The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]


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One day, Li Yu transmigrated into a fish. Furthermore, this fish even had a master. This master was the sinister and terrifying, mute tyrant from a novel. The system gave Li Yu a task. If he wanted to change back into a human, he had to obtain the tyrant’s heart.

Li Yu full of tears: System, please wake up. I’m only a fish. He can’t even speak. How can we interact?

System: Stop jabbering. To take down the tyrant, you must attack his heart.

Li Yu: Can I ask, does the tyrant have a heart–

Li Yu did his best to blow bubbles at the tyrant, but ended up being captured by the tyrant and raised carefully in a huge, ginormous…… fish tank. The life of a fish was filled with all sorts of blessings.

Everyday, Mu Tianchi watched the little carp swim around happily, pondering when this fish would finally transform into a human.

The little carp didn’t know. It’s not that the tyrant had no heart, it’s just that he already gave it away to the little carp that accidentally saved his life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Can Ji Bao Jun De Zhang Xin Yu Chong [Chuan Shu]
Ngư Sủng Trong Lòng Bàn Tay Tàn Tật Bạo Quân
The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish
Tàn tật bạo quân lòng bàn tay cá sủng [ Xuyên thư ]
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April 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this novel, no drama all fluff and love between the main character and their family. Eventhough there were plots and conspiracy happening because its a ancient era palace theme. It does not affect MC and ML relationship. No concubines, no third party and especially no misunderstanding happening between them which is good. I really love this kind of relationship, where misunderstandings doesn't messed things up and complicate their lives.

All in all 5/5 rating thank you for the author and the translator, they did a good job.

I recommend this... more>> novel!!! <<less
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Mi-yu rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: --
This is the bestest fluff I have ever read. Not only was there consent, proper relationship dynamics, mutual understanding but it's also a very simple yet sweet story about transmigration and mpreg done right.

While it isn't the best for palace dramas and scheming aspect, it makes up with the fact that the characters are all great and weak in some way. Unlike transmigration stories, we don't exactly get to know a lot about our MC's life back in his world until the end of the story which is pretty darn... more>> good and helps the audience to immerse themselves into the story and this new place that MC was pulled into rather than speculate about MC's previous life.

ML was so so considerate and sweet, by far, he is one of the most respectable MLs I have read to date. The System was cold but not cruel, despite this being a transmigration story, we don't get a lot of interactions with the System if it isn't about tasks or certain things pertaining to it, which made me really appreciate this System for doing their job properly. They weren't there to build goodwill with the host, they are there to complete a task. System is also very reasonable and flexible as the story goes on, while breaking the laws of science and physics by allowing MC to get pregnant.

Now I would like to talk about the mpreg. It's a very taboo but common trope in bl, about a man being able to conceive and give birth. It's very easy to make it unlikeable and even harder to make it so that both audience, MC and the other characters involved want or accepts this tag to have the green go. In most cases, the characters only resigned since it already happened, nothing can be done and the choice of abortion doesn't exists or that they did wanted kids but they didn't want to suffer the process, but they are still going to go through it and adoption, surrogacy and artificial babies are not a concept at all. In this story it's both in a good way and here is why:


When MC finds out he was pregnant, of course, the first thing he expressed was utter disbelief and shock. He berated the system about this damned reality bending thing that is male pregnancy. And forgive me for it's been a while and I can't recall the little details, but I believe MC was given the choice that he can abort these children in his stomach if he wanted to, but if he wants to give birth, he can choose between using his human body or fish body.

If he gave birth in his fish body, the process would be easier but if he chose his human body, the process would be the same as any other pregnancy that happens with women (not more difficult, gods does it annoy me when there is mpreg and it shows that males giving birth is a lot harder. As if giving birth is not hard enough or that women aren't superior to men at all and men still suffer far worse than women do!) . Except the former is painless and the other is painful. He also has the choice of abortion. When I read this part, I was in awe and shock like MC was, not only was the ML a mutual partner but he gets to chose whether he keeps the kids or not?!


At the point when he got pregnant, MC was already in a committed relationship with ML. LISTEN. A. COMMITTED. RELATIONSHIP. COMMITTED. MUTUAL. YES. THE s*x WAS CONSENSUAL AND IT WAS HOT AS f*ck! ML could have been a scumbag and just did MC in, but no, even when he wanted to, he was willing to wait and keep patient for his lover and swore that he would only f*ck if MC wanted to f*ck him too. THIS IS WHAT WE CALL BEING A STANDARD HUMAN BEING PEOPLE!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL A GOOD RELATIONSHIP RIGHT THERE! AND ITS BEAUTIFUL! In the end, MC keeps the kids not just because it happened, but he wanted to, because he loved ML and this is what that love made. He had the choice to abort them and he choice not to. ISN'T THIS GREAT OR WHAT!?


You probably are thinking that after that, he told ML right? Aha, wrong you are, he didn't!! MC hid the kids from ML after choosing to give birth in his fish form. He was afraid that ML would notice and wasn't sure how he would react if he found out and it's only right because he was so anxious. They weren't even married yet here they had babies. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT ML'S REACTION WAS WHEN HE FOUND OUT. MAN WAS SO GODDAMN SPEECHLESS, UPSET, HAPPY, AND ACCEPTING. He really could have said WTF (he can't cause he was mute) and just leave MC, yet he didn't, he stayed and he was willing to take responsibility. He even took care of the little bebes for MC, ML TOOK CARE OF THE BABIES. HE HAD AN ACTIVE ROLE AS A PARENT, HOW OFTEN DO YOU SEE THAT IN BL----


I have nothing else to say, this novel is genuinely great and I highly recommend it. If I could, I could spoil the entire thing right now but I don't want to because you really have to read it for yourself to truly experience how godly this novel is. If you want to find everything that is good and holy, this is the place for you. If you want to know what a real good relationship is, than this is for you.

My favorite parts:

Is when MC was also accepting about ML's use for contraceptives because he was afraid that the next child would inherit his muteness. RESPECT. BOTH PARTIES HAVE RESPECT AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND IT SHINES THROUGH! Not just in this but even when MC makes god awful food, ML would eat them regardless and is so petty he wouldn't even share with his sons. I also love the moments when they both trust one another even if there is some doubt or to the point where there isn't at all. I also love the times when they get selfish and that time when ML thought MC was ascending because he thinks MC is a carp demon, where if he had to chose his happiness or MC's, he would chose MC's happiness. Same with MC when he thinks about the intertwined fate of ML and the original shou, which made him hesitant in responding to ML because he was afraid of ruining what was meant for ML and possibly ruining his life. I also like that all baobeis are loved and that women in this story are respected and are shown just how capable they can be in their own way, unlike most bls that seem to degrade women as just green tea b*tches/white lotuses. I also love that no one really is the big bad in all this, there isn't a designated villain and really it's all just people with grudges and schemes working against or with each other. I also love that in the near end where they travel to MC's world, all that ML wants to know is everything that has to do with MC. I have more but I can't just keep listing or this would never end.


My least favorite parts: None. It was all satisfactory from here. All my pains of waiting was worth it.

Oh wait, I do have a least favorite, is that there is no more to the story. I hope we get extras but the translator is probably tired and take a break, you guys should thank and support Infinite! They did a really great job in translating the novel and although I can't support them, you who can, should! To Infinite, thank you so much for allowing me to read this amazing story, I don't want to imagine a time where I never found this gem of a story! <<less
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January 12, 2021
Status: Completed
ASDF this is so cute! I love the dynamic of this couple QQ

I stayed up late till 3 AM each day to read this LOL

Definitely love the twist here and not much drama. Every part of the story is just as important!

I love the ending! QQ its really cute wth!

... more>>

Jing Wang built a large pond in the palace and the whole family played together as a fish family /cri

And ppl could see them playing and thought they were the beloved pets of the emperor. But its the emperor himself playing with li yu and their 5 kids LOL

Jing Wang got a skill to turn into a black fish, bigger than Li yu ;;;;

So cuteee asdf

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Radishhh rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Istg this is so good. Definitely recc it to your guys. Tbh, I remember reading this a long time ago but I dropped it halfway since it's not completeled. But then I was tempted to read it again and I'm so glad I did it.
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thecherryblossoms rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a lighthearted and sweet story. The plot just made the story sweeter I suppose, there's not much going on but enough for the couple to have a little bumps on the road to give their relationship a little flavor. Really, the MC turning into a fish just made it unique and a little funny. As for ML being a mute and...




adds a little substance to the otherwise dull but sweet story.

I'll give it a 5 stars, its a good story for a light read.
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