Switching Bodies Daily


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Z1932 was the final test subject of the Mechanical War God project, treated as a thoughtless weapon by human sanctuaries and relentlessly exploited.

Wu Yin first encountered him during a mission to escort a scientist. With his icy crimson eyes and absolute martial prowess, his appearance alone determined the outcome of the battle.

Upon their next meeting, his arms were bound and suspended by heavy chains, forcing him to kneel with his eyes closed, unable to straighten. Wu Yin, with his inadequate skills, pierced three of his blood vessels, causing blood to spurt wildly, yet he sincerely apologized, “Sorry for staining your clothes.”

—Do not interact with Z1932. This mutant is cruel, cold-blooded, and lacks the empathy normal humans should have.

Observing the bloodstains on his garment, Wu Yin doubted the truth of this statement, considering what threat could a creature in such a dire state pose?

Wu Yin decided to rescue this “pitiful creature” and make Z1932 his servant, taking care of his daily needs, working tirelessly for him, and even sharing his bed.

Z1932 knew the man who couldn’t even accurately target blood vessels was not a real scientist. Desperate to escape the shelter, he took a gamble by pledging loyalty to him, agreeing to numerous unfair conditions—of course, with the intention of reneging on them the moment he gained his freedom.

The next day, he saw the fake scientist’s body, horribly dead, with his brain matter s**ked dry by the contaminants outside the base.

Z1932: …

Z1932: What a useless piece of tr*sh.

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February 26, 2024
Status: c156
I read everything from asianovel. The translation was passable (it's a more readable MTL than google translate) with slight missing paragraphs in the first 50 chapters. I just had to cross compare it with the MTL.

As for the story. It was delightfully unique and colorful for a post-apocalyptic setting. Yes, there were deaths and sadness but the author chose to focus on the hope of living on and doing the best that they can to survive. This is expressed through the colorful side characters the author introduced. The main characters... more>> meanwhile revolved around each other. Watching them interact is like watching a dance where they try to step on each other's feet and seeing who gets the upper hand with the ML always getting stepped on the most. They both started not understanding the concept of love as they considered themselves inhuman, more so for the MC because of some plot related complication regarding him. So it's a slow-burn. Of course I don't need to tell you what happens next. As for the plot, it was intriguing and eventually getting a bit confusing. The confusion part might be because of the translation. There are so many names to keep track of because of a certain plot point and the asianovel MTL keeps switching around the names. Aside from that, I feel like the author could have cleaned up the mystery more, maybe elaborated on some bits. I wouldn't mind the extra chapters. But I guess it was good enough to end the way it ended. I just hope there are extras. ;U;

4 stars for I was thoroughly engrossed but there some dissatisfaction and I was left wanting for more. <<less
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