Stop Bothering Me, Emperor


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When Song Xiao was young, he wanted to become a Virtuous Official for a lifetime, but was forced to marry into the palace by that uncooperative Emperor; when his Virtuous Empress For A Lifetime career had just started, the Emperor died……

Opening his eyes again, he’d come to the twenty-first century. The once highly-talented and literary Scholar Lang also has to carry his book bag and face the college entrance examinations. Just that, this desk-mate looks a little familiar……

His Majesty the Emperor: Lend me your homework to copy

Song Xiao: ……

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Hoàng Thượng Đừng Nghịch
Huang Shang Bie Nao
ฝ่าบาท อย่ากวนสิ!
Related Series
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  5. Chrysanthemun (Reading Completed)

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105 Reviews sorted by

Aurinne rated it
March 6, 2024
Status: c123
This author has a way of writing warm and mostly light and pleasant stories with couples that have a heartwarming connection.

Which is why it became increasingly frustrating to me that in this story they ALSO persisted with a really unpleasant component of the ML being wilful and domineering and the MC not always liking it but thinking it was natural and acceptable because he's the emperor. As in, the tired old cliche of the ML not liking something so "punishing" the MC in bed all night. MC just accepts his... more>> punishment because he is in love and the other guy is (WAS) the emperor so he's justified in doing what he wants.

And I think this aspect of never moving beyond the relationships of the past is what dragged the story down for me. It is otherwise a fairly standard family power struggle dog blood reincarnation story that actually has a fair bit of charm.

However, none of the small group of characters who remember their past life are able move beyond their old identities (except his little brother a tiny bit). This is a story about an emperor, his consort and his retainers continuing these identities and relationships but in a modern setting. The retainers still kowtow and beg for punishment if they think they've displeased the ML, the ML still makes unreasonable demands of the MC (from doing his homework for him or assisting him in his work to bed-related things) and the MC accepts it. I just really don't enjoy that domineering attitude in an ML nor generally in a man of modern times. Others served him loyally in their past lives and, even if they are still attached to him and want to work for him again, they should no longer be treated as inferior humans, but equals who have made the decision to support the ML and MC, which should be valued and respected, not taken for granted.

I would have enjoyed instead seeing all the characters find new purposes in their modern lives, now they are no longer tied to ancient court life, even if they were still allies/supporters of the main couple, and main couple giving the same support in return.

What kept me going for a lot of the story was what WAS good about the ML. He does "grow" in terms of how he communicates, expresses his feelings and considers the MC, and we actually get lots of really cute or sweet moments. It's just that he never uses that growth to question whether he maybe shouldn't EVER boss his love around. He goes from a totally overbearing emperor to a... less overbearing oligarch. And I just found it increasingly hard to see that he never stopped that behaviour, no matter how well he treated the MC most of the time (and that the MC always allowed it).


As for the rest, you will get a lot of the standard plotlines, character types and attitudes that are really common for stories like these, so how much you can enjoy or tolerate scheming mistresses, power-grabbing uncles, everybody swooning over the looks and temperaments of the MC and ML etc. etc. will determine how critical you are of the story. I did like that the story wasn't as painfully repetitive in having totally s*upid relatives coming back again and again no matter how often they're slapped down. While one s*upid pair do persist, we also get some antagonists intelligent enough to have some business power and try to be clever (of course, not super clever, because we need the MC and ML to seem smarter, but not all the antagonists are blatantly inane). My bottom line tends to be the treatment and judgment of female villains - they are truly despicable in this story, but I still don't like seeing a man retaliate by slapping them, or the public suddenly condemn someone's whole character and label them a prostitute because it's discovered they've had multiple abortions. Meh.


Chinese webnovels of this style tend to like to make sweeping generalisations "all men like..." or "the women were only interested in..." or "the Japanese look down on...." etc. and in this story, it becomes more prominent once the main characters are in the US. I notice that a lot of American readers found this tendency for mindless generalisations particularly difficult to take, as well as the unnecessary mentions of people's ethnicity/appearance in negatively stereotyped roles (e.g. the more strong or thuggish characters tending to be specifically described as black). It's not confined to negatives, there are mentions of Americans being worse at certain things but other times being better than Chinese at things, or Chinese people being inferior in certain characteristics (or at least not perceived as impressive in certain aspects to outsiders). Novels like this are worse for this kind of thing, but it's pretty common in Asian stories generally for Westerners, and particularly Americans, to be characters that emphasise perceived differences from Asian characters often (more outgoing, perhaps more arrogant, more progressive etc.). These problematic attitudes definitely appear in reverse in Westerners' portrayals of Asians, but in a story like this it won't be subtle, and that definitely drags the quality of the story down. I tend to laugh at the misconceptions about Westerners generally, but this one might be a bit much if it's your own country that's being described in this story.


I'm honestly not sure how to judge this story... I think 3/5 is a reasonable reflection of how much there is about the writing style, the sense of connection between the main couple, the warm moments and overall ease of reading that kept me going. On the other hand, I definitely can't give it more than that, as the flaws that I found especially hard to deal with persisted throughout the story and soured my satisfaction of the ending. <<less
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Nonameschemer rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: --
people who are claiming people are sensitive about the fact the author is CLEARLY racist are rude. People tend to overlook that a lot of CN novels have colorist themes, but this author took it a step further by name dropping countries and insulting minorities. In the very minimum racism should be in the tags
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AImmortalZ rated it
March 23, 2022
Status: Completed
What made me have so much regret is that because of the reviews that said this novel was BAD because of racism, I didn't dare to read this novel until I chanced upon it in Novel Reader.

Why give this such a low rating? This novel deserves a big 5 star rating. The setting was kind of unique. While it was average at first, when you slowly read it, It became so good, especially the fluffy parts. Their interactions are what you call what can happen in real life. They are... more>> really suited to each other. Please? Give this novel a chance to be read. This is a hidden gem, and you can also read it at Novel Reader. <<less
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hatenotlove rated it
August 10, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel was such a let down. I was really excited when I read the summary because it seemed like an interesting premise, but the story was just too bad. The writing was really weird and it wasn't the translator's fault, it was boring and cliche. The ML was just plain toxic and their relationship was absolutely disgusting. ML treated MC horrible constantly ordering him around, like demanding to have s*x with him (which honestly most s*x scenes can be considered dub-con at best), and being way too possessive over... more>> him. I don't mind some jealousy, but this was just one another level where it just made their relationship toxic. Just the romance was bad, not to mention the author's constant misogyny and racism throughout the whole novel. <<less
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Sophiethebunny rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: Completed
It was quite good until chapter 70s when the plot slows down and gets boring. Author doesn’t seem to have much knowledge the US. She would say incorrect things like “US has no IDs” or American police releasing a foreign person found with large amounts of drugs on bonds (its a felony and in real life, your visa gets revoked) or writing like Cambridge (the town Harvard is in), New York and los Angeles are like in each other’s backyard. Social interactions with Americans are all cringy as well. These... more>> are just a few. If you look past these discrepancies, it’s a fun read. <<less
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secondthots rated it
March 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Because I read I Have Amnesia, I made it my mission to read this next. Two reasons: Yu Tang (ML) is a hilarious big child-tyrant & I am a sucker for the reincarnation trope.

The premise is that an emperor & his male empress reincarnates 1000 years into the future as fellow classmates. The idea isn’t quite original, but I dig the fact that they had their memories from the past. It’s a lot of fixing up former mistakes, clearing any misunderstandings that may have transpired, & mainly a bunch of... more>> fluff. Minimal angst in this one. A bit dog-bloodish since ML’s family is a crack case & there’s just too much aristocratic drama. Plus, there was a bit of smut too like whaaat- I Have Amnesia was left out smh. I lean towards the latter when it comes to plot & just because I like ML’s (Amnesia) character growth instead. I feel that the hardest thing about an already established couple is to grasp the connection between the two, but I felt like MC & ML did fine here. I didn’t nitpick the novel that much to be fair. It’s just a lighthearted, entertainment novel that stars two lovers transcending the borders of time. I guess I’m just a loser for devoted CPs. <<less
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einxxx rated it
December 4, 2020
Status: c123
It’s very interesting. Sure they may be some odd things here and there especially when they were overseas, but don’t focus on the names of the place or races mentioned or stereotypes. Just remind yourself this is fiction/fantasy. Then you’ll be able to enjoy the story more.
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Evesneon rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: Completed
A never ending story of the two lovebirds. Really love their interaction, hahaha!

Having been stuck with another novel that doesn't know how to progress the story through the years (ie being so so draggy), I find this pace very well done. We see the emperor and empress grow together from high school and university, growing to succeed their families. Me like this very very much!

Look at how the emperor finds ways to disturb the empress by following a (very cliche) guide tips to entrap a heroine by the "villainous" hero.

I... more>> never felt bored at all while reading this.

High 4 stars!


Re-reading once more and it truly never disappoints! I love the translations and also the Little Theatre at the bottom. ❤️❤️❤️ <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: --
The summary and title do not match the story at all. I thought it would be a story where MC and ML would grow as characters, where ML has actually something to make up for, where the MC got a chance to be bold and free in a way where he couldn't be in his past life.

Instead MC and ML already love each other, MC still acts like a servant to ML and sees nothing wrong with that EVEN THOUGH he's been reincarnated and has memories and experience of his... more>> modern life. He's still shy and kow-towing (literally) to ML and it was fine in the beginning because of the 'awakening' but seriously cut it out!

MC is not ML's servant nor his husband and this was such a good possible story of renewing yourself and your life in a way you couldn't because you were the Emporer and consort and had to be loyal to your duty. Instead while reading I just wondered what the issue even was. They already love each other. There are no particular issues (except ML being an ass sometimes like these novels often have), people are randomly re-incarnating and meek mild MC has no ability to ever refuse the ML because he was the 'emperor'.

Maybe it got better after 60 chapters but I just couldn't. Feels a bit like wasted potential but if you go in with zero ideas than who knows? It might be better but when they switched countries I had to drop it. We don't have emperors any more for good reason, past life or not. <<less
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Saphie rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Absolutely love it! The concept of reincarnation here is very good, albeit absurd. The love netween the two of them are overbearing but cute and sweet. The thought of them two depending on each other and slowly getting tl know the remaining loyal followers of them excites me. This kind of plot, rebirth and recognizing the people in their past life is one of my favorites.

MC is mature and handsome, considerate for His Majesty, but because he is too considerate towards His Majesty, he dare not do anything suh as... more>> touching his head because its 'disrespectful'. One thing I don't like and at the same time like is them retaining their Great Yu manners. I had wanted to see a free and unrestrained MC, and thought that I really would see it but... Also, MC kept on calling ML 'Your Majesty, ' I at least hoped for a pet name but it was only mentioned by MC once and even apologized for it.

ML is black-bellied, typical (CEO) Emperor that does thing as he pleases. He's very sweet, loves and will do anything for MC. However, he is overbearing, will do things without asking for MC's opinions first.

there's also this scene where I dont particularly like ebcause dubcon. ML basically forced himself on MC because he went out w a girl despite knowing the girl held evil intentions. Sike, but still, not enough reason to force him into s*x. He also broke MC's xiao, which he bestowed himself. Didn't apologize and don't know how to apologize. I had wanted to see a character development where he can at least apologize for once, but, , , sigh.


It is also more focused on their love story and barely has any side problems where they act alone. Usually, they get in trouble in pair. So the scenes where one is alone are very few.

It is a bit sad that author did not disclose the relationship between SZC and his partner. It seems that it faded into the background.

IHADBN has a more elaborate story of the part for the casting, which I liked very much. There's also more ML and Yu Lin scenes.

Compared to its sequel, I like IHABDN more because the characters really talked with each other. There's also a few stories about the couple here there, so.

4.8/5! //because too overbearing of an ML// <<less
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KongKwong rated it
March 4, 2019
Status: Completed
I don't mean to offend anyone and the translator had clearly stated their position in the prologue chapter, nevertheless I'd like to see this novel re-translated one day. It's already enjoyable as it is now which makes me anticipate how brilliant it could be with a more thorough translation.
I loved tracking small changes in both MC and ML's characters when they explored and integrated in the new world. Side characters were also quite well-written, although I'm still struggling with accepting that almost every female character (except for mother and sister of ML) were heartless b***hes. Even the ones who had yet to graduate from middle school!
The ending is so heartwarming that it almost brought me into tears (and I was still at my work place pretending to be all busy and serious). It deserves all 5 stars and I'd rather people did not reduce their rating based on the quality of translation.
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max2payne0 rated it
October 1, 2018
Status: Completed
The whole story is amazing. I first found it months ago, and when I got back and found there hadn't been any new releases in months, I cracked and read the MTL. A lot got lost in translation, but I love the relationship between the Emperor and his Empress. The author also references one of their other books in this one about a palace full of cats, and I loved it, too.
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May 19, 2023
Status: Completed
I loved it!!! I have no idea why people give it a low rating... personally I liked the plot and the concept of reincarnation.... our MC and ML and the side characters are awesome... this story is a lighthearted and fluffy read without too much drama which I what I exactly love... its pacing is good and the I loved the entire storyline... wonderful translation from Baobaomei from Chrysanthemum Garden... thanking the author and the translator for bringing us this piece of gem...💎🙏
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jinkies rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Top review sounds like someone who wanted to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain instead of actually focusing on the content of the story. Other reviews talking about research but... Considering how often I managed to drink underage in America, not even talking about my friends' experience as one of those crazy rich asians... On top of the very unrealistic portray of Chinese history and culture or even modern day society (come on, three kids? the policy was only relaxed *this year* and this takes place in early 2000s) but you want to complain about... more>> AMERICA? lol.

Anyways, personally, I've always loved reincarnation as a trope— but the novels on here mainly deal with it in a manner that doesn't really gel with me. This one though, hits every sweet spot and is my perfect cup of tea.

Also the translations at CG are so good, I've read the novel years ago in Chinese and I remember while reading it, I would personally scratch my head to try and figure out how certain lines could be interpreted in English. The translator baobaomei and editor Jules really deserves a shoutout for their efforts in this. <<less
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nightmare that sacrifices sleep rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: Completed
It was good, a great experience for me. One of the novels that fed me dog food nonstop. I didn't expect that I would cry when the novel reached the end. It was amazing. Will 10/10 read it again.

My tip for you, future reader, is to read the novel and ignore the reviews. Everyone has their own preferences. It's up to you to decide whether you like it or not.
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PyonYan rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Super fluffy and sweet!! Ancient lovers who transmigrated/reborn to modern times to continue their love~ also they finally learn to communicate lmao

For those worried about the racism, there's not too much of it, really. Maybe it's thanks to the translator but I nvr felt any obvious or strong racism. If anything it was more just having stereotypes at times. Also the timline starts around 2006 I think so there's that difference of mindset then and now too.

About the US arc, the villains/mean ppl were all the elite who wanted to... more>> topple (or get) the ML? (Which is the same as before and after in China) And not Americans as a whole. In fact MC is in a club where all the members are incredibly friendly and helpful.

Do agree on the author not doing any research on geographical locations/landscape tho, which she rly shld have but eh. Also while I really like the references to her other work, it feels really odd to have a self-insert just suddenly appear. Luckily it was just for a single scene.

And about how the 2 main stepmother/stepmother-wanna-be villains, they were indeed written to be very extreme. Especially the one who had multiple abortions done. But its more of a commentary of just how vicious and money/fame hungry some people are and to what level these people would stoop to if anything. Not women or even female entertainers as a whole. I mean heck right in the same entertainment company there's a leading actress that's incredibly nice and honestly hardworking! <<less
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Huimang.2002 rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Read it! Don’t even doubt reading it. There might be more than 100 chapter but believe me you won’t feel it at all. It is amazing! Truly amazing! Loved it so much! Everything is perfect about it. Your life will be wasted if you won’t give this novel a chance I guarantee you.
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LustHan rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: --
it's impressive how this novel was able to downgrade to this degree, it had such a strong premise and beginning (at least compared to afterwards), what the hell happened? Lots of bullshit, it was fun to read how these ancient people adjust but then it turned into petty face-slapping and fights, can't take the characters seriously. It's like a usual modern cringe novel but with even more OP characters.
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bunnydesuuu rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: Completed
Fluffy and cute couple, with a protective gong. Really love how MC ("Empress" Song Xiao) is independent and capable in his own right but still defers to ML not because he has to but because he wants to. I don't agree with other reviews that he just blindly follows ML because he still makes his own decisions throughout the novel and also supports ML.

... more>>

However, from the start, they already love each other (since this is a reincarnation story after all) so the main development in this story is more on building their understanding of each other. I love that, but if you're looking for ML pursuing MC then that doesn't happen much here. (ML tries, but well... MC already loves him).

A really warm and funny story that's not overly dramatic, not very angsty but made me cry from how touching it is. Vaguely related to "I Have Amnesia, Don't Be Noisy!" but IMO, this is much better.

Side characters are interesting too although not as important. End-of-chapter shorts "theatre" is also very funny. Will reread again! <<less
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August 20, 2020
Status: --
Dropped. A shame, a shame. The comments reaaally turned me off. As Filipino myself, eek, I'm NOT gonna even comment about the stereotype. I'm around Chapter 15 and so far I don't really have any attachment to it in any other way other than curiosity, so I can just easily drop it without batting an eye.

(sigh) Oh well, onto greener pastures.
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