Stellar Transformation


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In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate ability to practice internal techniques. So, in order to gain the respect of his father, he resolutely chooses to follow the more difficult and painful path of practicing external techniques. As the years go by, he grows up, but what really changes his life is a mysterious meteoric crystal stone – the Meteoric Tear. This stone fuses with the young man’s body unnoticed, and he seems to undergo drastic transformations as a result. After that, everything is changed. Eventually his father knows that the son for whom he hasn’t really shown a lot of consideration possesses astonishing abilities. And there’s a lot more to come.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tinh thần biến
Xing Chen Bian
Related Series
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Latest Release

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08/21/15 Translation Nations v12c23
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07/11/15 Translation Nations v12c11-18
06/12/15 Thunder Translation v12c1-10
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108 Reviews sorted by

kriztg rated it
April 30, 2016
Status: --
One of the most enjoyable journals I’ve read. I would recommend this story to all those who have the time to binge read chapters.


Qin Yu is a character who actually grows. His motivations move from proving himself to his father to carrying on the legacy of his master who failed to reach the pinnacle to proving himself worthy of the one he loves. I really did enjoy reading about his growth from a child with an inferiority complex to becoming a pillar which everyone looked up to.


Kinda sad that it's ending but this is a novel where the growth of the character is visible. If you enjoy stories where the character grows as a person as they grow stronger then you'll enjoy this story. Of course it's not a perfect story (I doubt such a thing exists), but it's a good read with a unique Cultivation method that's really interesting to read as he goes up in level.
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Maleandar rated it
April 18, 2016
Status: --
Read the first 4 books and was bored to tears. Then started reading book 5 and it went downhill badly

... more>>

MC has no hardships, he is a prince. No one dislikes him, he is loved by all and ignored by he enemy, till he does something amazing, then it is too late for the enemy (book 1-4).

MC at 8 years old has the mentality of a master, basically he is Einstein only he is 8 years old. He is Rocky Balboa but he is 8 years old. HE can run the Boston marathon 10 times (all in half a day mind you) but he is 8 years old. And it progresses from there.

MC has the luck of the Irish, everything falls into his lap, he needs not do anything.... He has a photographic memory. He understands and learns things that others have spent thousands of years trying to solve.

I do not dislike the story, but I dislike how everything is so convenient for the MC. You feel no sense of danger for him and you also never feel connected to the side characters, like his dad and brothers. If they die you simply do not care. Somehow the story drags on at times and you begin to skim over paragraphs to get to the meat of the story.

Book 5 was painful to read. It went beyond absurd and s*upid. It takes place in the ocean for the most part (up till chapter 15).

As of right now following 31 titles waiting for new chapters, including MGA (727 chapters read) and others, tho MGA also is not that great but you at least feel connected to the side characters and if something were to happen to them you would feel a sense of loss and anger. In ST you feel no loss or anger if any of the side characters were to die.

Will continue reading waiting for new chapters of others Novels to be released. Right now 2/5. Read only if bored and nothing else on your list.

EDIT 4/29 Finished book 17, got better, much better, however romance does not really kick in till book 15. Female is more a side character till then. will bump it to 3/5 since book 18 is final, not much more development left.


Edit 5/19 IF only the entire series could have been like Vol 17 and 18 sigh, would have been deserving of a 5. The romance aspect kicked in full swing and did not disappoint. The fights were decent and the MC used his time well. <<less
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dionkyo rated it
April 17, 2016
Status: v17c10
Most people that read too many xianxia novels might find this repetitive in the start off weak and growing stronger part. However, it's plot is solid with a good background to all the characters, and everything seems well thought out, even to the point of connecting all the events together, you just have to read further to make sense of it. Qin Yu has a goal, is extremely loyal to his love interest, good to his friends, caring to his family, heartless to enemies and everyone acts logical (they are... more>> driven by greed, the desire to protect what they value, or fear). A must read if you have the time and enjoy such series.

I strongly suggest people who pay attention to reviews, take into the account how far they read into the novel before making their reviews as many are too quick to judge. <<less
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jm rated it
February 14, 2016
Status: --
The MC’s reason for getting stronger is for his father’s attention, which I find no depth at all. I read Coiling Dragon first, which is why I think its really repetitive (grandpa, father, mother, his life, his plot armor, revenge, his reason for power-up, etc.). Too many info dumps that took a lot of chapters about his training/power-up which it doesn’t affect the story at all (he can just time skip). Anyway it’s only my opinion for the story. You can try reading it. People have different interests.
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January 21, 2016
Status: --
I actually hated this novel because the first few books are too slow. The MC wasn't really getting any stronger. It seemed to go on forever in a bad way. Fortunately, I endured and the pace picked up. The MC is at least making progress. I've only read up to book 7 so I'm probably not the best judge. I think Coiling Dragon was not boring at this point, though. In conclusion, so far, CD is better than ST.
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BusyBee rated it
October 28, 2015
Status: --
The story starts out very nicely, drags out a bit, but picks up again relatively fast. Definitely recommended, but you might feel like skimming for like....30-ish chapters somewhere in the middle where basically drama ensues but not the actiony drama you would expect.
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Ardavix rated it
October 15, 2015
Status: --
As a Xianxia novel, it’s solid ~ you really will enjoy it; however, be warned! Put your scientific sense to the side while reading this! For example, (minor spoiler alert) the planets are much much larger in circumference than the distance between the sun and pluto... it’s slightly smaller the size of our entire solar system (including the kuiper belt) !

Indeed, It was referenced in book 6 or 7 by Uncle Lan when he said that the Chaotic Astral Ocean is probably over several tens of billion li (1... more>> li is 0.5km) in length. Also, Master Lei Wei says that the planet is at least 10, 000 times the size of earth however the sun is almost 1.5 million times the size of the earth which is still no where near the distance/size of Pluto to the sun... (39.5 au... 1 au is the distance between the earth and the sun which is about 150 million km... compared to the tens of billions of li sized ocean). For some reason, I can’t get over this... idk... aside from that, great Xianxia novel ~ I recommend it.

Again however, as far as exaggerations go, in Xianxia novels they are really common; however, to reference the Chinese idiom I hear often, if Stellar Transformations claims to be second no one would ever dare claim to be first. Accordingly, before reading this, make sure that you quiet and/or (better still) silence your logos; indeed, simply nod your unbelieving head so that you can accept preposterously impossible 'facts' time and time and time and time and time again. <<less
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worldtripper rated it
September 25, 2015
Status: --
I also really liked this story, marathoned all available chapters then had to find some spoilers to see how the rest of the story went because the translations stopped.

MC initially starts off weak but through hard work and amazing luck/destiny becomes OP pretty quickly, the power levels soon get ridiculous and what you once thought was powerful is now like nothing compared. Has a nice romance that starts developing later on in the story.
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