The Blind Girl


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The little blind girl was stopped by a group of delinquents on the way home from school. The group of boys groped her breasts and even wanted to check if she was a virg*n. The little blind girl was so angry that she took out chili powder and sprayed it all over, then turned around and ran. She was completely lost and was almost hit by a car. One of the delinquents rushed over and hugged her, pointed at her and scolding in a loud voice, “Are you blind! Why did you run onto the road!”

Yes, she was blind. The little blind girl burst into tears, her throat choking up, and the soft cloth on her eyes slipped off.

The delinquent boy looked straight at her, “f*ck me?”

“Let go… of me.” The little blind girl struggled against him.

The delinquent boy looked at her pretty face and gulped, “What’s your name? Tell me, and I’ll let you go.”

“…S-Su Ruan.” The little blind girl cried.

“f*ck…” The delinquent boy l**ked the tip of his teeth and looked down at the tent in his pants. His voice had even become a little hoarse. “What a coincidence. My name is Hella Hard.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Little Blind Girl
小瞎子(校园1v1) h
Related Series
Campus Bully and His Little Crybaby (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Loved
  2. The imperfect you
  3. Plot and h? Count me in!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/25/23 KnoxT c13
09/13/23 KnoxT c12
07/09/23 KnoxT c11
06/05/23 KnoxT c10
05/31/23 KnoxT c9
05/24/23 KnoxT c8
05/19/23 KnoxT c7
05/16/23 KnoxT c6
05/14/23 KnoxT c5
05/12/23 KnoxT c4
05/10/23 KnoxT c3
05/05/23 KnoxT c2
05/04/23 KnoxT c1
2 Reviews

ani ianna
ani ianna
May 27, 2023
Status: Completed
    • Awe man I really adore this one it was so fluffy right amount of smut romance and drama
    • They also tried to show the bullying FL was facing and others too and how both FL and ML started an anti bullying agency for tracking it
    • I am telling you you won't regret reading it it's that good it's not boring at all...
    • Came for smut, got hooked by plot and stayed with both
    • FL and ML chemistry is awesome
    • Author has done fabulous job By accident I ended up giving 3 stars its 5 stars from my side

12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 25, 2024
Status: Completed
I read this a while back but it is really cute. The relationship between the FL and ML is very warm. It is smut with a good plot. The suffering of the FL was felt and the ML was so caring for her. Love their dynamic. Would recommend.
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