Special Road


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Those who are hunters and those who are the hunted have never intersected.

For carnivores and herbivores, genes have already set the conclusion and cannot be changed. How do we move towards a future that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside?

Jiang Huaiyu was adopted ten years ago from an orphanage, but instead of going home with the adopter, he stayed at the orphanage and was supported by Mr. Xiao. Now that he has graduated from University, his adopter wants to meet him, but he doesn’t think that his adopter would be a Carnivore who wants to raise this Herbivore up for a Master-Servant relationship.

(It has ABO elements, and their relationship is very similar to an omega/alpha. The herbivore has a self-lubricating back hole.)

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pixie3600 rated it
January 20, 2024
Status: c16
Hi, Everyone, translator here!

This has hunger games meets ABO and a mafia family vibe.

It's a childhood lovers to enemies to lovers romance. This one is 89 chapters, a new chapter will be available every week (Typically Friday/Saturday). I have a few advanced chapters available on Foxaholic 18.

Happy Reading!
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Suibian_bc rated it
August 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Not here for rv, just my rating.


If you somehow tired of chewing ABO, you could try smelling or licking this one (a bit different setting - not that much when it comes to s*x). Story is just so so, will do for a decent light read.

P/S The translated part done quite well, you'll love the translator 😘
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