Spirit Realm


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Thirty thousand years ago, the Heaven Fighting Race who called themselves “Gods” invaded Spirit Realm. Hundreds of races rose up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. The human race was the first to concede, and the rest of the Hundred Races soon followed in succession.

During the subsequent ten thousand years, all of the races were ens*aved by the Heaven Fighting Race. They were cruelly treated, and lived beneath the shadow of terror.

The Heaven Fighting Race’s march of conquest did not stop there. With Spirit Realm as the starting point, they invaded other secret dimensions, and spread war to all corners of existence. After greatly exhausting their combat strength, they were finally defeated by the Hundred Races who took advantage of this opportunity. With no other choice, they fled to the starry skies outside the realm.

Thirty thousand years later, in an era where the Heaven Fighting Race has already faded to become ancient legend, an amnesiac youth possessing the Heaven Fighting Race’s bloodline is being fostered in an insignificant household. Whilst struggling to live on, he silently awaits the day of the bloodline’s awakening.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ling Yu
Linh Vực
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89 Reviews sorted by

Dream Seeker rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: c385
This wasn't why I expected after reading all these reviews or the plot summary, it's quite a addictive compelling story. Starts off with a simple love affair than two lovers will have to adjust to the world of power, hierarchy and those born of higher birth. At last, like life this novel isn't so simple as world moves in many different directions our hero might be the balance as he moves the heavens for those who he encounters.


No harem ~ but some real female friends :O

Bad guys are average, but... more>> sometimes do some unexpected things

Secondary characters and tertiary characters are diverse and move in complex ways

world is quite complex... you can feel like you are living in it while not even being blogged down by a feeling of fillers or too much details.

Good feelings of mystery overall for the novel <<less
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Chourou rated it
May 6, 2017
Status: c350
While I do like many of the chinese novels compared to the japanese novels these days. However Spirit Realm was enjoyable at start but at some point... it lost its charisma and not as fun to read anymore. Well its a 3 star from insignificant me. And I did read from 1 to 350. I dont know, it feels like a long line of dullness.
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Mango Guy rated it
April 2, 2017
Status: c330
Personally, I feel this is one of the best CN out there.
To start off, excellent TL. Alyschu does a reputable job.
Next, the setting. We got a multi realmed world setting, with interesting inter realm relations. Also, the mysterious past of MC only adds to this~~
The characters are well written.I feel that a lot of effort is put into the introduction of each character.I hope this keeps up even when this goes into the later parts of the series.
The power system and cultivation is the good old liquid whirlpools, along with some comprehension. And soul cultivation is a major plus.
However, I feel that the pacing is inconsistent. Then again, it might be just the formula to get money per chapter.
All in all, a good read. personally, I would recommend to stash this and read it entirely whenever it is done.. the TL pace right now is outstanding!!

Edit: As of c1174, this is barely a 4, but it has tremedous potential. First off, the characters aren't really forgotten completely which is good. However, even though the general plot is good, the filler in each chapter is too high. I am referring to the descriptions of women and also, the useless exposition. And of course, how everyone understimates him everyone mother flipping time. It is just too convenient no matter how the author tries to justify it with his background.

His background... Is quite very interesting. I would say that the author had a good idea of the basic plot which is a big plus.

As for the female characters... The less I speak, the better. Just skim though the chapters which have them.

Overall, this is Mango approved in that it is a good read to kill time, skimming through some minimal filler plots.

Edit: Completed the novel. I am gonna continue with the Mango approval because of the overall usage of fore shadowing and a comparatively good read. However, I will have to dock my rating to 3 to reflect on the essential filler, and the overall terrible inconsistencies of this novel. This is barely Mango approved at this point, and not by much.
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kenneth223 rated it
February 1, 2017
Status: c145
So far I have read to where MC reached armament city, became an outer sect, and trying to find the killer and the plot is good so far.

The thing is, the females need to be more uuhh... noticeable and we as readers need to see how they are doing from their pov (although it is rarely seen). And the romance needs to be more active but I'm rarely seeing it and I have a feeling that the good romance will be in the late 800s... The beginning romance with ling... more>> yushi and MC is good.


s*x scenes are in 1000s and Main harem members are: Ling Yushi, Song Tiangyu, and Tang Siqi; don't know if the s*ave girl MC got from the void god realm counts..
I was hoping for Zhuo qian and Xie jingxuan to be in his harem but it isn't happening.. It's a shame, really.. Also, the story goes bad near the end after 1200 as there is plot armor and 'luck' as I read spoilers. No marriage and no kids, almost like an unfinished product at the end.


Overall, its a good story, just don't worry about the romance aspect, it'll come and go. Romance for this novel is 'meh' (3.5) as it wasn't fleshed out to make this story better.

Read this if it's to your taste. If you can handle the somewhat mild romance, then you have good tolerance. <<less
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J-Mitch rated it
December 6, 2016
Status: c204
I actually like this novel. Albeit most of the women need some serious character development, and I can't tolerate some close harem calls (not a harem fan, obviously), the author knows how to make your blood boil in certain scenes. It deserves a 4/5.
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kalp456 rated it
October 22, 2016
Status: c336
I halted reading this shitty thing when they released the 25th chapter due to the very s*upid thing the MC did. His acting as a ret*rded boy might still be tolerable but the event in the 25th chapter certainly isn't because he acted like some ret*rded shit. Yes, I am nitpicking an event from numerous events of this novel, as shown by the chapter count, but if the author will continue these kinds of reasoning, then this should serve as a warning for those who wants to read it, since... more>> I know I am very tolerable reading shitty content (as shown from my reading list/rating). Furthermore, his actions here, since it is in the beginning, would serve akin to that of a snowball effect. I certainly dislike it when the reason why events happened was all due to bad writing. Anyway, will still continue reading it. Currently 2/10.

Edit: Became more enjoyable to read but still filled with bad writing and cliche stuff. 3/10

Edit 2: This is just getting worse every chapter. People might think that if an arc is very connected to the next, it is already a bad thing. The problem with this one is that all arcs has no resolution at all. Furthermore, every event that you'll read here are forced. Most characters are used as plot devices; even the MC. If people want a convoluted series that follows no logical explanation whatsoever and would like to have the statement, "what the f*ck just happened?" every chapter, then just read this. 1/10. DROPPED! <<less
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May 13, 2022
Status: Completed
This should have been 900 chapters shorter. The “mystery” that’s made pointless by the introduction isn’t touched up till the late 1300s. His harem becomes irrelevant. His powers become irrelevant. The ending was bad.

2 overall

5 for first 200

4 for first 400

then it drops hard.
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fangyuan rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c241
When I first started this novel, I did not expect that I would stop reading it at ch. 241. Why did I decide to stop? It boiled down to the characterization of the MC and the portrayal of the conflicts he faced.

... more>> I am fine with an MC that is not smart and/or cunning and at times saved by plot armor but this MC takes it to another level. His decision-making during crunch time tends to be questionable and mostly relied on external help/power to resolve conflicts. Many times he had information about the major conflict that was about to unfold but ultimately he did nothing to utilize that information.

I know about the so-called 'split personality' of MC but I don't think I can bear reading and following his journey. <<less
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EricBannen rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: c793
It's a novel about various realms with most of the action in Spirit Realm... The cultivation is good... The MC kills people he does not like without much thought... The description in the fights are beautiful... The logic in action of the MC is not lacking... Also there is a lot of thought put into how the world is designed... The only sad part is that sometimes the MC acts a bit too slow, watching the show just to improve his chances by a little bit, not bothering about other... more>> people's lives...?

I give this 4.3/5 (A great story with weird pacing) <<less
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