SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
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215 Reviews sorted by

leiptr rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: c90
english is not my first language so please bear with me

I have read the reviews and understood the reasons why some of the readers don't have favorable opinions towards the novel.

They are forgetting something that, this novel emphasize journey and growth (pshycological and physical) rather than ultimate dominance like in most of cliche wuxia and xianxia novels. If you are looking for a novel like emperors domination or something like where MC is evil mastermind like warlock of the magus world then this novel isnt for you.

Without spoilers I will... more>> try to give you brief understand about novel and MC. MC is a seed who is powerless (in the context of physical and mental) at start and he craves for it. When he starts to gain power, scenes unfold and story progresses we start to see the change and its amazing. His feelings, the way he interracts with them and authors beautiful craftsmanships is a sight to behold. <<less
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Hiiro_ rated it
March 31, 2019
Status: c11
Fantastic novel. The main character starts with a terrible personality, but slowly matures through the events of the novel.

100 White Salts Translations has a quality about their releases that is rarely seen elsewhere in the translation community. Everything they post embodies excellence and entertainment, and this series is no exception. I'm excited to read more!
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Luzian rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: c116
To those of you who stopped reading at the early chapters, I can only say you are missing out a lot. Despite the generic beginning of the story, once it takes off (around chapter 50 and above), I'm sure it goes beyond what our standard of "a good story/novel" is.
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October 3, 2020
Status: c17
The reviews of a novel isn't really to be taken seriously, I almost not read the novel because of one review saying it was bad. But now I see who's the evil one, they couldn't understand the concept of death, or how painful death it really is, to su*cide 4000+ times is like dying infinity in hell, 4000 times is scary enough let alone, no normal human would be able to stand these.

Just like what I said, the reviews shouldn't be trust, they didn't read many enough. On chapter 17,... more>> the starvation as an orphan children is painful enough, let alone being abused constantly and then their death is reached when the fire burns the children alive as they couldn't move. The novel is really just wow, it hit deep and they wasn't an evil protagonist as what the review said.

The people in the review just show how cruel and inconsiderate they are while saying nonsense and sh*t thing. <<less
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Grandma Brie
Grandma Brie rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: c236
Ok, I've been scrolling through the reviews and I'm shocked by how many people rated this below a 5. A 4, I can maybe understand. But a 3? Absurd.

First and foremost, I'd like to address some of the big concerns I've seen people post about (aside from the title of the story, that is, because let's be honest. The title is really off putting). Anyways, the main concerns people have:

Gongja's obsession and willingness to kill himself 4000+ times to get revenge. You've got to understand: Gongja is not sane. He's crazy, he feels betrayed by the Flame Emperor, and he literally has nothing to live for. He feels like his life is meaningless; his life revolves around the Flame Emperor.

This is actually addressed in the novel at around the place I am writing this review (chapter 230~). He has an existential crisis about his reasons for doing this, how he was unable to forgive Flame Emperor when his crime was minor compared to characters like Preta, and he eventually learns to let go. He forgives FE—or as much forgiveness as he can muster because he will never truly forgive FE for betraying his expectations. But, he still tries to move on, because he has grown.

it's beautiful. I'd never thought I'd like the Flame Emperor, and yet by the time that chapter rolled in, I found that I too had forgiven him, even if I would never love him.



The romance. I don't care what any of you say, I loved the romance. Maybe it's cause I came from the manhwa (at the end of the romance arc), where the pace was a little quicker. Whatever the case is, I found it to be lovely.

The romance arc takes the classic villainess and then adds character to her. It's honestly better written than most villainess stories are. People say Gongja fell in love too fast, but I don't give a shit. Sure, the immersion pushed him along, but he still fell in love. What he felt was still real. And without Raviel, Gongja would have ended up falling down into the same pit that the Constellation Killer did; she made him value his own life, to the point where he will no longer wantonly kill himself. She is a pivotal part of what makes Gongja, Gongja.


3) No spoiler tag here since it's not much of a spoiler. But, I often see the complains that Gongja is selfish and greedy. Guys. Come on. This is a story about character growth. Of course he's got major flaws. He's supposed to learn and improve from them. And he does; he really does improve. Gods, he's like a totally different person by the point I am at. And they discuss why he's changed so much, how he's grown and become a good person. It's not like he became a good person instantly (well, he was already a good person, he was just also incredibly greedy and a coward). He had to work for it, he empathized with people through 'Trauma', he learns the joy of making others happy. It's not that he's a bad person, he's just a guy with flaws.

This is not to say the novel is without flaws. The Tower Master honestly gives me a headache with the way you have to do some mental gymnastics to understand her views. Actually, for this reason, I can see why the review might be lower than 5 stars. But, I still enjoy the story enough to keep going. This is not a story focused on an overpowered protagonist, or a climb-to-the-top story, or a murim story, or a romance story, or an angst filled mess. It has all of those things, but it is not the central focus. No, this is a story about characters and their interactions with the world around them. It is about being a good person, the philosophical limits of being good or evil, the motivations of the people around us, and how we make the most of our situation. It is about reaching for the best possible outcome by sacrificing yourself without actually sacrificing your entirely (because if you are not there to see the best possible outcome, then it is clearly not the best outcome). It's a deconstruction of tropes and genres, where the author never does what you expect.

It's a 5/5. Don't listen to the reviews that say otherwise, just try it yourself. Ah, if you're not into philosophical discussions and I resection, this may not be the story for you. Well, if you enjoyed Omniscient Reader or tr*sh of the Count's Family, you'll probably enjoy it.
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Mr gentleman
Mr gentleman rated it
February 17, 2022
Status: c1

This novel was readable until the murim world arc. I didn't liked how the author tried to force us to accept that the protagonist is good and rightous which tbh was disgusting imo. That lizard man (or whatever demihuman) said that his soul is pure white like a kid, yea I agree that he did saved many people (which probably give him karma point or something) but I won't say that makes him a great hero with noble soul. If anything I would say he's probably the most twisted person I have seen who can kill himself and another person because of pure jealousy and vengeance. And how can that make him a person with pure soul? If he really was as pure, kind and rightous as the author tried to show us he would have never kill FE instead tried to change him buuuut our kind protagonist is all seer who knew HE CAN'T BE CHANGED lol. And many things about Protagonists personalities doesn't make any sense like how tf an introverted, nerdy, jealous dude be that much strong willed, persistent or hardworking. Lol it's like he ate enlightenment pill and was enlightened to the truth of world which caused his personality to change in a day.

But the thing that really killed my mood was which also caused me to drop this novel is him experiencing various type of pain due to hunger. I don't know why... really man I don't, but I don't think I have ever felt so much disgusted at a fictional character. Even now I'm feeling like I should have never read this novel. Maybe I feel like he is a hypocrite who's making light of helpless people, or maybe I think author's personality is disgusting and he doesn't really care bout hungry people. I don't know, I just feel uneasy, like people shouldn't make light of things like this... but maybe I'm just overreacting and thinking too much into it. But that's it I don't like this novel and thus I think it deserves a 1* rating

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October 28, 2021
Status: c161
This is probably one of the best novels I’ve read, and I’ve read many. It’s so good that I’m writing my first (and probably last) review on it.

This novel really gets you in the feels, I got sad and cried when a tragedy occurred and giddy and excited when they were resolved, it really is a roller coaster of emotions.

Got me contemplating on them deep thoughts.

... more>> I gotta say I really love my happy endings and when everything’s just complete.

This novel’s been really great so far, it’s my current no.1 and I recommend everyone to read it!

(tho other ppl’s preferences may not be the same)

will prolly cringe real hard when future me reads this but whatevs lol <<less
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peterkxm rated it
August 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Wow okay, so this novel has exceeded all expectations that I placed upon it and has truly earned the 5 star rating that I am giving. I don't know where to begin or how to review this novel well-enough so I'll try my best:

    • The MC appears to be a typical Korean who lost his chance to become successful in the world by not trying hard enough previously. This is in regards to the fact that he even explained that he only graduated middle school, perhaps implying that something must have happened in his past to have only done that with his education (his family is barely mentioned but we can assume that this is probably around the time that his family passed away or perhaps he was an orphan himself that went straight into the workforce after middle school to work part-time jobs) . Despite this seemingly low education status, our MC is absurdly clever, sometimes batsh*t insane, witty, and intelligent enough to produce meaningful plans and ideas to overcome the difficulties that the tower provides to him. These traits of his may be built up due to the fact that he killed himself over 4000 times, but his constant attitude of perseverance, relying on his own luck, and pushing the limits of his comfort zone to accomplish the impossible (zero deaths in raid, clearing seemingly impossible floors extremely fast, etc.) make him the true protagonist of his world in this regression. Our MC isn't some typical shounen protagonist with overpowered skills that could be spammed like some auto-clicker mouse function but rather has extreme limitations that make his skills overall conditional and favorable only in certain conditions (his summoning skill has like a week cool-down rate) . He has overall solid sword skills with the usage of the elixir to seemingly slow time around him or rather makes his reactions and responses that much quicker (as the Sword Saint said, "he's enjoying his precious time") . He also is brutally honest at times by admitting that he tricked the person he was manipulating or asking his wife, Raviel Ivansi, about romance and how to go about the ways of it. Overall, this MC is extremely well-built both three-dimensionally and as a human; it's very enjoyable to see his actions progress the novel and to witness his climb of the tower.
    • The romance build-up was quite short as it only took about 2 dozen chapters total I believe for Raviel and the MC to end up together. Their romance progressed relatively fast as two seemingly somewhat twisted individuals who possessed warped senses of romance but nonetheless, as two the combined their ideology, it developed into a more realistic and normal romance. I loved how brutally honest Raviel and our MC is towards each other and to the world (going gambling for the sake of it, making their wedding a sh*tshow on purpose to stop the constellations completely, annoying the prince, etc.) ; it's as if they get to act like themselves without restraint when they are around each other. Raviel also is really mature and level-headed so it provides a good polar aspect to our MC who is not as mature and level-headed at times, especially since he regards his death as something expendable like an infinite amount of resource. She can be considered a genius from what I read in the novel and I personally believe that she is equivalent to the Black Witch in terms of their calculating and mature personas (probably why so many were disappointed that the Black Witch was not the FL) .
    • The plot itself is too deep and contains too many paradoxes and "what-if" questions to be explained with words, but the best way I would put it is that the plot is based on the floors of the tower and each "section" of the floors (around every 10 floors or so) provides a different arc to the novel. Each arc is enjoyable in its own aspect, especially with the way that it was translated by the translator (I'm sure a good portion of the writing ability of the author of this novel is lost in translation but this phenomenal translation shows how well-written and well-versed the author truly is) . There's various types of literary references to ideas of Utopia, Mark Twain, orthodox fables and fairytales, and even indirectly refers to well-known novels that have been published in modern times; there is also beautiful figurative language involved, especially in the arc of about the murim world and the way that the blade/sword moves. The plot, along with the writing, is a sheer work of genius and I cannot praise it enough to truly show my admiration for this novel.
Overall, 10/10 read and I hope this novel will be published as an actual light novel as it would definitely be a best-seller.
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Noodsofdoods rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: c131
This novel has some of the best writing I’ve read. The author has a real talent for describing and making you feel the emotions the characters go through and I whole heartedly recommend. If you want to quickly get through the opening I would read the WEBTOON/manhwa until he gets past the 10th floor as it quickly gets better and better from there. Just read it... it’s really good
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M0J0MAN rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: c107
This is not a power fantasy getting stronger novel, that probably would of been nice to know when I started reading.

It has a great few opening chapters that hype you up for that kind of story but then goes all over the place for a couple chapters and I almost dropped, glad I didn't.

I don't think the novel can be described as a single genre and the best I can do to explain the appeal is say 'dem feels'

At times the writing is a bit overdramatic and tries to have... more>> way too much gravitas, purple prose maybe? But it hit more than it missed for me and when it hit - it hit hard, few scenes I actually thought were beautiful.

One of the best novels out there and definitely one of the most unique, please give it a shot :)

If you can, please hold out until the 'book' arcs. <<less
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Quqau rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: c4
So far, the writing is extremely consistent, and the concept is solid. It seems that despite this being the author's first piece of writing, the writing isn't amateurish at all. I have high hopes for this novel, and I really appreciate 100 White Salts Translations for translating this!
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scribbledoutname rated it
April 1, 2019
Status: --
This is torture, I need more!

It's early days but the story has a really engaging opening. I look forward to seeing the full extent of the MC's abilities and where this goes.
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Ninjated14 rated it
April 5, 2024
Status: c300
I'll start this off with holy, some of the comments feels unwarranted hate. I can understand a grave dislike for the romance arc in the novel however it feels somewhat fitting given that MC never felt love and the events before

losing his martial arts master and being told to find love

Although many others will tell you after only reading 40 chapters there are plot holes, but considering characters can be 3 dimensional, it is not too far off to think that Flame Emperor might have a braincell to spare but keep in check fellow high rankers so he can clear quests that need them. There are flaws but MC's change is not one of them in my opinion. His continued growth of character after facing many different things would overwhelm any sane human and knowing he has this power, he braced horrible agony. It is reasonable to expect some deviance and even insanity from such a person who holds a saviour complex to this degree.

It also appears to be a story that the tower master holds dear to her heart as she an Kim Gongja (MC) both try to shoulder the pain of the world on their shoulders

Despite the flaws of both the MC and writing, I can easily give this a 5 stars even compared to other golden novels (notably ORV and LOTM)
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soonyoung rated it
June 11, 2022
Status: c191
Personally, SSS-Class su*cide Hunter, for me, is an example of a novel that has flaws you can point out, but is far overshadowed by the enjoyment of reading. It was able to deliver heartfelt and emotional scenes, as well as give a balance of action, comedy and other genres.

It incorporates a lot of martial arts elements, mixed with magic and other power systems. The world-building isn't really something groundbreaking; so if you want to read a novel that focuses on the world, I wouldn't recommend this one. On the other... more>> hand, I really enjoyed the characters. They're all likeable, with different stories, different designs and different races. In the matter of the story itself, each arc tackle upon different genres and the author often uses overused tropes, but does it right. Despite being really tropey and dense at times, it's well-worth the read since each arc progresses well, ends satisfyingly, and leaves a sweet taste in your mouth. Another thing I'd like to point out is the writing. It is the best part of this novel. I can't put it into words, but the paragraphs of text are able to evoke all the emotions in you. It was like I was connected to the protagonist, and I felt what he was feeling. The sadness and anger that he felt, as well as his thought processes in making his decisions.

I did have a problem with how the romance progressed, but I don't think it was that much of a problem that it will cause me to stay away from it. It's still an amazing read and I would definitely recommend it to everyone who wants to read something enjoyable, sad, and fun. <<less
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Vimsical rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: c209
This is the kind of novel people like me ignore just because of the name. It reeks of cliche tr*sh. It's just that it isn't. I can't remember being this positively surprised by a story before.

I'm not going to analyze why, I'm just gonna tell you to give it a go. It becomes obvious quite early that this isn't a story that messes around.
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urmomsballs rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: c238
Haven't cried so much from a single novel ever

The most beautiful thing about this novel is how the descriptions pull you into a whole other reality, really beautiful imagery and flowing storytelling.

The author manages to write M/F friendships without it having to go straight into romance/harem territory (if you don't like harem, I guarantee this will never become a harem, only close-knit non-romantic relationships between characters, save for the FL)

Some of the themes are really heavy, namely in the Murim arc (you'll know when you read it). Romance is... more>> rushed but I only noticed looking back at it. Like, my heart was pounding while reading it.

The way MC conquered Floors 12-20 of the tower is quite unrealistic and probably not something any normal person would even be able to do, but all the characters in the novel are far from normal so who cares ;)

The novel takes a while to really get going and can be slow at times, but I recommend at least reading to just before c90. If until then you still don't like the style/story, this novel isn't for you. Please let neither the very beginning of the novel put you off, nor its title. The title is really misleading; makes you think it's some tr*shy regressor novel, but it's everything but tr*shy. Give it a chance. <<less
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KeSamik rated it
December 12, 2021
Status: c171
What the hell is this novel!!! It's the amazing how it blows your mind in a few words.

This is the definition of "I was looking for copper and found Gold🥇", seriously.

I hope you enjoy this novel as much as I do.
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PandoraTiger rated it
November 25, 2021
Status: c100
This Novel is absolutely a masterpiece, then start going to tr*sh after chapter 100+

It start with Romance Arc where our MC enter the Romance Novel, at this point there is nothing wrong, But later our MC fall in love with the NPC (yes, NPC) from that novel just because the Immersion he got from the novel increased to 50%++ (I don't know if he really loves her (Raviel), or just get influenced by the Immersion itself (?)), Which means its not his True Feeling. It feels like the Author rushed... more>> the Romance for this Novel, to the point our MC randomly fall in love and later married to the Random NPC pop-up from nowhere, this is sick. Not worth to read after this. <<less
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lzx rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c129
The strongest point of the story is the emotional weight it manages to pile onto the reader. The beauty and style of the writing pushes the envelop to deliver many nuanced and thought inducing scenes that really sells the majority of climaxes for the various arcs that follow the first one. By far the weakest arc is the first one even though in other works it might be the highlight. It served to establish the MC and briefly cover the setting. The setting is the most mysterious part of the... more>> story as it subverts the generic dungeon clearing setting that many other works follow, slowly revealing the truth of the tower that only gets weirder and weirder.

Another aspect that the author pulled off splendidly is the humor. I didn't expect many of the funniest lines I've ever read to pop up suddenly in this this work. The humor driven by strongly written characters that play off well together.

One final point I have to mention is the romance. It's f*ckin good (like no joke, god tier). No harem. One of the best romance I've read in a light novel. Brace yourselves. <<less
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ChronoH0 rated it
March 23, 2021
Status: c106
I'm not sure why the negative reviews are focusing on the MC mentality and character that's vastly different. Also the world building is being questioned which I'm sure that part is debatable since I also have not finished this book to completion.

But let me share my thoughts regarding this novel.

MC why a lot of people questioned that the action he took just for one person is insane but for me it just seems very reasonable.

... more>>

Yes he committed a mu*der agaisnt a regressor who can fixed anything when they die. So it is pointless to kill him right there in that timeline. Also in the first place if that character lives then the MC is the one who not only make enemies with but also it is unnecessary trouble. At that point would the author want drama in their stories with an enemy that is immortal? No. It requires careful storywriting and that is not what the author going for.


I actually like the MC. He is a selfish guy who easily likes leading figures of the tower atk. He wanted that for himself which is not wrong. This is one of the factors that made it an unhealthy behavior at the beginning chapters. But at the same time it is positive things for him because he have massive respect towards these people.

MC skill is op but why should that be surprising? When you read the tittle you know it be about an op MC. But this skill does have a limitation other wise it be too op. What I like though is that MC does not abuse it too much. He has the right to use it when fighting bosses and the temptation to die from those bosses are very real. He could just blaze through the tower with the most op skills and not caring for npc at all.

Now what I like the most is that it is super fun reading this novel. The story is refreshing for me. Some may be not but it is for me. The arcs is just exciting. We also have something like a world-hopping genre where MC is learning the circumstances on certain floors. Currently where I'm at, the story takes a rather different turn but I still like it because it still fun to read. Never have I been bored and I am engage reading from start to finish. <<less
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