Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil


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A top hacker was chosen by the Lord God to be reborn into countless worlds, always as an expendable villain.

With no free will, every world became a dead end. Each of his lives ended tragically.

Finally, after wrestling control of the Villain System, this ace hacker decided to enact revenge. Even if his very bones were rotten, he’d choose to occupy the very heights of morality, if only on the surface.

Thus, he would change his fate as an abused slag.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cao Thủ Đổi Đen Thay Trắng
Kuài chuān zhī dǎ liǎn kuáng mó
Quick Transmigrating into a Face Slapping Demon
Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping Demon
The Face-slapping Maniac
Xue Zi Xuan
Related Series
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Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin (22)
Recommendation Lists
  1. a match made in heaven
  2. To read later
  3. reading list
  4. danmei ive read part 2
  5. My All-Time Favorite

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731 Reviews sorted by

zorroggggg55555 rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: c9.1
I got completely deceived by the reviews and hype by the people who love this novel. I got totally disappointed if you ask me. I personally never give negative reviews for any novels I have read so far but I must write this for people who come here expecting great things in this novel. Read this only if you want to read about

  1. Face slapping
  2. Face slapping
  3. Super OP level ML and OP MC face slapping others mainly protogonist
I have to say even the romance is scarce here. Even in... more>> the 1st arc there was barely any romance. In every arc MC will find ML then love will magically bloom within them idk how. I see ML wildly chasing MC in some arc. You may find some in*est, manipulations and all here. The thing that bothered me the most is how the author is trying to keep the ML way powerful than the 'protogonists' in many arcs. The thing is those guys are 'protogonist' in those world for a reason alright?. BUT in front of ML they are nothing, thats what the author is trying to say I guess. And we will find, in this novel how those 'protogonists' or 'heroines' are evil and malicious to the pitiful MC's 'original' body. And the 'original' body of our MC is most of the time a pitiful, humble, beautiful [ who the heroine can't rival even in her dreams], so on. Like whats the point. The author is trying to make the ML and MC superior by making other characters idiotically s*upid or worthless. I read it till the 8th arc just for the sake of the world hopping. But I lost it in the 8th arc because the 8th arc is full and full, alll about how MC is beautiful, great, talented, cute like a cat

There was no romance. It was plain, dull, boring. OMG <<less
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ArtemisDarksmith rated it
November 18, 2020
Status: Completed
The actual story sucks. There is a lot that this story lacks.

1. The conflict between MC and rival which would lead you to care about the MC and his well-being, physically or emotionally, is lacking. You never get to be worried about MC, at all. It's make the MC so indifferent that it's hard to develop feelings for him as the MC.

2. Interesting rivals of the MC. Every single rival feels the same. Nothing about them are noteworthy which leads the stories to being so boring.

3. The way the MC... more>> meets his lover feels lacking. They always know each other, there is nothing special about the way they meet. The only one with potential was the zombie story.

However, the extras were very interesting, especially the MC origin story. The first extra explain how the MC came to be who he is now was the most interesting. The extras are worth reading.

By making the MC too overpowered, they made the story feel very lacking. <<less
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Achiless rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: ex1c2 part3
As my first QT the first half at least was pretty good. But as time passes just the memory of it gets on my nerves.

Positive parts: satisfying face-slapping, good tragedy.

Negative part: where in the f*cking world is the romance? Gone. Evaporated just like that since the 4th arc or smthn. In the beginning the MC and ML end up attracting each other naturally, but then this MC literally just began searching for the ML's "soul" feeling blindly. When other men are nice to him he literally doesn't give a f*ck... more>> (like he doesn't owe it to anyone, but sometimes it's about respect and thankfulness), but once he just feels the ML's sould he'll directly go for it, like wtf.

Being cold hearted is one thing, but this MC's character is just bad. Someone who was supposed to hurt the original host (before he transmigrated) can give up their lifes for the transmigrated MC, but he wouldn't bat an eye and even let them rot in hell. All while being clingy with the ML because he felt his "soul".


And then he got a body in the real world for the ML's "soul". Like he just saw a hot bod in coma and decided to transfer the ML's sould into it. Wtf. That body's owner however prob wouldn't wake up and the MC and ML did take revenge on those who wronger the body's owner so it's be acceptable, but it's still so insensitive. It's like that last mini drop in the bucket that causes it to overflow.

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Shionismad rated it
March 31, 2018
Status: v14 extra
Yas this is the best! I breezed through arc 1-12 and I had to wait for translator Kez-sama to update but IT IS WORTH IT. I cried on the last arc. Especially that extra. Boii I wanna strangle someone. This is really good stuff. Unknowingly, after I read this, I found myself wanting to find more and more novels of this kind, however, I just can't seem to find one that'll completely satiate me. It seems like FOD already has that special place in my heart. Hayys. I'll never look... more>> at world-jump novels like before. The Author just set the bar too high.


The ML basically follows the MC around so it's strictly a 1v1. Both MC and ML are loyal to each other.


^^This is a plus for me.


Since the MC is awesome, why not the ML? ML's background is big. So don't you worry that our Seme won't be able to stand toe to toe with our MC. Dammit I don't wanna spoil this major plot point. Just read, okay?


It's sad that others judged this book right off the bat. Seriously? Chap. 1.1 and you already deemed this book bad? Everything was clearly explained in the end. And it's an explanation that didn't seem too forced. So please, listen to the other readers. This novel is really fckn good. (Sorry)

You'll also fall in love with each worlds. I love them all~ READ THIS YOU WON'T REGRET IT.

Even if you're not into BL, or Danmei, you'll still find this novel quite entertaining. Honestly, you'll miss out a lot if you pass up this chance.

ヽ (´ー`)

Come, my liege. Willingly let yourself fall into this bottomless hole that is FOD. There's only one arc left! <<less
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ayyshadow rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: Completed
So far, the best fast transmigration novel that I've read. Each arc is addictive, intriguing, and so interesting you would never feel bored (unlike some other fast wear novel where you'd occasionally find one or two arcs uninteresting).

The MC is OP, but not entirely because he got a cheat. Yes, the cheat helps, but it's his brain and his scheming ability that would drawn you to him. You'd feel compelled to root for him simply because his planning and personality appeal to you.

ML is your usual obsessive bordering yandere type... more>> gong, and yet he is such a loyal puppy in front of MC. In their world nothing else matter except for each other, and it's just so wonderful to read how they identify each other each time.

I've read this novel multiple times and have yet to feel bored. Honestly you are losing out if you haven't read this. <<less
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urbanscrappy rated it
November 18, 2017
Status: c10.14
This story is perfection and I don't say that lightly. I was intrigued by all the reviews and high ratings and was hopeful of an interesting story bu this blew away my expectations. It's smart and very well plotted, funny, touching, thrilling, I could go on. Love it, love it, love it. In fact I love it so much I'm actually staying away from the spoiler threads, which is extremely rare for me.
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cheerydandan rated it
November 11, 2017
Status: Completed
This is one of the best novels I've ever read. When I read this, I got s**ked in that I binged the whole thing.

16 different arcs each one written beautifully. I love how the MC plays with the personality of the body instead of his own (even fulfilling what the original owner of the body wishes) and even if he is OP, it is justifiable with going through rebirth a thousand times. Plus he isn't lazy and tries to learn new skills.

This novel got me into a rollercoaster ride of... more>> emotions and the translation is wonderfully done (Kudos to the translator!) <<less
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Luna5309 rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: c15.13
I love the different plot lines the main character goes through each time, and how he seems to effectively, yet effortlessly, overcome them. I also like how lovers meet again through different lifetimes, and the mystery of figuring out the 'one'. Plus, I get the bonus of the translator giving each arc in one go so I can enjoy the story better.
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Naili210 rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: --
First I was tempted into reading this because of the fine rating and how popular it was when people mention it. But you know what I was FOOLED.

... more>>

I totally wasted my time reading this novel. I dropped this novel in the start 11th arc (omegaverse stuff). The arc I hated the most was the Apocalypse zombie arc where MC is a doctor/scientist and ML was the protagonist of that world. To be honest I didn't really expect anything out of this arc because apocalypse is not my cup of tea but in the beginning of the arc I was a bit interested because of how ML stuck onto MC side as like a transparent soul that is like a ghost who watched over MC and saw his selfless, good side. I also was a bit hooked and really interested on how ML was reborn and he still has his memories of when he was still a ghost stuck onto MC side in the last life. I was expected something good happening but nope. MC and ML wasn't even good. They didn't even become friends and their relationships was hella complicated. To tell you the truth I HATE the ending so freaken bad. Like bruh that's the sh*tiest ending I ever read. Like bruh MC f*cken like idk I guess you can call it su*cide because like he wanted to leave the world since he thought that his lover, ML was not here and so he lost his reason living in this world buy yeah he f*cken died. But before he died ML was lucky enough to come in time and f*cken kiss him and let MC confirm that ML was actually his lover the whole f*cken time and he didn't even notice the slightest. I feel so outraged on how their relationships did not improved in the slightest over the two year time skip. Their relationship only moved a slightest when MC finally know that it was ML that was his lover. The ending was not it.



Anyway the arc I was most disappointed of was the western historical greek mythology. This arc was really interesting in the beginning because of the setting of gods, elves, beastman etc. It really hooked me in the beginning but I was disappointed in the end. I didn't really like how MC (Rational MC) keeps fighting/arguing with himself (Brainless MC) for ML and sh*t. Like brianless MC loves ML right but rational MC doesn't know that that was ML his lover. I just HATE it like what's the point of both different MC fighting for who is ML and who is not ML when it is ML. Like what the f*ck? The ending was terrible. I don't know why the f*ck the author would end it like that. Like ML just destroying all of the temple that were meant to worship him but only the kingdom that MC used to lived in was safe. Like what the f*ck. I'm glad that the b*tch protagonist got his retribution and stuff but like that ending wasn't even good.



Another arc I got uncomfortable, well mostly all of the arc waa uncomfortable for me. The second arc (Black Hearted Lotus) : please I do not like the ML. At first I thought that the ML was the three year old baby and I was the hell no that sh*t is not going to happen which I'm grateful that it didn't happen. But it went even worser, the ML in this arc is freaken the man who took the MC in his home and raised him for like idk a few years like what the f*ck? And that man is the protagonist of that world like author what the hell is going on with your head. I mean I don't mind if the ML is the protagonist of the world but what I do my mind is that f*cken age gap. Like bit*h I swear the age gap between ML and MC is probably freaken 15+ years apart like the hell. Also I don't like how the ML already got married and had a son already. I don't know how I feel about this but for right now I will not care about it and will ignore it.


The plot really wasn't interesting to me at all. It was plain simple but I think it wasn't that bad I guess. I swear I feel like its getting more more worser for me. I don't get how people rate this novel so high. I also don't get how its so popular for the readers. I really don't know what goes on their mind when reading this novel. Anyway this novel is not good at all. Maybe its the type that most readers like to read this but for me this is a no no. <<less
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Emptysouls rated it
August 28, 2022
Status: Completed
My top 1 of all time!!!

Let me tell you I've read so many novels, manga, anime, webtoon ofcourse BL that I've lost count but still this couple is my favourite!!!

Let me give you reasons...

... more>> - the charismatic badass MC. Damn he is so badass not a devil not a saint he is just himself.

-the cold heart but fully devoted to his wife ML. Oh my this guy is perfect example of lover/life partner

- no f*cking drama or any misunderstanding or lies or cheating between couple. Seriously there is none! And seriously the storylines are so amazing that you don't need any kind of non necessary problem for couple.

- the world buliding and face slapping.. the revenge part is top class in each arc. Each and every arc is op. Storyline, character settings everything is on another level.

- both respect and love each other so much. Never meddle in each other's work but whenever needed they are always there

- and the most satisfying part is yes ML is pe*vert in some Arc you may call stalker even, gets jealous, is possesive but what I like is MC knows and loves and encourage that's behaviour of his. He don't care if people call is negative or toxic but for him he is just happy that he own ML's mind, soul, heart, body even is breath! Vive versa.!

- and the most crucial thing for me is that they're not saint they don't give damn about the world.. if they can't have each other destroy the world who cares. They're not the one who will sacrifice themselves or their love just to save some strangers. Like most of the MC do... "Like I wanna save the world" "those are friends, I can't let them die" "we are males this can't happen" "they need a hair" blah blah blah there is no barrier between their love they don't give damn about anything!!

Ofcourse that doesn't mean they're devil's they do give chance you know to other they do.

I know all this is not real and can only happen in fictional world but I'm happy that atleast I've this novel. I've re-read it 5+ times and I'll be keep reading this because I need to feel this love.

I love this author so much for bringing such love infront of us for creating such story and translators thank you for translating this gem.!!!



Okay I love main couple of FOD but I guess everyone can agree there was one character we all genuinely felt really bad for and that was Xue Zi Xian (14arc). He reprimanded for his sins in that arc so let's talk about the good or postive side of him.

The reason I felt connected to him was he has problems he was mysophobiac, had lack of empathy we don't know the reason behind but they are problems. He also needed help. It wasn't like he purposefully hated or wanted to kill ZYS. He don't know how to feel. And after reading the 14 Arc. Although we all knew and loved main cp we still felt bad for XZX. And then we were rewarded with a EXCLUSIVE side story of Xue Zi Xuan.

I'm really happy that he got HE. The ML of FOD himself took 2-3 arcs to finally get place is ZYS heart, from that we can comprehend for ZYS to fall in love but it happened in side story..

Seriously the love, the pampering, care XZX showed to ZYS is so full of warmth that I don't think I'll be ever to read arc 14 again because I can't see him sad anymore. So now I know I'll be never rereading arc 14.

Anyways I'm really happy that XZX got to live with ZYS. I'm really happy!!!


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EuRee rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating 2.5/5

Let down your fork, please. QWTFOD isn't my 1st nor my 2nd QT danmei and that may be the reason I can only give 2.5/5 for this. Don't get me wrong, QWTFOD is good but compared to DPUBFTB, QWTFOD pale in comparison. What makes QWTFOD good is probably it's diversity arc. With 15 or 16 arc, at least 1 arc will suit your preference... while the other 15 arc will let your tooth ache.

Maybe it's because my bar was set too high for QT novel and I totally blame... more>> DPUBFTB for this.

MC is too OP so the plot becomes repetitive, no one would really stand in MC way. Especially with ML backing. So each arcs feel like a vacation for MC and ML to spend their lovey dovey honeymoon because they fall in love waay to fast. Face-slapping "original protagonist" along the way. MC is not a "good" person per se and I don't mind it. He isn't a saint. He is selfish, arrogant, and smug. In a way, it's good that MC isn't a saint because that mean he can stand on his own. (and because I have some little tiny bits of it knowlegde about "hacking"... and this novel makes me cringe to the max about its concept of "hacking"...)

ML is your typical cold domineering possessive can-do-everything that pamper MC. Sometimes he get a good character growth but sometimes he becomes a walking plot device for MC.

Everything can be solved by some genius "hacking". (I'm gonna cry if I need to call his actions as "hacking" one more time...) Don't worry, MC won't met any setback and have a smooth journey. None of the arc left a long lasting impression for me, probably because all the rinse and repeat too OP face slapping. All the arc feel like the same, just in a different setting.

As for side characters.. sorry, can't remember them.

If you are bored and want some fast face-slapping QT, this probably is a good novel to spend your time on. Can't really recommend this one. <<less
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Riversong411 rated it
May 11, 2018
Status: Completed
This is one of my all time favourite BL novels, and Chinese web novels in general. I love the episodic nature of the novel and the cynical MC. My only complaint would be that the last arc/epilogue felt rather rushed... But it's still an amazing story
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eremedy rated it
March 28, 2018
Status: c14 extra
Definitely going to be a classic I'll be rereading over and over again. Translation is great and the story is awesome. Great romance and great adventure, MC is super fun to read about and champion.
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word junkie
word junkie rated it
November 29, 2017
Status: Completed

Just finished reading the raw ?, and I will say this is without a doubt the most well balanced, entertaining, funny, dramatic, bad-ass, incredible piece of fiction I have read.

The story is well paced, and the romance is beautiful, deep, sensual and fluffy (incredible variety here).

The MC, the beloved ZYS cannot be described as anything but epic✨. He is a rare character who does not loose his ruthless nature even as we reach the end of the novel.

The ML is incredible ? (Nothing more to be said) .

The progression of their relationship transcending space, time and destiny without disturbing the pace and incredible idea behind the story is stunning.

The author is a genius.

Pick up a megaphone and shout it out. A moving read for all lovers of the written word.

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Roxasfleur rated it
November 28, 2017
Status: Completed
I have deleted my previous reviews because I think after some 3 or more years, this review is not valid anymore. Idk about other people, but at 2017, chinese novels aren't this known and translations are quite scarce. So when I found this little gem, I was really amazed and truthfully this story got me becoming a rotten apple lol. I searched and read more QT story, be it BL or BG.

Yes, this story isn't the best. This story has a gray stu MC and typical pampering ML. However, I... more>> think the arcs storyline are really quite good. I mean if you think this story isn't that good, then yes. Its trope is kinda common because you've read countless similar others. Truthfully, I have also read countless better stories. However, when I think about QT world, this novel still left a very deep impression on me.

If some of you are 'old-timers' who have been there when this novel is still being translated, maybe you will feel an attachment like mine. <<less
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tuckwoo rated it
August 22, 2017
Status: c7.14
So good, I really like the way that there are many different types/genre of story here. I also love the way the two main characters always manage to find each other and fall in love over and over, it's so cute >\\\<
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o LaLa o
o LaLa o rated it
April 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Does this story have short comings? Certainly!

Do they keep me from re-reading every single arc over and over again? Certainly... not!


The thing I like most about this novel is that both MC and ML are very confident characters and always manage to have a very secure and equal relationship.
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infatuated rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: v4 or 5

Not really, actually. I decided to finally review some novels and so I'm going to review them.

But see here, I know this novel is like... the grandfather of the quick transmigration stories in the genre, blah blah blah, how dare I criticize this and enjoy other QTs like DPUBFTT...

... more>> And to that, I reply: because all the plot points are bullshit.

First and foremost, the MC's ability is undefined. Most of the time, you'll get ill-defined character strengths with varying restrictions, but not for this guy. You don't know sh*t about what he can or can't do, and the safest assumption is that he can do everything, and not even out of skill, not really. The guy just makes a new face. Sacrifices? No. Effort? No. I think there was a whole plot where the og owner's main drawback, the dot on his forehead, was resolved in -0.7 seconds. Rooting for MC is like rooting for a boxer who can teleport. There is no meaning to any of the conflicts he faces because from appearance to acting to skill, the MC doesn't need to go through any trouble. He defeats these plots the way I defeat my foes in debate... At 3AM, reimagining my conversation with the comeback I thought up in retrospect.

"And yet you kept reading, " you may say.

I fully admit to my proclivities towards non recyclable tr*sh in terms of trope. Intriguing world building and complex characters do it for me, but so do dramatic dog blooded dramas, cheap revenge plots, and excessive male posturing. I like a good power fantasy, but this one is so meaningless. The MC wasn't even morally corrupt in a fun quirky way. With the exception of the second arc, I was rooting for the original characters (century egg dude was literally just trying to make a living) over the evil Zamboni with the platinum finger. <<less
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Smolminnies rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: c13.2
One word, boring. Had to drag myself to reach the end. Literally I'd think of taking a break from studying, but then I'd remember this is the novel im reading to pass time so I just end up choosing to rather continue my studies. Had to give up at the 13th arc, because it became too much of a chore rather than the enjoyable and relaxing read it was supposed to be.
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Prakruti000 rated it
October 7, 2021
Status: c11.1
An OP, unbearably arrogant, plagiarist, narcissistic, cruel, omniscient (in every world), selfish/ (I think he has a disability in understanding sympathy and empathy), mentally somewhat disorted MC playing a life chess game in every world he transmigrates into and making s** with his equally unbearable boyfriend (not even a lover, let alone 'soulmate'), ML. This is what I found at most.

... more>>

MC transmigrates into a space controlled by Lord God. Lord God restricts MC in all the ways and forces him to act either as a cannon fodder or main villain without changing their cruel nature and fate. After his dreadful death, the soul energy of that whole world acts as a redbull to Lord God. MC only suffers but Lord God consistently gets more powerful. MC then plans and succeeds in escaping from Lord God from his no.1 hacking skills. Now, his task is to change the fate of the character he transmigrates to, become equally powerful as Lord God then defeat him and return to his own world.

Now, I accept that MC suffered a lot. But in my point of view, any sane person who suffers a great turmoil from infinite lives, becomes more emphatic and understanding/confident/numb to pain/anthrophobic/more brave to face challanges, TRAUMATIZED or something like that. But he became Mr. Perfect, is unbearably arrogant and narcissistic, a person who thinks he is the only one who suffered, he is the only one who deserves success, only his pain is real and at last, everyone is a chess piece or a play thing. Only an insane person can react like this. He is so powerful, so skillful, so omnipotent that it is beyond my imagination. Only the creator of this universe can be that powerful.

As it is starting, first arc was OK. But second, third, fourth,.... in each and every arc, the story was like MC transmigrating -> adjusting his (the ori. Owner's) body's condition and skills from average to ultra pro max -> in the name of changing the fate, converting the main leads and most of the side characters into main villains and cannon folders (mostly they weren't so cringe and dumb at first! Until MC transmigrates) -> living as no.1 among no.1s until his death. He knows everything, painting, dancing, cooking, singing, acting.... but if you remove his system elf, he is a normal human. A normal person with excellent hacking skills. But he was shown like these skills are his own. He feels these skills are his. Until now, only in ninth arc it felt like he was trying, struggling and he was the one getting face slapping.

ML. As irritating as MC. In the very first arc, he gets obsessed with MC... no. His body and immediately abandons his niece. Without another thought, he supports MC (even though he is powerful enough) and opposes his niece. From then, he stalks MC in each world, easily gets seduced by him, gets overly obsessed with him, persuades him (by hook or crook) and until his death, quenches his lust everyday. Where the hell is LOVE?

It was shown that MC is over independent, free spirited, hates being controlled by others. I wonder how could he stand his overly possessive and overly controlling boyfriend.

He is overly possessive and obsessive, controlling, clingy, psychotic in jealousy cases, masochistic, even more powerful than MC, extremely arrogant to everyone else except MC, cares for only MC. Everyone else are nothing. If he had to kill a bunch of people to satisfy MC, he may do it happily. He can be told as MC's golden finger or to exactly describe, a diamond embossed platinum finger with gold coating. His existence felt utterly meaningless.

If the author wanted to create a sincere, deep and romantic love story of soulmates, then it became undoubtedly utter failure. This relationship can't even be said as toxic because this one has mutual satisfaction. I can't categorize it. In every arc (after 3 / 4 arcs) MC tells ML to find him in his next incarnation. When ML finds and stalks him, the said intelligent MC acts as dumb as ever. He doubts everyone as his boyfriend except the one beside him and to determine, he even kisses them suddenly (physical connection is the only way to confirm his "soulmate".) After knowing they are not the ones, he leaves them halfway. Poor them, get confused and seduced.... aaaarrrrgh! I can write an essay on this weirdest relationship.

World building is good but not special or interesting. Most of the topics are common in QT novels I guess. As I am not at the ending, I can't say anything about the whole plot. Side characters, mostly they were degraded to highlight MC and ML. Protoganists are no exception. In an arc, to win over MC (to win the competition), a female Protoganist even exposed herself naked in front of the cameras! I think you can understand to which extent they were degraded. Only to highlight mainleads. I don't remember most of the characters. *sigh*

Suspence, there is actually no suspence. Everything is pre-predictable. I skipped physical interaction parts. I can't tolerate them. There is no adventure. Only MC's one side over suppressive attack on side characters. I don't have a dislike for OP characters. Actually I enjoy them and admire them. But two extremely arrogant and cruel and scumful (OOC) characters as OP that too without character develpoment, are not at all acceptable for me. I can't empathize with most of the characters and the other are present to mark MC's """""greatness""""". I wanted MC and ML to get face slapped many times. But my wish remained as a wish.

In this novel, there are only two types of acceptable appearances for MC. 1) Pitch black peach blossom eyes, pitch black hair and a model level perfect body shape. 2) Silver hair, pure blue eyes and a model level perfect body shape. I don't know what's with this author. In every arc, disregarding the plot, he /she praised MC's beauty like ever and ever. I am done with this too. ML was no exception. He was shown as even more perfect.

I have some more points to mention but I don't wanna. These are my opinions. If you find these helpful, then there are even more better novels in this site. If you don't really mind these things then you might enjoy this novel. <<less
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