Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~


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I woke up in an unknown forest.

It seemed like this place was a fantasy world where strange-looking beasts ran rampant. And just like in a game, I seemed to be able to check my enemies’ and my ability.

Let’s hunt monsters and gather titles in order to level up and evolve into a Greater Dragon!

And I heard a mysterious voice in my head, “Let’s aim to be the strongest!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dora Tama
Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling
Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~ Saikyou Igai Mezasenee ~
Related Series
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Pivot of the Sky (3)
Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru (3)
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174 Reviews sorted by

mikey10700 rated it
April 4, 2016
Status: --
I do not believe that previous reviewers have done this story justice. Although it may be true that the protagonist may make foolish or poor decisions at times, it is in his nature to do so. He is an innocent soul, pure as a newborn babe. Please do not expect large explosions and blood-curdling excitement; It’s not that kind of story. Instead, it is a heartwarming tale of self-discovery and friendship. I must admit that the some of the past translators’ work was poorly done. As a result, the reading... more>> suffers somewhat at times. In the end, whether you pick this story up or not is up to you. <<less
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Jabberwocky rated it
October 15, 2020
Status: c218
I absolutely loved the whole thing, I even registered just to leave a comment to thank the translation team. Never expected him to evolve into a two headed dragon but the unexpected nature of the whole series is what got me hooked from the start. He can run away one time in defeat and come back victorious another; yet his greatest triumphs are all bittersweet, the strongest are really the loneliest souls.

Everyone has different opinions but I don't get why they say he's an idiot or that he can crush... more>> everyone and be done with it. He's not an angst filled antihero! He doesn't want to crush everyone who opposes him, every action he takes is towards trying to make friends and protecting those few friends with everything he has. This leads him towards taking the evolution with the most power to protect and it leads to misunderstandings he can't fix.

Furthermore, in the heat of battle it's expected to not be able to make perfect tactics on the fly and let many factors slip you by. Irushia doesn't have a supercomputer cheat, just his experience and previous tactics that have worked before thus why he repeats many past battle tactics. It's unrealistic to try new tricks in a death match when a little distraction can kill you.

Anyway, I personally loved this story and want to find more chapters so if anyone would be so kind to give me a link for more I'd be very grateful. Many thanks to the translators again!! <<less
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Haxe rated it
November 17, 2018
Status: c197
To be honest, dont try compare this to kumo, it is not a fair comparison to do, since they both take different paths when coming to the "become a monster and get stronger" story archetype, kumo focuses on how a low spider becomes the biggest entity of the world, this one is how a person has a conflict with the nature he had as a human and what it is expected of him as a monster, it is closer to the cicada dragon in that aspect, MC is pretty human... more>> and it is seen clearly, he is rash, emotional and so on, but he is kind and nice at the same time, choices matter for him, as he is forced unto a path that he doesnt want, and he regrets it since he has no other choice, and as he regrets it he comes to terms with it in time, just like a human does, and also, due to his wish of interacting with humans, I dont know how people dont get that he, as a human before reincarnation, was pretty sociable, the nice sociable person, and as such he is extremely lonely, and even more due to how he ends up, the batles can come to be simple, but it is because the MC has a will and goes through it of not using his most devastating attacks since those push him more and more into a path he hates, and ends up restricting himself, and I respect that decision, it gives him another side, in how he is strongwilled, not something one sees usually, since at most, other MCs dont give a crap, or they do it and ends up as something it has no repercution and it is turned into a joke, I liked this story in how it mixes the nce and sad moments and one feels how MC is coping with it, specially when he chooses his first major evolution, he ended up doing it to save people, but since he cant comunicate, he is misunderstood, and it hits hard specially when the situatioon is over and we see MC seeing what his name meant, he got a beautiful name but even so he got to do some major decision, and he got the balls to do so, something people dont get the clear image, and due to that he did something that he regrets and lings heavily on him, and it truly hits hard that little scene, and more so this later chapters with the first humanoid companion he got, it is truly a story that it is slow, but builds itself in a nice manner, obviously it has his shortcomings, but also it is a nice read, and be clear, lots of stories have slow starts, some even take lot of time to get into a stage where it stops running and takes flight, so I dont find it as a shortcoming, since it builds up the MC and then shows how he changes <<less
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Air_SkullHead rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c466
Probably the best non-human reincarnation that I've ever seen. He retains his utter inhuman body (in fact he gets more monstrous and dangerous with every power-up), and the human transformation that he obtains is fitting and isn't some boring old human transformation.

However, the best thing about this story is that the protagonist encounters conflicts/struggles. The early parts of the story document his struggle to "adapt" to using his new body very well! He isn't OP like most isekai protagonists nor does his enemies seem overwhelmingly strong (most of the time).

Looking... more>> through his eyes, we get to explore the world and see its humans very clearly. In a way, our MC is like a more normal version of Kumoko. He isn't eccentric like she was and he isn't as amazing as she is either, but his struggles are a bit better since they usually tie in with the ongoing plot instead of being just EXP pinata fodders. (They are still EXP fodders, but they are usually connected to the plot)

The personal enjoyment for me is the fact that the protagonist is a decent human, no, a GOOD person. Every single monster isekai usually has protagonists ending up hating humanity (absolutely insulting), seeing human life as insignificant, embracing essentially being an evil demon lord, or basically adapting quickly and essentially forgetting about humans.

This here protagonist isn't like that. He's too attached to humanity, he's a bumbling fool who learns from problems instead of some super genius that can solve every problem through big brain plays.

This makes the story feels very organic, especially with the early parts, with him having no knowledge of the world. It makes the journey with him feels worth it. Instead of the world being a stage for a power fantasy, it's a world with a human-dragon anomaly in it. The core of the plot, him trying to find companions, friends, a home where he can live. It's actually well developed and isn't immediately gained through some kind of power-up or spells. You can actually see the character's journey.

Highly recommend it to people looking for a story instead of a power fantasy like more harem isekais. <<less
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Grim Thoughts
Grim Thoughts rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: c340
Before I begin my review, I should preface this journey by making it clear that this is absolutely the most underrated series that I've ever read. Many people seem to get immediately turned off from this novel due to the poor translations in the early chapters and the MC's rather soft decision-making, but this is one of the rare instances in an Isekai in which in which the MC actually develops as a character and becomes more mature (in fact, this story feels nothing like a traditional Isekai in a... more>> good way). As long as you can stomach the bad translations (or just read the manga) and rather confused attitude of the MC in the early chapters, then you'll be rewarded with a hidden gem of a battle Isekai.

For starters, it's important to mention that while the MC acquires a humanoid-esque form, it's extremely flawed with many drawbacks and he hardly goes around in that form for the entirety of the series, only using it very occasionally. He reincarnated as a dragon, and, for the most part, he stays as a dragon, as opposed to most MCs, who eventually find a human form that they can appear in for the rest of the story (looking at you, technically-a-slime-but-looks-and-acts-like-a-human Rimuru). He has no recollection of who he was or how he lived his past life, but he seems to remember lots of random trivia-like facts from his old world (it's not fully explained exactly how much he remembers). This helps to explain why he acts so confused and occasionally s*upidly in the beginning; he lacks the common sense of a monster in this world and doesn't seem know much about video games and novels (pretty much the only time games are mentioned by him are in reference to the status window). In fact, pretty much everything in this story so far has gotten some sort of explanation (though, there are a few exceptions that still haven't been explained up to the current latest chapter, chapter 340, due to them being intrinsically linked to the mysteries of the world that will probably only be answered near the end of the series) and from what I can tell, there aren't many largely significant noticeable plot holes, if many plot holes even exist. The story is structured very competently and in a cohesive manner, where it flows in a natural progression from plot point to plot point. So far, there aren't really any twists besides

the world being flat


, (somewhat substantial spoiler)

the slime at the beginning being a reincarnator like the MC


, and (substantial spoiler)

the Shrine Maidens of the Lithuvar Tribe controlling the village in the name of their actually deceased Dragon God deity


, but these twists aren't particularly significant to the overarching story. A story doesn't necessitate plot twists to be good, and this concept especially applies to a battle-heavy series such as this one. Who knows, though - there might be more plot twists in later arcs, but as of the first 3 arcs, there are hardly any at all.

Our MC is a more dynamic character than pretty much any other monster-reincarnating Isekai that I've read, excluding Slime Reincarnation and Spider Reincarnation. It's not especially pronounced and is occasionally hard to spot, as our MC desperately tries to hold onto his conscience as a human, but you can tell that our MC has grown thicker skin. This is leagues better than the vast majority of other Isekai MCs, who tend to come across as static caricatures of a person rather than actually feeling like one. For example: at the start of the novel, the MC was utterly repulsed at the thought of

killing people


, even

hesitating to kill the possessed corpse (?) of Daws, causing the unnecessary deaths of multiple children


. The MC, in a moment of character development, recognizes his idiocy and drowns in guilt, vowing to himself to become stronger, both literally and in his mental fortitude. From here, his growth as a person becomes explicitly apparent by Chapter 300; by then, our MC and his allies have

slaughtered a 650-man private army of humans who tried to ransack a village of "barbarians", according to them. This view actually has some credence, by the way; the Lithuvar Tribe were forced to sacrifice people to a Manticore in order to avoid being wiped out by it, and found that kidnapping and sacrificing travelers to it was more impersonal than sacrificing their own families; Thus, they developed a reputation for being extremely dangerous barbarians, despite being forced to sacrifice travelers to ensure their own survival. Sorry for side tangent, lol


. Our MC is still pretty damn soft by c340, but the MC goes from

unable to kill a possessed corpse (?) of a person because he's idiotically optimistic



killing entire squadrons of actual humans because he realized that his thinking was hopelessly immature


It also helps that (gigantic spoiler)

he evolves into a two-headed dragon and the other head helps him become more decisive


Our MC is generally pretty smart, as well, which pairs well with the next section... the fights.

Most battles in this series are detailed to a painstaking extent. Despite the presence a status, only those with the skill [[God's Voice]] are able to use status inspection and look at the general stats of others, often opening the way for our MC's fights to be very cerebral in nature; he often uses status inspection in order acquire info to get a leg up on the tougher opponents and respond accordingly. On top of this, the time in which a skill is learnt does not detract from their usefulness; in fact, our MC's very first offensive-defensive skill, [[Roll]], is still a very commonly used skill in his toolkit 300+ chapters down the line. Despite the existence of stats to pre-determine the general power levels of fighters, it's pulled off in a way in which the stats are often just a general indication of strength and not a hard line that must be crossed in order to beat those of higher strength, since skills are often much more significant than raw stats. The MC aside, pretty much every single battle is fleshed out and expanded upon in a unique and interesting way that reflects upon the abilities and skills of the characters. This series does a very good job of conveying the personalities of the fighters in their fights; the smarter characters in particular really shine in this series, as their battles often involve multilayered traps and crafty use of the tools at their disposal. The fights complement the characters extraordinarily well and are reflective of and further flesh out their personalities, which are things that are very hard to effectually pull off. This series is fantastic if you're a fan of battle-heavy novels, and there are many examples of great fights in this series.

However, this abundance of quality in terms of the fights leads to perhaps my biggest gripe with this series: the oversaturation of lengthy battles. While the fights in this series are amazingly detailed, sometimes even with multiple POVs, this causes them to become very long, often lasting two or three chapters per fight. Now, normally, this isn't much of a problem, but this series also delivers a very large quantity of fights, to the point that it's unnecessary. There are a lot of fights that aren't pivotal to the plot and feel like they should be cut out for brevity's sake. This isn't to say they aren't enjoyable to read - I've made clear already that the author does a really good job with the fights, after all - but a lot of these fights feel kind of like filler, even when they aren't, due to how developed they are in comparison to their overall weight in the story. For instance: one time, our MC ends up fighting

a sentient camel-like cactus monster in the desert

. This fight is very interesting and well-developed for a multitude of reasons: the enemy's concept and abilities being unique, it causes the MC to self-reflect on his fighting style, and there's a good reason for it to occur (


The MC needs to bring food and (especially) water to help Nina, a beast girl who he recently saved from a giant centipede about twenty times his size. She's currently in a bad state the cacti are the only common source of drink in the desert; the MC searches around for cactus, happens to find large cactus camel monster by chance, and takes a chance to fight the cactus monster to bring back some of its (meat? juice?) to nourish Nina (and to feed Ball Rabbit, I suppose)


). However, even though it's somewhat plot relevant, it's not a particularly important fight, and despite that, the fight lasts for several chapters. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; what makes it an issue is that what feels like around half of the fights take too much time for their relatively lower plot relevance, and it slows down the pacing significantly. It can feel draining to read long fight after long fight, with relatively short breaks in-between (if there are breaks at all), despite the high quality of the fights. The story simply fails to strike the balance between fights and breaks. While this is certainly a rather large flaw, it's not as if it's that big of a deal; after all, a reader can just skip the fight if they really want to. It's even less of a problem in the manga; the long, high-quality fights of the novel undergo a beautiful transition as words are translated into condensed, detail-packed images, ultimately resulting in the fixing of this main issue that I have with the novel (in my opinion, this is one of the reasons why the manga has been so good so far- it's just like the novel, but without pacing problems caused by exceptionally detailed fights).

One last extremely crucial thing that needs covering is that the purpose of the plot. In this story, the plot serves to drive the fights and not the other way around. As such, the main point of the plot is to be a mechanism for which the MC's fights will be contextualized and built upon as the story continues, with each fight contributing a different amount of weight to the relatively basic but solid plot. Viewing the series by this lens helps you fully understand exactly who the author's intended audience is: readers who prefer fantastic fights over story, but still enjoy a good story. If you fit into that audience (like me), you're likely to really enjoy this series; if not, now you may understand why you aren't as much of a fan of this series as, say, Slime Reincarnation, which is definitely a story which uses its fights as a way to drive the plot, and cares more about the plot than fights in general (that story still has amazing fights though). As far as I can tell, this novel is structured most similarly to So I'm A Spider, though with a lot of key differences that help to distinguish each series from the other.

There are some other interesting things of note that I would like to cover, such as the monster and object rankings, the various human races, the interesting but largely unexplained world and its countries, the somewhat flat but serviceable villains, and the multiple supporting casts, but I've already sunk far too much time into this review already so I'll be ending it here. I highly, highly recommend this novel for anyone who likes stories with a lot of action and interesting fights, but those who are fans of the more edgy/"alpha" types of MCs might be turned off by this story, especially at the first arc of the story (though, it gets better from there). I encourage everyone to at least try reading the first arc of the story in its entirety through the manga, as the novel is so well adapted and the early translations of the novels are so garbage (no offense to the translators, they may or may not have tried their best). The first arc ends after the MC leaves the forest and two subsequent side stories are told from different POVs. I guess I'll rate this story in different categories as well, to more easily visualize my overall opinion of what's out so far. (By the way, you'll have to read on Wattpad if you want to read up to chapter 340. Wattpad has chapters 117-340 well-translated, while novelupdates has links to chapters 1-217, with the latter chapters being of good quality).

EDIT: Well, seems like the novel on Wattpad has been deleted. Looks like you all who haven't read this yet will have to wait until the other TL groups catch back up to that point : (

Also, it seems like much of my review was botched because the s*upid spoilers weren't working correctly, which ended up hiding a lot of my text. I was forced to space them out into different paragraphs, and now it's fixed. Sorry :/

Plot: 9/10

Main Character: 9/10

Logical Consistency: 10/10

Pacing: 6/10

Fights: 11/10

Side Characters: 10/10

Setting: 9/10

Originality: 8/10

Overall: 9/10

TL;DR: This series is extremely underrated. The manga is getting much more recognition as a great series, at least (though, it also fixes the pacing issue I had, so the manga is a 10/10 for me). MC starts out immaturely optimistic about humans and makes a few idiotic blunders, which he recognizes and works towards never repeating such mistakes. As he gets to know more about the world he finds himself in, he develops as a character to become someone who is still somewhat soft but has a backbone and is willing to kill humans to protect those he cares about. The other characters are very well fleshed-out as well, and they're mostly quite likable. The villainous characters are a bit more standard but do a great job of making us hate their guts, with all of them having their own POV segments (except for the slime, for some reason. The slime got some in the manga, though). The fights are highly detailed and tense, and are easily the best parts of this story; almost every single fight is cerebral and the fighting styles of each character are representative of the personalities of those characters. However, every single fight in the story gets the time of day, which can cause the pacing to get pretty messed up, with long fights and relatively short breaks. The plot is simple but effective in structure, and tension is built up well. This series does a very good job of making sure everything is understandable with no major loopholes. The setting is somewhat standard, but is very well-executed regardless. While there are quite a few unoriginal elements in this this novel, the story as a whole does a great job of innovating with a below average amount cliches and interesting unique concepts. Overall, while not for everyone, this novel is very good for what it's worth. <<less
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Tanky1000 rated it
July 21, 2019
Status: c202
This story is not good. It’s not unreadable, but it’s not good. I meant to give it a 2.

Let’s break it down. The story starts off fun. The MC is very cautious, but imaginative and most importantly you feel the drive to survive. “At any moment I can die” feels like a good description for the MC’s mindset and it works.

The Evolution system is fun and the MC getting pushed onto the “evil route” is funny and could have interesting implications considering how desperately he doesn’t want to be evil.

But... more>> like I said, it starts off fun. At a critical moment the MC begins to act out of character. By the end of the incident, it’s very obvious that this was intentionally done to serve the plot regardless off the MC’s character and how he would have acted from what we know about him so far in the story. That’s just bad writing, and to be clear the MC acts OOC (our of character) several times in the little arc, but more details in the spoilers.


So the MC has to save a girl and then save her village. The girl is a human he made a bond with despite being a monster and the village is a cute little fantasy trope.

The MC saves the girl from wolves, but she is badly injured. This escalated to the wolves being joined by a previously assumed dead man and even more wolves. The MC runs away but is chased and also realizes that the dead man is holding the egg of a fearsome Little Rock dragon and intends to destroy the village.

Here is when things get s*upid.

The MC, who has been a man of action due to his desire to survive and live his life, is suddenly rife with indecision. Save the girl or the town? Ignoring the fact that the town would have to be safe in order to save the girl, since he could not, the MC takes a looong time to figure out what to do and ultimately acts because the girl makes him. Already there are red flags.

This is when the author’s annoying trope rears it’s head. The MC runs away from a fight or doesn’t go all out and ends up on the back leg with half health and no choice but to fight. It’s a terrible, predictable trope to add “tension” to a fight that becomes painfully boring after the first time it happens. Instead of going all out and defeating his enemies, which were also the monsters after the girl, the MC try’s to run, gets hurt during the run (and so does the girl), and has to fight anyway. Barf.

This leads into the MC getting to the village where the dead man is attacking and killing villagers indiscriminately. Instead of blitzing the man and liberating the egg he spends time trying to placate the scared villagers. This is antithetical to his “At any moment I can die” mentality. He suddenly wastes time, allowing the dead man to get a hostage and ultimately succeed in baiting the Little Rock dragon into destroying the town.

The MC does something “bad” which is arguable given the nature of his action. He fulfills a dying man’s request by killing him and yet that earns him “evil” points. Sure from the viewpoint of the villagers the MC has done something evil, but the system has been consistent in its reasoning behind the MC earning “evil” points until then. Anyway, this allows him to upgrade to the very strong Evil Plague Dragon, fight the Little Rock Dragon, and win.

THEN, the villagers are scared of him. Perfectly reasonable, fine, but instead of attempting to placate them and possibly fix the misunderstanding he fake attacks the girl he tried so hard to save in order to be seen as a truly evil dragon. This is some high school writing man. It’s so cheesy, it’s so cliche, and most importantly it’s makes the MC look like an emotional idiot whereas he had not really been up until that point.


So the story is shunted into a new area which confirmed to me that the author just wanted to get the plot moving so he made the MC act the way he did. So this new arc is built upon a very, very weak transition. Fine, the evolution system is fun as I’m curious.

The MC meets a mascot companion and chooses to powerlevel it. It was honestly fun and refreshing to see evolution in another species and the joke of the mascot not changing much is funny. Then we meet a waifs type ad she’s cute.

But once again the MC just stops acting like himself. Similarly to right before the arc that led to this new arc the MC stops trying his best to evolve and get his friends to evolve. The moment I realized that the MC was not actively leveling up I knew a super big bad was going to arrive and lo and behold it does.

So just like the climactic struggle of the previous arc the MC is put into a bad position because he acted out of character. But I don’t really hate that too much, even if it’s egregiously bad writing, what I hate is in the next spoilers.


So the MC levels up as much as he can to save the waifu from the bad guy and achieves evolution. By now he knows he title levels greatly affect his choices and dislikes all of his options. So instead of doing the obvious thing and spending the third day of his 4 day time limit raising his Tiny Hero title in order to get a “nice” dragon the MC just shrugs and chooses a two headed dragon.

Not a horrible choice in my opinion... except that the MC would never do that! He bemoans his situation as an evil dragon and absolutely hates the fact that he can’t be close to others because of it. Then, there is the fact that he vehemently announced that he would never choose to become a multi headed being which his evolution was! His choice would make a little sense if he did not have the opportunity to raise his titles which he definitely did!


Something that has bugged me is the reason the MC has been trying to isolate himself. I believe it is a translation error of some sort because it turns out in the most recent chapters that he was right, but there it doesn’t make sense. What he is concerned about is a skill. No skill of any kind have been active unless he uses them, so why would this skill be passive? Nothing in the story suggests that kind of skill would be passively active, but the one he is worried about is! Again, it’s probably got something to do with the translation but it’s still terribly irksome.

In the end, of this long ass review, I want to make it clear: This story is not good. The writing is mediocre, the game system is wishy-washy (which I believe is due to the disorganization of the author who seems to pull a Toriyama sometimes and straight up forget stuff), and the payoffs are very underwhelming. The MC stops being interesting when the fights do. I skim because I know he will win despite not using all of his skills or some normal stratagization. It’s severely disappointing and I honestly see this getting worse as it continues.

Unfortunately, I’ve read this much... so I’ll keep reading. Honestly, if you have any kind of standards don’t read this. It’s really not worth it. <<less
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scotth266 rated it
June 30, 2018
Status: c109
This novel is very divisive. You will likely either fall in love with it after the first big twist, or hate it because the MC has a very distinct flaw - he makes bad choices in pursuit of a goal.

This novel starts out the same way as many other novels of the monster reincarnation genre. I'm a weak monster, gotta grind kills for xp etc. But it changes with the first twist into more of a tragic story than other monster novels. The MC becomes something of an anti-hero and... more>> has to deal with the consequences of his choices. It's not set up perfectly but at the very least I came away from it thinking that this story has something unique going for it compared to many other monster novels. And then the author starts getting into the main plot which is something quite interesting... we'll have to see where it goes.

However you will likely not enjoy this novel if (like many other reviewers here) you dislike "s*upid" MCs. I think s*upid is kind of a strong word here. The MC sets his goal as "I want to be with human beings again." Many monster novels have "I wanna interact with humans again" as a goal but few of them are as honest about how it would turn out as this one is (very badly). The MC meanwhile has a difficult goal he can fail at despite his strong powers. It's kind of a fun thing to watch and I felt myself rooting for him as he struggles with his monster form. This is one of the few novels that portrays being a monster as a disadvantageous thing and I love it. It reminds me of Kumo Desu Ga in that respect.

That having been said prepare for a really crappy start. This novel takes some time to get going and it's all sh*t you've probably read before. I read some other review that made me check this story out: the review said something like "it only gets good around ch X or so, until then it's boring" (where X was the first twist) and damn, he was spot on the money. Thankfully this novel now has a manga, with much better pacing. Go read the first 5 chapters of that on Mangadex or something and then come back to this afterward: you'll feel a lot better than trying to read this from ch 1. <<less
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Draconalis rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: c218
This is honestly one of my favorite web novels at the moment. I await every chapter with baited breath, and it baffles me to see the score so low. The character has... well... character. He's not pure as the driven snow, nor black as blackest night. He's a bundle of moral greys, trying to do what is right, and taking some wrong turns to get there.

He wants to protect, and he's willing to sacrifice himself to make it happen... and when forced... he'll do the wrong thing in order to... more>> protect the ones he cares about.

I personally love this series.

He's not OP, and he doesn't get the easy life. He's a character with character. In a world of "cheat skill" isekais, and "Doing mundane tasks in another world" I'll take this any day of the weak.

It sure as hell doesn't hurt that he's an actual Dragon as well. Draco loves Dragons, Rawr! <<less
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November 18, 2017
Status: c160
Review for up to chapter 160. While the story is still okay, I'm maintaining that MC is a moron. Actually, to be honest, it would be far believable for the MC to be acting as moronic as he does if he does not reincarnated. The other better premise is the MC is reincarnated while losing his memory but retaining his 'instinct to be near humans'. But on the plus side, it seems he has capable companions such as that rabbit with Doraemon-class storage

Review for up to chapter 80. Yup, I... more>> believe that MC is a moron. Probably a kid when he died before the reincarnation. Or he was previously a donkey before coming to the new world. An enemy A threat to everyone else and MC is still trying to knock the threat unconscious. I'm beginning to think the lizard would have made a better MC...

Review for up to chapter 29 and I am surprised by how s*upid the MC is.

No, I'm not referring to it trying to talk to humans but the way MC simply waited for a possible threat to emerge without at least trying to hide himself.

Imagine you're alone in the jungle and you hear the sound of an animal coming.

Do you really wait just like that to see whether it's a tiger or a jungle cat? Or would hide yourself or even better set an ambush?

But, I'll be reading this story and revise my review accordingly <<less
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MagneticMagnet rated it
September 14, 2017
Status: c146
Dragon's egg is an action / adventure novel with RPG elements.

Our MC gets reincarnated into a dragon's egg and a voice tells him to become the strongest. Being a former human he wishes to become friends with the humans, only to find out that he's seen as materials or an object of fear. The dragon cannot speak so he starts looking for a way to become accepted.

The early chapters before c80 mainly consist of fighting with gradually stronger monsters. The monster is stronger than MC and has some difficult to... more>> handle ability. MC tries some skills until he beats the monster. Repeat. It's not the best part of the story, and the translation quality of that part doesn't really motivate to continue either. That said, it's not terrible and the MC is a rarely seen dragon protagonist that doesn't permanently turn into human after a couple chapters so it has some value.

Around chapter 80 the MC had a major decision to make between what he wanted and what was right. This is what cemented the series in the good zone in my mind. A good conflict of interest makes a good story. While the meat of this novel is fighting, the heart is all the choices our MC makes. He is often misunderstood and his good intents don't get through but he still sticks to his beliefs even if there would be easier ways out.

Now, it's not a perfect novel by any means.

The fights by themselves aren't bad. It's just that long stretches of nothing but fights tends to give that leveling log feeling.

Sometimes there's a strong sense of plot armour too. The author likes to write all these stat blocks but it feels like they're there just for a show rather than keeping track of things. For example, there was one time when MC got out at low health. Then on his way to rest he came across a strong monster, which he fought like nothing had happened. It's.. Odd. Speaking of stat blocks, they're plentiful. There's rarely a chapter without at least one.

I've seen people complain about the choices MC makes. And yeah, they're frustrating at times. If you can accept that the MC isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and he really wants a friend to talk to as fast as possible it's understandable.

Overall, the series isn't without it's faults but if you can stomach the sometimes filler-like fights and 100 odd chapters of questionable translation quality there is something good inside. <<less
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Lostworlds239 rated it
September 2, 2016
Status: c92
This is very interesting so far. I like it. It's not like those mc's that are all about killing because they could and are very arrogant. I wanna read more like these at least this MC has a head on his shoulders and remembers about his humanity despite being a dragon. Though he did ended up losing his way and stepping on a wrong path a few times but at least he learns. I'll keep reading!
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Kenjisamba rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c251
First of all I would like to say that this novel isn't for everyone, which is something expected as there nothing that appeals to every kind of person, now back to the history, the main character is reincarnated with a single objective given to him, to get stronger.

Now while this is the objective that he is given as a dragon, the MC has his own objectives that came to be due to his own loneliness, he wants to get closer to humans so he won't be alone anymore, and as... more>> you probably expect, humans don't take kindly to monsters in this world, which in consequence causes one of the many dividing points between reviewers that i've noticed while I was reading the other reviewers opinions, I will not share my opinion on that but I will say, it's part of the character development, rest assured.

And other thing that irritates some of the readers is the MC somewhat naive and sentimental nature, and they attest that this makes the MC a bad MC, I disagree wholeheartedly, a MC doesn't need to be overwhelmingly strong or a genius to be a good MC, in fact, I think that this is not a desirable character trait when trying to make a good character (I do not count characters that only serve as a tool for the reader to insert themselves in the history characters), in fact, the MC having remarkably strong both good and bad points makes him more human, and a much better character.

And also, plot armor, yes, he does have plot armor, but it is not a "everything is resolved with my presence alone" kind of plot armor (which I dislike greatly), it is more of a "conflict seems to follow me, and it seems like I'm the only one willing and able to do something about it" and that also has an explanation in itself since he is not the one to hear this world plot armor.

Well, I'll finish my review here, but I'll leave with that, if you don't like reading novels that take time building on itself with it's world building and character development, then don't bother, but if you are able to stick with it for time enough then you'll be able to witness the MC grow in a way more human than lots of MCs of other novels, with the novel making him a good character with both strengths and flaws. <<less
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Additop rated it
December 10, 2019
Status: c204
The plot drags pretty much every time there's a fight, but the story is good. There are a lot of people complaining about the MC being weak mentall, but they really don't seem to understand the difference between reading and experiencing. One person also said that he doesn't use strong attacks because they're evil, but he really refuses to use them because they destroy the envoirment.
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September 15, 2018
Status: --
Reading through all these reviews, and I was thinking to myself; why are you guys grading the novel, from the chapters that are up? I get that people use the beginning chapters to see its potential as a good book. I know people dropped this book from the chapters that are up, but why would you do that? I would rather read something to the end no matter how bad or good it is because I'm interested in the story and the direction it is going. You people could miss... more>> a good story of a book that you have dropped. The character's personality will help, but people judge the book by that or something else and focus on it. I think that is unfair both positively and negatively, you need to judge the book as a whole. Even people read about something important, it is more likely that it won't change their behavior, because they can't change their minds, and that is what humans have in common. So my comment won't help with anything but to a few people.

Another question that I have in my mind is that, why are you guys comparing novels to other novels. It's really obvious that they won't be at the same quality, and that is why the world of stories is interesting. But books that have the same concept doesn't mean it will be the same, even if the same writer worked on both of them. It annoys me that comparing a good book to a decent book doesn't mean that the decent book is bad, right? But that is what some of you guys are doing and putting it down. Which is the reason why I started this rant but continuing on. The settings of a story are obviously different, but people still compare and all of that ticks me off a lot. I know when a story has some similarities, you want to compare but look at it as a bigger picture. The stories are not even close to each other, it's only that single similarity that affects the reader's mind (MC is reincarnated into a different world, aiming to get stronger, etc.). The world that they are in is different and don't compare a good book to another good book, because you are just gonna cause a fight. Just think about the book, instead of another story.

One last question, why are you guys wanting to shape a character's personality in your hands. Just because of the MC's personality is something that you don't like, why are you rating it in the first place? You just have a narrow view of the book. If you got sent to another world full of monsters and lost your memories, you have numerous choices to live or die in that world, but the personality is random. I would be scared and indecisive about my decisions. If a character's personality changes quickly, that is not character development that is just a psychopath, even if the character experience something tragic or happy it will take time to change. I love to see indecisive MC in stories because they build up the suspense or do something unique. People just see the negative or positive about the personality that they have and I say this again, look at the bigger picture and see the good and bad.

So you tell me how I rate this story right now and I would say around 3.5 or 4. But it will change so I'm not rating it until the translator finishes the story. My reasoning will so I'm keeping it hidden.

Thank you for taking your time to read my rant. <<less
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Zom the Monk
Zom the Monk rated it
June 26, 2017
Status: c60
This is honestly a pretty terrible novel, some of the concepts were pretty fun, but this was all ruined for me by the main character. I honestly believe that the MC has an IQ of maybe 80 (On the high end), so you can expect the MC to be constantly making rather questionable decisions all while going off of meaningless tangents. One tangent for example is worrying about his home decor even while he's still barely surviving.
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mq003at rated it
April 2, 2018
Status: c177
Ok, different than other web novel, we should check this in other factors. NOTE, THIS INCLUDES SOME SPOILERS!

First, this web novel is half shounen, half slice of life. The dragon is pretty strong with high potential but all he wants to do is having a normal slice of life as a dragon with previous memory (inhabiting, co-operate with humans, etc.) Literally, if it hadn't been for God's Voice, this novel would become pure Slice of Life.

Second, we come to the logic. If you want to see a Slice of Life... more>> novel where MC goes and sexually harass other female character, or having OP power/luck in doing everything, etc. Then this novel is not for you. The MC is pretty s*upid and most of all, he behaves like how should be, which is an animal living in the jungle. He has to desperately fight for food, find a place to settle in, furnish his cave, find mates, etc. And not toy around like other MC reincarnate not as human beings.

Third, we come to universe of this novel, it treats all species fair and square, not favoring anyone. You can see that although dragon is the most powerful being, however, when MC is born, he is weak as a worm. Even when he is strong, he nearly lost to a slime, not because he is reckless (a.k.a Death March Hajimeru) but because even the slime works hard to be strong as well. Therefore when they clash, the scene is quite impressive. Note that not only MC has God / Cheat Skills but also other creatures, including monsters and humans have God / Cheat Skills as well, which makes things more interesting.

Fourth, we come to the aim of the author. Just for around 50 chapters, you can understand that God is a bloodthristy being who wants MC to be the strongest and force him on hard decision. Even fate not favor him and slowly drag him to Evil Path although he just wants to be a hero. Around chapter 100 you will feel that we need to add a Tragedy tag to this novel.

Then, lastly, what makes the story bad? Why I give it only 4 stars? It is because of the speed of the plot. It is tooooooooo slow! I don't know if the author is lazy or what, but he keeps describing the same things over and over again which is too anoying! If you are not a patient reader, I think you shouldn't read this.

In the nutshell, this is rather good novel. The world is pretty logical, MC is rather s*upid so he struggles a lot in surviving in the novel's universe. If you want little piece of happiness in normal dragon life like making pottery, you should read this. <<less
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Kyle770 rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c176
This is my first time writing review for at this website, literary I register to read and review this WN. I agree that Isekai type WN/LN is more interesting if it have OP MC, smart MC, MC that can change the fate of the world, mostly like overlord (strong and smart, have strong subordinate and really careful of his action), Kumo desu ga (smart, cunning, brave, and strong), realist hero (smart, really smart), really, most of isekai genre is like this, make mistake once and never make mistake again, learning... more>> from the past, and have planning for future.

this WN dragon egg, is slightly different, even the MC start as Dragon Egg, and usually dragon is most strong monster at Isekai type WN/LN, Dragon egg is the weakest.. Even he has some cheat abilities. He acting like shounen manga MC, make a lot of mistake, feel lonely, scared of things, running from enemies, sometime act based on emotion, even he can't win.

well in the end it is interesting, there is no basis for a Isekai MC must strong, smart, and overpower his enemies. This kind of MC that weak, s*upid, make a lot of mistake, have kind heart, basically like shounen manga MC is very nice too. I recomend it! <<less
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Myllari1 rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c176
I like this web novel very much! The MC is interesting and is a dragon. Dragons are quite stronk beings in every fantasy world. The fights in the novel are decent, might feel too long for some as the MC carefully explains all the things going around. MC meets new interesting faces like the Black lizard, ball rabbit and Milia. I do hope that the MC and the Black lizard will meet again in the future. They care about each other and fit together well. XD

I feel like people who... more>> like fantasy worlds in general, like the world in the elder scrolls games might like this web novel. So give it a try! <<less
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Chulloswag rated it
July 14, 2017
Status: --
I honestly wish people would stop giving all these average series either ones or fives. When compared to some of the unreadable garbage series on this site, this would seem like a masterpiece. And when compared to some of the best written LNs on this site it would be very poorly written by comparison. There are parts f the novel that are interesting and parts that are mind numbing. I personally love these evolution stories, but hate having such a thick headed MC. He's obsessed with humans to an annoying... more>> degree and ditches his monster family because

he thinks that his plague dragon scale ability will kill them even though it has shown no signs of being in effect or harming anything around him.

Overall, this series has an interesting premise, but an unlikable narrator/MC.

2.5/5 <<less
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March 20, 2022
Status: --
Not gonna rate it yet, well so far MC is worse than an idiot, seriously annoying, I wanna punch him so bad, but since too many people who are too far into the novel have given it good review I am gonna turn my brain off and preserve, 80 chapters huh lets see and hope my patience bear fruits...

screw this bullshit, I cant take anymore 50 chapters and I am f*cking done, this has got to be the most annoying MC I have ever seen, I get the idea of... more>> kind and lonely but to the point that you dont even have the basic survival instinct, people who are saying he often makes mistakes, like any other person, thats bullshit, every decision he makes is a mistake, you wanna get close to human then you chose poison and curse option, which undoubtedly will make human not like you, seriously drop any random human with cheats like this 8 years old would do better, I am sorry I am out, I wont rate it since I havent read to the point I thought I would, but if I could I would rate it minus 1000 <<less
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