Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World


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The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game.

In this game, Nie Yan prided himself on his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He assassinated his father’s enemy. He lay dying shortly after being shot in the pursuit.

However, that wasn’t the end of his story. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chongsheng Zhi Zei Hang Tianxia
Chong Sheng Zhi Zei Xing Tian Xia
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145 Reviews sorted by

Pristine Xia
Pristine Xia rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: c742
Love this novel! Have a lot of fun (and touching) time binge-reading this :)
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auroraRMC rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: c721
I really wanted to like this novel. I love the rebirth trope, I love the VRMMO/gaming trope, and I love how the premise was kind of like the King's Avatar. In many parts, I did get what I wanted, and that was why I stuck with it for so long, along with the excellent translations. The game itself is really interesting, and I'm a fan of the thief (assassin?) class. Sometimes the MC gets really OP and lucky and face slaps people, which I'm always a fan of. Plus his... more>> personality is pretty stable and grounded, unlike some overly arrogant/cowardly MCs in other novels.

But the romance is unsatisfying to say the least, he's literally obsessed with this girl but fails to put two and two together to figure out that the girls outside and inside the game are the same, and there's a bunch of unnecessary drama on both sides to figure it out. Apparently sm*x scenes are censored by Qidian (but translated by translator thank you) but are literally like three sentences of barely PG13 realness. MC is constantly repeated to have a very boring and normal appearance for no reason, literally almost every massive enemy is against MC for FL, which just boggles my mind. I love the side characters but why does the author have to make them so weak when the MC isn't there? You would think that each of them as one of the absolute top OP elites in the previous life would be able to stand their own. I understand that there is a lot to keep track of, but author keeps forgetting/mixing up/retconning stats and properties—like I would think restrictions and cool downs and immunities would be pretty important things that could greatly affect strategy. Also author needs to stop pulling out random OP characters out of nowhere just to press MC down, with all of the MC's purposeful questing, you would think that no one would be able to out-OP him/his stats. Lots of features conveniently forgotten, often to make the MC weaker, MC is top thief with extremely high awareness but manages to get ambushed all over the place by like hundreds to thousands of players. I'll probably keep reading as the novel gets translated but for now, paused. <<less
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LunethL rated it
May 16, 2019
Status: c630
It's a pretty good novel, in its specific genre (time travel+VRMMO) it's the best I've read. Nie Yan, the MC, is OP due to his reincarnation, but isn't like most other MCs of the genre. He pays a lot of attention to his guild, he expects (at first) to be surpassed at some point by people with more talent and revenge is low on his list of priorities. He's nice to strangers, loyal to his old friends and allies, and while ruthless to his enemies, he's not obsessed with destroying... more>> them. Generally, he's more of a businessman than a warrior in his train of thought, with in-game power being a means to an end rather than the goal itself.

However, nothing is perfect. Nie Yan regularly benefits from random awesome events that he didn't know about before, the (sort-of) instant power upgrades are obvious (especially in the latest chapters), and events are sometimes unrealistic. Personally I'm annoyed by the sudden XXX scenes that turn up in later chapters as well, but they can be skipped without problem. The 'look how kickass this MC is' is generally done in a non-annoying way, but at times the author falls into the pitfall of overdoing it.

In conclusion, this novel has its flaws, but it avoids most of the pitfalls of the time-travel and OP hero genres. Definitely worth reading if you like VRMMO novels. <<less
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08phamann rated it
April 19, 2019
Status: Completed
Things I liked:

    • Brotherhood and stuff
    • Guild building, making allies and expanding territory (kingdom building)
    • MC is an ok guy. Not annoying.
Things I didn't like:

    • the "romance" (if you can call it romance...)
    • No seriously, the romance is a bit vomit inducing. Also,

      MC likes girl in real life, she knows he likes her. She knows who he is in the game, he does not know who she is in the game. She, being
      a typical s*upid shallow character with no character traits except being beautiful and rich, has a great idea. To not tell him who she is in the game. And then she has the audacity to get upset when MC implicitly rejects her in the game?? Dose she have a cheese for a brain? The fact that her character has no character, is not offensive to me, but the fact that she can just be this level of petty and s*upid but still so self entitled makes me kind of want to die. Also, not sure why MC is so attracted to her. Besides her face and money. Otherwise, she's pretty useless.

    • The "sexy scenes" (pls be prepared for vomit inducing lines)
    • Spoiler

      "She looked incredibly tender and beautiful. A pair of fair tapered peaks dropped down, trembling lightly."

    • Spoiler

      Xie Yao wasn't wearing anything! Naked!

    • Spoiler

      Her perfect body radiated a fair glow without the slightest blemish. A lascivious fragrance proliferated the air.

    • Spoiler

      "Xie Yao wore a white dress, a simple yet elegant colour which complimented her perfectly. She was brimming with the charm of a young married woman. At this moment, she had truly blossomed into a woman."

Things that don't make sense:

    • MC just going head to head with literally everyone he doesn't like, even when they are literally more powerful that in him every aspect.
    • MC being so fcking lucky
    • MC is way too OP. He leaves the game for 3 years and within 5 months of coming back is the #1 player in the game.
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xxBlackRabbitxx rated it
May 9, 2018
Status: c394
I wonder why the star is low on this one, I get it, its too fantasy with all the sh*t of second chance. But thats it its a second chance of course the MC is gonna get op with all the knowledge he has, but that's not what s good about this novel. Its the way he does things that's whats's interesting. Plus the satisfaction on what he does is what's great. Read it guys until the later chap. Its not like what other second chance mmorpg novel is.
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EricBannen rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c353
Best VRRMO based novel period ✌?

The storyline is superb.... You learn a lot about business development in an interesting context.... You have all elements of a great novel...?

The only downside is the lack of depth of female characters... Still the pace of the story covers for all deficiency ?

I give this novel a staggering 4.7/5... a superb read ???


I wait a lot for every release of chapter

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rhianirory rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: Completed
I've read a lot of vrmmorpg stories and this one is not only decent, it doesn't completely fall apart halfway through the way many Chinese novels tend to, though I was less then pleased at the change of focus. I really enjoyed the adventures, quests, and leveling way more than all the guild wars and politics, probably because it's the same guild/ political crap seen in every Chinese VR novel (I've never read one where the MC isn't focused on world domination...I guess it's a Chinese obsession).

the romance is kind... more>> of flat but I'm not reading it for romance; I'm reading it to see the MC use his knowledge of the game to kick ass and take names. He's not as OP as a harem MC would be, (i.e. Shura's Wrath, Evil Dragon, Zan Long), but he's still OP, just like all the other MC's in these Chinese webnovels. and he actually dies more than once in the game, which is something rarely ever seen, and there were major level drops. though he isn't nearly as traumatized as Weed is over his lost armor, he still has to work hard to catch up and pull ahead.

i also like that he picked the same class instead of somehow magically knowing everything about a different class he's never played. it's a little hard to suspend my disbelief when I read stories where someone spent 10 years growing their character (sorceress, druid, etc) and then they pick something else (hunter, thief, etc) and are super proficient and op from the get-go with no adjustment period.

i admit I have a bit of a soft spot for this novel; it was the first Chinese vrmmorpg novel where I actually liked the MC most of the time (except for the scenes with his GF, when he treated her as his possession just like all the other Chinese MC.). Honestly, I would have like the story better if he didn't "get" the girl until the end and we weren't put through all those 'wife-training' scenes. <<less
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dustyacer rated it
February 7, 2018
Status: c340
Looking at the top reviews, there are a lot of low ratings. Imma guess its due to the low chpts read.

It generally starts as a typical "go back to fix your mistakes and know a bunch of unknown things". Its kinda generic, although I still enjoyed it a lot, but most of it was from 3-4/5. It goes on and incorporates more elements in.

One of the best parts of this novel is the vast variety of things that happens: solo thrilling action, ancient lore (that I skim through), politics/deplomacy, company/guild... more>> management, utterly ass-kicking (if u know the referance), family and lovers love and friendships.

Story: One of the best things that I like is that the MC is super OP BUT he isnt actually that much since thats only when comparing it to a single person. Instead there are major corporations that have hundreds of thousands of players and money. The MC has to slowly overcome this.

Characters: Probably the worst part. The characters dont really have too much personality, even the MC is pretty so-so. While others have weak/generic or no-existant personalities, except for a select few.

Translation: 10/10. <<less
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Nostalgia21 rated it
November 28, 2017
Status: c295
Honestly, this is one of the most amusing and interesting LN I have ever read, and mind you, I have read quite a few.

MC is immensely dedicated and loyal to family and friends. Cunning, yet at the same time still has a lot of morals. He is one of the least trigger prone MC I have yet to read. Sure he gets pissed off and fights back, but only when things get bad. Some MCs are so trigger prone they will beat the sh*t out of you just by giving... more>> a few smart remarks. He is also very loyal to his comrades and takes good care of them really well. Frankly, it gives the same vibe as TDG which used to be my favorite save for the fact that the plot got to the point where it had nowhere to go which is probably the reason why it's almost dropped at this point.

Sure, MC has thick plot armor, but what do you expect? He has memories of the past and is preparing for a war so of course he's going to get as many godly arsenal and friends as he can. Plot armor isn't nearly as thick as other xianxia novels IMO.

Romance wise, I think it's okay. The romance isn't as pronounced at this point in time. Sure, it was explained well at the first 150chapters, but the recent chapters is focused mainly on the development of the game. Another reason is...


also, the fact that he doesn't know what his love interest's ign. The storyline now is based mostly on the virtual world rather than the real world, hence, not much romance action going on


Having said that, I like the fact that MC is extremely loyal to his love interest.

I also like that the first few chapters instantly hooks you and leaves you wanting for more, unlike some slow paced novels, which I don't mind honestly, but sometimes, you want to be hooked instantly, which what this novel did for me. I feel like it's getting even more interesting because the history is slowly changing which is pretty much understandable, if you change something from the past, of course something is bound to change in the present and future. The future is getting unpredictable now which I think is a great way to spice up the story.

The only reason why I gave it a 4 instead of 5 is because the storyline is still only at a third of the whole story. Idk if things will go good or bad from there. And also, it doesn't release as fast as I would want it to, although it does release pretty often. Idk if I should just stop for now and come back after a few hundred chapters.

If you still have doubts, just try reading it and you'll know. Frankly, this was so good to me it made me lose interest to every other novel. Every thing just pales in comparison and it irritates me now how redundant and petty other novels and MC are. <<less
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TSR rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: c995
The story was ok, however the author made constant mistakes on the rules of the game, there are lots of good side character that don't get much development, the same on the romace side.

The MC heavily abuse his knowledge of the game, because he "remember" everything of a game that he played 10 years ago.

If you can ignore the flaws on the story, it is a fun read but nothing special.
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aditya8795 rated it
April 23, 2017
Status: v1c87
I dont like the MMORPG type novels, I was expected to enjoy MLS but I dropped it. But this novel is a pleasant surprise. Of course I expected a lot from the legendary mad snail (I still hate him for dropping one of my all time fav novel - TDG, but I guess he must have his reasons) but the novel is fun to read. Not a masterpiece, but read if you need a book.
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acoleman2 rated it
March 3, 2017
Status: --
It's a fun read. Wish it was a little less wuxia, but no helping it I guess. More than anything, I'm just glad that there's another VRMMORPG novel being consistently and speedily translated besides Zhan Long. Cheers for picking this up WuxiaWorld/LittleShanks. As for recommendations to readers who like this: try the Hunter novel on GravityTales (all about the female Huntress game character), Emperor of Solo Play (different from this, but still a good game novel), and King's Avatar. King's Avatar is kinda the standard for all game novels in... more>> my opinion because it's the only one that really feels like gaming. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
February 5, 2017
Status: c139
Isn't this a bit over exaggerated? The Romance is just as bad as TDG. MC possessive and likes her because she's extremely beautiful. The Author seriously has a bad habit for Romance. Why couldn't it had been Yao Yao? She's stubborn, clever and funny...

It took me like 30-50Chapters to finally understand the world. Its kind of like a rip off Galactic Dark Net. But still passable.

Apperantly he learned several Martial Arts and how to kill 'online' and became a professional killer... That's the s*upidest thing I've ever heard! The story is seriously unbalanced because of the situations between Real Life and Online. I thought it would be a Assassin reincarnation to another world story. But the way it is now there's no good balance or good direction to focus on the story.


If you can ignore the Romance. Then read this. Its really funny and I love the RPG game elements. Its good cheat world building. I love the Players interactions. It just feels to short and easy! I wish this was thought of properly..

I love the fact that Tang Yao whose a playboy falls in love with that Lou girl. You could say she saved him from dying since he in the previously life he died from being a womanizer. I think they suit each other. I still don't know if they'll end up together... I love the fact that the MC uses his friends as a shield to hide his identity but the story to fast to enable to join it. Before you know it your done with this. Its really short


For now I certainly love this more then TDG though... Its to soon to say
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athafil rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c77
This novel is truly refreshing because it really give you the feeling of a true immersion in a VR Game. The MC wins his fight but because he knows how to play and to avoid issues not because he is too strong. He is building his progress step by step and in logical way Beautiful really beautiful
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Shikon rated it
October 3, 2016
Status: c76
I just picked up this novel and find the pacing to be good with a likable MC. Sure, he's a bit OP, but I find that it's a nice feel-good addition to the mix of the many novels I'm currently following.
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Deyna rated it
October 3, 2016
Status: c75
Even though there are many stories with similar plotlines, and even more similarities in tropes, there are still readers who enjoy reading them. This is one such story. You can identify the tropes, you may be able to foresee the story, but in the end, it's a literary adventure to go. The quality of the translation is high, and I'm looking forward to how this develops in the next couple of hundred chapters
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Fluffy rated it
December 11, 2015
Status: --
So because it stop being translated I started reading it translated by systranet (grammar was horrible) and figured out mistranlated words meanings and...I read it all. It was fairly good once you look away from the grammar. Nie Yan went through different things to change the his future which was fun reading except the ending which for some reason he made another after, kinda more like a small short story of Nie Yan and the girl he loves. Anywho to any that is like me to read a promising story... more>> that is stop translating, give this story a whirl. <<less
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Poireau rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
It is a bit of a disapointment.

The world seems really interesting with the army having mechas, spaceships, etc..., yet 99% of the story is spent in a virtual reality, and it feels like the author was draging the plot on purpose several times.

The MC could have done a military career in real life and it would have procured him protection for him and his familly, and probably a licence to kill, but he prefered building a guild in a VRMMO game and spent his time doing the war with young... more>> masters and face slaping them left and right, pissing them off to the point of risking the life of his friends and familly IRL several times.


Even if playing the game helps him becoming stronger IRL, he could have gone solo, without a guild, as most of his quests were done solo. Having the monopoly on potions shops would have been enough for the money, yet, 70% of the novel is just unnecessary stuff about guild and 1d characters, and after chapter 500 ish, it is really boring and lots of chapters / arcs, have no suspens and can be skipped


The beginning was great, but as it is always the same with most of VRMMO novels, MCs always create a guild and for sure, it upsets a young master, then comes the face slapping, and, repeat...

The worst, is that the MC knows the enemy of his previous life will come harm him and his familly in his new life, yet,

he does nothing to kill him, and waits until the last 50 chapters to do something


I kind of regret spending my time reading it. It is well written and translated, and is even better than Zhan Long for example, but it is still full of stereotypes and bellow most of the VRMMO korean novels. <<less
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kaaliya rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: Completed
It is one of the first web novels that I read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I read it when it was still being translated and I really loved the VRMMO aspect of the game. The ending was rushed as many reviewers mentioned before. It felt like the author was rushing to complete this so that he can focus on his next work. Overall the story was not fresh but the execution was excellent. The MC is likable and there is good character development throughout the story. The side characters... more>> are also pretty well fleshed out and not there just for show. 'ASSKICKERS UNITED' was an awesome clan with an awesome name. The items, quests, missions, and the way the MC handles them are pretty innovative and fun to read. Even the action scenes are good. Overall a very fun read to me even though the ending was a bit rushed and lackluster. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
October 7, 2020
Status: c280
A painfully average novel. Novel started off interesting and I actually enjoyed the premise and lore of Conviction. However, the author, for some unknown reasons, continue to exaggerate details (while being sloppy af) in the novel which led to multiple cringe moments and glaring plot holes. For example, author mentioned something like the average IQ of the average citizen is 160 but MC's IQ is 200+. Just let that sink in. As for plot holes, the fact that MC remained unchecked by Conviction devs despite his anomalous in-game activities raises... more>> a huge question mark. The inconsistency in drop rates and power-creeping is also an issue that is glossed over as 'normal' in the game. <<less
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