Stunning Edge


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When a cold and crafty girl travels into the body of a foolish, man-crazy, young female aristocrat, what will happen?

A young girl, Claire, falls off a horse while chasing his Royal Highness, the second prince, and falls unconscious. But when she finally opens her eyes, her gaze is ice cold.

Soon after, she shines a blinding light that astounds the whole kingdom.

In a world where power is based on magic and power, how would an airhead like her survive?

But, she soon stuns everyone by mastering both magic and Dou Qi, paving a new path for herself.

His Royal Highness, the second prince, was forced by the Emperor to go visit her but was told she was busy.

When he saw the “busy” miss drinking tea leisurely, ignoring him, the second prince’s handsome face twitched.

Her personal knight, Jean, had always looked down at her with disgust. But as he and many others watched her shine in glory and power, they couldn’t help but ask themselves, ‘Is this really the girl they knew?’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jué Sè Fēng Máng
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation
  2. tending to my garden
  3. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  4. Fantasy Novels
  5. ELITE TASTE - Non mainstream fantasy

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/08/17 Reading Attic c109 part6
01/06/17 Reading Attic c109 part5
01/06/17 Reading Attic c109 part4
01/02/17 Reading Attic c109 part3
01/02/17 Reading Attic c109 part2
01/01/17 Japanese Mafia Lady c132
01/01/17 Japanese Mafia Lady c131
01/01/17 Reading Attic c109 part1
12/30/16 Reading Attic c108 part4
12/29/16 Reading Attic c108 part3
12/29/16 Reading Attic c108 part2
12/28/16 Reading Attic c108 part1
12/27/16 Reading Attic c107 part2
12/25/16 Japanese Mafia Lady c130
12/25/16 Japanese Mafia Lady c129
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133 Reviews

Jun 09, 2016
Status: c57
Okay. This novel is quite a bit overrated. It's not super terrible, but it's not better than average. It won't upset you with plain terrible writing, but it's not going to give you something new or well executed. It's very safe, very average. It does avoid the female MC falling in love immediately route, but it instead becomes a harem of characters that follow her blindly, even though they have no reason for it. They all come kind of clustered together with little introduction or reason for existing in the... more>> story. Four characters were basically forced upon the MC by the author, to enter her harem/posse. They have extremely vague goals and no problem throwing away their entire lives to follow the MC like pets. One character flips opinion overnight, and otherwise the characters consist of agree with mc+quirk, such as the awful ever present pe*vert character that is obligatory to any female led novel. Basically, the characterization, introductions, and consistency, is bad. The pacing of the story is too fast. The author wanted to skip over everything like.. World building, setting up a scale of power for the characters, and slowly introducing the major characters. It's not incoherent, but it is fairly thin in terms of actual information. One after another, an item or event of interest happens upon the MC before they're quickly relegated to some kind of foreshadowing. Nothing is explored, explained or becomes a hardship for the MC beyond a chapter or two. Do you even remember that the MC is reincarnated? It's never explained or elaborated on. Not a single thought or flashback, not a single line explaining why the MC was a genius in the past life.

Let's talk a little more about power in this world. It's almost completely glossed over what it means, who has power, or how powerful people are. Only the very best magicians have even been mentioned. No attempt at showing or explaining how powerful they are, only that they are. They are of a rank in a ranking system you don't know. Same thing with warriors. The difference between one rank and two ranks up is supposed to be shocking, but it's only mentioned twice in passing. It doesn't mean anything to the reader.

It's a very slice of life approach. I would hesitate to call this an action adventure. It's very clearly focusing on building a troop of characters, putting them in comedic adventures where the YY growth of the MC is more of an afterthought. It has a lot more focus on romance and comedy than anything. <<less
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May 17, 2016
Status: c50
To be honest, one of the best thing I've ever read. It has the astonishing rare female MC who isn't too op and not in love by the second chapter. Only thing I despise is that this great novel doesn't have that many chapters and updates are slow. While some other completely tr*sh novels have hundreds of them. It is also too bad the translator doesn't seem to be accepting donations, otherwise, I would definitely give a few hundred bucks to read some more. It is worth it
68 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 21, 2017
Status: c115
I am starting to hate female MC's in wuxia/xainxia. Not because they are female, but because nearly everyone seems to drool over them because they are different than the standard male MC in these stories (only in the way that they aren't male). The problem with that, is that people leave absolutely glowing reviews of the stories that female MC's show up in lauding it as a masterpiece and whatnot. Except, it almost never is. Thus, I end up excited over a novel only to be disappointed when the novel... more>> is sub-par at best. This novel is no exception.

To be fair, my 1 star rating is a little harsh; somewhat influenced by how many glowing 5 star reviews of this novel there are and me trying to balance it out a bit. Realistically, it is more of a 2 star work. While there are certainly a couple more problems than what I am going to list, to keep it relatively short, the two I am going to list are the issues that stood out the most to me.

First, it is an incredibly stereotypical novel where the tr*sh MC comes from another world so as to almost immediately become s*upidly powerful. By itself that isn't a huge problem (it's fun after all) ; but added with defeating opponents scores of times her strength, abilities and treasures (dragon god's mark, my god) that effectively make her invincible, an inane and pointless harem that is ridiculously loyal for no real reason and never develops (often detracting from the story), side characters as a whole that almost never develop (except for the MC kinda), plot armor thicker than fort Knox, and a predictable story-line; you've got an entirely generic novel that easily ranks only in the lower 40% of its genre.

Second, the one thing that stood for the story as decent was that for once the MC, while lauded as a genius, was indeed actually somewhat intelligent. Decent deductions or reasoning were put forth by the MC even attempting to dive into some deeper topics. However, this is also part of this novels downfall. By attempting to approach deeper topics, the author clashed with the generic and fairly easygoing nature of his/her novel.

The semi-intelligent MC was fine and good; but the attempts at deeper discussion didn't fit and honestly were rather lacking. The author didn't seem capable of discussing the deeper topics he/she tried to bring up. Plus, almost as if the author realized that, he/she would touch on a topic, but never attempt to really drive it home or further explore it, thus resulting in a half-finished thought that acted like a stain on the text. It took up space and drew attention, but ultimately served no purpose but to ruin that section of the novel by covering up whatever else was going on at the time.

For example (no spoiler really but just in case) : scattered throughout the novel, but more so at a particular point, the author attempts to critique religion. The problem is that 1) He/she can't seem to make up their mind as to what exactly he/she is trying to critique about it. 2) He/she doesn't really seem to know what they are talking about. Like he/she is trying to sound knowledgeable on the matter without prior research by just working off of an impression of religion. Subsequently, that is what the readers see: an impression of a discussion. We don't really know what the point is or the thought process backing it; we just get the impression that some kind of critique or discussion is trying to be formed, but never quite reaches cohesiveness. This kind of thing happens a few times in the novel.

Overall, swap the genders of the MC and her harem and it would be rated for what it actually is, a 2 or 3 out of five. 2/5 is my vote. The novel is sub-par with absolutely nothing new to add to the table. The novel's generic MC and harem are 2 dimensional and add nothing to the story; while the other secondary characters are flat as cardboard. The attempts at deeper discussion or philosophical musing don't fit the tone of the novel and fall short; never following through. The laughable plot armor isn't played off as humorous, thus despite sometimes being chuckle worthy due to ridiculousness at times, it still is a detraction from the novel.

If you love female MC's in wuxia and don't mind generic wuxia's. Go for it. Otherwise, it probably isn't worth it. <<less
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May 31, 2016
Status: c54
HAHAHAHAHA this chapter 54 excerpt is amazing. With just this I would read the novel. But maybe it's because I'm so attached to the wonderful characters, which I all very much loved. It's pretty spoiler-ish, but I personally enjoy spoilers... Until I don't. But never regret! Never regret my dear friend. Or stranger. Or enemy. Whichever.


“Jean. Is your loyalty to me greater than your belief in the Temple of Light religion?” Claire suddenly asked Jean profoundly.

“Miss, you are my religion.” Jean smiled faintly, answering quietly.

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Aug 30, 2016
Status: c97
Okay this story is seriously overrated. It is your typical Mary Sue story where the MC becomes beloved by nearly all and has everything falling into her lap. How is the MC a Mary Sue? Almost nothing but positive adjectives are used to describe the MC. Almost all the other character's purpose in the story is to support the MC. The MC has powers like no one else does like

She is an assassin/warrior/magician/archer basically a Jack of all trades but a master of all


I tolerated it all because it was comedic and all but the last straw was...

She could pull out a magical sword that was supposed to be only pulled by the Li clan. BS.


Anyone against the MC was treated worse than normal villains. They were deemed as scums of the Earth. Unworthy to be humans because of their lack of love for the MC. You can see this in the author/translator's writing. They're described so badly, you wonder if they're really that bad. The MC is treated like a benevolent goddess. She would make promises using words like "always" or "forever" but even a 5 year old would know it's impossible to keep but people nod their heads and go "Gee Willy that Mary Sue touched my soul and heart!"

Even if people say she has setbacks or low ranks... There aren't any real setbacks or issues with low rank! She could be a hobo and people would still obey her and rant about her indomitable aura. Only one time someone brought up her low rank as a weak point but of course disagreeing with Mary Sue?! We all know how that ends. Her setbacks are simply investments. You need money to make money. She loses like a penny and gains a multi million company.


Sorry not sorry but you clicked on this... She gains a mark of the dark god who is so powerful all the other gods fear him. It's supposed to be a bad thing because it means the dark god will take her as an offering. But reality it's just a cheat to make her unkillable. The mark doesn't do anything to her like Sasuke's mark. It's just there.


I give this 1 star because the translator at least cares about the quality of the translation and makes an effort to explain the meanings. So if you want a well translated Mary Sue story pick this one! You won't be disappointed. : ^)
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Jun 28, 2016
Status: c59
I don't really understand why so many people think this story is so wonderful. This is not bad, but not phenomenal.

Firstly protagonist:

The ressurected girl which is gradually more and more poweful, I can add she may be even overpowered. In the beginning of this story I liked her, because she was smart, she knew what she wanted like: being good grandaughter that protected her new family's name, she was somewhat better version of past Claire that only wanted pretty boys and she was someone that cared about other people. I saw potential, possible character growth, but noooo. I understand that this is chinese novel with female protagonist, but does it always must be mary sue? Now, I only see girl that is too astounding to breath with this same air as common people. You may say that I'm not fair, but life is not fair. Her magic and strength (I don't know how to name her sudden fighting ability) are so powerful and incredible that she always wins, but why? I get that she is ressurected and genius, but she doesn't remember anything and she is in new world with new rules. How she did it that in less than year, she became better than other geniuses within their all life. It can be really annoying sometimes. But this is not what's really bugging me. The worst thing is theirs (I'm not talking now about only protagonist) view on life. I mean, come on people! Why does life in xianxia, chinese stories (not only) and hurt protagonists (which in this case I don't really see, because past Claire deserved whatever other people thought about her.) revolves about cruelty, tortures and killing. I mean I loved her firstly but then all characters became dark and slightly insane. Why does everyone always want to bring justice by killing in books or humiliating. Of course I can't forget about her beauty, her richness, her the most powerful master who adores her, her really ultimate pet and her cunning and manipulative mind.

Secondly other Characters:

Harem - This in normal cases would be cool, like when author doesn't throw guys randomly. For me when story (with not really interested love interest) gets harem it should be with people that don't fall in love with woman or man (in this case child) in mere second. I get that author didn't want for her character to be weak woman that relies on men and I think it is awesome, but now, we only get bigger and bigger harem with more divine men that loves her but with no really point, because the person which involves that, doesn't care. Can you see my point, total Femme Fatale.

For people which read this to the end I hope that it somewhat helped, and for these that think it is useless sorry for my rant and my english.
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Jan 13, 2018
Status: c186
It's a little irritating to see so many bad reviews from people who made it 50-60 chapters in, so here's a review to counter them. How can you review a novel if you've barely read any of it?

Also to note: The original novel is 232 chapters and is divided up into two volumes (Volume 1 is 110 chapters, so I assume Volume 2 is 122). Reading Attic follows this numbering system, but Japanese Mafia Lady has a completely different number system. If you're following Japanese Mafia Lady, their chapter 176... more>> matches up with chapter 110 of the original/Reading Attic's numbering. As of this review, only a few chapters of Volume 2 have been released.

I like the MC and world building in this story. The MC starts off similarly to many other female transmigration stories: the MC transmigrates into a waste/good-for-nothing/poor reputation character, then proceeds to defeat their detractors by suddenly becoming proficient at everything. Indeed, the introduction of the story is a bit Mary Sue in that everything seems to go great for Claire. The world is interesting in that it seems to be a bit West meets East. Claire hails from the Hill family (western) but she has Eastern relatives and has Eastern blood (I'll call it Chinese, because many of the names are Chinese). One of the main male leads is described as "silver haired, violet eyed"... but his name is Leng Lingyun. I guess the author had fun mixing appearances and names, but it'll be something you get used to.

As the story progresses, Claire meets with more and more challenges, hitting a major turning point in the story near the end of Volume 1. The story is no longer such an easy ride for the MC and readers really realize she doesn't truly have a Mary Sue cheat. The story turns to Claire seeking more power to take revenge and her companions have to leave everything behind to go on a quest. It evolves from "Claire face slapping people around her" to "Claire leaving on epic quest to defeat an extremely vile and shameless enemy". I got really hooked on this novel by the time we hit the midpoint mostly because the author does a great job of evoking a sense of justice and readers find themselves rooting for Claire to succeed. She is a great MC, decisive, daring, and resolute. Also know that Claire is the alpha personality with the men following behind. It isn't a story where she acts cute and gets men to protect her... its generally as equals or with Claire actually the more powerful one.

Give it a try, it's quite an epic story. Do note that you'll hit some serious feels/anger at the end of volume 1 (v1ch110 or chapter 176). <<less
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Feb 17, 2018
Status: c105 part1
I often write bitter reviews on light/web novels with male MCs who skate through life by virtue of plot armor, so it would be unfair to ignore the same case just because of a change in the MC's gender. This novel is essentially the female version of a spank story, which is what I call those stories where the author clearly gets off making his MC alter ego absolutely irresistible and amazing without any reason. Those self-insert masturbatory fantasies that you know the author probably has wet dreams to at... more>> night. But I digress. The reason why this particular novel falls into that category for me are as follows:

    • Will you forgive me if I say pretty please? The MC is forgiven for previous transgressions almost immediately. I've always rolled my eyes at stories where the original MC was tr*sh but in comes reborn personality to change everyone's view and win all their love in 30 minutes or less or your money back. This story, however, is the absolute worst I've seen. The MC does almost nothing (literally, making a cup of cup noodles would take more time and effort) to win the love and pampering of her grandfather aka the absolute head of the household. The original was bratty, lazy, selfish and yada yada yada, yet reborn Mary Sue literally only says one sentence and she's in gramp's good graces. It wasn't even a good sentence, either. It would be like if you preached anti-American propaganda for years then one day came out singing the U.S anthem, only to be invited to be president the day after. Absolutely ridiculous.
    • Oh no, be careful! It's-... not a problem once the MC shows up. Thaaaaaat's right, folks. The MC is somehow able to resolve any issues regardless of how difficult it is, how many people have tried, or even how unbelievably under-qualified she is! Major crises are only as difficult as coaxing a crying child with one hand full of games and the other full of candy! Plague? Psh, you mean the sniffles! A flood? More like a light drizzle! And, somehow, they always accomplish it by the skin of their teeth. What's that damned deux ex machina doing here..
    • Roses are red, violets are blue, you must be the MC, cuz I think I love you. And, of course, the most common trope of all: *drum roll* the MC's ever-expanding harem brought on by her inexplicable charm! Any and everyone falls in love with her or, if they don't fit the mold of super sexy strong potential interest, then they must idolize her and want to be bffs/unofficial fan club members! I'm not kidding- literally every guy described as more than moderately attractive falls in love with her irrespective of nationality, moral code, position, loyalty,.... Honestly, at a certain point, it's more believable that she's some villain bewitching the eligible men all over the world than the MC we should be rooting for.
Now with all that said, why did I still rate it 3 stars you ask? Because I'm a hypocri- Because it's actually not that terrible of a read if you've got time to waste. Once you look past the massive ego wank, you'll find the plot to be somewhat interesting. Plus, I'm curious if this will go the polyandry route since, even though one interest is definitely ahead of the others as of chapter 100 or so, the others aren't too far behind.

TL;DR It's got its bad points, but still manages to be an okay story. Just be sure to have eye drops handy while you read. My eyes started drying out from rolling them so often. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Read
Jun 07, 2016
Status: c55
Good plot. Good characters. Good MC. Fast pace. Not much babbling from lackeys. 4/5 because [[something]] is missing. Don't know what - but it's missing. &Lt;>.
But worth spend time reading.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 06, 2016
Status: c105 part1
Truth be told, this novel is one of the best. When I first started reading this at the beginning I loved how when the MC reincarnated and everyone was all shocked when she became all powerful and all that. She was a good-for-nothing man chasing girl, her own family didn't like her, but when the MC reincarnated into her body and showed everyone how awesome she really was, I got so excited! Rate 5 stars! One of my favorites! Hope it updates faster!
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Jun 12, 2016
Status: c75
Even by the amount of reviews here it should be clear that If this isn't on your reading list you're missing out! It's another underdog story where the character slowly builds her self up and proves everyone wrong! Her personality is likable because she's not overly kind or overly cruel. She's smart and sensible and such a trickster too.

The plot is completely unpredictable and I've been enjoying myself so much
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Jan 08, 2019
Status: c256
Okay, a one star is a bit extreme, I know, but seriously this novel has started to, and HAS finally pissed me the f*ck off. Hear me out.

For starters, this novel is completely overrated. I know because I used to be one of those people, harping about "OMG You should read Stunning Edge!!!!". But now, I take back my words.

The story is at it's most enjoyable point from the beginning to the part ... more>>

where the female MC fully faces off against the Radiant Temple/ Temple of Light and her mother is killed as well as her teacher (Emery/Uri, or something)

I don't recall the chapter number, but you'll know when you get there. It's okay till then. The MC is cool-headed, cunning, and a likeable character to a certain extent. But after that, the novel starts to go into a downward spiral -- quick.

Trust me. Read it yourself.


Camille turns out to be some mysterious OP character who keeps helping Claire out for no reason at all, except "I want to see what fun will happen in the future" and all that bull. How CONVENIENT. Healer boy and Feng Yixuan turn out to be, respectively, the Great Demon King and the Infernal King. How CONVENIENT. Oh yeah, and Claire becomes completely useless and can't do anything by herself. They're told to end the Holy War, and they end it. A bunch of mysterious foreshadowing things are said, ex. "You'll know in the future, I can't tell you now", blah blah. Basically, novel turns to shit, plot armor turns on to MAX level. There's some bland love drama, healer boy is cuckolded.

And then I dropped it because I got tired of the author's shit. Boring. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 04, 2016
Status: c55
The story is interesting but with how lucky the MC is and how she always win against opponents 100x her strength, it just turned out to be your typical xianxia story. There is no real struggle that would lead to character development and the developments are too fast. I would recommend you read it if you like strong female MC, but I wouldn't guarantee you won't lose interest,
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Jun 04, 2016
Status: c54
I love the character realism. If you're tired of xianxia's idiotic characters and cliche's but still want action and fantasy, this is the novel you have been loking for! Comedy bits are not realistic but I enjoyed those too, and hey when has comedy ever been realistic? Main story is about baddas female MC who has been an idiot before transmigration, but fear not others won't brainlessly insult her tr*sh tr*sh How could tr*sh beat me!? Forever. I'm not sure if this is heading to be a reverse harem, tag... more>> says so but again fear not, I don't like harems normally however I do enjoy guessing who will she end up with. If it turns out to be a harem I guess it won't be one of those lame JP ones.. <<less
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May 15, 2016
Status: c50
Its actually pretty good. The MC is not too OP and she raised flags here and there :p

Waiting for the next translated chapters, thanks~ ♡
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Jul 04, 2016
Status: c92
Really good!

Things do seem to be a bit vague regarding her past, but according to the prologue, she lost her memories of her past life but seems to remember that she came from another world. (She can read Chinese, etc.)
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
SM Sajjad
SM Sajjad
Dec 26, 2017
Status: c183
One of the best novel with female MC......

Although starting plot of this is nothing unique but it's fun to read how she grow stonger...

MC here is quite shamless, cunning, smart, little op but not a super beauty or super op....

... more>> Here in some review some say MC is very op. are they blind?

no matter how many times MC gets stronger there always comes someone stronger than her. hell, in one chpater even MC cursed that whenever she gets breakthrough someone more stong than her come to fight her.

And whoever is cursing reading only 50-60 chpater and saying its tipical shujo mary sue should read to chapter 170+ first.... There comes a biggest twist..... and after 140+ story gets quite serious.....


Although there is many ML but MC doesn't still fallen with anyone...

In the middale from 90-110 you could get annoyed becuse MC character lose her charm thatt we reader get form her.... but don't get dispointed because MC charater became fine again....

Although there is so many chapter left I am still giving it 5 star... hope it will not disappoint me... <<less
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Evil Kirito
Evil Kirito
Feb 01, 2018
Status: c176
The novel is actually pretty darn good. One of the biggest difference being the low importance given to the cultivation process unlike the martial art based ones. Though the fights aren't very well written, the novel is fast paced and dosent bore you to put it down. And the MC is actually ruthless but not to the point where she kills the sect/clan just because someone harasses her. And the side characters are truly hilarious.

Definitely worth a read..
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Dec 20, 2017
Status: v2c3 part2
Good story flow. Love the MC's personality. Also the reverse-harem seeds were given quite a bit of time to mature, which is quite nice.

Although I would've liked it better if there's more in-depth content about Dou Qi and Magic, but because our MC has her own path to power, it's not bad.

Translator Groups >> Although... it was only recently that I noticed that the other site, Reading Attic, has MORE chapters scanned compared to Japanese Mafia Lady.... which is kind of a bummer -- because when I used the filter... more>> thing it only showed that Reading Attic started the translation at c68. So I've only read from JML. /sigh

Reading Attic has better translation quality (at least when I read the 2nd volume) compared to JML, idk why Novel Updates filter only showed c68 onwards in Reading Attic... Bummer. Bummer. <<less
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Alina Moktan
Alina Moktan
Jun 16, 2017
Status: c150
I like this novel. Great story, great plot

i like MC she is stronger and caring toward her mother. She is cold and doesn't show emotion. She only show her emtion to her mother. Great story with interested character
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