Studio Superstar


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Xue Xiao was a diligent and hardworking background actor. Then he offended a big name in the circle and became unable to receive new acting roles.

He thought he would never be able to realize his dream and become an excellent actor like Shen Tingyan until he suddenly received an email one day.

[Hello, you have passed the audition for ‘Studio Superstar.’ Please be on time…] This was an actor talent show created by the largest media platform in the country. A new starting point was laid out in front of him.

Here, he went from being unknown to becoming the brightest star on the big screen.

At the same time, he also touched the star that belonged to him.

Shen Tingyan was one of the four mentors of the show ‘Studio Superstar,’ and his first impression of Xue Xiao was that of a shy, studious contestant who carefully watched every scene with wide eyes.

The second time he saw Xue Xiao, he found that even if this young man had no one to act with him, he could use the little flowers on the roadside, the air in front of him, or the kitten taking a nap in front of him as his scene partners to practice his lines diligently. There might be a bit of shyness, but he was entirely focused once immersed in it.

The third time he saw Xue Xiao, the young man was lying in a corner of the studio and sleeping in a daze. The script he held in his arms was full of his previous comments on the scene, and a cute chibi version of a person was drawn next to it.

This little person inexplicably looked like him, which made Shen Tingyan fall into deep thought.

The fourth time he saw Xue Xiao…

The little guy was peeking at him.

Once Xue Xiao was caught, he buried his head in a panic and pretended that nothing had happened. However, his ears were so red that they seemed to be dripping blood.

Shen Tingyan stared at the crimson color, paused, and drew a horizontal line on his script.

He inexplicably decided that he would make a note of it every time he caught Xue Xiao peeking at him in the future.

Then he found that he had drawn a full ten ‘正’ characters in just one day.

Shen Tingyan finally couldn’t help laughing.

Xue Xiao’s starting point was a passerby corpse on the battlefield.

Later, he became a dejected young man drunk by the side of the road, a high-spirited young general, a lonely mute, a dissolute wastrel…

He ran all the way to the brightest night sky. On the day he stepped on the Best Actor’s podium at the age of 25, the one who handed him the trophy was Shen Tingyan, who accompanied him all the way.

Shen Tingyan asked him with a smile, “What do you want to do most now?”

Xue Xiao faced this man, pursed his lips, and smiled. “I have already obtained what I want most.”

“What about you?”

“I want to hold the star in my hand now,” the man said.

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22 Reviews

New heartlessbam
Jun 03, 2024
Status: Completed
This is a gem!!! You must read this!!!

First of all, what I have to praise is the writing style of the author. The narration of the story itself deserves five stars. It was heartfelt, touching; how the author went through conveying feelings. The translator has also worked hard, now all of us can enjoy it because of that.

Although the plot was about finally winning a competition, rather than focusing on winning, it was focused on how to improve, not alone, but with friends, not leaving anyone behind. The book tells... more>> you, not to be negative because of the barriers you face, there is always a way to survive and reach your goal. This novel is full of positivity and inspiration because that is the personality of the MC. He is sunny, positive, clear headed and sweet.

The MC dreams to be an actor, but he does not have resources and continues being an extra. That was when he got the chance to participate in the Studio Superstar competition. There he meets his idol actor, the ML. The ML has a poisonous mouth. He never shows sympathy to anyone. But when he meets this brain-dead fan of his, the MC who claims he is not a brain-dead fan, he cannot help but be amused. Each of them get to know more about the other and fall in love in the period where they spend in the competition grounds. In the end of the novel, both MC and the ML achieve their dreams and goals both in career and their personal lives.

There are short movies played in the novel, many genres which do not fall short, even if they are published as an independent story. They are heartwarming, some are scary, some are sad, and some contain thrill and suspense.

The romance in the novel is very mild. Just stealing glances and most of the times they hide their feelings in their hearts. But when it reaches the end, there is a bit of sweetness.

All in all, this book is worth reading. So go for it!!! <<less
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New fameyreads
May 28, 2024
Status: Completed
It’s cute, not perfect, but it’s enjoyable. I’m not really a connoisseur when it comes to movies so I don’t know how accurate everything is written. I actually like the romance aspect, they’re cute together. One thing I don’t like about this is the protagonist halo. The author likes to highlight everything good about the MC, always emphasizing on how much he’s grown in so little time. It does make for an easy read coz you won’t have to worry so much, but it also makes reading a bit boring.... more>> But I understand that is also quite enjoyable for others. Still giving this a high rating coz it has entertained me these past few days (I always get interrupted so I couldn’t finish it as fast as I’d want to). <<less
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Jun 24, 2023
Status: c16
Its started so cute. MC is not the OP or mary-sue type of guy and he is willing to work hard.

ML is kinda good too I guess, but confirm poisonous mouth.. I'm sacred to be the receiver of the words.

[Only get to MTL till 16 >_< Hopefully translator will manage to get till the end of the story. ] I'm hooked. Author don't disappoint and thanks translator to share this book. If not I didnt even know there is a gem here too.
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Sep 06, 2023
Status: Completed
This story is so cute!!!! The premise is that our MC is a new actor who is struggling to find work, when he gets cast in a new acting game show of sorts, where his idol the ML is one of the four mentors of the show. It's an interesting premise, probably based off all the idol game shows that are popping up these days.

MC is quite compelling as he starts off still imperfect at acting since he's still new at it and talent can only take him so far.... more>> He's very sincere and wears his heart on his sleeve, leading to the cutest scenes of him reacting expressively to situations around him, and ML as well as everyone else around MC just amusedly observing him. Also ML is such a tease and he clearly enjoys MC's reactions, it's really so much fun reading their interactions.

The MC being such a big fan of the ML had me also falling in love with the ML every time he appears. I loved all their interactions, and the descriptions of MC nearly combusting every time he sees the ML are so well written- there's definitely something to be said for a story that will show you the characters emotions rather than spelling it out for you. Also having a protagonist so clearly in love made me really feel that excitement of being around someone you like, it's so sweet.

The subtle feelings between them and the slow development of a genuine relationship was so good. It's a slow process of realization as neither of them have been in love before, and MC starts off as a career fan in the beginning, as opposed to being in love with ML's appearance alone. I really enjoyed all the moments of ML questioning himself and falling for everything MC does. As he should, because this really is such a likable MC, he's so cute! The way he turns red every time he sees ML is so endearing.

Also I love how the age gap isn't big! The MC is 24 while ML is 27, which was honestly such a pleasant surprise for a showbiz story as I feel a lot of them have pretty big age gaps. It makes the power imbalance feel less intense when they're only 3 years apart, especially since ML clearly has way more power and experience in the industry.

The overall concept of turning acting into a game show is a bit far fetched perhaps, and the directing / acting scenes can be a bit confusing- like are they really filming live and making a whole movie scene just like that without any production for the contest scenes? But honestly, it's not a big deal because the individual story plots are interesting and the overall plot is always moving forwards. I really liked the progression, and the way the feelings of the main leads grew and developed as they got to know each other better was very compelling.

Honestly I'm just sad this story isn't longer! I really do love the two main characters and their relationship. It felt so natural that they would fall for each other, and any misunderstandings were just cute, not annoying at all. I was definitely convinced of their feelings for each other especially during:

the moment when ML kissed MC for the first time, I had to take a pause and just process because!!! The emotions were so intense!! I really love when a story can convince you that the characters really do like each other.


So thankful that a TL picked this work up! It really is a hidden gem, and for those who can't wait for a full TL, the MTL is also super readable :) <<less
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Dec 02, 2023
Status: --
The story is so cute and the MC and ML love story is just soooo lovely. Also, MC's growth and ML's inner thoughts just make me speechless. I'm obsessed with the novel. So I want to keep reading it. But can't find the MTL version of it. Can someone tell me where can I read the rest of the novel? I need it ASAP.

Also, I recommend others to try it out, if you have experience being a fan and trying to reach out to your idol but can't fulfill it.... more>> At least this novel will make you feel like "Ahhh such a dream come true"

Thank you author for such an amazing story.

PS. I'm new to this, so am not sure what to do, and if I said something I shouldn't have. Sorry beforehand. <<less
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Apr 20, 2024
Status: c1
This is my favorite entertainment theme novel! The story is full of fluff. The thing I like the most is that there is not much netizen's comment! I hope there will be more stories with entertainment theme like this which is focusing on the MC and ML rather that using half chapter only for passerby's comment.
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Aug 09, 2023
Status: c17
Rooting for Xue Xiao to reach Shen Tingyan! Is it bad that I want Xue Xiao to struggle a little bit more? Hehe

... more>>

While reading I feel as if I am living through the perspective of Xue Xiao- but at the same time also as a bystander, cheering on his journey to become a star. The author is a good writer, and I especially got invested in the Orchid Praying Mantis plot. Is it weird if I wished that the author actually wrote a book based of it? Loll

I also like how the author gave the side characters motives and moments to shine in the novel- a prime example is Jin Xiaochen, especially during his performance! Given that I am only 17 out of 89 chapters through, I hope that the author continues this trend, and the side characters have a life of their own beyond the protagonist. I hope I grow to love the other side-characters just as I do with Xue Xiao.

A small problem I nitpicked is the slight protagonist halo. While I do love relaxing while reading (as I know that the protagonist will have an easy path), I prefer more tense plots. Although it is too soon to get a full picture, it seems that Xue Xiao is usually in the right (like a man against the world situation, except the man has many powerful and supportive allies??), and that anyone who opposes him, gets clapbacked.
Especially considering Xue Xiao's personality to wholeheartedly love acting and wish that his opponents live up to their acting roles; I think it would be better if the antagonists were more of a challenge in terms of acting prowess. Portraying the antagonists to be completely cruel yet short-sighted, and also just innately untalented is slightly ruining Xue Xiao's journey as an actor. Like suddenly, his achievements are not as valid because his opponents were set up to always fall short as compared to him. Furthermore, by portraying Xue Xiao to always be in the right and to have little to no flaws- not only does it emotionally distance him from the readers, but it's also disheartening in a way. I want to see him be in the wrong sometimes! Cause consequences he can't take back! I want him to learn and grow not only as an actor but as a person too.
I hope I am just being unreasonably nitpicky, because I am really excited to continue reading once there's more chapters!

Really like the novel at the moment, excited for the next chapters. Thank you to the translators for taking the time to translate this novel really well! I think they captured the essence of the novel well, despite the differences in language. <<less
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Apr 17, 2024
Status: Completed
Warm and fluffy feel-good novel. Nothing super deep, but the author doesn't fall into a lot of cliche pit holes and is respectful of the topics that are brought up

Pros: relatively short and easy read, very cute and not much drama despite what the premise may suggest. There's a little bit of "face-slapping", but it is very background with the focus being on the MC's growth as an actor. In this particular case, I list it as a pro because it makes the novel flow much better and highlights the... more>> MC's development, leaving more room for the plot vs filler. Generally speaking, no braindead characters (one of my biggest issues with some other novels)

Cons: Main annoyance I had was the (what seemed to me) sudden push for a couple characters to be antagonist-like. One somewhat made sense, though I found it unnecessary, and the other was completely pointless and didn't play a role except to maybe add contrast??? Otherwise, there are small parts here and there such as better characterization, a little more struggle (career-wise, or at least a little more description), etc that could add to the novel, but don't really feel off if you just want to enjoy the fluff.

I usually don't comment on other people's comments, and seldom read them after finishing a novel, but this one from Ghost_of_a_witch was right above the place to type and I would like to clarify the situation in case any one decides against reading for this specific reason.


Commentor drops due to a claim that the author's "true" view of homosexuality involves "bottoms" as "women" and how they highlighted a moment of cross-dressing. Actual context- this is one of the mini-scenes where the MC plays the role of a bionic robot who was sent to a depressed man obsessed over the loss of his wife. The robot is pure and set to learn from their human owners as to better get along with them.... but this one learns about love from the sad obsession of his owner. He eventually falls in love with his owner and this part was a breakdown moment where he essentially wants to take over the wife role. Considering that the robot wants the STRAIGHT owner to pretend that he's his WIFE, yes, he did end up cross-dressing. I don't see any other sign of feminizing bottoms. Many novels do, but this most this one does is highly praise looks and the MC's legs.... which I find more to be an attraction point and not "delegating him to the role of a woman". There are flaws for sure, but I don't find this to be one of them.

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Mar 31, 2024
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5

Been a while since I’ve rated something so highly, but I honestly think this read is perfect for those wanting a relaxing, fluffy read with an emotional storyline. This story is about our MC chasing dreams amidst uncertainty, and I believe the messages in the storyline are heartwarming. It’s honestly the type of novel that makes you feel motivated and makes you reflect when watching MC go through his journey of attaining stardom.

I’m not saying the story is perfect—the MC doesn’t go through many roadblocks in his acting (and... more>> his hard work is hinted to but not necessarily captured in detail) while the dynamic of ML being his mentor and having a certain level of favoritism is there (even if the author tried to maximize impartiality). However, I think their characters are compelling enough, and draw you in: our sunshine but realistic and determined MC, our cold, sarcastic, but fair and considerate ML. The acting scenes immerse you, and honestly I think the author has a good idea of what draws readers (us) and the audience (in the book) in.

It's definitely a feel-good novel, but a well-written and dimensional one. I recommend! <<less
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Jan 31, 2024
Status: c1
Rec list review: 4.5/5 for acting competition + great descriptions of acting/mini-plots for scenes. There were a couple places that could have been more developed. MC/ML personalities were not as 3D as they could be, beyond positive, hardworking MC + poison-tongued, domineering ML. I enjoyed the sweet depiction of their relationship and it's an easy, feel-good read. I love acting novels so would give a 5/5 for that portion and a 4/5 for the actual characterization/relationship portion.
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Apr 25, 2024
Status: --
I don't usually comment, but I had to make an exception. If you're looking for a main character that's smart but not evil, cute but not s*upid, this is the story! The romance is very beautiful, and it was great to follow the evolution of their relationship, the friendship between the main character and the secondary characters was also very well crafted. All in all, the story is great, I can't point out any weak points! I recommend that anyone who comes across it, and is in doubt whether to... more>> read it or not, read it. It really is like a little dose of happiness and hope. <<less
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Apr 18, 2024
Status: Completed
4.1. Slow burn. First kiss in chap 77. MC is rather op, with an infectious positivity. I kinda wish we got to hear more comments from the netizens, like in other showbiz novels, but this was very present in the moment. There are a lot of chapters focusing on the plots of each movie, with plentiful description of the actors within the scene. Personally I found these parts to be rather dry. Overall good fluff read but it didn't really evoke much strong emotions in me
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Mar 18, 2024
Status: c92
Very worthwhile sweet and charming read :) MC and ML are both likeable. Love how their relationship progressed through the story. This novel doesn't have a lot of heavy drama/angst nor have any super villainous characters. Love how the plays were broken down in each stage of the competition.
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Nov 04, 2023
Status: c46
This one will be another to add to the number of my not so proper reviews as I mainly decided to write one for Studio Superstar to let out my fustration over my disappointment with some aspects of the story. So, without further ado, let's get into it...

I picked up the novel because it promised to be a "brainless", easy read to relax. On this front I think it delivered 100% while also being braincell-friendly and the leads' pure puppy love of innocently falling deeper and deeper into each other... more>> without realizing was cute to watch as well. However, it was this puppy love -- or rather its treatment -- that soured me on the book enough that I decided to drop just when the preparations for the third round of the competition started.


To give a bit of context, MC was once again lured away from choosing the ML as another mentor threw a brand new original play into the selection pool for the contestants to act out. I was excited about the idea of an "original" script until the content of it was revealed... then what I felt was disgust and disappointment. Before I explain why, let me say this is purely a personal bias on my part so you might feel or see the situation differently if you give this book a chance.

So why was I disgusted? Because to me the leads' budding puppy love was grossly taken advantage of and this is something I'm weirdly sensitive about. The leads, especially MC, were at the stage where they needed to be nudged a bit, but for this nudge to come in the form of a romantic story written exactly after the leads' real life progress? And from between the hands of a person friendly to them? I really don't have the words... MC needs to act out an android who'll slowly fall into homos*xual love with his male owner as he gets familiar with human emotions... I guess my biggest issue is the sleazy feeling this person gives out when taking special care in pointing out the homos*xual love part to MC when explaining the role and also the pleasure he gets out of one-upping the ML -- the fellow mentor has more of a teasing part, but it just made my skin crawl really.

My true limit to decide I didn't want anything more to do with this story though was the hidden gem fanservice of this original script, because apparently a homos*xual romance can't be happy without one of the parties (MC as an android) crossdressing. Besides this telling me the author's opinion of the topic as I truly dislike when bottoms are delegated the role of a "woman" in a relationship, I found it quite distasteful that a supposedly friendly acquintance would also go out of their way to make the crossdressing outfit for the big screen of their acquintance's love interest while aware, and not required by anything or anyone, as sexy as possible (red miniskirt with lots of skin showing) simply because they could and for the fanservice effect.


So as much as I wanted to see the confirmation of the relationship and how the puppies would be after pairing off, I had to pull the breaks. <<less
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May 24, 2024
Status: Completed
B-tier (3.2 star point)

I would love to give this a higher tier, but my conscience didn't let me. It's not that the story is bad, it's actually quite good. Xue Xiao, as our main character, is the typical "raise from the ashes" type of person, from the bottom he climbs up to the highest place in the entertainment industry. The male lead, Shen Tingyan, is the usual "cold, aloof, and only warm with you" type of character. He's also the best of the best in the entertainment industry, which... more>> is very convenient as the partner of our main character.

The plot of Studio Superstar itself is very simple. It's the cut throat entertainment, but instead of idols it's the unnamed or unpopular actors, including background actors like Xue Xiao. The concept was entertaining, but most of the executions fell short. It's clear that Xue Xiao is the most powerful, so his part is the most exaggerated. I had hope, that even though this is the "rise from ashes" type of story, that Xue Xiao wouldn't be too OP. But he did.

Though this in itself is not really that surprising. Most of the novel had OP main character, OP male lead, or both. It's the usual and standard novel plot, and that's why to me, I can't give it a higher rating.

Another reason why this novel is stuck in B-tier for me is due to the main character itself, Xue Xiao. In the beginning of the story, around 30-40 chapters in, it's explained that he was the little fan of Shen Tingyan. When he look at Shen Tingyan, he blushes. He prioritize his idol over everything else. He even dreamed about him, and draw the picture of Shen Tingyan in his notebook, unconsciously. And because the character is explained as "naive", Xue Xiao didn't understand that his feeling is love, not just simple adoration to an idol. Really? As someone who is old enough to understand that feeling, someone who loves to read books, someone who even writes his own novel (Yes, he's really that OP), and can understand the mindset of the characters he plays, he can't understand what he's feeling is love towards Shen Tingyan? He didn't realize this until later in the chapters, and by that point, I've given up on logical thinking for this character. Yes, his journey is good. Yes, his acting is good. But no, his naiveness is not very logical considering his state and his mindset. To me, this one flaw makes this story less believable for me to follow and that's why I can't give it a higher rating. <<less
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May 21, 2024
Status: Completed
Cute story but dragged a bit towards the end. MC, Xue Xiao, is a hard working acting geek. ML, Shen Tingyan, is indifferent and caustic at times. The intro describes the plot but isn't 100% correct. There aren't any unexpected twists since the plots center around the competition.


MC is a big fan of ML from the beginning. ML was the reason why MC decided to be an actor. From the beginning, ML noticed MC because MC was outed as ML's fan from the start of the competition.

The issue with MC being targeted was resolved quickly. MC's acting abilities improved and he had more opportunities to interact with ML. ML's romantic feelings develop first and then MC realizes his feelings for ML were not those of a fan for his idol.
In the end, MC wins the competition and signs on with ML's company. With the support of ML, MC later becomes an award-winning director.
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May 16, 2024
Status: Completed
It's okay. I'm giving the novel 3.5/5 rating.

The characters are okay but I think the way some characters are written are very one-dimensional, especially the forced antagonists near the end of the story.

The relationship between the Shen Tingyan and Xue Xiao is okay too, but not something that I will go crazy over it. I can't explain it but personally, it seems lacking.

Generally, the story is good but it's not something that I will re-read in the future.
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May 11, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm glad I don't see low rating review, because I think if it does exist, that would feel like a Troll.

I'm not saying everyone can't have their own opinion, but with how the author doesn't need to use Cliche or Classic plot (Faceslapping or Evil Villain) to make every chapter so intriguing and exciting, you're missing out!

Sure it has Minor Villain, but that was it. It has flawed characters in gray area, but it also has so many Lovable Enjoyable characters.

The author also so AMAZING at writing the story within... more>> the novel. All the story MC acting on, how I wish there's an actual short film about it so I could watch it for real. ALL those stories was SUPER Intriguing I don't dare to skip.

The character growth of our MC was so Splendid. But I also love how the author also wrote things about his Friends he made in the Competition. Their growth also worth noting and I can't help but proud of them as well.

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May 04, 2024
Status: Completed
Beautiful story!

The beginning was filled with the youthful vigour of chasing your dreams interspersed with comedy, bonding and deep reflection as MC and his friends grow to become a better version of themselves.

And the sweet fluff between MC and ML from the beginning to the end is pure cavity inducing.

... more>> But I think near the end, the story became a little flat? Like gradually there was less showing (a.k.a detailed descriptive narration) and more telling.

Especially once the author started focusing more on the romance between MC and ML, the other side characters have much lesser screentime and kinda fell to the side. Even the MC and ML's P.O.V description become less captivating (?) near the end but the fluff made up for it I suppose.

I kinda hoped the author could have inserted some details about the other extras (like Gu Ling, Dou Mingjian etc.) in the extras, to make them more 3D and real rather than simply there to be MC's comrade in arms and friends but as their own person.

To me, a really great story not only have a memorable MC, but also memorable and beloved extra characters.

That said, this story is still a good story with gentle and inspiring plotline. A nice binge read to relax since there aren't much conflicts and dark themes as MC have a pretty smooth path in his career (coz of ML's protection) aside from the initial run-in with Fan Xue and some encounters in his past that wasn't explained in vivid details, thus making this story a fluffy and comedic sort of feel good story.

So if you're in the mood for a nice and leisurely pick me up, this story is for you. But if you want action and conflicts (while there are some of that elements in some of the plays in this story, and some part of this story, it is very little) you probably shouldn't binge this story in one go. <<less
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Apr 28, 2024
Status: c92
10/10 Really solid novel, it doesn't lean so much into the romance but focuses more on the main characters acting progress. That being said the interactions between MC and ML is so cute and sweet <3. Also, I really liked the mini stories of the movies, it doesn't take away from the plot but also enhances it.
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Apr 21, 2024
Status: Completed
This is a really great novel. The MC is very cute with big bright eyes, has a strong personality and sticks to his beliefs. He’s incredibly hardworking and is like a warm sun that ppl can’t help but want to get close to. The ML is his idol and their interactions are really sweet. Their relationship is a slow romance and the story is mainly about how he becomes better and better during the acting competition. This author’s novels are very enjoyable.
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Apr 18, 2024
Status: Completed
It is safe to say this is one of my favorite novels I've ever read. It is feel feel-good, light-hearted, wonderful story about an adorable protagonist.

Loved the premise, loved the writing, loved the characters. It was all well executed.

The acting was portrayed beautifully, and each story was very compelling in its narration.

Very much recommended!
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