Stellar Transformation


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In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate ability to practice internal techniques. So, in order to gain the respect of his father, he resolutely chooses to follow the more difficult and painful path of practicing external techniques. As the years go by, he grows up, but what really changes his life is a mysterious meteoric crystal stone – the Meteoric Tear. This stone fuses with the young man’s body unnoticed, and he seems to undergo drastic transformations as a result. After that, everything is changed. Eventually his father knows that the son for whom he hasn’t really shown a lot of consideration possesses astonishing abilities. And there’s a lot more to come.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tinh thần biến
Xing Chen Bian
Related Series
Coiling Dragon (Prequel)
Coiling Dragon (14)
The Desolate Era (7)
Against the Gods (6)
Shen Yin Wang Zuo (3)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (2)
Tales of Demons and Gods (2)
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/21/15 Translation Nations v12c23
08/18/15 Translation Nations v12c22
08/16/15 Translation Nations v12c21
08/14/15 Translation Nations v12c20
08/12/15 Translation Nations v12c19
07/11/15 Translation Nations v12c11-18
06/12/15 Thunder Translation v12c1-10
05/13/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c55
05/05/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c54
05/02/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c53
04/25/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c52
04/25/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c51
04/22/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c50
04/17/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c49
04/14/15 Nightbreeze Translations v11c48
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108 Reviews sorted by

Night Song
Night Song rated it
October 24, 2016
Status: --
The first few volumes of the story were great and the world building was terrific. Unfortunately as the story progressed the author decided that descriptions were of no use and opted to rush through the settings/locations. The Power levels were quite confusing, especially as the story went further on. The fight scenes were adequate at best and kind of dragged on if I'm honest. The characters were quite bland and the romantic side of the story failed to evoke any form of emotion from me. But despite all the unresolved... more>> plot points, forgotten characters and incomprehensible number scales... it's an alright read. <<less
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Sae rated it
October 19, 2016
Status: Completed
This novel is not bad, but is not good either. Like every IET novel ever, the first part would be brilliant, MC being an adorable kid with a good cultivation technique. It's very good, it gives you pleasant feelings.

And then there's the downfall (you'll know when you get there because it's the same unique downfall mark for many IET novels). The techniques will be less interesting and more vague, the plot recycles itself and its other IET novel peers (assuming ST wasn't the first novel IET wrote). The characters... more>> turn bland. To say bland is a little unfair because that's just their characters yeah but if this is not the first IET novel you've read then you know what I mean...

And then there is the ending. It may feel brief if this is your first time, but you'll get used to it if you reach out for other IET novels and read to the end.

Don't expect too much from the romance, and I hate to repeat this but if you know IET then you know to not expect proper romance...

One thing that irritates me is how he makes his gf the motivation for training (she doesn't do much in the whole novel, like many other IET female companions). It's good to have a goal, and he still feels joy in training, but the romance is already not that good. To make it the actual goal to develop the cultivation+adventure (which should be the selling point), pulls down the whole thing.

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Ashura22 rated it
September 4, 2016
Status: v18c45
Stellar transformation is nothing special.

Characters appear dull or like the main character have no personality at all. Qin Yu seems like he's made out of Annoying politeness. It seems they cant even talk normal in this novel. Besides he has the greatest plot armour ever made besides his predecessor Linley. This novel is like taking coiling dragon and take the bad chapters all away. Stellar Transformation is just below average.
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Dinosquash1 rated it
June 8, 2016
Status: v18c45 part3
Ok, I gotta say, when I first started reading ST, I didn't really like it much. But as most things written by IET, that notion got thrown out the window pretty fast.

As the sequel of Coiling Dragon (if you dont know what CD is, search it up, Its a MUST READ), ST brings a new setting with new rules. It starts off with Qin Yu, a little tyke who couldn't train (cultivate, practice, etc) like the normal folk so he goes and does something else entirely -... more>> become a bad ass. With a heart of determination and courage, he walks the path of becoming truly strong, and on said path he gains a lifelong brother, Hei Yu, and later on he meets another life-long brother, Hou Fei. Now everything should be as normal right? He trains, get stronger, meets bad guys, beats bad guys, etc... but NOPE.

At one point in the story he meets his love of his life (dont forget these dudes live a very long time) and then he


finds true love, they bond, he finds out her family is too OP for lil old mortal him, so she has to go, and he's left all alone


Finds his new goal in life, to become stronger and to reunite with his little lover (buts thats some minor stuff). So throughout his life Qin Yu's goes through a lot of stuff, from creating black holes to training on darkstars to becoming an uncle, his life is full of ups and downs, but its truly interesting throughout.

Now this story, its really is and was (its currently completed) an awesome read, having its fair shares of laughs and tears, it is definitely a Must Read.

I give this novel a 5/5 for its non linear story and it being a pleasure throughout its' entire translation period.
Other recommended reads:
Coiling Dragon (prequel, MUST READ)
Against the Gods
Martial God Asura
Peerless Martial God
The Great Ruler <<less
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WildMagnolia rated it
October 5, 2015
Status: --
The only thing that was bad with reading this was the waiting for a new chapter. But it can also be a good thing, since one don't have time to binge-read sometimes.
The main character Qin-Yu is very likable and I feel the need to cheer him on so that he can reach the top someday.
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poetic_vibrations rated it
November 5, 2023
Status: b4c10
I made an account just to let y'all know how bad this is.

The translation is absolutely terrible. Just about every sentence is written/phrased incorrectly. The translator love to use sentences like this, "Qin Yu’s eyes glitter. He says smilingly: 'blah blah blah'". Like who in the world says "smilingly"? That's like this dude's favorites word!

The villains are just dumb. At one point the translator says, "He walks over evilly" or something along those lines. Like rather than giving realistic character exposition, they're just described as doing something "evilly".

For some... more>> reason the author thinks wars are just a game of who has the most people. I've never seen warfare written so terribly in a novel. The majority of it is like " 'Our enemy has 400, 000 and we have 500, 000! We will win this with face!' He says evilly."

This book makes me feel like I'm losing brain cells as I read it. I have no idea why it's listed in so many 'must read' lists. It's God awful and I don't even think a better translation could salvage it. <<less
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iToon rated it
August 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Read this in 2016. I was here because I read another novel from the same author.

The author was ingenious in creating these 2 novels, CD and ST, because the ending of both made me feel that Hong, who called himself Worlds creator was the author himself. He created these fantasy worlds then sit back and observed with interest for countless eons to see who were capable enough to fulfil the requirement of their specific world and transcend to Godhood. In ST, the MC was a genius to split world and... more>> created his own domain long before he even reached the peak of his martial art.

In this novel, The MC, Qin Yu was said to be incapable to practice internal arts due to his weak diantian but later encountered an unknown object which he called meteoric tear that changed his life forever. Hei You was his bird companion that fought countless life and death battles to the higher world, where the MC transcended to godhood and Hei You awakened his ancestor bloodline.

A worth reading novel about friendship, hard work, and devoted love. <<less
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November 14, 2021
Status: v4c1
This novel is a bunch of mess. Just a mass of what author thinks that is cool mix together and throw logic and normal human emotion away. Characters in this novel are programmed to feel what need to feel for the plot. E.g:

... more>>

MC revealed he is xiantian, MC's father still refused his help for absolutely no reason. Maybe because fear that enemies were too strong, but bruh he didn't say sh*t and just sat still looking at MC broke down cried and flied away. MC's father felt he owned MC so much but dude he didn't do sh*t to mend in half a year. All this needless drama for MC's father feeling lost when MC "died'' and swore revenge, although he already did in the past.


MC is emotionally ret*rded with daddy issue. Dude read polictical books and scream: " No this is too cruel I can't do it" yet kill 100 people just with a brainwash sentence from his friend: "Kill a evildoer save 100 people". Dude got treasures and plot amour blatantly flied into his lap making him an immortal. Why the hell he cultivated anyway if he already immortal? Oh I know as IT IS BECAUSE OF DADDY ISSUE, no cap. Author make him mature for his age, but always pull a "but he was still a kid in his heart" card when he thinks or did something s*upid, for the "dramatic" plot... <<less
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Jeto rated it
October 12, 2018
Status: Completed
A truly magnificent book;

The book was quite long but that just made me even happier. More pages/chapters is better!

Now if you like cultivation, and multiple realms. I implore you to try this book out.

... more>> A "few" reason why I found this book to be awesome;

  1. The romance felt perfect for this type of novel. The MC and his love interest simply clicked, but didn't click right away. I personally love slow/evolving romance in my books.
  2. The mc's relationship with friends/family was perfect. Due to all the characters being well placed and their personalities working well together. You can clearly see why they like each other and why they deserve to be part of this circle of friends. I personally thought that 9/10 of every characters introduced in this book were well placed and well created.
  3. I found the story to be super unique. I read this book before reading Coiling Dragon, unintentionally of course. (This does not ruin either of the books by the way.)
  4. The plot in this book was strong and well maintained. I didn't feel like it was ever deviating off of it's intended path. Even when there were side stories, they still felt like they were part of the main plot.
There was 1 thing about this series that I didn't like. However I did find it acceptable to a degree and you'll see my reason here;

A couple/few times throughout the book I felt like certain plots would repeat themselves. Now I guess it's not really something to be too mad about due to the fact that the book was so long. I mean how do you avoid a couple plots/side plots from repeating each other? The only reason I found them acceptable was because they weren't so much alike that it felt like a copy/paste. <<less
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doomageton rated it
October 7, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel starts off pretty slowly, and I won't lie that it took lots of effort for me to actually read it at first. I was really disappointed in the beginning because I was expecting it to be as good as coiling dragon and desolate era. Later I found out that even though this is the sequel to coiling dragon, it was actually written before it, hence the lack of flow in the beginning part of this novel. But because of this you get to actually experience how much the... more>> author "I eat tomatoes" improves throughout the completion of this work, and in my opinion why he's so good at writing desolate era and coiling dragon.

I really recommend everyone to pull through the first 200 chapters, and I guarantee that you'll be in love with this series by the time you reach the first half. Stellar transformations became one of my favorite novels because of the second half of the novel, and it's originality is something I love about it (remember he wrote this before CD and DE). <<less
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Bassel rated it
May 19, 2018
Status: v15c38
I suffer when reading a story where the MC is a moron. And this MC is just that. A moron.

I'm not gonna drop it because I like IET's storytelling as always. But it's as expected, this is one of IET's worst.

Update: He gets dumber by the volume. Wow. Hey, I have a treasure that everybody wants, let me not assume that I'm being monitored by the greedy people who know I have it. Hey, I have a perfect disguise technique, but let me not use it although I know I'm... more>> probably being pursued. Hey, I just killed your loved one, let me proceed to kill everyone else on the field and let YOU escape so that you can come back and bite me in the ass later.

Damn. I want to drop this to 2 stars. TRULY INFURIATING.

Update 2: I guess IET was still learning because the writing was quite s*upid. But don't make the MC jump through hoops and sh*t so that he can avoid people finding trouble with him and then, for some ridiculous reason, those people's attention goes to him anyway. I mean. What's the point?

Update 3: MORON! MORON! MORON! <<less
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Zeusomega rated it
April 20, 2018
Status: Completed
The story had a very good potential, but the excess timeskips makes it very disappointing. I am saying this after reaching book 12 plzz remove the clever protagonist tag. This MC is in no way clever. Every time the reason and danger is just there and he never anticipates any thing, every f**king time he is lucky to escape. All the whole if you like stories where everything happens for MC's good and lacks logic in every sense then you will love it

Edit: it's my mistake, I should... more>> have added after finishing it. Sigh, after all this time now that I reminisce, it's a good read and a memorable one to starters of CN. His cultivation technique is unique and the ending isn't rushed or broken in holes.

There are flaws, but common ones found in CN, this is one of the starting CN novels to get translated so it's a worth a try. <<less
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sivasms rated it
March 22, 2018
Status: Completed
I was kinda skeptical about it first because of its no of chap (which was very less 680) then I realized each chapter is bigger so there goes off my first concern then the story it is one of the best things I have read in this genre I like this one better than Lord xue ying yeah it does have some boring part but man this is the one cliché free novel I have read, good romance, nice MC, hell even nice villans and for the first time I... more>> have read a novel without a rapist, people fight for power not women in this one

when someone way powerful is helping you or you get a cheat it is easier for you to live and life is like that it's not always filled with cliché like most of the novel where his friends are powerful and didn't help him to grow on his own and so on crap this is one hell of a novel

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cognauticcreix rated it
December 1, 2016
Status: --
A mild improvement over Coiling Dragon. The initial setting is imaginative and enjoyable, abandoning the European themes present in CD for an oriental atmosphere. The origin story of Qin Yu feels like a historical myth, and it's satsifying to watch his relationship with his family and the results of their imperial ambitions. However, as with the case for many xianxia, excess of deus ex machina slowly weights down enjoyment of the story, and


IET's conception of a satisfying universe for some reason necessitates planetary and galactic scale. An adventurous tale in an Eastern Kingdom with history and living legends is quickly up-scaled into a trek through a region of space. In theory, growth of scale is satisfying and the driving force behind xianxia, but the initial mythology and atmosphere is totally cast aside, and the setting and story slowly becomes mind-numbing after the initial introduction of the space prince from Earth.

These kind of scales are also rendered into a crutch rather than a stimulant when they start holding back the story, or are also traversed entirely. Millionary frames of time are ignored through the acceleration of time, and the psychology of these long periods of time are treated as if they have no affect on mindset whatsoever. It is truly boggling that an 80 year old person from a mundane setting can be wiser, more intelligent and restrained than the deities in the final, supernal realm.

Still, there are good points to Stellar Transformations. The main character can be both passionate and dark, and his attachments to his family makes him a relatable character. Hei-Yu is a virtually an irrelevant side character, but

Hou Fei is entertaining and drives plot points throughout the series.

The series manages to preserve overriding themes and intentions, and there is a sense of change and progression in key points, as well as surprising and entertaining plot turns. Most arcs are satisfying, although the middle section of the novel is forgettable. Unfortunately,

if you've read Coiling Dragon, the ending is predictable as it is unsatisfying. The characters of Qin Yu's children are so underdeveloped it is impossible to care about them and the struggle for apotheosis is mostly disappointing. It is frankly impossible to give a rat's ass about the state of IET's universe.


Despite it's flaws, I would still recomment Stellar Transformation for its journey, but if you've read IET before, don't expect genre-defying quality.
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January 28, 2016
Status: --
Hi. Welcome back to Random-Sama's shitty reviews.

Overall the story is good for binge reading

The story is good but the sheer amount of chapters have often prevented me from reading all of it in one go.

You can probably read just the chapter titles to understand the whole novel.
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WallEyeKnee rated it
January 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I like the MC and I like the FML, I basically like alot of characters and have doesn't really hate anybody which rarely happens.

This novel is bros before hoes so I like it even more. Although the Bros were demon beasts.

The cosmos, spaces, planets things in there was really good, I like they use it even in cultivation for MC, also nice refs to technology and even Dinosaur planets.

The progression of the plot was really smooth, I was able to understand everything and enjoy reading them. The battles was okay,... more>> there was tension but MC was op I can take it.

The plot was a journey or growth and endurance, when MC set his mind on something he does it. Surely he had alot of help on the way but he used them really well.

The love between them was good, it's doesn't need to be always touchy touchy, just set it as a goal for MC. Let him grow with out her by his side like Romeo and Juliet of the sorts

Though 2 points I am unsatisfied with MC!


Why did he openly tell strangers he barely know that where he used to live in the first place, time and time again he put his relatives in danger, I have to worry every time they were about to be used as blackmail.

Point 2 he always misses the last knife! Leaving a enemies fodder and let them cause problem at the end. It could've end up disrateous but luck was on his side.


I like this novel, it's really refreshing and it I can understand alot of terms and though processes. Characters are all really likeable and I don't find it boring! There's always something happening, progress with the plot or training. I like the year skip training which not out of no where but makes alot of sense. The leveling up are also proportional and not over the top like alot of other novels skipping a whole grade out of no where! Really refreshing. <<less
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Kelroar rated it
June 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Interesting world construction, the cultivation method was not so good for my taste. The story and the main character were average, the secondary characters could have been developed better, most of the novel the MC was persecuted and that bored me a bit, I would give it a 3.5 but since there is no I give it 4.
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phreakinsane rated it
March 26, 2020
Status: v4c27
After finishing the fourth book, I can safely say this is one of the most wholesome cultivation novels I've read.

There are only a few "darker" parts but they don't go into excessive detail.

... more>>

A little girl gets her arm chopped off,

Also a mother is killed and the crime is covered up, the mu*der doesn't make any sense unless there was more to it than that, but the author never implies that there was any other crime committed or attempted but mu*der.


There is no r*pe/NTR/infidelity to ruin this novel. It's completely wholesome, (I don't read most popular cultivation novels due to them having that type of content. So trust me, This one is completely safe.)

The MC has good morals, and is filial. But he is also ruthless to his enemies (he kills them, a lot of them.)

The romance at the end of the fourth book is non existent.


I know much later on there will be some romance and I'm looking forward to it, but the MC is currently just a cultivation junkie.


There is really good character development here (atleast with the MC.)

The MC has an unusual cultivation method but it's not too bizarre or unbelievable.

The translation is also very good and is complete. You can even get all 18 volumes in a single epub which I prefer. Message me if you can't find it and I'll send you a copy. All in all I highly recommend reading this as long as you don't mind scifi mixed into your cultivation stories. <<less
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LoneSpartan rated it
January 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Its a good novel, for the most part. While I was reading it I greatly enjoyed it. Unfortunately the more I think back on it, the more problems with it I have.

The main one: Suspense. There is none after a certain point. About two thirds of the way through, the MC gains a cheat in the form of his Stellar Transformation stage that basically makes him unkillable. From then on, I never even slightly feared the lives of him or his friends. At around the same point, possibly a bit earlier, the path of his cultivation also made it so that he doesn't actually have to cultivate. It cultivates itself for him basically.
The next big problem, is that the big ending battle, while a big ending battle, means very little to the MC. He doesn't actually try and fight in it. Nor does he have an extremely hard showdown with a big bad. He watches other people fight over something he doesn't want nor need, then occasionally appears to help his friends get them.
A general problem was that so many plot threads just vanish. Loose ends abound that I didn't really think of at the time, but now looking back I go "huh, what happened with that?"
For instance his bird friend who understood the temporal laws and became a godking. There was a point where they made a big deal of saying how he wouldn't fight as his ability would attract undue attention. So he didn't fight... for basically the rest of the novel. Even after he becomes a Godking we don't see him do anything.

Basically, after the point in the Demon, Devil, Immortal world (or whatever that place is called) where he gets the inheritance of the godcrafter, all suspense and tension falls apart and it rushes to finish at breakneck pace.

For all that, as I said at the start, while reading it I was greatly enjoying myself. These qualms were minor, back of my mind things. While reading I would give it a 4-4.5/5. Looking back I give it a 3/5. It's not bad. But its not great. Honestly the time in the Mortal world was probably the best part.
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Gin_Hindew rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: --
Abandoned it at some point, not bad but not that good either

The plot is very generic for a xianxia so read it only if you have not read many xianxia, all the usual tropes are here: mysterious cheat artifact, OP inheritance, OP waifu, underdog protagonist, several realms of existence, might is right, oh-so-wronged-i-am, mu*der hobo-ing his way to the top, I got bored of it while reading more interesting stuff, is not a bad story but very bland compared to it's betters

But hey, is a reasonable thing to read at... more>> least one vanilla story of every genre so you can appreciate the changes, parodies and subversions to the genre, read it if you have not read xianxia before <<less
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