Peerless Martial God


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Lin Feng was a diligent and hard-working person. He studied hard, did his best to make his family proud, and not get into trouble, but when he saw a girl being taken advantage of, he had to intervene. Being tricked, he was sentenced to 10 years in jail due to being framed for a crime he had never committed, losing everything. Before his life was over, he would first take those who ruined his life with him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes. Instead of dying, he woke up in the body of a different world’s Lin Fen, alive. This other Lin Feng had been killed as he was tr*sh at cultivation. This world was one where the strong had no regard for human life, killing freely if they had the strength. Called “tr*sh” and thrown away, he will rise to new heights, going against heaven and earth’s will.

“Do not judge others ignorantly within my presence.

Those who think of harming someone should be ready to be harmed.

Those who are open and respectful shall receive my kindness and respect.

Those who plot against me are seeking their own death.

This is true, for I am death… I am Lin Feng.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
God of martial arts
Jueshi Wushen
Tuyệt Thế Vũ Thần
Related Series
Ancient Godly Monarch (Shared Universe)
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (5)
Imperial God Emperor (3)
Tales of Demons and Gods (3)
Martial God Space (2)
Cheeky Sword God (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  2. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. Novels I have read
  5. CN Harem

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/21/18 Totally Translations c1974
08/21/18 Totally Translations c1973
08/21/18 Totally Translations c1972
08/21/18 Totally Translations c1971
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08/20/18 Totally Translations c1969
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08/20/18 Totally Translations c1966
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08/19/18 Totally Translations c1964
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178 Reviews sorted by

Vudoodude rated it
April 19, 2016
Status: --
I sit on the middle on this one. It is lukewarm entertainment, that is repetitive and predictable, but good at what it does. It's the kind of series that has a weak to strong MC that is constantly pressured to get stronger, the only problem is he's the one going out and seeking the pressure. Hypocritical at many points, especially at how arrogant he is (yet calls everyone else arrogant), he's the kind of MC you grow to hate more and more, but also hate his enemies more and more.

No... more>> high ratings due to the generally simplistic plot, train, anger people, kill, repeat, but no overly low marks since it at least does one thing right, merciless bloody violence. One thing I always find annoying about these kinds of story is... the reincarnation aspect has no story relevance, aside from explaining why the character's personality and talent changes early on. <<less
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Smooth Che
Smooth Che rated it
January 14, 2016
Status: --
Do you/ Did you enjoy reading Martial God Asura? Do you like to see the MC punch a million ass**** until they collapse? Then this is YOUR NOVEL

In Peerless Martial God you have the pleasure (Im kidding, I mean the torture) to see the main character getting into trouble as often as possible – which results in him smashing the brains out of his enemies. And this cycle goes on and on, you can imagine how amazing the plot and the story is /s. I will leave it to your... more>> imagination (Cough boring cough) <<less
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readergod rated it
December 30, 2015
Status: --
typical xianxia. It has all the tropes you have seen in other works. Its really boring and unoriginal and the characters are one dimensional at best. The MC kills everyone and likes to have public debates and humiliate others. Like many xianxia novels, this one mainly written for boys between the ages of 13 and 21. The wet fantasy of an alpha male who gets all the chicks and kills anyone who stands in his way. Thats the main reason why the genre is so popular and so many writers... more>> write such garbage. 2/10 would not read again. <<less
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Kulops rated it
November 29, 2015
Status: --
The characters are idiots to the extreme. Their arrogance knows no bound. Every single character thinks that he/she is a genius, thanks to this novel the word genius loses its meaning. For MC Killing is something akin to eating. And the villains are so s*upid, even when their country is falling they try to kill MC.

Even with all this absurdity, I still read it, don’t know if it’s because of the authors writing style or the translator.

The translator is really good.
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fastfire rated it
November 7, 2015
Status: --
I don't know why almost every character in this novel very arrogant and s*upid.. Just wonder, how many people offended by them and luckily only MC that smart enough to give them lesson so they still alive with that personality. This arrogant character very common in xianxia but in this novel just too much and is happens over and over again..
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BusyBee rated it
October 28, 2015
Status: --
I really like it in the beginning where he is basically establishing himself and the story felt very good. But then he gets really arrogant which is a huge turn off for me. Think Chu Feng-level arrogant toned down a bit (Lin Feng.... what a coincidence.. >.>). Suddenly, it will turn into a harem out of nowhere. O__O
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AechCue rated it
May 28, 2019
Status: c2500
This was the first web novel I read and thought it was pretty good. On further reflection and more reading of other web novels, I realized how many tropes are present in this story. The MC isn't very likable but the way he does stuff makes the story interesting, but there is a problem this story runs into because of its length- there's a lot of repetition just one level higher (literally as he keeps ranking up and runs into the same shit).

Despite my nitpicking, I think this is a... more>> good read and recommend it, if you have the time to sink into a 2500 chapter long novel + similarly absurd number of chapters in the sequel/continuation. <<less
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August 13, 2018
Status: v1925
Sure I agree with a lot of points like

- repeating the same word 15 times in a chapter (not only tr*sh but also ferocious.. It really is used way too often and kills quite some fun, but you can just imagine other words for them instead, can't you?)


Yes the the character fights often for no clear reason, but heck, that's the way that world runs. So what? Anyway I admit this novel is no literal treasure considering the style of writing. Neither will I blame the translators for falling... more>> into traps while translating that the author set open for interpretation. And also should one accept that this novel is written from the knowledge of our protagonist. Wich also brings mind blowing changes for example: new cultivation levels. (V1920 just spoke of a guy that became a zun cultivator with 5 years of age.. Lol) And that is why I absolutely love this novel. It continually evolves the world of our protagonists knowledge, and doesn't only play in the bounds of a given world. He fights and always stays weak even after reaching the next step. And while he ranks up he learns incredible things, that others could only dream of. That's the essence one has to appreciate to like this novel.

I don't care if he kills the same kind of douchebags forever. Because I'm entertained enough by how he evolves and the abilities he fights with.

(Well it's the first light novel I've read so far. After the manhua ended it just made me want to go on with the story.) <<less
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MZKM rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c1429
The author does repeat some things throughout, but I still really enjoy it, I started from the webcomic and transitioned over (the webcomic would need like 20 years to finish at their current rate). It doesn’t stand out from the hundreds of other novels with similar setups, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. Plus, the translators are awesome 40ch/week is, as their name implies, insane.
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Bamabb88 rated it
January 22, 2018
Status: c203
So far have really enjoyed the story. Have read BTTH WDQK and The Great Ruler. Out of those I think this story is as well written as BTTH. It is quite long but the MC is strong but not c*cky and is willing to fight whoever for his friends. Similar in all four books the MC's cultivation is lower than his opponents but due to his ability finds a way to win. Over all has been a great read and the MC is a badass who doesn't take any tr*sh... more>> no matter cultivation or family name. Also like the fact it's similar to Desolate Era in the fact the MC was transferred from our world to this one. He retains his values and compassion in a world that views strength as the only rule. <<less
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August 20, 2017
Status: c680
Okay, so sometimes a story is good because it is fresh and original. Maybe it takes a new look at old concepts and maybe it breaks the mold in a new exciting direction. Peerless Martial God is not that.

In a certain respect PMG is about as generic wuxia/xianxia as you can get. Plot points are built up to a fever pitch only to be shelved as the main character gets seems to wander off on a whole new tangent of a journey. Romance and passion are things that the women... more>> around the MC experience at the MC while the MC eventually relents and forms a bond with them. These bonds will, outside of a few 'tender' moments, only exist to provide justification to the high-functioning psychopath that is the MC to brutally and savagely tr*sh an arrogant young master.

Sounds familiar, right? Its like prowrestling or shonen anime, bad guys are built up, reasons to kill them are layered on, and the moment of their inevitable curbstomping is hardly a surprise. And yet, watching the 'drama' play out till the inevitable curb stomping is oh so satisfying. Some of the best arcs so far, IMHO, have infact been 'tournament arcs' which this series establishes well.

Peerless Martial God does nothing new, but nails the execution. <<less
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September 2, 2016
Status: c421
I was looking for novels with lots of chapters and this had +400 and a lot of people recommended it. What the hell? This is such a garbage. I sympathized with the MC at first but in the end I actually wanted to join the people who wanted to kill him. The writing is utter rubbish as it is just same repeat of "you are tr*sh! Arrgh! *Dead*". The MC kept telling people how shameless they were for the way they act in almost every encounter I felt that the... more>> author must have a copy paste for that dialogue. Everyone is arrogant but honestly, I find the MC to be the worst as he becomes a hypocrite.

There was a huge controversy with the translator disappearing for months with little to no info on whether the novel was dropped. I am not going to go into that except say that when she was translating, her release schedule was incredible. Maybe once the story is finished translating I will go back to finishing it. But that has more to do with my OCD personality than actual interest for the story. <<less
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Vali Lucifer
Vali Lucifer rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: c413
Many people don't like this novel but it depends on the person. So if you like pointless fights then this is for you. The harem is there, sort of. Tbh I have mixed feelings about this novel. At points its very good but sometimes its just gets boring. I read it for laughs, when I started to read PMG, my only reason was for the harem but then I found this to be somewhat funny in a sense. So give the first 10 chapters a try and if get hooked... more>> up on it then good, if not then there are other novels to read. <<less
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jgoodgion rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: c421
Okay, first off props to the translation staff for getting to where they are today. I hope that not insane is back to 100% because she is more OP than any xianxia MC. I would be careful about binge reading this novel. The translator was inhuman and fantastic, and came out with about 3-5 chapters a day for months (which was crazy fast). Then she suddenly stopped at 421 because she was getting sick or breed out or something. She started translating again but I'm afraid it might stop again... more>> at any moment. So id wait and check up on the frequency of release for a while before deciding to start reading.

The story. I personally love this story. Sure, at times its contrived and the plot armor is better than vibranium or adamantium, but thats what I'm expecting and what I'm here for.

The romance is actually pretty good when compared to other xianxia. There isn't really a harem per se, but there are some other interested parties aside from the main love interest (who's still pretty mysterious), who happens to be a badass.

The only thing that really annoys me is how vague his spirit abilities are and the issues he has with his mother. If you read it you'll probably understand where I'm coming from. The story seems to be picking up pace, considering how slow the MC leveled up. The story is right at the point when he's beginning to become OP as f*ck. and that about sums it up without giving too much away <<less
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Maleandar rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c423
This is a VERY misunderstood Novel. It is a VERY good story, but requires a some understanding. Sadly some of the story and relevant morals are lost in translation. Story is about a young man, a commoner who wishes to lead the life of a martial artists, same as most other stories. This world is where the strong prey on the weak and set the rules. Rules are meant to be broken and set by those who are stronger. Who holds all the power? The Nobles and they are cruel.

Here... more>> the Author has set a story in which a young man has to fight an uphill fight against these nobles. EVERYONE wants to kill him. The story is extreme in this sense. The first 50 chapters are eye rolling, but at chapter 150 or so you finally get the flow of the story and understand the MC more. If you can make it to chapter 150 and look at the story for what it is you will find it fascinating.

Everyone is arrogant and cruel who hold power. The MC lives by this rule, he who shows respect is a friend for life and he who tries to humiliate/disrespect him is an enemy for life. There is no grey area here.

The romance is amazing in this story so far. Up to chapter 423 the MC and his love interests gradually grow and you really can feel and understand why they fall in love. The Action is constant and the fights are resolved relatively fast. The story does suffer from over exaggeration at times but what do you expect, it is an action fantasy romance story.

The story does suffer from the translation, and I do not fault the translators, as you simply can not translate some phrases from one language to another without some meaning being lost, for example try to translate "Dead men tell no lies" or "Facts speak louder than words" into another language. It is simply not possible without it losing meaning and this is the problem of this novel. Thus when reading you have to look deeper than just the words on the screen. I am really enjoying this story and give it a 4/5. <<less
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sleib rated it
April 1, 2016
Status: c415
It is a good xianxia novel. The problem is first 120 or so chapters are quit annoying too read, it reminds you of low level xianxia full of arrogant people and nothing more. But after that it becomes better and better, also more enjoyable. MC's path of cultivation also becomes more interesting. You should just give it a chance and I think you'll love it.
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AsianNinjaBoy rated it
March 15, 2016
Status: --
A read that loses focus, however it is entertaining for people that do not mind a rich story development, and dynamic characters.
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justmehere rated it
February 15, 2016
Status: --
Prologue: There were 2 drunk guys in a bar.

A Says he has a jacket that can make him float in the air and bet B $50. B took it. A jumps to a window, floats in the air and come back in. B said, I'll pay you $500 for the jacket. A give it to B, and B jumps out the window and went splat on the ground.
The bartender says To A "Superman, when you are drunk, you can be such a douchebag"

The title of this novel should be Peerless Douchebag God.

This guys walks around, keeping quiet of his name, abilities, dress like a commoner and still expect people to treat him like a prince. Moreover, everybody in the novel are the same, hence the word peerless.

The author can try to write something to justify his actions or revenge, but it is hard to swallow when he is not learning from his previous exp and just stop offending people around.

The plot is: he is underestimated when he was in school, sect, army, became a marquis and came back to school again. Even when he is dating the princess he is underestimated.

You have to be a complete moron with iq of 60 to underestimate him despite his achievements after he became the marquis. But such is the world this novel describes.

1 star for author, 6 star for translator.

Why do I still read it? I am a bit OCD when it comes to xianxia. But you have the option to walk away from this one.
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February 13, 2016
Status: --
This is a series where you either love it or hate it.

It start off promising. The special spirit that he have (not the snake, the other one), it’s interesting but the author only utilize it (powering up) once awhile, too bad though cause I’m really curious about it, it could be an interesting story.

Early on the MC realizes that “the strong bullies the weak” “survival of the fittest”, this is why he develops the “kill all that offend me mentality”.

The funny thing I realize after reading this, the MC goal... more>> in life seems to be to offend as many people/clan as he could, powering up takes a back seat. Lol

Expect reading his so called justice speech on every battle scenes.

He doesn’t care if he offend elders that way beyond his level. He just preach them all. Some occasion he even offend the onlookers, egging them to take him on if they dare. Lol

I didn’t rate it cause some time I like the series but other time I just feel “ugh” but it’s not stopping me from reading it.

Top notch translator though, hoping they will pick up other series once they are finished with this or maybe even right now too since the translator speed is speed of light. <<less
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Qregis rated it
February 9, 2016
Status: --
great translator but a really superficial story,
there is some underlying plot where he is looking for his origins or something but it doesn't really matter for the most part

mostly it's repetitive about the protagonist meeting some random moronic guy provoking him which ends with MC killing that douche... slowly and a little exaggerated... followed by him adding a victim or some girl he met to his harem

admittedly REALLY exciting and enjoyable for the first 5~6 repetitions (no sarcasm intended! I actually mean it) but as time passed it gets a little dull

it's current rating of about 3 is pretty fitting in my eyes

looking forward to the translators next work
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