Luoyi didn’t know that because of her birth, the world gained five more brothers, not five more lunatics.

Those greedy villains also didn’t know, the one they wanted to kill was not an ordinary girl, but the most beloved little sister of five crazy bastard brothers.

The female lead has 99 lifetimes of memories, a system, harem darling + suspense, happy ending.

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Related Series
Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Misc Novel Faves (no romance)
  2. Switch at Birth 3
  3. Entertaining novels with FL. Part 1
  4. Daily Life of a Protagonist
  5. Transmigrated / System / Another world 2

Latest Release

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06/16/24 akkNovel c130
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mustachemerlin rated it
February 28, 2024
Status: c17
TL;DR, not very skillfully written, but has interesting ideas and still readable if you just turn your brain off and zombie through it. It has the potential to be much better than it is, and I'd probably actually change my review to three stars if the website allowed it.

The writing has major structural problems, and in particular a pacing issue. The writing feels impatient? It can't keep it's cause and effect straight, and frequently introduces things backwards - it jumps straight to the "payoff" and then does it's buildup afterwards,... more>> making the payoff feel cheap and undeserved and the buildup completely ineffective. The backwards payoff/buildup is what I mean by impatient writing.

For example, when it first introduced her system and past lives, my initial reaction was "This story is too unfocused, she has way too many golden fingers". But on reflection, I realized that her cheats are actually just the standard quick transmigration protagonist package - multiple past lives and a system. That isn't at all too many, it's very manageable, but it *felt* like too many. And that's because of how it was presented, that impatient dessert before dinner writing habit I'm talking about.

Keeping with talking about how it introduced her cheats as the example, the introduction of her past life memories is that she failed an English test with a 0/100 score, but then remembered her past life living in England, and then on the retake gets a perfect score and tops the class. If you didn't see anything wrong with what I described, well, that's because when *I* described it to you now, I did it in the natural order and not backwards. In the actual story, the order is teacher yells at her and makes her take a make up test, she aces the make up, THEN it's revealed that she got a zero on the original test, and finally they reveal that the reason she can destroy the test now is "oh btw I suddenly remembered my past life as an English noblewoman" as an after the fact justification. And all of this happens in the space of about three or four paragraphs.

It also only reveals that the teacher is a terrible person who hates the protagonist and is deliberately bullying her, AFTER face slapping the teacher with the test. We face slap the character and shuffle the cannon fodder out of the story *before* even introducing who the heck the cannon fodder character is. Like I keep saying, backwards. Kill the character then introduce the character is clearly not the right order. It's a frequent occurrence too, basically the protagonist is constantly picking out totally random people from the crowd to attack and then explaining who they are and why they deserved it afterwards. It comes completely out of nowhere each time, and is over just as fast.

If I were to edit this story, I would probably introduce the English Noblewoman past life first, then forget about it for a little bit and weave in some other plot point and introduce some characters - probably I would introduce the other early cannon fodders that are used later, her classroom bully and the bully's follower, add a scene of her getting bullied by them and take that opportunity to introduce the teacher and establish her as a bad person using the teacher's reaction to the bullying. THEN I'd introduce the failed test, but not on the spot where she solves it, at the dinner table where her Dad is laying into her and take that opportunity to also establish her dad's disdain for her because she can't meet his strict standards. I probably also wouldn't mention that the failed test was in English, I'd have her forget and the family allude to it. Then finally, we get to the payoff where the teacher is bullying her, the make up test, and the big reveal - hey, it's English. I *know* English! And face slap the teacher by acing the test. Everything I've just mentioned is something that is already in the story, just arranged to be coherent in a way that it's currently not by spreading things out and changing the ordering. The story has all the pieces to weave it together like that all the way through, but it just *doesn't*. What I've been saying - good ideas, impatient execution.

The result is just straight up mu*der on the story's pacing, it feels frantic, chaotic and unfocused, it's very difficult to follow. Add on other less fundamental issues like a complete lack of restraint with the cheats (I got zero yesterday but now I'm the best English speaker in the school and I corrected the teacher!) and a lack of restraint with the characters (five brothers plus parents plus side characters is a LOT to juggle and it just does not have the screen time to do them justice). And the experience of reading this is basically just ADHD, it comes off as distracted and unfocused. Every five seconds feels like "Ooh, look a butterfly!"

In spite of the structural flaws, I think there's actually more than enough substance here to make something really good. I think that a good editor working closely with the author to make a second draft could totally save it. Taking the same plot points and characters but rearranging the order by a chapter or two here and a paragraph or so there, adding a bit of foreshadowing a little earlier, dropping some names ahead of time... it'd turn out pretty well I think. If it were a Hollywood movie they would "save it in post" by cutting and pasting footage around after filming. I was considering three stars really hard, but gave it two because obviously there's no way in hell it'll actually get that kind of TLC, not in a million years. It's a fixer-upper, it has the potential to be much better, but it's a fixer-upper that will never get fixed. IF it did, it might rocket right up to a 4 or a 5 star story though, I like a lot of the ideas.

Eg, what I like: I really like the way that it handles her past life memories. Typically in a transmigration setting, the original person just gets totally replaced by some stranger from another dimension, it's basically a demonic possession story, right? Well in this story, the original person is the protagonist, she just remembers things she shouldn't otherwise know. I also like how she doesn't just instantly remember everything she'd know from living a hundred lifetimes, she just remembers snippets at random in her dreams. That could do a lot to make her cheats way less OP and a lot more interesting, especially because the coolest part is that the things she remembers may not be useful or even beneficial. For example, at one point she remembers being accused as a witch and then burned alive at the stake - and since she's not the unfeeling QT protagonist with all her 100 lives of memories, she's just a normal little girl and gets traumatized. That is such a good way to handle a QT cheat!! Except for the part where it seems they did it completely by accident, fail to take advantage of the idea and proceed to just use it as Deus ex machina to mary sue their way through every scenario they can come up with.

I am very frustrated because the author clearly does not have enough skill to realize what they have, let alone make use of it. I am enjoying this book, but solely through the ability to mentally edit what I'm reading into something else... <<less
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chocookie rated it
October 27, 2024
Status: Completed
Love it! It has some flaws like other reviews mentioned but regardless I still love it! I thought it would be a wholesome and fluffy story but turned out to be more. I love all the brothers who were evil-natured but change to humane in front of their sisters. They all have their own personalities and characteristics. It was not a bad read for passing time. Enjoyable and kinda light for me. I would say just enjoy the ride and don't focus on the plothole.
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Evie Ren A
Evie Ren A rated it
August 12, 2024
Status: Completed
I know it has pacing issues and it does somewhat feel very convoluted. But I truly enjoyed the FL.

Yes, she is a Mary Sue character. I just like her a lot. I love how her relationship with all her brother's develop, I love how she discovers and pieces together the truth about herself and the world.

It does read like a great idea poorly executed. Very few characters have much depth to them, and a lot more had so much potential to enrich the story, but the author just could not... more>> find out how to better display them.


For example, Su Xun. At the beginning she was showed to be a typical fake white lotus, but then, the author went through so much to give her backstory, to make her an appealing character, to be a potential best friend/rival, and that was it, there was no more to her other than a few lines about her end in the Second World Line and the epilogue.



I would've liked the Mother to be more involved. I think the author didn't know how to handle her and didn't know how to develop her role beyond of being an assassin and a mother so he killed her off almost instantly and had her be away almost all the novel. That s**ked.


I love all the different types of yandere her brothers are. I specially love the Eldest Brother and Fourth Brother.

In my opinion, they are the ones who contributed the most to the FL development

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