Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~


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I woke up in an unknown forest.

It seemed like this place was a fantasy world where strange-looking beasts ran rampant. And just like in a game, I seemed to be able to check my enemies’ and my ability.

Let’s hunt monsters and gather titles in order to level up and evolve into a Greater Dragon!

And I heard a mysterious voice in my head, “Let’s aim to be the strongest!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dora Tama
Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling
Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~ Saikyou Igai Mezasenee ~
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174 Reviews sorted by

chihamin rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: c307
dunno, I liked it.

taste is subjective, but really I don't think this story is as bad as other reviews like to paint it as.

some of the main complaints from other reviews is that the main character is a mentally weak character, who, to these reviewers' dismay, continues to hold on to his humanity. Irushia does not want to hurt humans, but if he must, he will.

So then, is Irushia a shallow character? Hmm... well it's true that at chapter 307 we haven't learned much about our main character except that... more>> he's a bit of a pushover, though if worst comes to worst, he'll lose that mentality.

the interesting parts of the story doesn't really come from our MC. It comes from the people around Irushia and how they interact with him. Irushia makes a lot of acquaintances but he can't always keep them, he lives a lonely life.


hell, my favorite character is the twin head that irushia gets when he evolves into a two-headed ouroboros. She starts out as something of a wild beast but we see her develop and gain humanity and along with it some absolutely cute behavior. (Even if she is a bit wild-spirited) I have a hunch she's going to be a big growing point for our main character, she has always had his back and im wondering if she won't be able to stay forever.


aside from irushia, the story is committed to it's world setting. This can be a good and a bad thing.

Irushia eventually gains access to a human form, but it can only last so long (depending on his mana capacity) and on top of that, if he wants it to look like a human he has to painstakingly level it up.


on the topic of painstakingly leveling up, GRINDING. Grinding for levels has to be the least enjoyable part of this series.

please, PLEASE, just skim over bits where the MC is grinding if you want to have an enjoyable experience like I did.

the pacing of the series is definitely something the story can't handle well, but in recent chapters i've found that the pacing has gotten better.

im giving this story a solid 4.0 although I really think it deserved a 3.5. I'm doing this because this story (in a literal sense) is underrated. Theres so much garbage that has 4.5 stars (for example, apotheosis of a demon) when it's really far worse than this. So, why can't a decent story like this get up there? <<less
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Cutiefangs rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c153
I really enjoy the story. A lot of the reviews complain about the slow pacing or the MC being idiotic and while I can agree that it's slow paced, the MC is not an idiot. He's pretty smart with how he continues to survive and overcome all the hardships he does. Personally as a female reader it is hard for me to find male protagonist stories in the fantasy genre truly great. Usually they are just ok. This one for me is easily one of my favorites to read. The... more>> protagonist feels like a real person. He's complex and has a clear personality.


It is shown even more clearly in the later chapters when he gains another head. Him and his other head have different personalities and motivations that clash and go together.


Basically if you are someone looking for a story and protagonist to invest in. This is definitely one you should consider reading. <<less
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May 23, 2020
Status: --
I've just created an account so this is my firt review.

Now, the people complaining about the MC is just mad because he's not an edgelord? Of course the dragon is obsesed with humans, he was a human to begin with tho. You can't expect him to be your generic chinese novel edgelord, the character has its own principles.

Now about the story:

... more>> It's ok I guess, it slow paced. Just like those novels where the MC is leveling up, getting skills and evolving.

What makes me keep reading it is that I want to see how the MC evolves and how the world reacts to a gigant dragon around. The figths are well done too, it kinda frustating how the people dislike him, it's sad but he's a f*cking dragon too.

The bad thing is that the chapters are short, there are 600 chapters in total but only 200 translated.

You can read this or the manga so you can get a faster reference. <<less
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weeeman rated it
May 21, 2018
Status: c182
The main character can be aggravating at times, but he is oddly charming. At least he's not an edgelord. The worldbuilding is interesting and the story isn't that bad, but the pacing has issues. If you are not hooked after the first 10-15 chapters (or reading the manga), don't bother with this story.
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VannVann rated it
November 11, 2017
Status: c159
This is a story of a young and foolish man growing up in a foreign, cruel world. What angers many readers is his almost abnoxius mentalety toward befriending humans. As a former human with fractured memories he is constantly trying to hold onto his humanety. The presence of his memories holds him back more than it helps him.

A very importnat, but overlooked information (mainly becouse it's only mentioned once) is that our MC had friends in his previous life. That's right. Not a NEET, a shut in, a loner, a... more>> loser imployee but an actual sociable person. I belive many of you who are extraverts will find it hard todetach yourself from humans. And these fractured memories drive our MC to find companions. Now you may argue that he found them in his monster friends (black lizard best wifu!!) but ask yourself this: "If I woke up in another world as a monster would I so easaly make enemies of humans? Would I kill or injure them willy nilly?" The answer, if you are a normal person would be "No", not to mention the issue of being hunted down. And, as I mentioned already the precious memories are holding him down, he has an urge to gain a human body becouse every creature finds its birth form to be the most confortable (a snake would prefer a snakes body, spider spiders, bird birds, human humans).

Through the story


(MC) Grows up. He learns that he must make decisions that will make humans hate him if he wishes to protect them. He shoulders the burden of a young girls broken hopes and dreams.

It is easy to be a hero if you are loved by the populace. A true hero will always protect the weak despite being hated by the very people he is protecting, always shouldering the neverending burden of the name he carries.

Some people will not be able to fallow through a story depicting a childs growth. Despite him having his previous lifes memories those are mearly fractures and he is actually developing as the story progresses.


(MC) is a true hero, foolish, child hero. A child who was mercilessy tormented by the unforgiving world he woke up in, always lamenting his lack of human appearance and lonlyness. With time this child will grow up to be a great and wise person.

Now for some spilers that will inforce my review:


There is a human 'hero' with the same name as MC. Yurisha means brave hero, however this scumbag is a far cray from a hero yet he is loved by people. Compare him with our poor MC and you will see who is a true hero and who is a true monster

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February 21, 2017
Status: --
Maybe the bad rating makes me skeptical, but man I'm hooked. Seriously, why so many rate this as a 1?

I guess the title makes you think about an OP wish fulfillment MC? Seriously he's a dragon, that will be too easy this novel over in a flash. Also it will be repetitive after a while like some other op MC novel i've read here. Nerfed MC will yield many plot points, guys. XD

My review is the story pacing is nice. Too much batle description can be boring, pls advance the... more>> plot. Life is full of up and down. Many won't go as planned. So pls, advance the story. Although fluffy things are nice, pls give the dragon more hardship. Muahahahahaha... <<less
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Argo_ rated it
December 19, 2021
Status: c468
Too far to back down now lol

Not your normal isekai where the protagonist is OP from the start. Pacing and filler is ok. The beginning was unbearable because the MC is naive but 80 chapters in, the story start to get intresting. If you have very little patience I highly recommend to not read this but if you're a mad man then go ahead.

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Gavv0308 rated it
June 4, 2021
Status: v8c373
This is good.

First its bad points.

At the beggining yes its a litte boring to read but after ch 100 or so it gets better, as the synopsis says, the MC gets reincarnated as a dragon egg, then he becomes a baby dragon, pretty simple. From the start is stablished that the MC is an idiot, a massive idiot, he is clumsy, and too good of a person to his own good, he was almost killed multiple times. The story is a bit slow at the first 100 chapters but after... more>> that it picks up a decent pace.

Now to the good points.

The MC is fun to watch, what I mean by this is that it is enterteining to see him screw up or success, precisely because he is an idiot, you will eventually find yourself cheering for him to overcome his hardships. The comedy is decent, is not that good in this aspect like other novels like kumo desu ga, but sometimes the comedy shines. Its a story with a lot of misunderstandigs, like a lot, but this time they are justified, he is a dragon, of course he is gonna be misunderstood. The side characters are good, some sad moments with them are quite good in fact, the fun moments too. Finally this is a story of a lonely human-turned-dragon that just wants to survive and have company, not necessarily human, but he wants company from someone that is not trying to kill him.

Sorry if there is some grammar mistakes, but english is not my main language. <<less
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Me_no_retard rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: c240
This is probably one of the best isekai novels I have read so far.

First thing's first, the beginning of the novel is quite irritating considering just how naive the MC actually is. Which isn't surprising considering his amnesia and the fact that he doesn't have proper common sense. Because of those two factors you will probably find yourself hating the MC, just like me, and I love the MC.

But if you push through, then you will find that the MC slowly develops; he gains more knowledge more power, and becomes... more>> smarter. The maturity of the MC is still lacking, as he is still naive even after a hundred chapters--though compared to his self in the first few chapters, there is a massive difference.

But the biggest part of the MC's charm is how concrete his personality is, I don't want say predictable, but he is. By just reading like 30 or so chapter, you will probably have a good grasp of the MC's personality. You probably could guess what the MC's decisions are going to be and so on.

Then comes the side characters; if I had to say, they are all great. They each have unique personalities and are very charming. They are all very likable. Though I still have some gripes with the villians.

I think I understand why most of them are so evil, because of God Voice, but still, its really off-putting how all the villains share some pretty big similarities, though I might be wrong.

Then comes the plot, there really isn't much, which some people might find to be boring. But to me I quite enjoy it, as the MC is very cautious about getting himself into trouble, and doesn't like to fight every single being in the existence, but wants to live a calm life--even though, ironically, it always goes to shit.

But even though the MC doesn't fight a lot, the moment he does, it's quite enjoyable. Though sometimes its quite irritating that the MC doesn't use some of his broken abilities; but I don't mind it that much considering his personality.

Though the most lacking part has to be world building, but considering the MC, I really can't think of anyway the author could introduce world building without pulling out a literal asspull, such as the MC changing his entire character. <<less
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October 12, 2018
Status: c197
A human that reincarnated as a dragon. He isn't op, but has quite a few advantages over other creatures in that world. He just wants human friends, but, due to his poor decisions, it's a real challenge. He's very different from those classic "lolol look at me I'm so strong and have a freaking harem even though I don't even resemble a person" and "screw people, I'm edgy and strong and smart and perf!" MCs.
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Erebos.Tenebris rated it
September 8, 2018
Status: c298
I am going to start off by saying that this series isn't a masterpiece. Don't go into this expecting big twists in the story or for something to shock you. There are a few unique ideas and the series has so far done a good job of keeping a consistent tone, as well as not going overboard with inflating the MC's status with a ton of useless or overpowered crap. Furthermore, my possibly favorite part of this is that it isn't just a typical wish fulfillment story- nor is it... more>> nonstop tragedy (both of which are pretty common problems with isekai novels). Over all this is a decent action series that would make for a good manga or video game. (There actually is a manga, but it only has a few chapters so far and hasn't been updated in months.)

The chapters are pretty short and the translation quality is generally pretty decent. This series isn't exactly anything special, but it is still good enough to make for a good read and can make you want to come back wanting more. However now there is one serious problem that needs to be fixed before anyone new should pick this up and read it. And that is the translator. It isn't that they aren't doing a good job translating, but rather that they aren't translating at all.

The person who has translated the past eighty or so chapters has become too busy to put any time into this. They still occasionally release a chapter, though it is really only about once a month- if you are lucky. But that just isn't enough to make any progress at all- as I mentioned the chapters are short. Short enough that I would never call them chapters if I had another word for them, as they really are only a couple pages long at the most.

If a new translator picks this up, then it is my opinion that this would be a must read if you are bored and have nothing to do. But until then, best to just wait this out.

A new translator has picked up the series and alongside quick releases (once every couple days) the quality of the translations is excellent. As it stands right now, there is no reason to not read this series. If I can figure out how to change a rating, I will change the score I gave it to 5 stars, if not then let this be my rating- 5 stars. <<less
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Sir.Creas rated it
May 16, 2018
Status: --
I really like this Light novel probably because of this evaluation idea, meeting thresh-holds and making massive changes. I honestly don't mind the main character at all and I like his involvement with the people around him.

Wish chapters would come out a little quick but I'm not going to complain to much though.
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Nvelist rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c118
Yes, many whom of thinks this is such a sloppy works of novel but it doesn't always relate a protagonist with cool head and demeanor. Every individual that readers thought of a main character as clever and strong is always being represented throughout many things but come on not every individual is smart as we think. Think for our world that modern society produced many excelled smart generation but in 1 of those amounts that have lacking in mental capacity. Showing that not every main character you think is smart... more>> and badass.

Surely MC here is very naive and s*upid but he keeps ongoing to many survival odds he faced. Even he's an idiot he thinks the consequence of himself can be a danger to everyone. Not because of his sinister looking type breed of a dragon but his hazardous breath and poison emanating from his body as a dark/plague type dragon. He thinks too little from himself but he tried as much he can do to beat and escape any danger. Sometimes he is brave and sometimes or often a scaredy cat. Even though his opponents are monsters at the level of adventurers that can fight C-B rank, he thinks too much of escaping by it even though he's an A-class dragon, not knowing he defeat in a whims if instinctively or whits.

So fellow readers don't be disappointed about this dragon story. I assure you this is only the start of his adventure and whether he stay s*upid or not as he grow its up to the author to decide if changing the mental capacity of MC is his remarks. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
December 18, 2016
Status: c103
It's pretty bad... the battle scenes that is.

Grammar: 3/5 (Formerly 1.2/5 updated as of chapter 78)
Story: 3/5
Writing: 2.5/5 (Formerly 0.3/5 updated as of chapter 85)

(Updated as of chapter 85: Well... it really did get better. The Reincarnated Translation group does a waaaaay better job with their grammar, nothing ground breaking, but loads better than previous translation attempts. The writing takes a real turn for the better, nothing extraordinary, but still more than enough to justify having waded through 70+ chapters of tasteless cardboard story-line.)

First, the grammar seen from chapter 1-47 have thus far been far from good. Though "Mothbalde" does a far better job than the first two, it's still far from passable. Constant misspelling, awkward wording/phrasing, and syntax errors are rife through out the works. The story while fairly good is not too original, with being reincarnated into a monster with a leveling/evolution system. This is the lesser brother of Kumo, attempting to follow almost the same story arc in a different environment. The writing, this is where the series falls the hardest, is abysmal. The author treats most of the series like Dragon Ball Z. Slice-of-life is done for a chapter or two before you get a 3-5 chapter long repetitive battle, and then it moves back to slice-of-life, before again engaging in a 3-5 chapter long repetitive battle. You could literally skip the chapters between the start of a battle to the conclusion of a battle and not suffer any real loss story-wise.

Aside from all that, I plan on reading through this series, just to see if it gets any better. I really do enjoy the premise of the story, and want to know if the author does anything with the MCs' desire for human interaction, or if that cover art is just a load of bullshot (look up bullshot in regards to gaming, it's not a typo).
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GrandeChute rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: c744
Its great.

I don't really understand the hate around the main character. He isn't a coward or isn't dumb, he's just being careful of his surroundings and enemies. And it makes sense with the main character's mentality!

Overall great story, characters, and plot development (although it is a little slow for the plot development part).

If you are currently wondering if you should read it, (after reading the manga till chapter 30, exactly like me), read it! It is 100% worth it. If you liked the manga, you'll like the web novel.... more>>

Currently, as of June 19, 2023, the manga (Ch. 30) is around (ch.140) of the web novel. So yeah, the manga won't be ending anytime soon. (there's currently 744 chapters for the web novel... and the story is still not really near completion)


Really hope that partner will come back, she was a great addition to the story overall.

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Left over Mac n Cheese
Left over Mac n Cheese rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: --
READ THE MANGA FIRST then read the light novel.

Arc 1 and 2 are not the best but Arc 3, 4 and 5 are f*cking amazing.

People complaining that the MC is weak but compared to the world standard when the MC evolved into an Ouroboros dragon it's already broken on itself, he just keep fighting stronger and stronger opponent which is why people think the MC weak.

Sorry but this story ain't about an overpowered MC
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ltsArcane rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: c233
I was gonna write a review, a very detailed one at that, about why I rated this 5-stars, then I remembered that people are always throwing rude remarks and stuff to the author because their work is subpar. "Good potential, bad execution!!1!11!"

Listen it's called a Web Novel for a reason. It's unofficial, FREE WORK from the author. He's giving you a simple rough draft of the actual story, that he's spent countless years working on, and you're like "Na this story stucks."

The actual story is the Light Novel, with 13... more>> volumes (I believe), which can be defined as the final upload. If you aren't willing to pay for the official version (No translations out yet, sadly.), then don't go apesh*t on the author.

The Light Novel is probably leagues above the Web Novel. Sadly, I don't understand Japanese, so it isn't worth buying on my end. However, if an officially translated version came out, there goes my cash. <<less
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mlem mlem
mlem mlem rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: c391
I know there is a lot of bad reviews about this one, AND I AGREE with most of them!! The early part of the story is very slow and very boring. The MC was soooooo annoying, indecisive, naive, soft, etc. to the point that I have no idea how he could survive in that world without plot amour. BUT! But... hear me out, it does get better. When the MC ... more>>

become an Ouroboros, an effing two-headed dragon that represents immortality and slain an effing HERO

the story gets better! You start to see more plot, more about the "system", about hero, and saint, and all kind of legendary beings, and the REASON for the whole situation. It's still very slow-paced tho, but at least now we know what to look forward to.

The MC also, although very slowly and still annoying, matures over time. He will start to think more reasonably, to better understand his position in the world, and to learn to prioritize things. Is he still a soft-ass f*cker? Well, at the chapter that I have just finished reading, he indeed gets better at fighting and making some plans. BUT that MF is still a soft-ass to HUMANS, which really drives me nuts. But once again, the story gets better... If you can endure a kind-of Mary Sue/Saint MC who somehow haven't lost faith to humanity despite being able to see their "status", this novel is actually worth a reading. <<less
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July 20, 2021
Status: c388
This novel is amazing. People keep complaining about the MC being s*upid, but he isn't. In the first place, isn't every shounen MC much s*upider. He actually uses his mind to come up with plans to beat stronger opponents. He gets better at fighting, not just in terms of stats and skills, but also in terms of mindset and approaches he takes. He's ready to make choices that would make him suffer for the sake of others. He's just a kind, lonely dragon, who wants to sate his lonliness. His... more>> goal to become stronger is more to kill time at the start. But he gets reasons to become stronger. It's not as plot driven as attack on titan or other big anime at the start, but it is peak in terms of enjoyment. I can just sit back and relax. I'm just annoyed about the slow translations. It's not a series that uses fan-service or amazing visuals, so obviously it's gonna lose in some areas, but it's good enough to get a manga and lightnovel. It's not just any steorotypucal leveling webnovel. I recommend the manga too btw. As the story progresses, his mindset gets more mature, so if you're needlessly complaining about him being s*upid (he isn't) than be patient. The plot that was vague at the start keeps getting better and better as the story progresses. <<less
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grave_digger rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: c90
Its actually a pretty good and fun story.

I would suggest you read the manga first, which as of right now covers the first 90 chapters (or sonething around that) and then suffer a bit till chapter 109. The translation picks up after that.
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