Rebirth: The Journey of a Wife Spoiling Her Husband


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After being reborn she worked hard to stalk and marry her husband, abuse and punish her other scumbag husband, and embark on a journey to reach the pinnacle of life!

For the egregious crime of treason everyone in the Xiao House were sentenced to death.

At the execution grounds while waiting to be beheaded, she stared at the youth sprawled on the ground in front of her. He had run over so hurriedly he tripped over his own feet, displaying an undignified sight. It made her smile thinking how s*upid this person was. She had completely used and taken advantage of him from the day he forced her to marry him. Yet despite all the abuse she heaped on him, he still wanted to save her.

She opened her eyes again only to find it was the day before their wedding.

That devious scoundrel… to make her his wife through underhanded methods…

The memory of it still left a bad taste in her mouth.

She was going to grab this second chance and live it up!

Extort all debts owed to her!

Buff herself up and shine like a diamond!

But how was she to know that the husband she once hated was actually really loyal and gentle, soft and easy, and so incredibly sweet and delicious to eat! The shutters that blinded her eyes in the previous life were cast aside. She realized she didn’t know how to cherish the good things in life. So in this new one she was going to make sure to pamper and spoil the hell out of that husband of hers.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Chine female protagonict 2
  2. Short the shortest short
  3. manhuas
  4. Non bl
  5. Reincarnation/Transmigration/Rebirth B/G

Latest Release

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31 Reviews sorted by

Ghad rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: c98
I really liked the story it’s so cute and lovely the MC character developed very well but I thought it’s kinda fast and the ML is so cute 😭😭😭 he is the reason why I continue reading this novel
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ShanaFY rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: c18 part2
I love the male lead, he's fluffy and adorable but extremely loyal. Although where his loyalty comes from confuses me, as well as how scummy the FL was originally annoys me, this is still a really good read, I love it!
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I.D. rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Fluffy! Bloodthirsty revenge story that has lots of fluffy moments. We have an awesome boss lady, my favorite type who learns from her mistakes, and a dedicated ML, who works damn hard for her love. It’s my favorite type of pairing.

however, I wept many bitter tears too. First because of the mistreatment FL gave ML and how ML just stayed in love and loyal regardless! Secondly, because I was waiting for a happier ending for ShuMo, which I never got.

heads up the spoiler focuses mainly of ShuMo.

... more>>

While I understand why ShuMo got the ending he did, left cold and alone in the world of the current timeline and killed by his lover, while he was pregnant with the b*tch’s kid no less, in the original. I fell so in love with him. If I could, I would dive into this book and become the sarcastic friend in the disastrous friendship who also vied for Shu Mo’s love, but had to leave the city for some reason only to come back and sweep him off his feet in the current time line. In the original, I’d like to be the friend who didn’t make it back in time and so helped with the effort to kill the bit*h before disappearing again never to find true love. BECAUSE SHU MO IS MY TRUE LOVE! I’d be mean and rude and light his fighting spirit again! I’d tease him and relish his possessive side. I’d gift him with anklets and proclaim how our souls would be bound together so I’d never leave him! I just want to cuddle my little two faced kitten!

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WrittenXero rated it
July 18, 2022
Status: Completed
To whomever that reads the first 5 to 10 chapters and like it, leave for the novel doesn't really divulge into the depressing atmosphere that was set.

Not to say the writer forgotten about it completely, oh no it's brought up every few chapters yet it's not just a story of revenge.

This is a story of growth. It's what any clear person would do when they face a trauma, change. Some change for the better others for the worst and in the case of our MC, she choose to be better.... more>> Not for herself but for revenge, to be able to catch those that wronged her and give them pay back and she can only achieve this with power and manipulation. Things that was done to her was flip back to her enemy.

Still what makes this different from the other blood thirsty revenge story is the fact that it's fluff. Yeah she does revenge but there's always a mention of the ML the thing that keeps MC moving forward. Reminding her why she's doing this and why she wants to be better. For ML to have a better partner than the scum she was. And it shows. <<less
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MissFluffy rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: Completed
It’s a fluffy, cute, and bitter story! I really love the ML. FL is a scum in the past life, but now she is much better and spoils the ML. Their interactions are cute. Overall, it’s a lovely read!
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Dirty Mick
Dirty Mick rated it
June 5, 2021
Status: --
I like gender role reversal but this is does it very poorly. Why do men get pregnant? Makes no sense. Do they have breasts as well? A good gender role reversal leaves men with their dicks and women with pregnancy but changes the temperament of the genders and if they want physical differences just make the men smaller and weaker or the women taller and stronger. Having men get pregnant is a beyond the pale really and just makes the whole thing ludicrous. The MC is terrible as well and... more>> seeing how she treated her husband made me wish her nothing but ill-will and the fact that she almost f*cked him over again in her second life except for sheer luck cheapens what she does in her redemption. <<less
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So far, I don’t understand the MC’s plan, and the gender swap is weird. It’s pretty much just swapping the pronouns so the cold beautiful MC is a she and the shy quiet love interest is a he. What’s the point? I feel like I’m reading a mediocre BL story with different pronouns. Also, I’m only on chapter 8 and I’m already tired of this constant back and forth. MC’s goal is supposed to be getting revenge for what happened in her previous life and to treat the ML like... more>> he deserves. So why does she treat him nicely, then immediately switch to being awful, and then switch to being nice again? This poor ML, I like him and I wish he’d just end up with his servant boy instead. At least their romance would make more sense than the MC and ML. <<less
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Clarimel7 rated it
November 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Too cliché for my liking.

From beginning to end, the tragic mistreatment of Xie Chu Chen was based on layers upon layers of misunderstandings. It all came to making it up to him.

The political plot was centered on the third princess. I still don't understand how come she hates Xiao Wan more than her other competitors for the throne.

Anyway it was a short novel, and skipping some redundant parts, you might enjoy it. If not, don't hesitate to go for another novel.
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Eeria rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Such a cute story. It’s a reverse universe where male can get pregnant and female can have an harem. The ML is such a cutie. Love love love him. Seeing how he was tortured in the past by the villain I don’t think the villain’s retribution was too heavy. The FL is this very dandy playboy that has reformed. She is a funny character, not very smart but with the rebirth helping she manages to turn around. Before reading this novel never thought a male lead could be this cute.... more>> MTLing is very easy. <<less
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MusicFromMiles rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: c8
When I first started reading it I really looked forward to the romance cuz it looks like the start of a fluffy cute romance. The thing that really puts me of was the misunderstandings and when the romantic scene just started rolling, there would always be characters ruining it for some whatever reason, be it the antagonists, side characters, hell sometimes even the protagonist herself.

For now I'm gonna drop this novel maybe when I decided to endure the torment and wait until the protagonist settled her debts and finally starts... more>> being honest with her feelings would I start reading it again but for now it would be a 3 star <<less
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Krystal Liu
Krystal Liu rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c4
I'm reading this through the translation version so I would have to wait for the translator to translate everything.

This story is actually pretty okay after you ignore all the mistake the translator made as well as some weird things in the story. Like for example how the translator actually translates the name. For example, Tao Hua becomes Love Affair. Another example would be the female and the male in this story seem to have their roles reverse. Like how the male would get pregnant and the female seems to be... more>> the house head. Once you ignore all of that and focus on the storyline, the story doesn't seem that bad. In fact, after you get used to it, I think it would a really good novel to read. <<less
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