Super Dimensional Wizard


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The status of a wizard is transcendent in all continents and in the universal plane.

Mysterious, wise, cruel and bloodthirsty are synonymous with wizards. But what does a real wizard look like?

After coming into contact with the world of wizards, Angel came to the conclusion:

Wizards are a group of people who illuminate themselves with intellect-driven ideas, but are in a dialectical world with a materialistic attitude.

In other words, this is a group of alternative scientists who walk alone in a rigorous manner in the pursuit of understanding reality.


Multiple worlds, boundless overlap. Under the guidance of intelligent creatures, they have walked out of their respective paths of civilization.

Among them, the wizard world, with its unique cultivation of civilization, runs through the endless plane.

Even if the wizard world is so strong, the reality of the universe, is that the mysteries of the dimension are still unbreakable.

Until, a multiverse traveler, visited this side of the world. (The traveler is not the protagonist, the traveler is not the protagonist , the traveler is not the protagonist, things that are important are said three times!)

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hyperdimensional Warlock
Warlock Apprentice
Related Series
Age of Adepts (2)
Throne of Magical Arcana (2)
Mechanical God Emperor (1)
The Wizard World (1)
Warlock of the Magus World (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. [Aeternum Magicae]
  2. Spell Caster Novels I have read
  3. Good Reads
  4. Everything i have read
  5. Truth Seeker

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/26/24 Sumtlman Translations c1045
04/26/24 Sumtlman Translations c1044
04/26/24 Sumtlman Translations c1043
04/26/24 Sumtlman Translations c1042
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04/25/24 Sumtlman Translations c1040
04/25/24 Sumtlman Translations c1039
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34 Reviews sorted by

DragonSlayer13579 rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: c2231
You know man I'm having a hard time understanding why this series is so praised, I've read 2200+ chapters and I can say w confidence that this series is at best average.

Why ? Well mate, let me tell you, it doesn't have a unique universe and premise like Daoist GU, the universe in which this series happens is your average Warlock of the Magus World like universe w a bit of D&D, with all of their tropes, even more this series is nowhere near as satisfying or entertaining as WOTMW.... more>> The MC is boring, the series is overfilled with fillers, you know I never disliked fillers like I can understand to some extent why they exist but here we are overwhelmed by them, like there are a hundred of chapters o worthless filler.

The MC is well, very bland and boring, like he isn't anything special or noteworthy, you probably have seen a few other MC just like this one in some other series.

My biggest problem w this series is by far is progression, like it's so fkin slow, it's even slower than e frikin snail. This world supposedly has 7-8 ranks (not taking in consideration the additional apprentice realm, every magus starts from here) that we know of (it most likely has more), now let me ask you, how many chapters do you think it takes the MC to reach the magus realm, yes the first realm, the realm after apprentice realm ?

Did you say 300 ? Maybe 500, even 1000 ? NO YOU ARE WRONG IT TOOK FKIN 2000 CHAPTERS FOR THE MC TO REACH RANK 1 MAGUS, AND THERE ARE AT LEAST 7 REALMS, 2000 FKIN CHAPTERS, and I'll let you know that you average web novel series has somewhere between 1000-2000 chapters, now can you understand just how bad the power progression is ? You might think maybe he has some special skills that let's him as a rank 1 magus to defeat those above him, but no you are wrong, the MC can't even beat a rank 2 magus. Yeah 2k chapters and this is where we got, this is even more frustrating when the MC is surrounded and used by rank 2+ magus.

So yeah, this series was decent at the beginning, I'm someone who doesn't mind slow development, Daoist Gu is the best example, it was somewhat slow at the beginning but in the end it became insanely good, but here the author just overdone it to such an extent where he broke the series... Like it took the MC 2k chapters to reach rank 1, then many how chapters it will take for him to reach rank 9, tens of thousand of chapters ?

In the end I would honestly never recommend this to anyone, it's way way way to slow placed and very unsatisfying, you would expect some mind-blowing story w so much development, but no we get none of that, it's just your average human mortal in his very slow journey to the apex. <<less
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Zeikfried rated it
August 6, 2019
Status: c64
I can definitely see why people would give this 1 star.

Yes the pace is slow, but that's beside the point.

The translation is pretty damn bad.

I am 2nd Gen Chinese, so I can reverse translate the English back into Chinese and figure out what the cultural context is for everything, but otherwise...


    • I am pretty sure, "Wizard" is just plain old "cultivator."
    • Angel doesn't have to "worship" a master; that's just the literal translation for entering the tutelage of a master, since you have to bow.
    • "Meditation" is probably "cultivation"- not a hundred percent sure.
    • Big 6 = Mainland, i.e. Big Dry Land
And of course there are tons of plain old grammatical errors.

As for the actual story, I think it is pretty good so far.

The protagonist and the world's background has been set up in the same vein as traditional wuxia novels:

Isolated Youth => Mentor #1 gives him secret edge => Goes out into world at large => Gets picked up by Wuxia (Wizard) society => Applies edge to get more special abilities =>... =>... The MC even shows legitimate filial piety and ties the plot to saving his transmigrating magic-cancer ridden father figure.

However, that's just my first impression up chapter 64.

The protagonist has literally solved zero problems so far, unless you count him solving PHD level science and math problems at 14.
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xchronicles rated it
September 28, 2019
Status: c1860
MTL'ed until I get enough of it. I really enjoyed the novel so far and I probably would drop it if not for the stockpile chapters because the story is indeed slow, SO DAMN SLOW. So I won't recommend this story to fast-paced loving reader unless your really hooked up to the story.

  • Character development is very gradual. There are many instances I'm very close to dropping the novel because MC is just so weak, naive, ignorant and always need to be saved. BUT of course he'll grow and be badass genius instead. Reader just have to wait very long
  • Not overpowered protagonist.
  • Magic system is interesting enough, for me.
  • World background and different planes are interesting too.
  • a very long journey...
my negative points are just:

  • Spoiler

    MC kept being entangled with level 1 and level 2 wizards despite being just apprentice himself. And what's worse it's always a near death experience where he is really helpless to do something.

  • Spoiler

    The early introduction of legendary-leveled wizard characters when MC won't get to that level really soon.

  • Spoiler

    Equivalent exchange, bullshit. MC is always on the worst end when having a deal with someone

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manzikennedy rated it
January 5, 2020
Status: c151
I just read a little and realized this novel isn't my cup of tea. I literally skipped some descriptions of places like decorations and stuff but didn't feel like I missed anything.

The MC is portrayed as childish, wishy-washy, purposely ignorant with twisted and contradictory morals. He keeps mentioning how he will kill whoever tries to kill him. But you're safe if you are a cool person, have a nice smile or arc. During fight tournament, he forgave the assassin chick for literally no reason but killed everybody else. And also... more>> he lacks awareness that he lives in a villain sect and thinks nobody can plot against him.

This novel also did a big no. Spoilers but, for some reason earth keeps getting referenced in almost every situation it makes me puke. Whenever he gains enlightenment or is being taught something. He always references to some incident or plagiarized quote from earth which seems pointless. Does that mean if he didn't know the pointless trivia from Earth, he would be ret*rded? Because he can't even think normal thoughts without quoting a possibly non existent universe.

The novel is slow. By slow I don't mean with progress or plot but the fact that he literally (sorry for misusing that word) joined the sect/grotto/potato after 150 chapters. Meanwhile he was having life and death battles with official and legendary wizards, A LEVEL HE WILL REACH IN 1000+ chapters!!!! Of course this just means that you can't binge read it with just 200 chapters, even if it feels a lot.

What's worse is how contradictory it gets sometimes.

When the world consciousness was being transferred into MC's necklace first time. Author mentioned it was invisible even to legendary wizards, at most they can view fireflies and space channel from a high ground. But the moment Sanders escaped with Flora, some chick immediately started to trace the "invisible world consciousness" to the space channel where Sanders disappeared.


What I hated the most, just like all parody CN novels, is the lack of self awareness. And this is worse since it isn't a parody so he lacks awareness altogether.

Usually parody novels include MC who recognizes cliches and hidden talents from other MCs but fail to recognize their own. This here is worse since it feels like he walks blindly through traps. Literally every single threat or life and death situation is averted by plot armor. About to be killed by young Sanders? Fine, let the wall open its mouth and swallow him. About to get roughed up by bully? Let his bird develop some kungfu skills. Hologram can't work ? Now guess what; it works


This is just a rant from how few the chapters are. Therefore you are just frustrated when it ends abruptly. <<less
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ferociousreader rated it
August 8, 2019
Status: c461
I really enjoy this novel I find it refreshing.

+ Story is reasonably paced (some call it slow).

+ Protagonist is not overpowered, he got a little cheat but his ability mainly comes from his hard work.

... more>> + Protagonist has likable sunny easygoing friendly personality with bottom line being his own life. If some tries to kill him he would do his best to kill that person. Definitely not the knight in shining armor type.

+ everybody got his own personality and most wizards also got "interesting" quirks/hobbies

+ word building is interesting and quite logical

As for the story itself image a word filled with mad scientist type wizards that pursue knowledge above everything (for example morals, good, evil, sanity). I find refreshing that opponents don't insult each other before fighting and don't try to put themselves on moral high ground (they don't care about morals). There's also lot of blood, killings and naked jungle law competition.

Apprentices have over 90% mortality rate

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BumChikiBum rated it
March 30, 2020
Status: c2260
One of the best wizard genre LN.

Much more better than WMW, Overlord, Throne of Magical Arcana and other LN with same genre.

  • The world building are beautifully written with simplicity yet detailed you can easily imagine the scenes while reading it.
  • The characters are so so developed either MC or side characters. Side characters have their own adventures, have development in personality and so on without disturbing MC's story & adventure.
  • The plot is so interesting with no repetitiveness even now (ch2260) which is rare for Chinese Light Novel.
Good novel for spending your... more>> time. <<less
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mochispinky rated it
May 12, 2023
Status: c2716
My thoughts reading this novel.

  • wow, nice start
  • so slow
  • why is the MC such a pushover
  • can we have some real story ?
  • fillers?
  • More fillers?
  • When TF will he become a wizard?
  • Exciting world building
  • Fillers again?
  • Am I the only one reading this ?
  • Author is talented in writing the same line in 5 different ways. Great way to increase the word count.
At this point, Im sooo tired reading this. I keep skipping pages on end to get to the actual story. But it's been 500 chapters and I still don't see it anywhere. I am dropping this.
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Chryseum rated it
June 10, 2019
Status: v1c15
Super Dimensional Wizard has a nice yet slowish start where we get to find out a bit about the characters and the world it is set in. As on only 15 chapters released, there are already more 1 star ratings than any other. I really don't understand why there are so many dislikes. Just because it isn't a fast paced overpowered isekai MC doesn't mean it is a bad novel. I am not saying that it has been all perfect as there have been a few disheartening factors so far,... more>> with some dislike-able characters.


The Noble family that visited them are evil, including the wizard that tries very hard to appear friendly, but was going to massacre another noble family because there was a hint that the thing they were trying to find was there. Suprise, it was some tea that helped him break through to the next level, selfish right? Totally not capable of asking more directly before ending so many peoples lives on a whim while saying it can't be helped, at least own your inner evil if you are going to go that far. Almost like a chinese cultivation protagonist lol.

Also chapter 13-15 gives us a hint into his talent that will most probably be an ability to interact with different dimensions.


The first 15 chapters do well to give a sort of representation of what is to come with (probably) a lot of antagonists in the wizard society that the main character is to become (not a spoiler as its the whole premise of the novel). There will also be more world building to come and I am not expecting great reasoning behind how the magic will work, I hope it doesn't get botched or ignored.

My rating as of now is 4/5, although I have set it as 5 to give some love to the novel as it has mostly been given bad ratings so early on when there really hasn't been anything BAD about it.

Hopefully others keep reading this through to at least chapter 15 as by then you can sort of see where the novel is heading and get a basic feel for the writing style. <<less
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bakaemon rated it
August 17, 2022
Status: c300
The novel is good. The MC, is very bad, really bad. He suffers from Chinese Protagonist disease.

The symptoms are included:

- Being a huge hypocrite: He think his mentality is grown up enough, he think his ideas are perfect which he is the center of universe. No I'm serious, it's not the author intent to him to be like that, it's just that with the amount of mainstream Chinese novels which has the same MC were too huge of amount, he can't help it but being "poisoned"

- He is a forced... more>> apathy sociopath: initially, the author portrayed him as a naive, calm and good nature person. As the story progress, there is no slowly transformation of mind or any character development, abruptly, he became very apathy and cold blood, like a trained psychopath. His mentor doesn't even need to teach him at all, so genius! He doesn't help other, thinking like: what it has any business with me? Yet he wail pitifully when no one came to save him. In the end, the author saved him my deus ex machina cliches melodramatic stuff.

- He is greedy, manipulative: seem like it's the norm in Chinese novel is being manipulative=cool and successful extortion=comedy. What's with my naive, good handsome boy before? Why don't just making him being such person in the first place? Why portrayed him being a pure good guy in the first place? Again, this only proves that the author unintentionally made him an hypocrite.

Other than that, the world building, story telling is good. The main weak point of this novel is weak characters and poor character development. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 24, 2023
Status: c3343
    • I see many of these one-star reviews and I can understand why they do so. This is a polarizing story where the likes will appreciate and those who don't will give up easily.

      Of course, what people don't like about this is that the plot is too slow and too much unnecessary filler. ==> I totally agree with this.

      Everything moves very slowly, during 3300 chapters, the time in the story has only passed about 6 years, when the MC is just starting to become an adult. If people can just ignore these horrible fillers this is totally a potential story.
    • Spoiler

      The story will continue to expand. Because his path of truth involves super-dimension travel. His level of miracles can be obtained through building Wild Dreams. So at least we'll have more arcs of him using his powers to travel to many other strange dimensions, most recently entering 'Reincarnation' and meeting Lord Ivo (mystery alchemist of the Sky City Machine, beloved friend of the Nail Mother). Then there are many arcs about opening wild dreams in many new planes, most recently at the Mirror plane, which I find extremely boring because of too many fillers)

      * Because:
    • First of all, the conflict of the story has been decreased. This gives the story a 'Slice of Life' tag

      (his Earth mentor is no longer dangerous).

    • I justify this slowness is reasonable, MC is just a teenager. However, this is a vast and great universe, the history of the wizarding world has been long. Historical events have occurred since 10, 000 years ago. For the average witch, 50 years is just the blink of an eye, for the legendary witch, 100 years is still called close time. MC cannot become a giant in a short time without going through many big events.
    • MC's talent is already strong, even though he's only a level 1 wizard at the moment, however, I believe that when he becomes a level 2 wizard or a wizard of truth, he will awaken the ability ability to be worthy of the name of miracle wizards.

      (He is able to create a mystery item; as he gained knowledge from witnessing the birth of a chaotic mystery in chapter 2000+; possesses mysterious souls and may have knowledge of crafting or inspiration from the Peach Theater, which I believe will probably happen in chapter 4000+)

    • This world is extremely real and the people here are very reasonable. The wizarding world can be emotionless, but it's not that hard. Why this world is so real:
  1. It has its own history, the stories of the people mentioned and their events. Ex:

    (The conflict between the Abyss and the wizarding world, where many magical wizards and gods have fallen; the destruction of the Falling Sun; the formation of the Barbarian Cave; the discoveries of the Union Frost Alliance,...)

  2. Knowledge system (three main branches and countless flexible applications, alchemy system; ritual system is also extremely massive). Ex:

    The alchemy system is divided into two main branches, Tooling and Apothecary. Regarding Tooling, split into Blending and Enchanting. The conflict between these two mainly argues about which branch has the higher breakout potential.
    As for the Apothecary, where reformist apothecaries tried to challenge the so-called conservative witch soup, there was also conflict between bloodline wizards, doctrinal conflicts.,... However, all wizards respect knowledge and why are sorcerers of truth so appreciated when they have walked their own path of knowledge).

  3. System of rules. The Main Will, the World Will, serves as the most general rule governing the multitude of planes. The rules of wizards. Ex:
  • The rule of non-aggression between the giants of the source world and the Abysmal Plane. The Supreme sect's rule in the South over alien beings.
  • Code of conduct in the wizarding world, where apprentices within the organization are taught to identify official wizards, including hostile organizations, to avoid offending them in the future. Where regardless of age, but according to the level of strength, magicians call those who have found the path of truth 'Lord'. These are the soft rules, where Nice, the level 1 wizard is friends with Sandres, the level 2 truth wizard; or between Way vs Dox, apprentice and mage; same with MC).
  • Law of strength. This place cannot fill the power gap between the MC and the giants. As Sandres once said, there was no way an apprentice could defeat a wizard. Even though the MC was physically like a full-fledged wizard, however, it was very difficult to defeat Winchester in a standard fight (1200+). Of course, the MC defeated a legendary existence known as the Fireless Lord in chapter 1100+, however, it was Sava who did it through the MC's body. Therefore, I don't know when MC will be able to reach the miracle level, 6000+ or 10 000+, maybe.

MC's personality can be quite annoying, he is reckless, stubborn and cumbersome. However, I have no problem with this personality type, I could continue reading another 10 000 if the 'romantic' tag does not appear. I really love Sandres, very cool and hilarious <3 <<<<3.

MC friend, Nausica is a mighty pirate king, she is extremely strong and reliable. Salium seems weak but very determined. Dave is steadfast on the path of alchemy.

Dodolo is Angel's admirer. He is extremely talented and powerful, a level 3 apprentice but with abilities as strong as Maya witch, able to rival the Observer with the help of a Mystery Item.

Wizards in Brute Cave. We have Nice is prevert. Flora is a little girl. Leana is a standard noble lady. Duncan and Dumartin are also very interesting. Rein Mute, Black Earl is friend, so they funny too.

Tree spirit is a trustworthy person. The Iron Mother is a respected person. Old Book is the most wise in the South. Lady Mirror is still spleeping.

Some of the creatures in the Abyss are also great. We have two dragons, Balalaika (despite the short description, she is REALLY charming), Olusia, little demon and Canan,... boss of the Prey, Night is very impressive.

After that, we have Dox, a shameless manly red hair but talkative bloodline wizard.

Legendary and miracles are funny but powerful.

I really hate


He suddenly created a new wild dream fragment in the Mirror Plane. This is already close to 300 chapters so I'm waiting in frustration. As there are many new things to look forward to, including the Tea Party, the introduction of Wild Dreams, the Elemental Plane, the Peach theater, the leveling of truth, Greya Body, dinner in Nightmare World, the search for Lord Ivo, the building of a city in the Abyss, research save Illusion, Space, Mystery,...

I don't like the recent Keely handling. Just like the MC will accept apprentices in the future.

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Zeusomega rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: c286
meh its ok.

too much explaninig and scientific and idealogical reasoning, someplaces even turns out silly and awkward.

Mc's power and story progress doesn't match at all. mc's leveling is slow but the incidents and story goes way faster, it just feels like thick plot armor when MC survives from enemies sevesral realm higher.

no pros I can think of being note worthy, I can think of more cons, like the references to pop culture more then its required, undeserved importance to earth's nuances when MC isn't even from there. Mc's personality- idk... more>> if he's growing or regressing or just staying same, sometimes his actions make sense, but in recent chapters its more confusing, for novel of this genre MC was somewhat likeable for his childish cuteness, but now its just becoming forced comedy.

if you can ignore dispropotioned plot speed, cheap fanfic slicks, rantings of author's logical reasonings, half-assed attemp at using science to explain sorecery... then you will like the novel.

honestly the only reason I gave it a 3 star is bescause of mc's refreshing personality at start.


It's worse, if you think cause its slow it will be more in-depth ?, yes and no, indepth ? yes but does it makes sense ? no. the contradictory and unbeliveable ass pulls this thing brings is nothing short of a "masterpiece".....i can't belive this thing is still on going. dont let the starting fool you.

i'd give -1 for wasting internet space if I could, no more 3 stars. <<less
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ARandomDude rated it
May 7, 2024
Status: c3645
People keep saying slow pace, but I think this is just the story, it is the adventure of Angor Padt becoming a Super Dimensional Wizard. People keep comparing it to other novels that essentially has reaching the top or becoming a god as their goal. Angor's very reason to become a wizard was due to the driving goal of saving his Teacher, and is explicitly shown in the first few chapters. His interest in the world of wizards was shown to be secondary compared to the goal for his teacher.... more>> There was never, ever a hint of Angor wanting to become the strongest as any hint to his goal. If anything else, I would not be surprised if this novel ended with him being a legendary or miracle, and not being the strongest. I could see it end with him finally being able to save his teacher and reaching his teachers world.

This novel is not about someone reaching rank 1-9 super quick for the readers enjoyment of seeing someone become powerful to rule everything (I count time skips even if it's 10 year or 100 years; like your basically missing lots of information of the MC, what's the point of reading if it can be finished with an introduction and "1000" years later the MC becomes the strongest. Most novels that have this ranking goal, do this for the illusion of time...). Drop this quick if you're going in this novel with that kind of mindset. If you're interested in a world full of mysteries, with a Slice of Life adventure, then read it. People come in here keep wanting to read the same trope of the novel reaching rank 9 that they forgot there are other novels/books out there with different style of story, with different endings and purpose.

This novel builds its world, it's basically creating a different world that focuses on Angor. He adventures and learns about the world around him after he left his hometown which was basically as big as a village. With only Jon as his source of knowledge for a broader perspective, his mind will of course be full of ways to relate his understanding of a new world using his previous knowledge (ie. Earth knowledge). His goal is to save his teacher, and his path as a wizard is due to this goal.

Angor is young, especially compared to his peers, he still has lots of time to develop. I don't see how a cold blooded or always rational MC is a more interesting MC, than someone who actually has emotions and faults. The world is large, larger than all the other wizard worlds I've read before too.

Overall if you want fast paced where basically each goal of the novel is the mc's rank in strength, this novel is not for you. If you want to learn and see a new world (mainly learning and understanding through the surroundings of the mc), along with actual reasonable and enjoyable interactions between characters, then this is for you. <<less
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FallenWorld rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: c3146
  • You may not like it much but for me personally, I really love it. First of all, because of its massive world building. I been meaning to find Wizard novel that focuses on the wizard civilization itself instead of the level up but that doesn't mean it doesn't have plots. It's just that the novel was so slow paced so the plot barely moving. It's world Building is a bit similar to LOTM. Second, this story focused more on the growth of our MC without adding unnecessary romance. We can see how it mind process work and grows etc.

    Third, the plot. It plot feels like interlinking with conspiracy story. It's like every event have it's deeper meaning that will be unravel in the future. The author kind of putting a lot of foreshadowing to create some sort of gigantic chained like event for our protagonist. Although some of the story event might seem ridiculous but the author managed to make it more reasonable. So it doesn't feel that much of weird out.

    Fourthly, the character has its own depth rather than just an empty shell. From those interaction, you could see how cannibalistic Wizard world really are. This story is more like a journey to become a wizard. For example, like

    Mortals Journey to IImmortality.

    Ps: some of it might seem confusing since English is not my native language

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Poireau rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: c580
It is quite a different novel from what you could expect if you've read WMW or Age of Adepts.

The MC has something similar to an IA system, and an other "kind of cheat" ... more>>

more like a positive curse

. And based on these two features, he should be more OP compared to his peers but is not (until quite late at least), because he is not clever & ruthless enough like the MC of WMW.

Also, the gain in power through the chapters is really slow with a lot of useless filling.

For example at chapter 580, the MC is still not a true wizard, and hasn't gain levels from Apprentice 1 to 3 because of medidation that is normally used to increase the size of the mana pool, but because of awards from the plots of story...


And this is the main issue: the MC is always dragged into the plots of others and these small arcs last for dozen of chapters.

There is also something wrong in the "teaching" system developped by the Author: teachers of a same school don't give a fart if their student try to kill each other or if a teacher (aka, an official wizard) kills an apprentice just because his hair are blond. Because of that, the MC is always the target of stronger official crazy wizards and spend his time running away from them and then fall into new plots...

So much more interesting things could have happened in 600 chapters if not for all these boring plots, and this is where it is a bit frustating, especially because the alchimy / crafting and world aspects are quite interesting.

Last, it is also a bit of a pain to have the world of

Alice in the wonderlands as the main aspect of the Nightmare world

, it really feels like a lack of inspiration... <<less
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selweron rated it
October 23, 2019
Status: c413
To me, Super Dimensional Wizard is a good mix of Throne of Magical Arcana (focus on the knowledge, as well as MCs "cheats, " although in SDW it is somewhat unique and fresh concept) and The Wizard World (different planes, nightmare realm, magi organizations to name a few).

If I had to list the things that could turn off a potential reader, then there are only two things: slow-paced story and lack of fights. As of chapter 175, MC is only about to have his first fight. Because of the beautiful... more>> world building and slow story development, this novel is probably only suitable for binge-reading, as 2 chapters daily will not push the plot progress by a lot.

@edit c210-> c413. 5* -> 3*, April 21, 2020.

Well well well, this novel feels like one big filler. At c413, the guy is still a level-1 apprentice. And the author is so good at coming up with side arcs that I feel like he can make 2000 chapters of adventures for a level-1 apprentice character. E.g. He turned an auction arc, something that takes 20 chapters in other novels, into a 200-chapter long journey. And all of it because of one single thing the MC did at the auction that sparked all these side arcs. Dear author, are you for real?

While the novel is certainly amazing, after 400 chapters of mysteries and slow plot without any good fights (MC is the cause of all arc developments, and he's usually also saved by someone else because he's too weak) and adding these s*upid wizards into the mix (I have no idea how these people reached level-2 as wizards) it just gets boring. Characters are alive. Mysteries are interesting. Background story is really well done. The baked world development is solid. MC has a good personality. But who cares about all that when it will take years to experience the grand finale of these things? Do you expect me to keep reading an arc that spans up to 100 chapters that is only about MC and some other apprentice, then ends up with some s*upid wizards "investigating" MC's soul?

Worse yet, he has too much contact with these dumb wizards who accompany us throughout the series. And these wizards are simply TOO dumb. It's always MC who causes plot progression. He's basically a living disaster, and because these dumb wizards scan his soul, provoke him, almost kill him and so on, he unleashes this disaster and later they need 200 chapters to fix this sh*t (the apocalypse that comes out for their foolish actions) together with the help of his master or some other OP character. I hate when story is artifically created: these two things destroy the beauty of the novel. There's literally no antagonist in the story, the only one is MC: he has a bomb in him that does more harm than any other wizard, but nobody other than his master knows it's his fault. Imagine Naruto getting out of control, whole continent getting affected, people dying and then Hokage comes to save him then they both proceed to salvage the situation. Rinse, and repeat. This is the story in essence. Boomer.

I hoped this story would be similar to "A Sorcerer's Journey", but man I was so wrong. This novel not only has s*upid wizards (who lack any knowledge) as side characters, but also MC who basically only fights against himself and it's his journey to unravel the mystery of his very self that causes these disasters. Not recommended. <<less
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simsic rated it
October 14, 2019
Status: c2118
It took me some time to read but its amazing, its still very interesting read, I just love it.

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Skollseye rated it
July 16, 2019
Status: v1c85
After such a long time I've finally created an account here just to make a review because this story needs way more love. Others seem to think the story is slow, but I don't feel that way at all. I'm current at 85 chapters and a ton of stuff has happened up till this point.

It's worth noting that Angel (the MC) doesn't immediately start gaining magic powers and advancing, which is likely why some feel it's slow, but, not only is he making progress the entire story, he's constantly surrounded... more>> by the mysterious, magical, and terrifying. So I've not once felt the story is slow at all. He's also a very relatable character with a realistic yet fair view on morality, though he's still a bit naive.

Definitely comparable to Warlock of the Magus World, particularly with the attention to detail on making the magic system seem logically coherent yet wondrous and incomprehensible. However, unlike the pile of bricks for a personality Leylin, Angel is far more interesting and complex as a person.

The overall plot has been exciting with many interconnected elements up till this point, so I can't wait to see where it goes. The update schedule also appears to be very regularly so I have high hopes for this story at the moment. <<less
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SilverTap rated it
July 1, 2019
Status: v1c57
A very slow paced novel...

So far I like it very much, I seens to have a lot of commun points with "Warlock of the magus world", but also reminds me of some japanise novels where the MC just take his time to do things and enjoy what he can... All just impressions, because I'm at chapter 60, and the novel didn't really started yet...

So far I like the MC atitude, clam and smart...

... more>> The World seens to be well made...

Some novels are good because they are very fast, and something happens in every chapter, some others are very good for the oposite...

Its been fun to read it... <<less
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Ironman96 rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: c1027
It's a great novel, but it is a slow one with some other things that bring down the quality which makes it a ~4/5 for me.

Lets start with some of the positives:

The novel starts off very interesting albeit a bit standard where we have a child MC whose mentor is an isekaied guy. MC gets picked up by a wizard group where he starts to learn magic. However, I really like the setting/mystery and world building the author does and we have a set rules placed in the wizard world... more>> along with interactions between different wizard groups. The mystery behind MC, his powers and abilities is interesting and to my current chapter (1027), there's still a lot we have yet to learn which is one of the reasons I continue to read this novel - to learn more about the world and MC's mysteries.

The MC we have is a good one, yes he is childish and naïve at the beginning, but he grows up as the novel progresses and learns what it means to be involved in the cruel wizarding world and is one of the main reasons I continue this novel. His growth is very slow and he is not OP at all. Side characters are also enjoyable and do their own things most of the time (the world doesn't revolve around MC).

Basically this novel is great at the world building of the wizard world, the MC learning about magic and how to use it, the unique journeys and places the MC adventures to, and some of the side characters.

Lets move onto the negatives:

  1. The novel is SLOW, like we will spend 3-5 chapters with MC talking to 1 person or a couple of chapters involving MC learning about magic spell. The author likes to build the world which I enjoy, but it can sometimes go on for too long.
  2. Not much action, there is a lot of talking and interacting with characters, but not many fights and also the fights aren't done too well.
  3. Too many side characters. Some of them are memorable and stick around MC but we gets chapters interacting with some people that we just don't ever see again or we will see again in like a couple hundred chapters and I forgot about them
  4. There is no satisfying badass moments. There are no 'holy f*ck that was amazing' moments, instead its more like 'huh that was kinda cool' and we move on.
Even thought I listed a lot of negatives, I still like to read this novel whenever there's a new chapter because I'm involved in the MC and immersed in the world where I want to find out what the MC is going to do next. I'd give it a shot if I were you, but if you don't like it after a hundred or so chapters, then put it down. <<less
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Andreww rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: c2550
I like this novel very much mainly because it slow pace but not boring, the MC is not s*upid, the magic system is interesting, the smell of mystery is thick, and there are a lot potential in this novel.

The definition of wizard in this novel is wicked, greedy, selfish, crazy. Of course there are some wizards who is not completely black. The MC is considered as white wizard thanks to his teacher moral teaching (transmigrator from the earth) ever since a child despite he enter into brutal world. Although he... more>> is kind but he is not blindly kind, when the times he met someone deserves to be killed he would kill, and he know his limitation.

What I like the most from the MC is his alchemist talent. The alchemist in this world is very unique and intriguing, and MC is the most talented and youngest alchemist in the continent.

Some people says the advancement of MC is very slow but in the fact he is the fastest wizard who reach official wizard, it just author makes the story longer so the mc’s advancement won’t reach into illogical advancement when most wizards need years or hundred to advance to the next level. <<less
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