SSS-Class Sui**de Hunter


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I want an S-Rank skill too! I want it so badly, I would even die for it!

[You have awakened an S-Rank skill.] [But it only works when you die.]


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SSS-Class Hunter who Dies to Live
SSS-Class Revival Hunter
SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
SSS급 자살헌터
SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터
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215 Reviews sorted by

Charvee rated it
August 22, 2020
Status: c54
The story is really funny and has a good plot. It's well written and translated! The MC is a bit too OP but he also relies on his own efforts, will and smarts. The beginning was a bit hasty in terms of establishing the MCs motive and the basic plot but after the first antagonist dies fairly early, the plot really picks up. The character development is great. It's definitely worth a read!
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lolyscope rated it
February 18, 2024
Status: c200
Enjoyed this until it got to the romance arc I completly skipped it and then it got good again. Lately I just skip the dialogues with women and just skim throught chapters until I see him get another power up.

4/5 Overally a enjoyable read with its bits of comedy epic fights and interesting abilties of the MC.
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ILikeHappyStuff rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: --
whether its worth reading or not varies from person to person. if theres one thing im sure about, however, is that the romance isnt as terrible as some say. it was fast paced sure, but for a crazy character like gongja who had never experienced romance, its honestly pretty fitting.

... more>>

the guy dies and dies to save people that wont even remember him when he regresses. wouldnt just finding someone in a similar situation with him make him really curious about her? its pretty obvious hed become smitten


the female characters are really appealing. they arent pointlessly sexualized, and theyre all diverse and wonderfully represented. someone here wrote that gongja shouldve ended up with one of the other female characters instead of the fl, but I disagree. not taking into account the fact that theyre all really old despite their appearances, I like their dynamic with the MC. its so refreshing to see comrades in arms that are purely friends. they also had no chemistry with the MC at all, so I can never see them as love interests

this novel is well written with a lot of plot holes. the concept of tower climbing, time regression and an op skill is cliche but done nicely. gongja starts out as an unlikeable bastard that develops into a heroic suicidal bastard. then he meets the FL and starts to become less of a suicidal bastard for her lol

with many details being added left and right, some of them get buried and almost forgotten... sometimes they do get addressed later on, but oftentimes they just get skipped so you just had to assume that it solved itself in the background but wasnt mentioned in the story. an example of this is gongja dying and regressing back to 24hrs right after he did something really important that also required him to die a few times before succeeding.


like the time he killed the flame emperor. at first I got worried when he dies just a bit later. did he forget to kill the flame emperor again? but this incident was one of the few that got clarified later on. the author mentioned that he did kill the flame emperor a second time.


my least favorite moment in the novel was around chapter 150


when gongja immerses himself in the character of a bully. the way it was written in the first pov made it really hard to read. it was so triggering for someone who was the victim of being bullied. I skipped almost the entirety of that arc yet I didnt really miss out on anything. it was so unnecessary. if it was at least written in 3rd pov or in kim yul's pov, I wouldve read it.


overall, it has a lot of flaws that make me baffled at times. but as a novel, its a wonderful read and was once my favorite novel 2 years ago up until ch120-ish. if youre a fan of novels in the same genre, I recommend it <<less
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September 30, 2023
Status: --
It's extremely good. Refreshing take on gacha skill system, reasonably high stakes at all times, very well written characters and a sweet, enjoyable romance.
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IsekaiDude rated it
June 30, 2023
Status: c251
This novel was a 5.0/5.0 for sure before chapter 201, the writing was amazing, the world building too, the characters had a lot of depth and the author was good at describing emotions, the romance arc is one of the best romances I have ever read.

But then came that arc... That started at chapter 201, the author decided to take some decisions that he really should not have taked at the middle of the story, if that arc was the last arc of the novel there would be little to... more>> none problems, but he decided to put an arc that changed the whole genre of the novel at the middle of it, and after this arc nothing about his world building nor the characters that he created matters anymore, anything less than a god matters as much as a grain of sand in the desert for the story, so... While I do recommend reading this novel until chapter 201 with a 5.0/5.0 rate, after chapter 250 it becomes utter garbage with a 1.5/5.0 rate. <<less
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simianpower rated it
December 16, 2022
Status: c44
This story doesn't even make sense. It regularly breaks its own rules and just glosses that over. For example, the MC has a one-week cooldown on one of his abilities that follows him into his regressions. That means that if he uses his power, dies, goes back a day, and gets back to where he was, he can't use that power again because only one day has passed. He needs this power to get past that point in the story... and he also needs it minutes later in his next... more>> fight. So he dies in the next fight because his power isn't off cooldown, has to go back and repeat... yet a week later he has the power available for the SECOND fight, even though he still has to go through the first one every single repetition, meaning that he has to use his power after a week worth of deaths to even get past that first fight. So, how is the power available for the second, even a week later? It's used just to get there. Again! Yet in the story this is just ignored and the power is magically there for the second fight. Despite the "going back 24 hours" thing, apparently he does NOT have to use his power on the first fight again? For reasons? *handwaves*

If a story builds up an internal logic, and then suddenly breaks that logic just because the author doesn't know how to keep things consistent, I lose a lot of respect for the story and its writer. This is an interesting idea for a story, and the first 40 or so chapters are pretty good, but it descends into internal contradictions after that. <<less
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Leigiel rated it
November 26, 2022
Status: --
Good vs Evil Arc is the best arc I ever read.

The author managed to create a brotherhood, in a place where there should be no brotherhood, Demon King and Lord Murim.. That 2 idiot people that fight with..

sigh.. I'm speechless, the novel is too good.
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nV366 rated it
September 29, 2022
Status: c121
nice stuff.İt doesn't have much action but it's interesting, touches on some philosophy and main character is kind of insane.İ really like the romance in this series I think its very sweet
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August 23, 2021
Status: c151
Well what can I say? This story is totally gold. I love the way the author wrote this story, I love the funny moments, I "almost" cried at the saddest moments, I absolutely love the way the MC loves his significant other (and no he isn't gay (although I don't mind that) and the love in here can be said to be a hole-level-crazy-love-with-respect-and-trust-but-its-really-a-crazy-couple lol), I love how he sees the world, how we can do some deep thinking of how humanity is, I love how the author also put... more>> some real (like really real) life things in this (like how people who is hungry eat mud cookies to disguise the hunger).... This is truly gold.

Thanks for the translator who pick this up.

And this novel is really worth your time, don't be discouraged or thinking that it would be the "same novel as others" just give a try and keep reading past the point of the arc bosses scenes..... Thats when real sh*t start to happen and the plot get thicker (also recommend to read at least until the third arc (the righteous and demon section world) the author write about demon cultivatiors in a really refreshing and thoughtful way. <<less
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JELLIPOP rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: c120
I've read a lot of these weak to strong novels with the dungeon themes and this one is the best I've read till date the way the author writes the story, the flow and the emotion it conveys is one of the best. I really recommend this one, some may compare it to SL but honestly in my opinion this is better than SL in terms of story flow
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HappyLulu12 rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c10
The plot is good but from the very first chapter u can tell that mc's true nature is unlikeable. Even tho I dislike MC very much (to the point first time I read this story I quit right at the end of chapter one, this is my 2nd try) I will still read it because this time I skip through chapter 2 (which only shows more of mc's pathetic side) and read chapter 3 first and that where the plot begin to be interesting enough to hook me.

Edit: after reading... more>> more (at chapter 18) I finally found something that I can like about MC (he still has more unlikeable side than likeable side). But still the mc's cheat combo is just so broken and the penalty isn't serious enough to balance that. The cheat combo is making the story kinda boring, feel like MC is a M in a easy mode gameplay (currently I'm at chapter 50)

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BobBobBobBob rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: c109
overall good storytelling and character motivation, with some of the most fleshed out emotional states I've ever seen in most Korean novels. Aside from this, though, little attention is paid towards aspects like world building and power scaling.
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February 10, 2021
Status: c170
It starts very interesting but rapidly losses the special feel.. Basically or becomes like a standard Japanese adventure novel..

But maybe worth of you just find it interesting enough

Tbh I was expecting the main character to become some kind of badass like the guy hi killed at the start

But overall I found it dull, specially comparing it with the drama and intrigue showed at the start of the novel.

Honestly it may be worth another look just from the star.

I dropped it because I could be reading better stuff we'll see.
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