The Dark King


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Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within?

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  2. Novels that I have read 2
  3. Survival game/ Survival based series
  4. Reincarnation / travel to the distant future

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84 Reviews sorted by

Rafis rated it
January 22, 2017
Status: c91
There are many plot holes, and s*upid remarks made in the plot, like for instance stating that a 12 years old is so smart that he went to Harvard before he was frozen, or emphasizing how its normal for a kid to be clear minded in these kind of situation because hes so smart.

However disregarding these flaws in the story line the story progresses really well, the conversations and the interaction between the characters are really interesting. So I am finding myself waiting to read the next chapter to... more>> find out where the story is going. I loved the remarks made by the author foreshadowing how the MC will come to be know as the "Dark King". I guess I was attracted the uniqueness of the story I guess <<less
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cpzombie rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: c596
It's very entertaining and dark, and I'd definitely have read further if more was translated. However, the sheer amount of plot holes and direct contradictions make me unable to give it above a 3. There are many times where something is established, and then 20 chapters later it's completely forgotten or it's somehow completely different. Like he'll have an ability, and then later on when it would be useful it's just not there for some reason (and never mentioned again). Lots of plots are started and then forgotten about, character... more>> personalities are suddenly totally different for no reason, and many other issues.

A few of them could be due to the translation (it desperately needs an editor, it's barely readable sometimes), but a lot of them are clearly the author.

Overall I'd recommend reading it if you're looking for a dark post-apocalyptic fantasy story, but only if you're able to ignore / accept the questionable writing quality. There are some good plot twists and the MC grows into a relatively ruthless guy, so it's worth a read. <<less
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KISKU rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: c598
What a waste, author just start an arc with good setting then sh*t on it halfway on move on, it's like MC is world hopping and everything feels unfinished, at time author show MC as smart ass with high iq boy but in next he gets played by like he's just been developed his brain but again f*cked up drama....

The disappointment I feel is just immersible, it could've been way better if author wasn't high or he wanted to try something new but it's sh*t through n through.
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Graboid_42 rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: c512
If you like bland repetitive garbage then this is for you.

Wondering if the MC is going to be betrayed? Yes, every single time.

Wondering if the MC is going to be crapped on? Yes, every single time.

Wondering if something is going to go wildly wrong and the MC is going to be kidnapped/imprisoned by some clandestine unknown super organization in some new form of wall section out of nowhere for some BS reason when things look like they might move on from the last time he was kidnapped/imprisoned by some unknown... more>> clandestine super organization in a new form of wall section? Yes, every single time.

It's just badly written. The 'author' should be ashamed that this pile of convoluted contrivance is out there under its name. <<less
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NothingIsEternal rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
An exciting story that mixes conspiracy and drama, the nuclear apocalypse has descended upon the earth and our protagonist wakes up from a cryopreservation that lasted more than 300 years and begins slowly but surely to climb his way to the peak, but the further up you go, the lower you will fall. What has he lost love, family, affection, friends? This the story of the Dark King.¸

A lot of betrayal and loss, a dark story that under the author's hand turns into a very depressing story but with a... more>> unique taste that lets us enjoy this work.

Personnality of MC : Absolute Neutral slowly to Lawful Evil to Neutral Evil.

Power system : 9/10

Character : 7/10

Darkness : 10/10

Plot : 8/10

End can left people feeling a lot of sadness and disappointment. <<less
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amanonamission rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: c596
I actually find it to be one of the best but I know that a little more objective approach shows it’s not all that.

Anyways I just want to see the MC succeed. He goes through a lot of hardships and he still comes out barely winning.

I hope he can become god-emperor to save a certain someone and get his revenge. That’s all I aant.
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spiritstonz rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: --
Starts out cool, rooting for the MC & suddenly changes into one of the worst villains ever. The kind that will do anything possible to achieve his goal. No matter the consequences or how many people are sacrificed
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ZeroIn rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: c805
-----------------------------------------Lastest Chapter Read (805) --------------------May 10, 2020--

Good Novel. (Must Read)

Super Dark on the later chapters mean later like starting 600+

In the beginning, the MC is naive but still smart. He tries to help rebuild the world like it was told to him by his parents but he slowly starts to understand after great perils that only great power can achieve that.

Later on MC changes his plans priority to help his lover who has greater importance because of the sacrifices made by her for him.


I was hoping that I could read this novel all the way without using MLT.
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Readsalot rated it
November 24, 2018
Status: c536
One of the better stories being translated. It is definitely for a more mature reader. Beginning of the story the MC is weak and only trying to make a better life for himself with a desire to help humanity. Then he falls victim to betrayal and tragedy which makes him jaded and ruthless. He becomes more like a calculating devil as time goes on. The world it is set in is almost medieval but nothing is as it seems. Mysteries after mysteries and deception is throughout the story. Right now... more>> the story is only translated up to the 500s, but I have read the raws which is around 1200 and the story still has me captivated. I believe at some point he will become the Dark King or something much more. <<less
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novelbrah rated it
January 23, 2017
Status: c500
Not sold on this yet. The editing is pretty dodgy so I cannot enjoy the story right now. Is this machine translated? Not sure yet but hope it gets better in the future.

Overall the story itself has promise but the author also changes things randomly. As others have said, I don't think he had a set story and was winging it from the beginning. MC turned out from a little kid that survived the apocalypse by being frozen to a genius.


After reading more, I can say that the plot... more>> itself is interesting. Doesn't focus much on the "cultivation" aspect which is a breath of fresh air. Love the action but needs better world building. The translations are rough but still ok while the editing is really bad. With a better editor this novel would get tons of exposure. Overall very entertaining and I am enjoying it a lot. Been reading it the past few days. <<less
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yesarandomeusername rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: c1267
First of all: this novel is nothing but a masterpiece. Anyone who tells different most probably either hasn't read the entire novel or it just isn't for them.

And it is defiantly not for people with a week psychological tolerance. It is the Epidemie of despair inducing.

It really is a horror novel. However it isn't one of these flaschy ones which are jsut sobb-p*rn but it does it in a way so silent and slow that slowly that you won't even notice.... more>>

only to hit you harder than anything if you realize.


What this novel is about is a bit of a spoiler in off it self, so it is hard to say wey it is so good.

It is about his pursuit of power slowly taking away his humanity and purpose for gaining this power. But without continuing this path you won't be able to survive. Not to mention his elusive goal always clears any dounts about the absolut strive for power


and it only Beginnes to become clear when the translated part ends. I never read MTL because it is completely unreadable to me. The fact that this novels 700 chapters is the only exception is a testament to it's greatness.

I don't really recommend anyone reading this as it is slow and takes a lot of time for everything to fall together

(The build up and Initial character development almost take hundreds of chapters. And the real plot only really starts after)

not to mention the mtl. But it truly is nothing short of a masterpiece. <<less
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kakistory rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: Completed

Engaging. But only on the early until half part of the novel (which is why the 2 stars eventhough I think 1 or 1.5 is true standart stars for this.)
The protagonist is kinda okay, moderately smart.

Down points:

1. The protagonist is cruel, but it feels like, not really sensible to put a cruel scene when he did something, sometimes.

2. He has been betrayed many times, but still doesn't take more cautions.

3. He's quite ignorant, I mean, when u dwell into something new, you don't just bu*t head dwell into it, do you?

4. Scene with hathaway.I mean, can't u even think? Its not like there's only one girl in the whole family. So you can't just mentioned upfront about past things to a person u thought u knew without any caution, right?but he didn't. He just blurt n assume that the girl is the one he past met.

*He can take the girl everywhere for 2 years when he didn't have enough power, when he can just shut her up in a room of the spaceship for her safety. Bt no, he roamed around searching for trouble when he literally carries a burden himself, ofc he's uncapable, but his ambition is big.

Yet after he's capable, he don't seem to find her?rubbish plot.

5. There's many fillers. Like, in some chapters, it feels like the protagonist do unnecessary things in order to move the plot, especially at the end.

6.i hate the author for his way of making all his loyal subjects rebelled. Like, wtf is wrong with your logic, man?

7. Noyce at the few last chapters. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! He acts like he knew everything yet fking know nothing. I never hated a character this much. Due to the author making Noyce this way, you'll have probably 5?idk, filler chapter even if the novel is at most at the end!what a waste. The only key part when the novel's ending was when helisa met du dian, n when he was killed.

Thats it, few chapters were concluded n ended in just these 2 chapter thats probably was mentioned in only one or two paragraph.
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Tom2349283 rated it
October 14, 2021
Status: c595
Definitely one of the best novels I had ever read, a clever and cautious yet revengeful protagonist in a twisted world. The story offers tragedies that hardly any other stories dare to, a shame the translation got discontinued though.......
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Mitoh rated it
March 10, 2020
Status: c890
This excellent novel has a great Apocalypse Plot and the mystery really never ends, but I didn't really continue to read it until the current chapter because I was curious about the split's fate. the redult....
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June 19, 2023
Status: Completed
This is the best post apocalyptic Webnovel I've read (not too many good ones). There are parts that are quite difficult to read (rape, mu*der, torture). I pushed through. According to the author, a large portion of readers stopped reading at the prison arc.

Translation is shoddy throughout, unfortunately. The first ~550 chapters have very basic and rough grammar and spelling (no editing). After that, the grammar improves, but we get duplicate descriptions and names changing sentence to sentence. It's still better than MTL, but disappointing for such a good story.... more>> At least it's a free read on Webnovel. <<less
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ZephysX rated it
April 28, 2023
Status: --
This story is definitely up there. At first, I thought this was just another one of those post apocalyptic power fantasy with a know-it-all one dimensional main character from the before-everything-f*cked-up era who will save everyone from this ruined world; but I was wrong. Dudian or Dean, as a character, felt really human. From the beginning to the end of the novel, you can feel the downward spiral of his emotions; from a young boy filled with curiosity and expectations to an apathetic person who have been through hell and... more>> back. Although he didn't completely lose his humanity, the apathy to life eventually consumes the omnipotent just like what Neuss predicted. Other characters are decently written as well. They have their own part to the story and not just some cheerleaders to the MC. They are also subjected to change throughout their journey. The unveiling of history/whole settings is aslo portrayed really well. I won't get into details cuz spoilers sucks so I'll just say that it's well thought out. The power system was really good. With it's origin and limitations addressed well, it was very consistent to the end. The plot progression was also satisfactory. Although there are parts where I felt boredom while reading through, it's far from the thought of dropping it.

Overall, although this novel is not without flaws, I can confidently say that there are no loose ends. This story was concluded very well albeit a bit depressing. Highly recommended. <<less
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Taffyman rated it
February 3, 2023
Status: c500
The story is overall exciting if you like some post-apocalyptic political strategizing and drama that is not fallout, but then you reach around chapter 500, and then it turns into a god damn cultivation novel. I almost regret for picking this up again after translator hiatus just to have my expectations dashed on the cliff rocks this brutally. I want to give it a sh*t rating but it is far more engaging at least for about 400 chapters than the rest of the tr*sh that is considered "good" on this... more>> site, I'll leave it at four. IT IS SO OVER...



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NazDeil rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Ngl the novel was good and so sad and pitiful. Imo the title was "The Dark King" because it was about a strong man as the "king" fighting to overcome his terrible fate, survive through countless ordeals and pursue what he most wanted but ended up in the worst possible way portraying its tragedy as though he's destined to be alone. Luckily, he had a companion in 1000+ chapter. Also, kind of romantic, MC were only driven by love and was the only thing that keeps him going on life.

BIG... more>> SPOILER!!! BIG SPOILER!!! BIG SPOILER!!! ABOUT MC S friends and Jenny' relations

Dont drop the novel xD


To the potential reader who was disappointed in Mc's friendship relations about their abandonment (and decided to drop the novel) circulating when he was only a hunter or a scavenger and on Jenny's arc (his first lover but was framed by her dad and been thrown to Thorn Flower Prison). The Good news is after he was bailed out by Flynn Family head, he had requested to Jenny not contact him again as it were causing him trouble and delayed his plans as he indulged in love. He got back on his friend again on the designated warehouse he had instructed to the latter before he got out of Giant wall to solve Splitter' affairs.




It was mentioned in the novel that the giant walls are all square including Sylvia and imperial city

the small area portion of Sylvia wall is called outer wall and massive area is inner wall (where the majestic city
is and the wall owner palace)

A- commercial area B-residential area C-slums D- king city E-rock demon clan F- dragon demon clan
G- flying demon clan

_______Sylvia Giant wall rought interior_______
| | |
| ___ | E |
| |_C_| D |
| | B | |
| |___| F |
| | | |
| | A | |
| |___| G |
| | |
|___ ___|____________________________ |

center is imperial capital and giant walls everywhere around it.
giant walls have its own wasteland outside (red, orange, etc.) with relatively low level monster, though there's
some legendary which has terrifying power, still not go beyond the abyss physique
outside the wasteland is abyss area which is land of abyss monster
also abyss area has nest area where peak abyss monsters acknowledge it as own territory

______________Demon empire map___________
| |
| Giant wall abyss giant wall |
| |
| |
| abyss imperial capital abyss |
| |
| giant wall abyss |
| giant wall |
|___ ____________________________________|

for non-human there is corpse country which might in arctic but might have adhered to russia after nuclear bombing consquently moving tectonic plates
and in the east of demon empire is the ocean which inhabits ferocious sea monsters




BTW, Hellisha have had a tearful eyes at the end which supposedly impossible. Fortunately, Wa god never betray.


Hope this helps <<less
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E Shadow
E Shadow rated it
February 17, 2022
Status: c500+
I give The Dark King written by Gu Xi 5 out of 5 stars. The novel shows a young man with high IQ trying to find the best ways to uplift his own situation and maybe bring humanity to its former glory. He struggles a lot in the story so he is definitely not only fighting for himself, but also for humanity. Perhaps, one thing that contributes to his drive is the fact that his parents were researchers who's work was of the same nature, to help innovate, to create... more>> progress.

One star I would have deducted would be for very less development of the other characters. As compared to other novels of its genre in fiction, it has very little character development of anyone other than the main character. However, the main character is developed and we are given a great understanding of him throughout the novel, in a way that other novels were in my opinion not able to do. Also I can see the author trying to develop about two other characters other than the main character, so 1 star deduction is still in consideration only.

The "Dark King" name had me expecting some overpowered character so it's entriely because of my own assumptions that I was disappointed to see him take steps to become a Dark King. He faces several heavy set backs in the novel which had the readers cheer for him to win... but actually due to character development we are mostly left to wait.

So, if you like science fiction with some level of mystery and horror, and can also want to see a character learn by mistakes rather than become strong by flukes, then you may enjoy this novel. <<less
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December 22, 2021
Status: c500
Was very good in the beginning but went down hill a the story progressed.

He falls in love with an out of mind nobel girl out of the blue for no good reason when he was 11 years old. The first time he met the girl I as the reader knew that she is just there to drag him down, there was no reason for him to fall in love with her. It was just a forced love by author. Any way he gets into a lot of sh*t because of... more>> it. He goes to prison almost gets rap3d, gets stakes put into his joints on a cross, suffers and looses 3 years of his life in prison for no good reason. And this is just one of the complaints I have.

He treats people he call friends like sh*t and then wonders why they betrayed him. He does out of character things out of no where. For example he has been going around doing things to present a great image to public. He gets some virus which requires him to eat high calorie food like steak and sugar. Rather than getting the high calorie food he asks his subordinates to find some saber tooth crab that is just not available in the city at that time. He tells his subordinates to go crash an aristocrates party and steal the crab. Why though ? Just eat something else for the time being before the crab is available again.

He sticks his leg into too many things at the same time. He is a member of dark church and holy church at the same time. He is a hunter and knight at the same time. He gets into law and a lot of other cr@p. There is just no direction of the story. What does the author want to do ? I cannot understand.

The first part of the novel until he fell in love was 5 starts. Everything went down hill after that. <<less
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