Peerless Battle Spirit


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In the Canglan Continent, there existed a rule: only those who managed to awaken a Martial Spirit were able to pursue the path of cultivation, and a Martial Spirit’s rank was determined when it was awakened. Born in Linshui City, Qin Nan was a peerless genius who possessed great talents and was highly anticipated to become a great cultivator in the future. However, things changed when he ended up awakening the lowest-grade Martial Spirit, resulting in him being considered tr*sh.

Fortunately, when Qin Nan was struck by a ray of lightning at a young age, he coincidentally obtained the atavistic Divine Battle Spirit, which was capable of ranking up, breaking the ultimate rule of the Canglan Continent. Little did he know that his Martial Spirit possessed a great secret, which would continue to be unveiled as he learns more about the story of the Divine Battle Spirit.

What is the secret behind the Divine Battle Spirit? What is the curse of the Canglan Continent? Who exactly is the Divine God of Battle?

Join Qin Nan and his companions along their journey, battling against various opponents, outsmarting their enemies, and seeking the answers to unveil mysteries!

“Master, please bring me along on your journey battling against the Nine Heavens, will you?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jué Shì Zhàn Hún
Related Series
Pivot of the Sky (3)
Peerless Martial God (1)
A Messed-Up Wuxia World (1)
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King of Gods (1)
A Cheeky Kendo God (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  2. Op Mc / simulation systems
  4. check out the comments - reviewers say there is be...
  5. Cultivation ML

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46 Reviews sorted by

AtnShadid rated it
April 22, 2019
Status: --
Your average generic novel. Arrogant idiots left and right (one dimensional) just to make the MC look cool/strong. Also there many s*upid things the MC does which no one understands. For example :

So you have a brawl with strong people from upper realm, why are you actually using your name and not changing your appearance after going there?
Another s*upid thing is where he gets a lot of whatever he can get hold of at the moment to upgrade his martial spirit, he goes like "I bet this will get me to rank 10" and proceed to rank up once EVERY SINGLE TIME.


If you've literally read every other good novel out there, this one is just for burning time.
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Taoist Ty
Taoist Ty rated it
August 28, 2018
Status: c807

It does well what other stories do badly, and does badly what other stories do well.

With that said, if you get ticked off easily by annoying characters or annoying situations repeatedly happening, this story will make your blood boil.

The author is a master at writing irritating scenes. Example contained in the spoiler.

... more>>

The MC on numerous occasions will need to go through a tribulation of lightning in order to reach the next realm of cultivation, however every time the MC is about to finally break through, some idiot shows up and ruins his tribulation and attempts to cripple him... EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Also one of the characters introduced early on named Princess Miao Miao is extremely annoying and exists for no other reason then to tick off readers and cause trouble for the MC.

Or how about useless canon fodder characters constantly escaping death so they can annoy the reader at a later date? Plenty of em.


With all that said, the story isn't too bad and has its good points. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c498
Very middle of the road.

The MC is a rather bland determinator and the story itself is so damn repetitive. from the MC being called tr*sh to his big reveal to someone trying to take over the clan/sect/sacred land from the inside. its exactly the same over and over again. there are tons of fights and face smacking, as expected with this type of novel, and the only break the reader gets is a chapter here and there where he cultivates before a big showdown or when he settles into a... more>> new place. then they cycle starts up again. did I mention he's called tr*sh? yeah, it happens every few paragraphs (sometimes more than once) in almost all of the chapters. the rest of the time he's just called waste instead.

At this point I'm expecting that he'll join a holy land, be called tr*sh, have a big reveal with lots of people trying to kill him, and then there will be a internal division as someone from the inside tries to take over and more people will try to kill him. after that, he''ll go to another land/realm, join a super sect/ holy land..... you get the idea.

I know repetition is unavoidable in these types of stories but I'm getting bored. the bad guys are all the same, though that one chick started out as an interesting villein in the beginning she quickly lost what made her unique and became a selfish spoiled young mistress instead. now I just wish they'd get on with the story already instead of looping the same scenario over and over again.

On a brighter note; at least the MC doesn't give out long winded moralizing lectures (PMG) before he kills people and so far there's no harem. <<less
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Ivillis rated it
July 1, 2017
Status: c80
With the amount of times they said waste I thought I was reading PMG. Nothing new here so far, just your typical curting death novel. Which in it's self isn't bad, but you have to know what your getting in to.

Update as of chapter 80. Literally nothing new going on. MC offends a young master who has influence in his sect. Who's clultivation level is way higher in his. Which leaves to a contest arc, where the MC gains multiple levels cause you know, he's not allowed to lose.
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Webnovel_Addict rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: c500
I usually love cliche novels but this one is just too much. Calling the MC tr*sh is one thing, but calling him tr*sh even when he proves himself to be a genius is just too much. And this isn't the only thing, after the MC proves himself in multiple ways or many times in a row, people will still doubt him. And to add on to calling the MC tr*sh, the villain's first words are always tr*sh when describing the MC. The same goes with the audience, no matter what... more>> the MC does, they always view him as tr*sh. Even though they know how strong the MC is or how strong his backers are or background is, the villains are like as if they have no brains and continue to annoy the f*ck out of the MC. Every confrontation the MC has with other people or in competitions, the word tr*sh gets tossed out so many times that it gets too annoying to read on. And don't get me wrong, I like people looking down on the MC and BAM, he reveals his strength, but this novel is just taking it too far. I usually don't sh*t on novels since most of them are similar and ok, but not this one. Another thing is the cliche loop. I usually don't mind it and even like them. This novel used it way too often that even a person like me is completely annoyed by them. For me, this is a complete waste of my time. Of course, you are welcome to read it and experience it on your own, but just beware, the repetitiveness in this novel is taking things to another level. If you think MGA is bad, oh just you wait my friend. <<less
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Liyu rated it
September 1, 2020
Status: --
I agree with the other reviews, this is top quality tr*sh.

This MC is unexpectedly and for some reason so unlikable despite the fact that the author tried to paint him as righteous and having a very high moral ground. I just find him hypocritical on top of annoying, I find myself somewhat agreeing with the villain's action.

For example at first, the patriarch matter, the family was entirely right. The excuse about how his father always supported the clan thus he deserved the pills is nonsensical cause the position of patriarch... more>> is already his reward in itself so doing the utmost to preserve the clan is not a righteous matter, it's just commonsense since he gives the family power and the family gives it back. Then he justified it by not taking the salary and thought that it was fair trade while it's obviously not even for me, cause the pills are needed to completely strengthen the younger generation immediately after the awakening or they would be no match for the feng and other families and even if the patriarch's debt is paid, it would be over the years and by that time the qin family's younger generation would be far behind the others risking a weak foundation for the future, then a decline of the entire family and even its annihilation. He then asked his clan about how could they ask his father to erase personal feelings simply because he is a patriarch, well that's what he is supposed to do or he is a tr*sh patriarch. Even in modern days where it's not as harsh as the martial art, would anyone forgive a president who will take resources from schooling just to give them to a supposed tr*sh son to spend under the excuse that he did a lot for the country? <<less
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mitre27 rated it
January 23, 2020
Status: c700
Avoid this like the plague, the MC is s*upid, impulsive, Childish and again s*upid, he is constantly starting fights with people 2-3 realms (Not levels but full freaking realms) above him, he has no common sense and is literally saved by plot armor every 10 chapters
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iamnotahater rated it
April 13, 2019
Status: --
This is the worst WN I have ever read. It's is boooring. All he does is cultivate his relationships seems skin deep. The cultivation makes zero sense and is poorly written. The characters are dumb and nonsensical. The economy in the novel makes zero sense.

I could go into detail but why waste my time? The novel isn't worth it I read up to chapter 300 hoping it got better and it doesn't. Like the recent chapter I read was some demon fighting with the MC some overpowered friendlies coming in... more>> to save him. The demon turning into a pill book. The pill book increasing his cultivation.

Also for some reason when his cultivation increased he inately learns how to swing his saber better and tempers the body. The writer is literally too lazy to write seperate scenarios for body tempering, skills, and cultivation so it's all treated as one big powerup. Tr*sh;

0/10 <<less
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Niiquito rated it
December 10, 2018
Status: c800+
The first chapters are fine, it's fine, but after 200, 300 and more chapters, the protagonist becomes a queer, in all the places he is, he never wants to stand out, well, in the current chapter he was following wine. To the Dragon of the Sect that had 2 stars if I'm not mistaken, but hey, the leader of that sect is a Martial Monarch, and they accepted Qin Nan as long as in an evaluation in which people from all continents have to come, and in that part, being... more>> a 1000 rank is already an honor, the protagonist meets the one who makes the evaluation and tells him that he can choose what rank he wants to be, since his potential is the greatest of all, but the protagonist He chooses to rank 2000 or 3000 instead of being among the first ranks as the leader of the dragon sect wanted him to go, and he says he wanted that rank not to stand out.

This is what happens every 10 chapters of the novel, NEVER HIGHLIGHT, NEVER SHOW YOUR SKILLS, THAT DESPISE YOU, BUT NEVER SHOW YOUR POWER. <<less
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Putri Adelia Randini
Putri Adelia Randini rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c718
This novel is totally good. At the first few chapter, you will think that it's just the same with other xuanhuan novel. But, you will find a really big difference between them. You won't get bored. And I feel some kind of awfull today because I've finished the latest translated chapter. I really can't wait to read the next chapter.
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NEOSSPACE rated it
December 8, 2017
Status: c291
Even though the story is a predictable ordinary xuanhuan it could've been more attracting if the MC had a more cliche personality like an Extreme Pe*vert or an extreme coward.

That being said I implore the readers do not drop this until princess miao miao is introduced at chapter 176 she is definitely the most interesting character totally can make up for the MC's generic personality
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NoobyWonders rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c500
Its your average cliche Xianxia except more boring and more unsatisfying. I'm glad I looked at the spoilers and stopped while I was ahead, and I'm someone who enjoyed Peerless Martial God so you know this is bad. I was gonna complain even more than this but decided I just need to stop

  1. You will NEVER, EVER, be satisfied with the payback people get. Almost 80% of the people who exist in this story will at some point belittle, oppress, and try to kill the MC. On the other hand the MC will kill 1 person every 50 chapters somehow. People who just tried to kill his family and friends will just buddy up with him after he shows his talent and he will forget about it.
  2. Basically everything he does involves tons of dialogue from the peanut gallery calling him tr*sh, then tons of dialogue of people talking about how awesome he is, before he gets oppressed by someone two levels higher in like 5 chapters.
  3. Almost 70% of situations are caused by him hiding his talent, and are then resolved when he shows it. Lowkey to a s*upid degree really. He just wants to be oppressed some more I guess
  4. Worst of all:
... more>>

Marries the c*ckroach villain who incite everyone to kill him like 10 times after like 1000 chapters. Why did you have to do this author

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April 19, 2021
Status: --
well, its always the same as every other xuanhuan novels, everythings repititive, from the arrogant young masters, face slapping, etc., its so predictable, like there is nothing for me to look up to, it would have been okay if it was repititive as long as the content, conversations and other things was greatly written, but the more I read the more unsatisfied I get with how the Author writes things, Im no author but its really just so unsatisfying to read, I feel like im becoming dumb myself, I mean... more>> come on, although its xuanhuan atleast dont take away the common sense of the characters, it feels like it was written by a child that hasnt seen the world yet. Damn there were so many times I got so unsatisfied that it drives me crazy I mean come on, looking at the characters, I would always think: 1. why would he do that? 2. why would he/she/they say that? 3. why would he/she/they think that? 4. what was that supposed to be for? 5. why did he not just do that?.... damn there so many more. Its so hard to look for good novels these days. <<less
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darksideskna rated it
May 16, 2020
Status: c1700
the author wrote one cookie cutter arc which is copied from several famous novel in the genre and then copy pasted the same arc with same endings similar events and same tragedies.

this is so over the top that the author only cares about word counts and schedule to release new chapters, the content is so repetitive that you can write an algorithm of one page which will describe the entire novel of its 3000+ chapters.

read this if you are addicted to Chinese novels and need to kill time or torture... more>> yourself. <<less
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Reise rated it
April 6, 2020
Status: --
Novel is tr*sh and full of cliched arcs. Reason why I call it tr*sh is because author only knows one word as an insult. Tr*sh. Every arc is filled with young master calling MC tr*sh. MC proves them wrong and yet he is only a lucky tr*sh! Where is the logic! MC is made to be s*upid as he has to fight all battle since his battle spirit says so. MC is weaker and will still fight and somehow still win or survive. He doesn't know when to retreat! His balls are bigger and taller than Mt. Tai yet his plot armor still beats it by a mile.

Romance sucks a lot!

Potential waifu gets removed from race when she stops MC from fighting a battle since she was concerned for MC and did not even know MC has diamond plated plot armor! She even saved mc's waifu yet she still failed to enter his harem rankings again. Meanwhile, an antagonist that tried to kill him for more than 1000 chapters gets to enter the harem just because she saved MC for 5 chapters. Really!? You could say she saved MC can be repayment of when MC spared her life but no, she gotta enter the lovers side of MC because she saved MC. I regret reading this! I actually only persevered wanting to see MC cut her neck but I was given this BS development!

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CartmanBruuh rated it
March 9, 2019
Status: c1000
Tbh, the novel had alot of potential especially with the overarching plot about Qin Nan's actual identity (is he some sort of reincarnated god and the peerless war god was just his servant?) Mysterious past stories always intrigue me and the first 300 chapters had me hooked.

Until, I realized that the mystery probably won't be figured out till like chapter 3000. So much potential wasted because the author wanted quantity over quality. This novel is now just a basic xuanhuan with maybe an interesting detail about the overarching plot now... more>> and then.

I guess the only thing I can say now is that the MC's character is a bit more likeable than the rest. But thats about it, nothing stands out anymore. However, I would probably bump this novel up to 4 stars if it was completed and I could binge read it, so I could skim the boring archs and get some of that juicy plot. <<less
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humbawamba rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c688
Very generic but okay. The release rate is good.

3 stars for a good story that isn't really unique or that memorable most times. I do enjoy reading it except for the romance parts. It's a fairly standard wish fulfillment story.
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April 11, 2022
Status: c3004
I am on chapter 3004 so I might update my rating once I am done, but I am just completely baffled atm and its why I decided to write here. There is only 3066 chapters total and though the English translations are not up to date yet, I found a way to read it in a sense that I can at least be able to understand and appreciate the story as much as possible. THERE IS NO WAY THIS NOVEL ENDS ON CH 3066 unless the author decided to wrap... more>> everything up in a hurry. At this point of the story, there are a lot of things still not understood or decided. Technically,

There is a new world found from where they existed, and after finding this new world accidentally, the MC has so many things he needs to do in this new world once he solves the problems back at the great upper realm. But based on the pacing of the story and where I am at now, it seems once he solves/saves his home world, he wont be going to the new world. So there wont be any storyline about that (EVEN THOUGH they hinted it many times that he will be going back to do important things once all this is over.

. So either the author decided to end this novel short and just wrap it up, or I was rickrolled from the beginning.

Its upsetting because this novel had a lot going for it. Yes its cliche, but I loved the world building, the rules and the whole cultivation secrets and new adventures and was looking forward to some more questions being answered, but it seems I will never get it, unless theres a Part two of this novel. <<less
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LunaticNef rated it
October 11, 2020
Status: c1712
Although kind of generic, this novel doesn't deserve so many low-level ratings and be labeled tr*sh. It has a lot of good things about it. MC is one of the most unyielding protagonists ever and its worth reading for this alone.
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July 28, 2020
Status: --
Don't read this review if you don't want spoilers.

I didn't put on what chapter I had read, since in the end the MC dies along with this novel, it's a waste of time when death is only the end on a cultivating world. I don't know what happened with the translator since it was put on hold. It is already bad in the beginning, why make it worst in the end?.
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