Remarried Empress


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Navier was the perfect empress, however, the Emperor wanted a wife, not a colleague. And so, the Emperor abandoned Empress Navier and placed an ens*aved girl beside him. That was fine until Navier heard the Emperor promise the s*ave the Empress’ position. After many ups and downs, Navier decided she would accept being the Queen of the neighbouring country and remarry.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hoàng Hậu Tái Hôn
The Remarried Empress
재혼 황후
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. (Fantasy Romance)
  2. Novels i wish i could read again
  3. Curated Romance Collection
  4. KN Rebirth (BxG)
  5. revenge is best served hot

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132 Reviews sorted by

Kalliope rated it
December 1, 2019
Status: c97
I sacrificed my sleep and binge-read this in 2 days because IT'S SO GOOD. I first encountered the manhwa and the art is also gorgeous!

The plot sounds cliché at first but the characters are written so well that I can actually sympathize with every one of them. Except Sovieshu of course. He's such an a**hole.

If you're looking for a mature, wise, elegant, and confident FL, then Navier is IT. She's beautiful not only in looks but also in bearing. Some people may hate her because she refuses to fight Rashta... more>> but they don't understand that she chooses to remain silent because she was raised to be calm, poised and not let her emotions control her. Fighting with her husband's concubine and involving herself in drama would not look good for her and the royal family's image. She knows her place and the power she wields and she handles herself with grace and dignity. She's an empress in every sense of the word. I've lost count of how many times I wanted to fight Sovieshu for her honor.

Rashta is an intriguing rival. Of course, I loathe her for her naïve act and how she twists everything to her advantage. But I have to admit that I'm impressed with how she uses her assets to subtly control Sovieshu and the people around her. Given her background and the things she experienced, her being obsessed with achieving fame and status is not surprising at all.

It's actually interesting how there are some moments where she doesn't really express any ill-intent towards Navier. There are times when she sincerely expresses her admiration for Navier. She just wants to secure her place in Sovieshu's side.

She's a complicated character and it's amazing how much I hate her yet still admire her skills.

And finally, there's Heinley. I love how he can be wicked and calculating in his plans yet he's still so innocent and lovestruck when it comes to Navier. He's fiercely protective towards her and he feels her emotions as if it were his own. I seriously lost it when he cried for her. He's loyal, charming and devoted. He's so much more than what meets the eye and I can't wait for him and Navier to be together.

Overall, the story is rich and emotionally-gripping. The translation also deserves a solid 5 stars. The plot moves slowly because the author wants to unravel Navier and Sovieshu's relationship in detail and that's fine with me. I just hope that Navier doesn't suffer anymore. My girl has been through so much. I'm ready for some Navier x Heinley action. <<less
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Tarsis rated it
November 11, 2019
Status: c83
That novel it is really perfect. The characther are complex and all what happen to them. I hate Rastha with all my heart, and Soviet for been an idiot with Navier. She doesn't did enything wrong. So... I am really anxious. I have to read more of this.
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Reader coming through
I have a hard time reading this novel, too unrealistic for me.

I should feel pity for the Empress but compared to others protagonists I feel she has wasted a lot of opportunities:

    • we learned they are childhood friends before marrying. So compared to a true arranged marriage where they don't know each other or where the family ruin the relationship before it could even begin, they are lucky. Maybe not love but at least like should be there. They should be truly close because they envisioned their and the kingdom's futur together. So what happened? Can't say a lover got between them because there wasn't one at that time!
    • "we ate and slept separately due to our busy schedules and different lifestyles. However, we had dinner twice a week" Alarm, alarm ! They are not husband and wife but single-dog colleagues! I bet they speak business when they meet. Where is the best buddy relationship?! I feel in Antartica after reading this. Can we blame the arrival of a lover? No. Nights are cold, you both deserve your bed-warmers at this point.
They got years before marriage, and three years of marital 'bliss'. With this lucky package, they should at the least develop into a complice realationship. How is this realistic that they seems no different than strangers?

The reaction with the arrival of the lover is weird:

    • She's a runaway s*ave. She got caught in the Emperor trap. Okay, why is she a s*ave? Why did she runaway? Why did the entourage of the Emperor not check the hunting ground and deal with any nuisance before it could reach the Emperor? I mean a hunting ground is the perfect place for an assassination and a 'defenceless' girl the perfect cover. Never heard of a beauty trap? It's a miracle he's not dead yet.
    • Let say the Emperor is brainless and his entourage blind. Empress you too? No background check from her, ah no she DID ask her husband so I'm reassured -__-.
How she deal with her rival... sigh.

    • The Love at First Sigh scenario is too far-fetched. Well maybe not but the way the Emperor, the ruler of an Empire, react is weird. Three years without child, they should have been a horde of women trying to climb to his bed. All kind of seduction and type throw at him and he should be not easy to win over. I didn't expect a love fool.
    • The Empress made zero preparation against the rival. She doesn't check her personality, try to win back her husband, show who's the boss to the newcomer. She's too passive. She is 'sad' that she has to share but does nothing to change.
It just confirm they are not a couple, she just wants to keep her position.

But her family has given birth to many Empresses, most of the past Emperors got a lover and the only advice was accept it? Were the past lovers pure angels? Was there no succession fight? Why did they not teach their daughter how to react to this kind of threat? Especially when the opponent is a illiterate s*ave and not a noble from a powerful family (should have hundred ways to destroy it).

And I just stated some problems which make the novel background and the characters creation a bit rushed for me. I'm not convinced but as so many readers love it, I will try to finish it to see if it gets better...
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LadyCrow83 rated it
January 20, 2023
Status: c424
I was absolutely in love with this novel for over 400 chapters. The characters, all of them, have depth, history and personal conflict. Even the most highly skilled are not perfect in everything and are riddled with insecurities. In other words, the main characters are relatable and the supporting characters are not just dropped in to forward the plot. I was totally immersed until now.

The translation is excellent.

An earlier review criticized Navier for turning her back on the people of her empire, but she never did. In fact, she inadvertently... more>> helped them because Heinley truly loves her. Her sadness and internal conflict with both her new position as queen of a rival country as well as the healing of her heart were well expressed by the author.

At chapter 424, I am a bit concerned about what is going on, but I will trust the author and hope that everything will work out for the best. <<less
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kyrez rated it
August 27, 2021
Status: c255
Seriously... this is a very remarkable story. I was hooked from the start~

Also, I can feel my hackles rise whenever the %#*! couple appear. It's so frustrating that the FL was living with these 2 (censored!) people.


I was sooo happy when she's finally at the ML's side. But it takes too long (in the translation) for this to happen ㅠㅠ


It's not yet fully translated, I'm anxious to read the story till the end~
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June 7, 2021
Status: c200
The novel is very good, but like all Korean drama tends to be exaggerated and very long in the drama, when you think that the conflicts are over, about 10, 000 more emerge, after the climax of the story has passed and the climax of the story is supposed to arrive. Moment of retribution of the characters, who spent hundreds of chapters focusing on how despicable and annoying they were, and of the protagonists to be happy but no! There are dog dramas after dog dramas, some make sense, obviously... more>> living among royalty there are many political conflicts to deal with but honestly I am bored by so much drama. The author does not think it enough with everything I put in the first half of the story? I really wish that we could see more Navier enjoy his new life, well deserved !! Quietly, without there being a lot of supporting character drama around it.

About Rastha I don't know how I should feel, the girl was ambitious, envious and cowardly, the fear that she would be abandoned and envy were mainly what led her to do all the things she did, she believes that she has the right to be like that, because Your life experience was very sad, and because your life experience was very sad, you can envy others, covet the things of others, and do whatever it takes to hold on to that new life they are giving you. I do not believe it! Even if I feel sorry for her past, I don't think it's an excuse to envy Navier who has nothing to do with her, even if you envy, keep it for yourself, as long as you don't affect others, everything is fine, but it didn't.

What is really regrettable about her is the fact that Sovieshu used her and then discarded her, she would not have had the opportunity to unleash her dark feelings if it weren't for the fact that He allowed her to, over and over again. The freedom to be ruthless and arrogant, even covering up for her and helping her from behind, making her behavior worse day after day, but when he got upset with her, when she actually made him angry, he dismissed her and even let some false charges be imposed on her in court, and let them discover things that He Himself had previously concealed from her, then isn't this hypocrisy? Really the true villain of the story is Sovieshu no Rastha, I will not say that she was a victim of circumstances, because that is not an excuse for anything, but if I can tell you that much of her bad behavior was driven by Sovieshu, He was her savior and also the one who condemned her, if he had freed her after feeling sorry for her nothing bad would have happened, but He was lustful and greedy, longing for her beauty. In the end we could see that the girl at least felt guilty, in her last moments of life, she dreamed of those to whom she did the most harm and she apologized to them, while they forgave her. Hinting that this was one of her regrets and hidden desires, at least she felt remorse for her actions, she was not as morally lost as she seemed. <<less
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Attackonfeelings rated it
March 14, 2021
Status: c195
I can’t even begin to express how much I love this story so far! I look forward to every chapter!

The dynamic between the ML and the FL is adorable! And while yes it takes a long time to get to the “remarried” part of the story I actually enjoy how realistic it is. You can go read other stories where there are lots of major time skips and the story is done in like 20 chapters, but this one is great for showing all parts of what’s is going on... more>> and seeing how long it actually takes for people to fall in love and get a divorce and remarry. I think that the tragedy and angst that the empress feels before the divorce is necessary to tell so I don’t mind that it’s took lots of chapters for her to divorce. You get to really see what happened and how she felt with each event that lead to her realizing she didn’t want to be with her ex-husband and that she was gonna do something for herself for once. Anyways, I could talk about a million other things with this story but I just love it. Lots of great storytelling and the illustrations are amazing as well! <<less
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SayNoToTHis rated it
October 12, 2020
Status: c173
This is the best Novel I've ever read! Well, it's also the first novel I've ever read. After seeing the Manwha adaptation and how bad the art looked, I wanted to read the novel to see if enduring the bad art was worth it. And the answer is no, I'm not going to read the manwha when its art is that bad. Because it would be a disgrace to experience the story through such an imperfect medium!!! The art in this novel is amazing and so is the writing! I... more>> don't think I'm going to be able to downgrade to the manwha. Everyone, read this novel its the best!!! You can really feel the emotions of the characters in this novel and Navier and Heinley are just so cute lol. <<less
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GingerMessiah rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: --
It's a nice story but I am not sure whether the translator is translating the web novel or the web toon. So far I could only find the web toon version of the novel, which seems to be the one the translator is using.

Right off the bat the author dropped us in the part where the divorce happen and she pulled off the remarriage with a foreign King. We then have to suffer in excruciating pain watching the bumbling second female lead causing havoc in the court for half of... more>> the story.

You can enjoy the story after all this is all pure fantasy but...

  • Eastern Empire is the most powerful nation on the continent. Yet a foreign prince, two dukes of foreign countries and a minor viscount of the Eastern Empire can easily wander around the Palace. All having interviews with either the Empress or the Royal Concubine. Give me a bloody break.
  • Where are the palace guards? We have knights who protect the Empress but they are no where in sight when one of the important character appears to have a conversation with the Empress.
  • The Emperor got whacked by a foreign duke and never had to suffer any consequences from it. If you are going to use western aristocracy as a template. If a noble's honour has been insulted - a duel of life and death would take place. Hitting the Emperor off with your head regardless of political ramification between two states.
  • The Empress constantly alone with men without her entourage. Not happening.
  • An Empire with the most powerful military failed to have patrols and a messenger service to stop the ex-Empress from leaving. Laughable.
  • Emperor failing to punished the foreign duke after he plotted the escape of his ex wife.
Too many problems but Nabi/Navier aka Butterfly the Empress will keep you interested. But this is far from the masterpiece just because it's Korean. <<less
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Piichannie rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: c63
It's an excellent novel where the world building and character development really keeps you hooked, even if the plot is moving slowly. The FL is a strong woman, and I really admire her for going through all the events so far in the plot. The whole time I was reading, I could just feel her frustrations about the other characters, and just about every reader has a strong dislike for the villains haha.

There are also beautiful illustrations that go with some chapters and gosh, they're so pretty. It's a very... more>> easy to follow novel, with character icons to indicate dialogue. The translators have done such a good job. Highly recommended! Only thing is that I absolutely despise Rashta... <<less
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Chan2 rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c77
This novel storyline is not really that good to rate it beyond 3 stars. The FL is kinda of boring, not expressive and certainly not assertive enough. For those who like slow romance, this novel might just be for you. For me, I will continue to read the translation coz I want to see what happens to the country and the king with new empress. Bet it is sad song with no light at the end of the tunnel.
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xuexin rated it
October 22, 2019
Status: Completed
The story is written differently from other web novels. I mean that since it's focused on aristocracy, it has none of the usual Eastern themes. The story is going very slowly. Just by reading the hypnosis and the intro chapter, we already know that the FL will be divorced and leave the s*upid king. However, the story is progressing very slowly, such that the bang! or the part where we see the individuals reap what they sow is coming very slowly. I feel like the author is dragging on the... more>> building up phase. Perhaps it's because they want us to utterly hate the mistress and the king, and also to be able to build the relationship between the ML and the FL. I just personally do not enjoy it so far, because it's just very one-sided. The King's IQ drops to 0 whenever he thinks about the other woman.

However, the story gets better later on, especially after FL leaves. The interaction between FL and the ML gives me butterflies. One thing that's different from most novels is how FL's ex-husband realize how much of an idiot and how he expressed his regret to the FL without the usual "please come back" cliché line that never works. I'm glad he somewhat gave the FL closure on that part of her life, I guess. As they say, when a door closes, another one opens.

I enjoyed the novel until around chapter 260. However, towards the end... I somewhat lost the same feelings I had. While the "villains" in the story got what they deserved... I don't think the other people involved deserved that kind of ending. My interest in the story leaned more towards the ex-husband and his new wife towards the latter end. Eventually the ML and FL storyline just bore me, because they don't really do anything besides live in their own little world. While the author did add spice with the drama, especially with the ex-husband, I felt quite sad with who had to die for it.


I did not like how the children had to die to make the ex-husband suffer. What did they even do to deserve such death besides being born? They could barely even talk or walk and they get killed off...

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Reak rated it
September 5, 2019
Status: c47
I recommend it completely. The main protagonist, the prince and the concubine are very interesting characters and you get to feel sympathy for them. Except for the emperor the dumbest and most useless character who can't even protect his concubine and blames our protagonist for everything that happens to the concubine, he is so useless that he


let go of the guy who knows his concubine was his s*ave and Now the guy blackmails her.


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chande rated it
June 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I followed this novel for so long until I couldn't feel much hate or affection towards the characters anymore. And now that I could calmly judged the story without any particular emotion, I couldn't help but thinking about the very first reason why all the sh*t in this novel happened. It actually started from N and S's failed marriage.

... more>>

I don't think that failed marriage was S's fault alone. Both of them certainly had some affections before they got married. S also didn't want others to know about N who accidentally ate something that could make her infertile because he's afraid that she couldn't become an empress because of that. S's first fault was he didn't tell N about it so it would led to one of their biggest conflict in the future.

Another reason for their failed marriage was they're both too proud to lower themselves for the others. S wanted N to see him but he also didn't try to act as a loving husband and chose to cheat on her in order to crush her pride while N also didn't try to be a loving wife and was adamant to become a perfect empress, forgetting that aside from being an empress, she was also simply a wife.

It's just a small lack of communication but it led to to a bigger disaster in the future. Kinda make you wondering, "What if..." because I know they initially loved each other.

Aside from that, I still think that S was bad but I also agreed with other reviewer that making him losing his child was a bit cruel. Well, she's technically wasn't his biological child (or was she since there were some conspiracy theories out there regarding her true parent) but he raised her by himself so of course he held some affections towards her. He also didn't think of disposing her even after he knew that she wasn't his child but the author just had to make him think that he lost her and made him suffer the agony. Instead of thinking that he deserved it, I rather think that he's quite pitiful. I mean, losing the love of his life and seeing her happy with other man was already painful enough for him and he already repented for his mistakes so at least just give him a chance to have a child of his own.


Overall, this novel certainly had its charm since it had its own fan base which was a glorious achievement itself. I also initially think that this story was enjoyable to read since I love face slapping novel... that was until the angsts were a bit too much for my heart to handle. <<less
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Ann_e rated it
April 30, 2023
Status: c440
I get it that Sovieshu made some mistakes but the retribution he got in return is just cruel at that point

... more>>

losing his baby, thinking that the woman he loved died and after that the knights gave him the blood covered clothes of his dead baby! Wtf that is just cruel, his original mistake was to have shamefully divorced his wife. So I dont think proportion were respected

we cannot even compare henry and him because henry was created for navier, he is barely human.

sovieshu makes human mistakes, regret them.


The novel should have ended chapter 437. F*cking awesome sad chapter


Sovieshu killed himself, I was bawling


the rest of the novel is just pure nonsense, Sovieshu is losing is brain due to his condition and I find it s*upid. He is being OCC for his own character wtf <<less
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rompom rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I finished reading the MTLs, Im updated with the manhwa, and also reading the translated chapters and... as much as I hate or dislike Rashta...

... more>>

I have conflicting feelings about her ending. The compassionate side of me thinks she's just a victim of her circumstances, and she is. But also she has gotten too far in her idiotic ambition. So I cant decide whether or not Im happy about her fate, but also I don't exactly find it justifiable how her ending was with her dying, while Sovieshu got away with it. I always put more weight in putting accountability on those who were raised in privileged backgrounds, and not that I condone Rashta's actions, but everything that happened to her is really just pitiful. So I can't tell what the author wanted to relay as a message... or at the end of it all is it just for drama's sake?


Then about Duke Kaufman...


I'm glad he found his somehow happy ending, but it felt like a convenient way for the author to just pair them up with new characters. But there's no depth or anything. So I also don't find his character's arc satisfying.


In another note, I will defend the FL. Some say she's weak and like a doormat, but the way I see it she's a character who was raised in a specific way (raised to be an Empress). So before deciding on how to act or what to do, she had to weigh different interests and not just her own. Given that, I somehow understand why she couldn't just pull off some Mary Sue strategies to deal with Sovieshu's a-holeness.

Overall, this is one of the novels I've read first and got hooked. It deserves the popularity and I love how strong the FL is. <<less
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Feather rated it
January 20, 2022
Status: c308
I was getting impatient while reading the story at first that I wanted to read other novel instead however due to the good reviews and I have this inkling to give it a chance I read it. So far I liked it. I'm not fond of the words and sentence construction that is usually used in Nobility and even in this one however I like the story and the character of the characters.

Former Husband is pitiful however he deserve it.

Rashta is despicable, she has her reasons and it's understandable why... more>> she did things however it does not justify it.

Second Husband is adorable, I wish I have someone like him.

Navier the MC is strong, wise and admirable. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: --
I first read the manga and was interested in the novel so I read it. It's kinda fun? The author certainly made sure to make us hate Sovieshu and Rasta.

I hate Sovieshu more than Rasta because he wanted the best of both worlds. The perfect empress as well as his lover. He's a failure of an emperor. Rashta is doing it to have a good life but because of her greed to be more than a mistress it makes me hate her.

Navier tries to tolerate everything at first but the... more>> final breaking point in their relationship is when Sovieshu decides to make Rashta the empress and divorce her. I'd say she had been quite patient this whole time.

Heinley is quite cute and his sincerity wins Navier over.

Overall a 3 star story. <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: c229
I admit... I find the love potion aspect of the third (?) male lead a little superfluous. I am otherwise enjoying this novel!
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Strawberrymilk rated it
July 30, 2020
Status: c173
The summary will inevitably get you hooked but if you're expecting that it would just jump straight on to the divorce then you'd have to be disappointed.

Anyway, I actually appreciate the backstory before we were moved to the main event. It doesn't feel rushed and you get to know more of the circumstances that lead to the divorce.

Navier, our FL, is a wise woman that has her country and people in mind. She's not rash but rather a calm and collected woman. She's also not a vicious and vengeful. So,... more>> don't expect she'll be one of those FL's that doesn't have any regard for human life.

She's one sturdy woman.

Heinley, our ML, GOD CAN WE HAVE MORE ML'S LIKE HIM? He's a lovable baby. [Me want (≧▽≦) ] <<less
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