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Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters. The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push, the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hwan Saeng Jwa
Related Series
The King of the Battlefield (45)
Master Hunter K (17)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (16)
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The Second Coming of Gluttony (13)
I am the Monarch (13)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  3. series i've read
  4. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  5. Damn good novels

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194 Reviews sorted by

Draeghe rated it
February 3, 2016
Status: --
So far it has been an interesting read.

The author delivers a ‘somewhat’ different story, compared to things I’ve read before. Although to be frank, I’ve read “a lot”, so there isn’t really an entirely new concept in here to me.

I like the ‘decisive’ MC so far.

... more>> However, this story seems to be developing well. It’s slightly different compared to many other stories.

It is basically a survival game to the extreme.

I’ve read upto Ch.14 so far.

I don’t feel comfortable commenting much more on this story, just yet... I’ll make sure to come back and redo my review or give more details on it later on. (if I’m still alive, #deathflag, lol)

Update: I've read upto chapter 52 now.
So far the author has avoided several pitfalls and continued to deliver a good story.
The MC, as an reincarnator, has pre-knowledge of many things to come. His reincarnation went back into the past. This does take away some of the thrills and excitement, because so far you're left with the feeling the MC can handle anything.
It will be interesting to see how things will develop as the future starts to deviate from what the MC knows (due to the changes he himself introduces compared to pre-reincarnation).
Sadly, you're not told of how the Main Character handled certain situations pre-reincarnation. So you're left with no comparison.
I stand by my previous choice of giving this novel a 4/5 rating. <<less
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Hantosh rated it
November 25, 2016
Status: c232
People of Earth are transported into an apocalyptic game by a bored god. OP MC travels back in time with future knowledge to avert humanity's extinction.

- Interesting concept, world building. Epic settings (bigger is better right?).
- Plot progression/structure seems to be well planned so far; though the setting's structure helps this by essentially "resetting" every arc.

- Writing quality gets worse over time. Author skips describing details on items, skills, visual descriptions (of all sorts; eg: people/locations/monsters), entire events.
- Translation quality varies. Oftentimes hard to tell what's happening from the word salads.
- MC has very little personality. Side characters often have the same selfish/schemy template archetype. So the story tends to come off like an emotionless robot on a thankless mission to save a race of a**holes. Characters aren't very interesting; no consistent core cast.
- Power system is half-assed; mostly related to the writing quality (ie: info is just skipped over). There's apparently all sorts of runes (that mostly aren't described), but the MC/story only focuses on the 8 main ones. Loot is generally a forgotten afterthought besides quest-type items. MC is a special snowflake that has 7 skill slots max for story balance whilst everyone else has unlimited (which are rarely described). Skill proficiency is glossed over. So much wasted potential here.
- Power creep is managed by having the previous zone's runes/skills/gear becomes obsolete by the new zone's drops, though this is often told (narrated) and not shown. Ie: Characters are just vaguely described as "stronger." MC gets around this by having cheat skills/items that can level with him. Because the power system is poorly thought out, the story resorts to rank comparison descriptions that change from arc to arc (eg: 2nd world it switched to # years (as in lived there for # years), 4th world it's using levels (ala an RPG)).

An okay time killer if you like the real world turned into death game world genre.
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Hasseno rated it
April 1, 2017
Status: c269
I'm just about the halfway mark of this amazing story.

Pros: story-driven, there's no filler stories here.
Cons: the translation really needs editors. It's not good, yet not that bad. The potential to improve the translation via editors is very huge.

If you're looking for a fun read, where the main protagonist gets rewarded after every trials. This is not the novel you should be reading.
Harem? Nope.
Wishy-washy sidekicks? Nope.
Relationships? Nada.
Xianxia Trope? Not even close.
If you have trouble accepting the brutality of the situation presented, and the choices and the consequences of the decisions made by the protagonist, there's the door over there.....*points at the door*.

The story, in and of itself, is about struggle... and survival. Right at the start, the protagonist has to struggle and survive each and every given mission.

But this story is more. So much more than surviving.

See, the main protagonist has already done that. And even managed to reach the last stage.... only to witness the eradication of the human race at the end.

Just before the demise of the human race, the strongest remaining humans decided to send someone back in time.

In the hopes of changing the fate of the human race.
To ensure that the humans will survive.
To make sure that they will remain victorious in the end.

And that's where our main protagonist, Kang Hansoo, became the reincarnator (?) (or is it the reincarnated?).

It is no longer about struggles.
Heck, surviving is not even his priority at this point.
It is much bigger.
Much, much more.
It's to ensure that the human race survives at the end.

And this is where the beauty of the story is.

You get to see the difficulties and hardships that is driving the main protagonist.
Directly clashing to the naive sentimentality of the humans.
Driven by their basal needs to survive,
By any means possible,
in this hellish Abyss,
created by a bored God.
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Raine rated it
March 24, 2016
Status: --
so far, 50 chapters in and I must say this is a surprise, novel has great development and it seems to be headed in the right direction, MC is smart and decisive, he kills when he needs too and does what he sets out to do from the start, it doesn't get any better than this.
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daitensai rated it
December 23, 2019
Status: c425
One of my best Korean Novels.


  • No plot armour. Or at least it isn't the intrusive kind of plot armour. The MC actually almost died. By the time he's healed, he finds that things have changed way to0 much. So he has to work harder than before to get things going along the intended trajectory.
  • No cliches
  • The back-to-the-past trope doesn't feel like a trope at all. It feels more like terminator where there aren't set timelines when something will happen (apart from the abyss), but more of objectives he has to achieve

  • The novel was last updated in May 2019 ?
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DaDeDiDoDu rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c362
I used to like this novel. A lot.

As in, it was one of my favorites and I actually smile every time I see a new chapter.

And then Season 2 came. Heck, back in Chapter 260-300 I have already started to doubt where the story is going to. 60 Chapters later was when I asked myself:"Is this the same novel I have been reading?".

Simply speaking, it used to be good. It was a novel about people and how they adapt in a brutal and lawless world. But in Season 2, it... more>> degenerated into another battle-oriented novel, of which I'm sure most of us have read a crapload of that sort.

I can rant a whole lot more about a whole lot of things in the novel, but to say it in a short phrase, Reincarnator lost what made it unique compared to other novels. <<less
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Cootrap rated it
June 27, 2017
Status: c301
I think this gets too much hate. Dark undertone so if you're sensitive don't read. MC is epytome of badassness but doesn't get plot armor and everything makes sense (unlike what other people in this comment section would have you believe). Some of the best fights I have seen (they actually have tension unlike most other novels) secondary characters don't get much screentime or backstory but at least they're interesting and not bootlicking MC or just there to provide the "OMG he just did that?" and "I want his d*ck... more>> but have to compete with 13 other girls every chapter". These characetrs also don't just follow MC blindly (except for mihee or minhee she's tr*sh) they have their own goals and try to take advantage of MC (which I find awesome 'cause that's what you would do if there was someone as op as hansoo).

World building is truly amazing and the lore is very interesting, although I agree it could be revealed in better ways than what author does I don't really consider this a fault.

What I personaly love, characters are generally smart (or at least not dum like other novels again- man I really love to hate on the harem filled s*upid MC op novels that plague eastern literature. I'm sorry) and actions have consequences MC doesn't just know everything (strating from the red zone and beyond- tutorial zone he has that opness) so he can't just rely on infinite knowledge and the butterfly effect happens so things get weirder and more unpredictable as he progresses.

Also completely love hansoo he's a badass and not because he has op powers trust me, like seriously he is super badass.

Best part story does completely 360 turn after 300 chapters with massive plot twist and things look more promising for the future.

To sum it up: Dark undertone and realistic setting (don't watch if you don't like this), tension filled battles, interesting characters but forgettable and don't get proper backstory. MC is op but its not ridiculous considering what he's fighting and there's no plot armor to speak of. Avoids the typical harem and characters are generally smart adn plot revolves around logic. Recommend it to everyone 'cause HANSOO IS A GOD!!ALL HAIL HANSOO!!! <<less
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keklel rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c257
Passage from chapter 257 which exemplifies the MC's thought processes:


Hansoo felt Krancheska flinch behind him and muttered to himself.

‘He should be useful. I’ll keep him alive for a bit longer.’

There was a reason why Hansoo hadn’t suppressed Krancheska’s body.

If Krancheska had decided to bite his tongue the moment he woke up, Hansoo was ready to just kill him off here and leave.

Since somebody that dedicated would try anything to bring harm to him even if he held him down.

But somebody who still clung onto the sliver of hope even in a situation like this would still be useful.

Though he was powerless, he still had a tremendous amount of information within his head.


A true masterpiece. The different and seemingly conflicting perspectives presented on various aspects of life, the story itself, and the characters are all excellent. The worldbuilding is excellent. No needless exposition, the world is revealed piece by piece as needed. First the basics, then as the story progresses more detail is revealed. Nothing unnecessary but also nothing unexplained. Everything just made sense. It's a style of worldbuilding particularly suitable for this kind of reincarnation/time travel action/adventure story. The story is perfect. Intense action from day 1. You will not get bored with this. There basically no slice of life boring stuff at all, it's pure intense action and scheming (in the perfect mix). Everything that happens is consequential, nothing irrelevant or meaningless is included. Action is not dragged out at all - details are included where needed, and no unnecessary details. It's perfection itself. The only "downside" is that there's basically no rest in the action so you just had to keep turning the pages. My only gripe (which is minor) is the setting which is a bit weird - a sadistic god teleporting people from different worlds into this arena just to watch them fight to the death. It was kind of weird and didn't make much sense and kind of reminds me of Battle Royale and these artificial death arena kinds of stories, I mean why would such a sadistic god exist and why would he allow time travel and so on. But if you can get past that, and I think it doesn't really impact the plot too much, then you can really enjoy the amount of thought that has gone into the world, the character's thoughts and decisions are all explained in detail as in all their thoughts are written down so you can follow their chain of reasoning. They're well written and internally consistent, highly fleshed out characters, giving a very realistic and gritty feel.
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Trent rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: c75
It's... uh. Okay, for a while, I would've given it five stars. It's a psychological novel with quite complex characters, which was a treat to encounter. After a while, though, its weaknesses reveal themselves and the novel becomes boring. So, maybe three-and-half stars after averaging it out.

Here's the thing: Reincarnator is only enjoyable as a psychological novel. Even so, it doesn't show anything profound, and can only be appreciated as a respite from all those novels with pancake-like characters. What's more, pretty much everyone's personality quickly comes to share the... more>> same tone.

The fighting and leveling are only backdrops used to help carry the story forward. At first, I had no problem with this. Battle scenes start out interesting enough, but they become boring and oftentimes confusing. The MC fights tactically, carrying out plans created from his unmatched knowledge, but these plans are poorly explained. Settings, likewise, are poorly illustrated. All in all, readers are unable to slide into the MC's shoes, and are left as perplexed passengers at best. <<less
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bloggbigg rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: c79
Essentially 'weak to strong by using cheats' if you like that sort of thing.

  • In fairness, I may quit this at any time so my review is only for up to c79 (so far) and will be notably incomplete, and possibly prejudicial.

  • MC seems acceptable- almost likable. It's a trick- but you may not notice...
  • Storytelling is ok, albeit linear & predictable.
The BAD:

  • Translation is a bit sub-par. Still mostly understandable, but some occasional, minor issues.
  • This a narrative 'about a story' more than an actual story. So much exposition. Exposition nightmare.

    Someone says a thing. Next you expect a response, but no- instead enjoy several paragraphs of exposition. Oh, here's a response- what was said before?...

    That's just 1 example.

  • Forced plotting everywhere. Might as well be a cooking show, the 'ingredients' are so accessible & the different steps executed so easily.

    Some of the more blatant points are where people 'offend' the MC, then are conveniently 'punished' by the 'karma' of the story with a set-up that pretty much yells 'See how you are? That's why this is happening!'

  • Things 'not forced' are exposition-'justified'. Half the story is rambling about barely related things, narrative to convince you of pending or past things, or are speculation/projection of things that won't be- but you have to be told about for some reason.
  • Setups for the 'challenges' are mostly math-challenged 'luck vs effort' setups, or unrealistically biased 'carrot & stick' based 'divide & conquer' messes.

    In the context of 'this was just random untrained people, randomly grouped together'- including puzzle dynamics which demand competence and solidarity should be instant fails despite 'magic rune stone power ups'. Don't forget- this is supposedly the 'tutorial', not some 'weeding out' scheme enforced on army offficers

  • 'Mind control' almost always fails to make sense/not be OP in most stories, but it's use here is just vague and cliche.
  • MC's motivation/actions are rather bullshit. Actually this author bullshits a lot with his story, asserting things 'are this way' in one section, then saying other crap later. Sometimes only a paragraph apart. It's somewhat irritating.

    Actually the MC is a two-faced hypocrite. Although I'm name calling- it's 100% accurate, and there's even a passage at the end of c42 (I think) that spells out how he's been intentionally 'g*ooming his image'. You can add in the convenient normal guy that suddenly, desperately offers to be his 'Punisher' and kill people for him as he pretends to be averse to doing it himself (for publicity reasons).

    Actually- speaking of that character, to go from a post-high school work associate (or whatever), to someone who he can give an order to 'go somewhere, get a special thing by independently completing a normally dangerous challenge, wait up to 34 days for people, and kill anyone who shows up and doesn't use his name' (which should include any random innocent person or group)...


    To expect he'll execute that competently is one ridiculous thing.

    That he does is the other.

  • No characters have much personality- they're all 'plot puppets' stiffly following the author's script. (see spoiler above).
  • For an 'Apocalyptic Horror/Drama', other than 'complaints', most people surprisingly have very few feelings about the amount of loss and strife throughout the story. You get to glimpse more than a few petty motivations to fuel/justify the forced plot/the MCs actions- but there is practically no actual drama/tragedy/human emotion-- and in a story like this, that should be impossible.

    In the second phase of the 'tutorial', the MC meets a family where only the father fights, and the rest coattail ride the goodwill of the protectors.

    Ok- whatever- that can happen...

    Later, the father has to make a hard decision due to limited resources, so he punches his daughter in the face & takes her ticket- the runs off with the wife.

    Ok- whatever- again...

    The daughter is left behind, and is given a

    few sentences of token attention by the writer, and is thereafter 'functionally ignored' by the story- even though the author makes it clear that the MC slightly later kills everyone (though doesn't spell it out that he kills said daughter, nor make the daughter plead for her life, etc/whatever drama/human emotion)

  • On that note: LOTS of stuff is left out/'done in the background'. Major quest objectives are suddenly 'resolved' without details in between sentences. Not sure if this is the writing or the translating- but it's not good storytelling.
The Different:

  • Nothing- I thought it was a blatant rip-off, but turns out it was (likely) the inspiration for something WAY better (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint).
Overall, it's a passable read if you're bored enough I suppose- but suggest you just read ORV.

On it's own merits, it's not BAD, but 'why settle for less'? I suppose if you finished ORV and want MOAR, then it's better than nothing?

Well, whatever.
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EvilGenesis666 rated it
August 2, 2018
Status: c408
I have mixed feelings about this novel mostly because I kinda feel betrayed by my expectations of it. It started out as a 5/5 but then as the story progressed, I noticed that one of the elements that attracted me to this novel the most started being cast out more and more - the game element. While in the first arc you more or less felt like this was a game world with the status bar, stat progression, items, abilities, etc... Later on, it became more and more residual to... more>> the point that the status bar and the stats weren't even mentioned for a hundred chapters. The other bad thing was the lack of emotions in the story, I feel like the collective consciousness of, not just humans, but almost all sentient beings was very pragmatic and utilitaristic.

Ok, now that the bad thing is out the way, i'll have to also point out the good things about the novel.

First of all, the MC. I like how he was done very much. He might is like a deus ex machina, but he actually does the part very well in a way that makes the story interesting. There isn't much bs with him, he always acts out according to how the author made him, which is rare in KR novels since authors usually like to change their MC's personality to the one that fits the situation the most so he doesn't feel "evil" and always has the moral high ground.

The side characters were also interesting. Author spent much of the time developing them, he has shown us almost every major antagonists and supportive characters inner thoughts and what are their plans for the future. Though, maybe the bad thing was that the author spent too much time developing them since most of them won't be too important in the later arcs.

The story itself, is another very positive point about the novel. Every arc is much different than the last, and I feel like this is the only novel where I felt, in every beginning of the arc, - "holy shit, there is no way anyone can get out of this", I mean the first arc was already insane difficulty and each successive arc is several times harder. To give you a brief example -

in the red zone / second arc, the humans live on an island surrounded by toxic water and there are 4 monsters the size of mountains that have almost-human intelligence and are on to the goal to screw humanity all the while humans plot against and try to kill each other. The only reason humans are actually still alive and not all dead is because of the op mental fortitude of the MC and his knowledge of the future.


Read this if you like stories with seemingly "no way out" and a badass op MC that knows what to do and doesn't stray from his character <<less
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dniv rated it
February 7, 2017
Status: c256
This is one of the best stories I have ever read. I was a bit unsure at the very beginning about how good the writing was going to be since it seemed as if the side characters weren't going to be properly developed... but after about chapter 14 I realized that certain things which had come up earlier in the story, were actually foreshadowing deeper things to come not just for the plot, but also for the characters. Since then, after I stuck with reading this, and have gotten to... more>> the latest translated chapter, I have to say that this is an incredible masterpiece.

I think this novel spends a good amount of time questioning morality/motives, exploring various emotions/feelings/sentimentality, inspiring excellent worldbuilding, having a lot of foreshadowing that actually ends up mattering, and is just an excellent story with super great characters. While there are some rare times that in the middle of a long arc, for some individual chapters, one might feel sort of lost, but actually I think that's part of the intention. When you try to figure out what's going on, it actually makes sense, and it makes for an interesting style that makes you piece things together and that doesn't show you the whole story, but shows you enough to make it incredible.

The story is highly unconventional and uses very interesting mechanisms to create a sense of urgency in the otherwise super OP protagonist who in the face of what he has to do isn't very OP tbh (even if he is certainly "OP.") He is also focused on a larger goal, and he always has to do more than everyone else, and his actions are meaningful, and the meaning behind them are slowly expanded upon, which makes for a truly delightful read. In spite of being somewhat amoral, Hansoon is actually one of my favorite protagonists. He's resilient, intelligent, crafty, determined, stoic, mysterious, soft-hearted (I say that he actually is sofhearted underneath it all), wise, meticulous, and frankly just a crazy sort of badass. He has a lot of good qualities, but none of them feel too exaggerated or over the top since they all make sense given the circumstances.

This is one of the extremely rare cases in which I've seen a reincarnation novel do it right. Every time, the protagonist goes back to the past in other novels, the knowledge he has about the present trivializes what he is doing, and it feels totally fake since the protagonist doesn't really have to work for anything and has all of it in the bag. But in this case, Hansoon doesn't actually know everything about the past, there is a whole lot that he doesn't know. He does have a lot of experience and knowledge about the past, but at the same time, he lacks really important details that end up mattering a lot all the time that keep the suspense up and that make everything very interesting. There are also other constraints that make his time-travelling self much less OP than you'd expect and that manage to keep the story extremely interesting.

The novel does an excellent job of presenting scenarios in which there are many conflicting interests and in which taking certain actions can lead to better outcomes in making people fight against each other so that a path is open for you to be able to get what you want. I make it sound simple, but what's happening in this novel is just crazy in comparison. Every zone, the sheer genius behind all those of plans to change the past for the better, are amazing. It's also much better because he doesn't forget the reason he goes to the past as the story goes on, that has always been an extremely integral part of the story, and at the same time, he didn't go back to the past for just himself, which also made things very interesting.

I just think that this novel handles a lot of things extremely well that I rarely see done even half as well almost everywhere else. The author clearly has an amazing capacity for how he plans his stories. But yes, I definitely suggest you wait at least 14 chapters before you judge this prematurely, since I remember myself that at first I was a bit skeptical about this work's quality until I saw a certain scene that had a character act in a certain way that changed my whole opinion about the series in that moment. (This happened around chapter 14 IIRC.) <<less
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Ziltch rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: c120
This novel is not like others.

The story in this novel focuses on, well, the story. The MC is just the driving force of it, we're merely following him along as he works at completing a specific goal, thus unnecessary things are short or nonexistent. Fight scenes for example are often cut as it's not really necessary to explain it all, he explains how he gets abilities and such and how they work and that's about what's necessary. It is also not like other novels in character interactions as MC has a specific goal he is working towards, unneeded people are cut off and disappear quickly. TL;DR
This story is about the story, not the fights, the MC or the character interactions. So heed that as you read it, else you will, like a lot of the other reviews, base your opinion on the wrong grounds. True, the story might not fit everyone, but I feel that it is unique and extremely interesting. It also progresses quite quickly while still explaining the key elements needed.
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Jimza rated it
June 30, 2016
Status: c70
Wow... so bad for so many reasons. I tried, I really did try but im not sure if its the translation or authors but the wording of it is just confusing.
Theres so many time skips, and things that happen that you literally have no idea whats going on. plus so many things that dont make sure.
Plus a crap load of plotholes or random things that dont make sense.

He remembers a mission for a reward at the start to skin off like 15 people while they are still alive, the author vaguely glosses over that he did do it. And no one really makes a big deal of it or why the MC did that. Then when it was done, there was no reward notification.


In the 2nd phase, he keeps talking about getting a pet snake, but once he gets it, doesnt explain why, or how its used. however will take 4 paragraphs to describe some useless item he sees.


Somehow the author states that they are fighting in a giant fish, surrounded by toxic seawater, however doesnt bother to mention how they got there or why they are fighting.


End of the matter, if u can stomach reading this your a better man then me. bunch or random things that doesnt make sense.
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Commoner rated it
April 6, 2018
Status: c348
Definitely 1 of my memorable and all time favorite no matter what reviews anyone says its definitely perfect for my taste, Sadly looks like the chapters are only up too 488 I hope the author will continue if possible. :) For those people who hate it because the characters around the MC changes every arc and rated the LN because of it I dunno if they dont understand the novel or just hate it because of preference and always want a dramatic, last forever bond in every chapter...

Tsk im really... more>> not good with English : ( <<less
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yellingbrian2 rated it
May 8, 2017
Status: c313
This is one of the best novels I have read.

And I resent the fact that it is rated so poorly in view count, the description should read something like this:

After the downfall of humanity, cursing their own weakness. The final 100 sent back a man with a timed and brutal plan to enhance humanity into creatures of war, not with teaching or a helping hand. But by literally changing the 7 worlds to suet humanities's "enhancement program".

This novel will take a look at how humans will put their needs... more>> of their family and selves over the needs of the race, showing the consequences of thous actions. Where the world does it's best to get people to screw themselves over.

In comes the MC, an experienced machine like person, who has no time fr personal relationships, rest, or love. With a darker then expected origin story,


Eris LITERALLY brainwashed him it to doing all this shit!

And when he "wakes up" he has VERY different thoughts on how humanity should proceed


Almost no plan ever goes down perfectly, the worlds lore is some of the deepest I have seen in web novels. The author clearly has a plan for the entire series, and just the scale and weight of this epic is incredible

I will accept the 2 big issues characters and the pacing. (In my opinion the tutorial arch could have been 20+ chapters less, and keeping track of all the characters can be very confusing) But this is a rare story to behold it's on of the few to state the FACT that not only BILLIONS but TRILLIONS will die if the MC fails his quest, and the MC truly feels experienced knowing when to hit and when to take a hit, the exploration of different governing styles of Kind Eris and Brutal Keldian.

I wish the story was read more, and better advertised. <<less
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Folcho rated it
January 6, 2017
Status: c240
One of the best novel i've found on this site

The MC is a badass, quite OP compared to the other character, but he trows himself into situation a lot more difficult than what other normally face. It's true that in the end he always turn victorious but the way he comes up with solution is quite good and plausible.

The world building is slowly unveiling but it seems to be very interesting.
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sakirol rated it
November 9, 2016
Status: c222
World-building: 5/5
Plot progression: 5/5
Character development: 2/5
Writing: 2.5/5

Reincarnator builds amazing worlds, and that's really one of the biggest things I'm looking for in a fantasy-type novel - being able to go on an adventure in another fantastical realm. Enjoy the creative worlds that the author creates.

The MC is likeable!! He makes good decisions. He has a personality!!! He's never a d*ck for no reason.

Character development is fragmented and weak. Support characters randomly drop in, get an exposition, then disappear off into the realm of nothingness for hundreds of chapters, or worse, forever. Don't give me a name and sad backstory that spans half a chapter if you're going to make the character disappear after 3 chapters *sob*. We have evil, killing machines flip sides at a moment's notice without enough explanation, so it feels jarring.

There are a lot of Deus Ex Machina moments where the MC is in a hopeless situation, but then he suddenly pulls out a secret new power unbeknown to the audience. It makes the climax of each arc anti-climatic... because you know he's going to pull out a trump card.

Weak details. It's hard to grasp what the environment, characters, and different races look or feel like because of the lack of description. This is pretty common among light novels though.

Too much chuckling. Please... Hangsoo chuckles like every other sentence.
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Hussey274 rated it
October 8, 2016
Status: c206
This novel is a masterpiece.

The author has extremely well thought out the story and progressively written it. It's brilliant how the author manages to step by step intensify the novel.

The novel itself is unusual compared to most others. The MC, travels back in time. But this time travel is done on purpose and for a great cause. Unlike the other novels, the MC in this novel goes back into his younger body with absolute prior preparation with the help of his friends in order to avert the annihilation of the... more>> human race.

Trust me when I say this, this novel will make you absolutely frustrated. This novel clearly depicts the inhuman side of humanity, and some of the villains will downright frustrate the readers. But this is strong point of the author to be able to arouse different kinds of emotions in the reader, making the reader crave for chapters.

Regarding the characters, the MC is an extremely calm and rational person. He pretty much never gets angry and never gives up. He is also a loner, and thus the other characters don't play much of a role, so romance, comradeship is pretty much non-existent because he moves with a purpose to quickly increase the power of the humans.

However there are some negative points to the story as well. The biggest negative point in the story in my opinion are the boss battles. There is so much build up and hype towards the boss battles but they tend to end within a single chapter with sometimes the supposed final boss turning to help the MC. Also the plot is extremely fast paced, which is in a way good, and necessary for the plot (as the MC is in a tight time constraint schedule) but makes me want him to stop and take a breather.

Anyway this novel is a great one... and if you find you enjoy the first 50 chapters then don't stop reading. Enjoy!

Concept: 9.8/10
Plot: 9.5/10
Characters: 7.5/10
Translation: 9.9/10
Overall: 9.6/10 <<less
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SnowX rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: c425
I don't think this novel deserves this much bad reviews. Essentially, all they are complaining about is " timeskip.... timeskip.... bad descriptions... etc ".

In my opinion this novel isn't focused on the fights or the powers of the caracters but on the extremely difficults situations the MC is put in. Instead of showing some fights that you know he'll win, the author is focusing on the consequences and what comes after said fight.

The MC is faced with incredibly difficult situations on each stage he enters and he must solve them... more>> while thinking about the well being of those who'll come up after him. In fact each stage has an obvious problem that needs to be solved like the 5 calamities in the Red Zone or the Gragos in the Orange Zone, however behind those problems are the internal struggles of the races of each zones including humans, you also have one huge scheme that the MC needs to solve alone behind the scenes of each stages.

This novel is more like a mystery novel instead of an action one, the author puts much more emphasis on all the background fights and hidden conflits that goes way, WAY, beyond the scope of the humans in each zone and the process of slowly discovering and resolving them while caring about a lot of others things. For example:

The MC comes up in a zone where the only problem seems to come from the fights of the already much more powerful humans than him. Instead no, in fact there is a faction of hidden humans that don't care about their kind and are just trying to kill everyone or ens*ave them, in fact the natives of each zones that are very powerful on their own are trying to achieve their own objectives and they have their own power struggles that are oblivious to humans. That's not the end since there is also a OP hidden mastermind that stand opposite to everyone else and is going on with his own plans to take power. And sometimes you learn that there is a second mastermind behind the original one.

Each zone is filled with plots and schemes and hidden caracters who are much more dangerous and mysterious than the visible ones.

In short, those that like hidden plots read it, those that like messy fights with a much more realistic feel read it and those who like to go deep in the world building read it. Especially after

the huge change of chap 300


All of you dragging the novel down by commenting and judging only based on the first 2 arcs of the 10 or so, just go read your usual copypaste like 2000 chapter eastern fantasy because there you'll have all your important fights with absolutely no timeskips and get all your amazing descriptions. Heck, it's like claiming to know Harry Potter and all of its plot only after reading the first volume. <<less
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