The Boss is Very Busy


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The gangster is about to pass through—the MuMian BeiKeng system( 木棉被坑) has been abducted and start the quest.

Her task is to first pick up the male god and then dump him.

She got him, but when she dumped the male god, the male god was angry.

He lowered his eyelashes slightly, his voice was low and hoarse. “You have to be responsible if you don’t like it.”

So the shadow of a male god began to appear in every world.

—The boy’s fingertips were hot and he held the girl in his arms.

“I really like you so much, so you just like me, OK?”

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Related Series
100 Ways to Get the Male God (2)
My Target is the Male Lead’s Son (1)
Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked! (1)
Sinister Ex-Girlfriend (1)
The Girl Who Cured the Crazy BOSS is Majestic and Mighty (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigrated / System / Another world 2
  2. Actual-good qt
  3. a lil bit of life [slice of life/comedy/fluff]
  4. 7+/10 Male Yandere Novels
  5. Possessive/Obsessive/Yandere Male Lead

Latest Release

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midnightfantasy rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: Completed
What's with the low rating? I personally think this is a good gem.

It is true that MC's first task is to become a slag that ditch ML after making him falls in love but damn having that kind of ML no wonder she'll waver lol. And yes every arc is a HE.

MC doesn't have any memories, she only knows that she's dead and has to complete missions to live again. She's not heartless but not soft-hearted either, actually she only aim to complete her goals but who knows she'll fall... more>> in love and disrupt her plans lol


1st arc ML is soo lovable, he's not cold-hearted, only rather quiet. When he falls for MC, he tries really hard to please and spoil her. There are times when his sincerity moved MC and makes her feels guilty. It breaks my heart on how he reacted when MC asks to break up for the sake of her mission. Don't worry tho, the problem resolved straightly after


ML is the same in every world and MC somehow always recognize him. And she decisively choose to be with him life after life without thinking too much. What I like is how she prioritize ML over her tasks lol there are times when I forgot what her task is since the story basically revolved around the main couple.

About ML's personality... Well he's rather deceiving. He always appears as quite and docile, but in the end he became a dog (this is what MC said herself). His love for MC always comes naturally despite not having memory from previous life and tho having some degree of possessiveness, he's never someone forceful. Their romance is balanced, neither one is too much nor the opposite.

And I like how MC handle ML's dog-like traits lol. How to say, tho I said they have a sweet relationship, it's not like they're on lovey-dovey mode all the times. There are times where they like to pit or being petty with each others lol. They're just like any normal couples, chasing one another, being sweet, mock each other, having a quarrel, and so on~

There are not much side characters, actually I can barely remember any since, like i've said before, the story heavily revolves around the main couple's romance. So I guess this is not the cup of cake for ones who likes revenge, face-slapping or such (although it DOES happen since sometimes it's part of MC's mission) but it's not like it takes a heavy toll on the story itself.

And if you'd like to know their background story i'll give you some


ML is a god that came to the world for some reason. There, she met MC, a cheerful broken-home girl which he perceive will die soon. They became close in a short time, and after he realizes his feelings for her, he tries to changes her fate. But ofc, he failed. Despite his effort, she dies a week earlier than she fated to be. So that's what finally leads MC into quick transmigration and so on


This is a really cute and sweet love story. Definitely high dose of sugar for you <3 <<less
31 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 14, 2021
Status: Lastchp
I can see why some people wouldn't like this. It's really flat and boring, no conflict, no plot, just endless descriptions about how beautiful the main girl and guy are. Please author, rather than telling me that the girls skin is white as snow and the boy looks like a Greek statue 10 times in one chapter I would rather know more about their character and setting.

The writing is... let's just say questionable at times. I really can't get over the fact that there was a sentence about a the... more>> ML having white teeth and a 'peachy vulva' or smthing like that. Just totally nonsensical descriptions. Is an Adams apple really that sexy? Out of all the body parts, the Adams apple was chosen to be highlighted as a key feature. Its literally a piece of cartilage in your neck. Every guy has it, I don't see why it would look sexier on the ML.

The characters are so one dimensional. The girl is always coquettish, innocent, pretty, etc. etc. her entire personality is her looking like an innocent beauty and being kind of daft. She seems to not feel any emotions, be it joy, happiness or sadness. Maybe that's a product of the writing or translation. The dude... let's just say he's a beautiful pretty boy silent type that only likes the girl. That's literally it. His only personality trait is to be in love with the girl and to act cold to everyone else.

There was really no point in making this a system novel. Adds nothing to the premise when the system is barely mentioned. Anyway, this was very mediocre. If you are bored without any other options, perhaps you should try this out. It was totally inoffensive to the point of being offensive. My heart beat stayed at a constant rate no matter the situation and I felt like I wasted my time reading the same thing over and over. <<less
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xmei rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: c1
Finished the first arc and it seems a bit all over the place and it dragged on way too much, there was no point in putting her in a school setting since nothing even happens at the school... The ending of the arc was cut so abruptly even tho she apparently spent her whole life with him...
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hopepoolz rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: --
The story was enjoyable and light, the main couple was very cute and sweet

The only thing that irks me is that the arc sometimes ends so abruptly

I definitely recommend for people who likes to read light romance novels
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3-legged Octopus
3-legged Octopus rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: c103
I stopped on the 2nd arc because I knew the rest of the arc is just going to talk about MC and ML's interactions. I didn't want to read that, so I just stopped. That's the bad part about this novel. Since we know that they're together, there's no need to have like 12 chapters about them being lovey-dovey!

Also, I didn't get how MC could just move on from the ML in the 1st arc because she didn't know that the 2nd and 1st arc's ML were the same people.... more>> She even took the initiative to tease people. It's like she never loved the ML in the 1st arc. Aside from these problems, everything else was okay. It's the only reason I didn't rate this novel lower. <<less
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FEMA rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: c210
It is nice if you are up for light hearted read, the worlds are very down to earth with no soap opera drama or dramatic fights, there are not love triangles or Great Missunderstanding TM, face slapping and the settings are not framed as books with rigids plots but worlds where she makes a wisher wish come true.

It is slow paced and if you did not liked the main couple interactions on the first arc, do not bother with the rest, the novel its like 60% the main couple development,... more>> 20% descriptions of their good looks (with special enfasis on the ML and his magnetic voice), and 20% interaction with others characters and plot. The ML even if he does not remember, for good or ill he is very much the same person throught the arcs, so much than FL has no trouble recognising him plus she is very much the same person so far.

The point of originality I guess, its that while ML has elements of the Big Boss archetype by being oh so handsome and from a rich family, he is not the Big Kahuna, lol he gives more 2nd or 3rd ML vibes, he is an introvert but without being an a**hole, he is adorably shy and very earnest and willing to express his love once he realises his feelings (which does not take long, this guy does not live on denial or "cant spit it out" land like so many Ml´s do) while still being respectful of the FL boundaries.

Possible, maybe trigger warning:


There was a moment of lets called it momentary insanity where he did not actually r*ped her but seemed like he will (it was not a violent scene, the FL was never scared or expressed it on words or actions and it read more like an act of desperate seduction that he stopped after the FL stomped some more on his feelings with words) after the FL troughly broke and stomped on his hearth for the mission mentioned on the summary by the way that was the only arc so far with the mission of dumping him (the rest of the arcs have been relationship drama free) and the dumping itself did not segue into a separation arc, as soon as she got the mission complete message she inmediatly took back her words, apologised and say that she will leave if he wants and then the throughly wrought out ML accepted her back with some hearthbreaking inner musings "thats its ok even if it may be a lie as long he does not lose her" : (and its even sadder because the ML did nothing ever on this timeline or the original one to deserve this, the original wisher was just a salty bit*h about her crush not liking her back. At least the FL spend the rest of their life with him in the first arc, so poor baby was at some point reasured about FL love.


And it is nice to see a pairing where the FL is the one dooing the chasing/being confident but without descending into harrasment or cold emotional manipulation like so many agressive FL do. <<less
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NabilaR rated it
May 24, 2021
Status: Completed
A simple and enjoyable quick transmigration with a fluffy and cute story. The ML is a little milk dog.

ML was a cutie, so devoted and possessive. On the surface he's cold but actually so caring and gentle. I like this kind of ML so much, Clingy and Cute! The MC is always teasing the ML. The arc is simple and good.

... more>>

ML is a god, One day he go to earth for whatever reason I forgot, in the road he meet MC, MC in this world is short-lived and have a quite miserable life. She asking for direction but actually just an excuse to talk to a handsome little brother. Well, then as the time goes ML and MC is sticky and love staying with each other. ML want to changes MC destiny, but MC died faster because ML is near her, in desperate situation ML go to old tiandou, then he and MC enter a reincarnation cycle of three thousand world, then before it ML said, " even if I have no memories, I know I will love you---you to love me right?" in a invisible threatening tone.

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waterplease rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: c136
This novel is a gem! This has to be one of my fave qt novels so far. The FL loves ML and there is no complicated drama. Very fluffy!!!
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Nizze rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: c1
Yeah... No.... I can't. I didn't manage to read even 5 chapters tbh.

It really is over-describing of their looks. Like, everything. Every little detail over and over like white fingertips, lashes like fans, eyes bright like stars, etc... all the time.

Do you know when you are writing a paper with a minimum word count and after writing you go back re-writing the phrases so they get longer and by the end you are using a lot of adjectives unnecessarily and after reading it it seems you were being tortured? That's... more>> how I felt.

The author definitely writes a lot for little things happening and I can't take it. I feel it would take 2 to 3 chapters for each interaction between them if it goes like this.

Also, about the translation... the pronouns please... she he hers his her and him... at least this. This is my personal bottom line because it gets confusing as heck. It's not about misgendering and that side of the discussion but a basic grammar error that irks me.

So. All in all. Neither the writing not the translation were my cup of tea. Neither the plot actually...


I mean, what's the point of her transmigrating to make them fall for her and then mercilessly dumping them because they never liked the OG if they are going to fall in love with her that easily? Isn't this just an excuse for the QT then? Wouldn't the OG souls be awfully unhappy seeing all this? I can't say much since I didn't keep reading but it doesn't make sense to me.


I prefer the kind where MC meets the OG and do what she promises regardless of having a love interest in those lives or not. Otherwise the QT and existence of the system loses value... <<less
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kayembeegeebee rated it
July 11, 2021
Status: c214
I regret not reading this upon bookmarking.

But I also regret reading this too early since only the first few arcs are done.

The characters are lovely. Especially ML.

If you want a face slapping, drama filled or an angsty story then thia ia not it. This is full of fluff. For me, it's like a feel good novel.
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Nelle rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a good light read and full of fluff! The ending ties up nicely. I think the length is very appropriate for a world hopping novel. There are some novels that want to portray a hundred different arcs, which I think is unnecessary, so the number of arcs on this one is just right. It remains interesting until the end because I did not get tired from reading too many arcs. Some arcs may have been cut abruptly, but don't worry; the fanwais at the end will provide the completion... more>> of those arcs.

The romance is really good. MC can immediately distinguish ML even at a glance. The author did a great job at conveying this very strong love the MC and ML has for each other. There are 2 arcs that are quite similar to 2 previous arcs, so I think that is a con for this novel, but I'm not really complaining. It's still a good read. <<less
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Pristine Xia
Pristine Xia rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: Arc1
A pretty light-hearted quick transmigration story :)
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amoraa rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c121
Very enjoyable novel! One of my favorite world-hopping ones with a FL that loves a ML! ML is respectful and is one of my faves. The chapters so far have been entertaining and nicely paced imo. Love it!!
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Roll-san rated it
March 17, 2023
Status: c319
It's not that bad but it's not that good either. Definitely not for everyone, it's quite... Boring? I'm not the best at writing reviews so do bear with me.

There's really not much to get worked up over. No emotional ups and downs or information that takes a while to digest. If you're looking for some exciting plot and the like, you might just end up disappointed. Not to mention that the lack of excitement makes the flow of the story somewhat dragged out...

The only thing I am thankful for this... more>> novel is that it actually helps me sleep. Really. I genuinely mean it when I say that I fell asleep reading it all the time. <<less
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seasaltxx rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: Completed
people should really not write a review when they've only read what? 10 or 20 chapters? Its a chinese novel so most of it is pretty short. What have you even read in that short amount of story

Overall a good read!

Very mellow and light with not a lot of twists and turns or any intense feelings. I feel like the author knew their limits (maybe they are still new) and so they kept the story simple, just enough for it to still be good but not boring. Sometimes too... more>> much twists and turns and not an inexperienced author would lead to a lot of plotholes.

over all, light read and a good way to pass the time. Good translator too <<less
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Seriously_Misspoken rated it
March 30, 2022
Status: c63
One entire arc is about 60 chapters. Let that sink in. That can either be a yay or nay for readers. For me in particular that was a difficult read especially when the ML is only handsome handsome handsome and the FL acts like some kind of doll who can only "flutter her eyelashes" to express emotions. I have my problems with this novel but overall it's still a comfortable read for people who like long stories like this with literally no f*cking plot. It just moved.... really... really... really... more>> slowly for me. There were moments where I felt like I had no idea what I was taking in because it all sounded exactly the same as the previous chapter. I thank the translator for their efforts though, but I am not sitting through more of this, this was almost akin to reading a dry medical journal. <<less
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fluoresscindy rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c249
I'm in love. I love this novel sm!!! It's really into my taste like I love the ML characters lol he's my type ~

highly recommended!!!
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Soels rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: --
This novel is suitable for a simple, enjoyable and quick read if you like romance without too much conflict.

The ML usually falls in love at the first sight and the MC can easily recognise the ML cuz ML is super goodlooking.

However, if you like a novel with more depth and conflict, I don't think this novel is your cup of tea. Some arc ended briefly and quickly.
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ricachuu rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the cutest short quick transmigration novel that I've read!

Though the FL does have her missions, it kinda is secondary and isn't that complicated so not much face slapping and revenge schemes.

As the real purpose of FL being quick transmigrated was to find her own soul and return back to life

The story mainly focused on the really sweet and sticky romance between the male lead and female lead.

The FL is MuMian. She's a very cute and beautiful girl who usually deals with her missions directly. She knows when to fight for her own safety and also knows when to be cunning and seduce the ML lol. The ML is Lin Xianghe, though his name does change in every arc. The ML is inhumanely beautiful

since he's actually a god


The arcs were short and sweet. They weren't dramatic nor too complex to understand. The author seems to prefer making modern-setting arcs rather than ancient-setting ones. Their relationship always progresses smoothly and sometimes even really fast. A lot of the secondary characters in the arcs were also pretty good and they made the arcs feel very warm and cozy.

Highly recommended when you would want to get away from all the dark, deep, and complex CN novels out there~
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