Parallel World Pharmacy


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A young pharmacologist and researcher in Japan died from overworking, and was reincarnated in a parallel world looking like a fantasy medieval Europe.

He was reincarnated as a 10 year old apprentice to a famous Royal Court pharmacist, had attained an inhuman skills of ability to see through disease, material creation, and material destruction.

In a society in which dubious medical practice are rampant, price gouging through the monopoly of the pharmacist guild and good medicine isn’t available to the commoners.

He was recognized by the Emperor at that time and opened a Pharmacy at the corner of the town.

He will wipe out the fraud that has swept the world, and deliver to the commoners a truly effective medicine that was developed using present day pharmacology.

Thus the boy pharmacist will cheat by using his previous knowledge to create innovative medicines while helping the people of the parallel world, a story about living his new life to the fullest this time.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Different World Pharmacy
Isekai Yakkyoku
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. 2023 Must Read
  3. The Favorite Story
  4. Doctor heal me pls
  5. isekai im not cought up on

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/25/22 NoNameTranslations v5c16 part1
09/02/22 NoNameTranslations v5c15
06/08/22 NoNameTranslations v5c14
01/31/22 NoNameTranslations v5c13
09/23/21 NoNameTranslations v5c12
06/17/21 NoNameTranslations v5c11
05/08/21 NoNameTranslations v5c10
05/01/21 NoNameTranslations v5c9
04/08/21 NoNameTranslations v5c8
04/01/21 NoNameTranslations v5c7
03/19/21 NoNameTranslations v5c6
03/05/21 NoNameTranslations v5c5
02/25/21 NoNameTranslations v5c4
02/19/21 NoNameTranslations v5c3
02/11/21 NoNameTranslations v5c2
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39 Reviews sorted by

Silvertin rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: v2c10
Good read, this really doesn't get as much attention as it deserves. It has a nice fluffy positive atmosphere about it. As the tags imply the protagonist is quite kind. He is working on trying to get that parallel world historic setting (I am not sure what it is, but there is in fact "divine arts" that conjure fire, make plants grow, purify the earth, make water out of thin air etc. Its not purely fake occult stuff!)

I wont explain why because of spoilers and to add that extra... more>> mystique. But the story is very well written, and there are stuff that when you read in future chapters, you will look back and be shocked. What and why? Why not read and find out? ^.~

You probably haven't been able to tell unless you really paid attention to the tags, but the protagonist is REALLY OP in several ways. More on that in the spoiler

He has those special diagnosis abilities, though its really just more of an indicator for when he diagnoses correctly. He has what appears to be infinite divine power (basically mana), can use divine power on what seems like a tactical scale since he has made small islands disappear. Probably the craziest of all... he can ERASE things from existence!

He erased Ag and Ag+ (silver) from a noble with silver poisoning to point of being incurable, he erased seawater and held it apart like MOSES. He can also turn semi-transparent and apparently go through solid objects!


I do wish the translation was released at a much faster pace though. (release frequency as of this review is one per 19.3 days). It is slow to the point where you can come back a year later and it might only be half way through the next volume. That being said it wont get enough publicity because it is too slow to read regularly, which wont give it the popularity to be discovered, which makes the translator think it may not be a very good project. Which ends up giving it this kind logic loop of not being highly rated or popular and may cause some sort of demotivation I guess.

Possible huge spoiler below, definitely a spoiler on something that happened in a chapter.

I think the protagonist might really be medicine god. He has the powers, he himself doesn't quite think of himself as human anymore because of the crazy things he can do which is out of the norm for even divine arts. In one chapter a place he released his divine power ended up becoming a sanctuary with all the positive energy connotations and lush plant life. Because of his wishes the church inquisitors who found out who they think he is (because of that incident) basically worship him, regardless of if he wants it or not. He told them he doesn't want information on him being spread, taking that as Medicinal god decree you bet it was followed!

All this being said I really hope that somewhere in a story development him being the Medicinal God comes out, maybe not to the public, but definitely to the church and the other major figures

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FTxNexus rated it
January 14, 2016
Status: --
I think this a really enjoyable story. The "logic" is sound, but we have yet to see the deeper parts of the buisness side. Him giving commeners and nobles cheap medicine and banning dangerous products, will surely make him an enemy for a lot of peoples. So he will either have to become more cunning or find some capable allies. Which means we will see more pseudo politics and buisness, and maybe a little bit action.
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TokenZero rated it
November 24, 2015
Status: --
Pretty good novel about a modern world pharmacologist reincarnated into a middle ages with magic type world. Unlike some reincarnation novels he wasn’t newborn nor did he fuse souls with the person who coincidentally have the same name as him to have 2 sets of memories so he basically knows nothing of this world and knows no one there. In this world there are much of the same illnesses and diseases of this one and all thought there are other skilled pharmacist and doctors during those times there was much... more>> that wasn’t understood of diseases and such and that’s where our MC comes in. <<less
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Zone Q11
Zone Q11 rated it
October 30, 2015
Status: --
Died because of overwork. Workaholics... aren't they uncommon nowadays? But that's also why it's good I guess... Yet, I think I prefer a little bit action, even though a little bit more (at least more than defending an attack from father).
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ElectricIcecream rated it
October 6, 2015
Status: --
A nice and easygoing novel, and although there are only 8 chapters translated so far, it looks to be a great read. As of now he hasn't really cured any big diseases yet, but it's an enjoyable read. Also, you don't need extensive medical knowledge to enjoy the read. Just a bit sad that the updates are so irregular.
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dinoanna rated it
September 27, 2020
Status: v4c9
I love this novel! The main character doesn't adapt instantly to going to another world unlike other novels and the medical plot doesn't bore you even if you don't have any medical knowledge. The plot develops naturally, especially with the part where

... more>>

he doesn't have a shadow and is thought of as a demon and a god later on. (I thought that would've been the villains for that arc but I guess not)


As most medical novels, the MC tries his best to save others even if it seems impossible and tires himself out for it. He is OP, but there are consequences?


not sure if him turning transparent is good or bad


for using his powers. He also actually tries to spread the knowledge instead of keeping it to himself and tries to change society for the better. Although there really isn't much regarding any opponents or villains, I guess you could consider the pandemic his enemy.


Hopefully he doesn't turn entirely transparent by tiring himself out to help others. I wonder how this'll fit into the plot.


I suggest you read the manga if you liked this! <<less
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riinflorida rated it
September 26, 2020
Status: v4c8 part2
I highly recommend this novel.

Yes, the MC is OP. Yes, this is isekai.

However, the plot is very very solid. He really uses his knowledge from his previous life. He's doing his best to revolutionize the world's medical practices. He wants to leave a legacy.

... more>> And I really love the fact that there's actually a subplot regarding him being the "Medicine God", and not some flimsy excuse for his OPness.

It's a medical-oriented novel, so the whole fiance and harem trope is non-existent. There are some subtle hints about it, but not really focused on.

So if you want to read a well-researched, non-adventure, fantasy-medical novel, this is the one for you. <<less
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plsRespawn rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: v3
I made it to 4th chp of volume 3 before dropping. Does it have some appeal.... sure it does. I saw a lot of people commenting on the legitimacy of the medical procedures/inventions and I don’t knock the author too much for this. You can definitely poke holes in a lot of the story elements when it comes to how these new things are rolled out into society, as well as how people react to it. That being said, it does seem like the author did a lot of research,... more>> and put out a lot of interesting concepts with creating a medical revolution during the time period of the novel.

I did, on the other hand, find some other issues with the novel that was the reason I dropped. First is the whole church, magic, and direction for villains that it is taking. It’s very plain to see what direction they are going, and its starting to become just another isekai novel with the same tropes you would expect. Except the author really didn’t flesh out the magic in this world, nor is the MC even working on magic, that is until he needs it and then he’s beyond OP.

Next if we’re talking about the MC’s that’s the next problem. He’s just not that interesting. Typical gets sent to the world in someone else’s body, so he kind of stumbles through and solves the problems as they arrive with his knowledge, while more and more acting like the typical annoying Japanese MC that we’ve seen in a hundred other isekai novels. Builds up a ‘harem’ but then starts lamenting about whether he will stay in the world or not through chp’s on end. That’s what I really hate with some stories, and where I started to check out.

Overall - my biggest problem is I think the author had something good at the beginning, but then because he/she tried to fit it into some kind of typical isekai story with familiar arcs it kind of ruined what I liked when I first started reading it. <<less
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slay_mithos rated it
October 6, 2016
Status: v2c10
The novel is not too bad, a bit forced on the premises though.

We got our blank japanese "I want to help everyone and hide it", we got our godly powers (a MC that is capable of using OP magic, 100% accurate medical diagnosis and creation of medecine), our "fantasy european medieval world" with nobles and all...

All that's missing is the MC delving into dungeon with a harem of loli/big b**bs that are his s*aves, and the usual "japanese cooking is better than any other form of cooking".

Joking aside, despite not... more>> fighting monsters in a dungeon and the likes, the novel is still very similar to those, with a coat of "it's pharmacology" on top, don't expect it to go very deep into the concepts of medecine or anything like that.

The writing is not too bad, the translation is also mostly ok, the tone is light hearted for the most part, so it's a good novel for wasting a bit of time here and there.

That being said, I find it hard to read the "pseudo french" parts, because it bad to a level where it's clearly google translation on a word by word basis.
It probably won't shock anyone that doesn't speak french though. <<less
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TalkNoJutsu rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: v1c3
Terrible premise. If you're going to tell me that the pharmaceutical methods used in the new world, which have been passed down and refined for centuries and for which reason the MC's family got made a nobility is ineffective, bad or downright dangerous like this author is trying to tell us I'm gonna call bullshit. The fact that it's lasted so long and is so widespread means it works, maybe not as well as the MC's earthly knowledge but calling it dangerous is s*upid IMO. If it was dangerous forget... more>> not being made nobility, the original guy's family would've been wiped out long ago. It's lazy writing to make the MC look good by tr*shing on everyone else, that's nonsense. Also, this author seems to have a thing against Europe. Even if it's fantasy the fact that it mirrors middle age Europe implies that some of it's shortcomings were present in Earthen Europe too, going in that direction is just plain bad. Then there's the constant 'as a... from Japan' every other paragraph, it's annoying really. Dude, we know the MC is originally from Japan, but most of his pharmaceutical knowledge came from other countries so could you stop unnecessarily hyping up Japan already? I'm not here to read about one group of people getting indirectly bashed while another keeps getting praised unnecessarily, why are most Japanese Authors like this? <<less
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Zeikfried rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: v3
This is what happens when a writer wants to add a niche/twist to his bog-standard reincarnation/isekai novel, but knows nothing about his niche. The author probably Googled all his medical knowledge and knows nothing about being an actual pharmacist or bio-researcher. So what does he do? Cover all the blank-holes in his knowledge with cheat powers.

What a world of difference when you read something like this, contrasted with "Medical Return, " "Jin, " or "Team Medical Dragon."
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TeddyWestside rated it
February 2, 2019
Status: v3c11
Really like the novel considering I have some know how on pharmaceutical. Sure they could have added a bit more on the science side but currently I'm fine with it.

The story is progressing greatly compared to other isekai novel. We get to find out the secrets how he came to the world, what it means being who he is, and the effects of the things that he is trying to apply to the world particularly to his household and the country.

Honestly, I wanted it to be more slice of life... more>> where in there are no evil like presences that will pop out to hinder the protagonist. I'm fine with the politics and the scheming of the international level but the story feels weak if they suddenly introduce a character that will become a problem in the future. Though I know that doing things that way is orthodox it feels boring since you can see it most novels.

The downside is that the other side characters are people who I can't sympathize with enough. Sure, there were times that the emotions of what they were feeling at the moment due to their condition was okay. But afterwards. You'll just remember them as "Oh he was the one who experienced (insert condition) ".


The chapter I really was about the neighboring apothecracy that was running out of business due to the appearance of the different world pharmacy.


P.S. If you have the time, read the manga as well. Though there are a bit missing in some place it was still done well. <<less
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GronkJuice rated it
January 7, 2019
Status: v3c10 part4
Ok first off I actually like this novel, hope it keeps getting translated so I can continue to enjoy it.

Now why I gave it a 3

It's use of events and ideas are sometimes so off what a medial practitioner would say and do is epicly s*upid.
Namely the whole interactions and inventions with people. Sure he may have some hobbies and whatnot, but why would he be able to invent photo paper? Or a camera that can skip the starting one of 12 f*cking hours! Again the whole "Healthy" thing? He should know that we ALWAYS have bacteria and viruses attacking our system. Sure you could make the charge of, it needs to get past a stage to be diagnosed, and he uses his eye to see if someone has it in the system. If that is the case NOBODY would be healthy, well unless they lived in a f*cking bubble.

Another ret*rded aspect is the whole god thing. As a man of education he should (especially since he was aged and from a society of historic god like entities) have the idea that magic and science are the same thing, just like people whom uses that power that is unknown could be called a god, and someone that wants people to follow them without question should, without a doubt, just take it, treat people, and not care. He should have had training on how to set peoples minds at ease on top of interacting with patients. So he should have the ability and experience of treating people that may consider him a blessing from the gods, and know that he should just accept what titles he is given in order to keep the patients in high hopes and spirits.

Lastly it is evidence that the author has next to no ability to understand societies. Not like many do, but he is extra bad. Too many people would fear him, even if he was considered benevolent, it is known that even the good gods where feared more than cherished. Again with the whole plague nobody anywhere would keep trying to deliver a good if the people kept dieing, besides showing symptoms of a known disease that is not treatable. Even when the plague was in Europe, people that showed even one sign where killed and thrown into the fires. It was decided to have most likely been more deaths of people that had lesser illnesses then the actual plague, but still contributed to the plague due to its reason for the killing of the people.

So yeah I gave it a harsh setting and review, but this just meant that I had high hopes as well for it. Too bad it fails on too many counts to have a higher rating.
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Danthefanokaku rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: v6 part2
Edit 2: the final cut:

I love the concept of this novel, but the translators quality is completely tr*sh. Unreadable at times, and difficult to understand at other times. If you decide to read this, go in with the thought that you won't be able to understand the current translators translations. Some sentences have been butchered so badly, it makes you wonder if they've switched fully to mtl and completely ignored any sort of human proofreading. It's truly tragic to see a novel you love take such a disappointing turn due... more>> to a poor translator.


So I was able to push past chapter twelve and I'm now on chapter 13 of the second volume, and I must say, it's improved leaps and bounds. So much so that I must delete the bottom section of my earlier review, as it's nowhere near as prevalent as I had feared/assumed. I had tried to read chapters 12 part 1 and 12 part 2 and this assumed the rest of the series would be like that. I'd like to apologize to the translators of this series for any trouble my harsh words might have caused. There are still things that can be improved, like the aforementioned uses of "in" instead of "on", and other grammatical errors that occur in your chapters, but overall it's not bad. The wording comes off as a bit stiff though, as if you were talking to your boss, but not in a friendly way, as in a strict boss and a subordinate way. Here's the important part of my old review, the non-translator review:

So, I am madly in love with this novel. Parallel World Pharmacy is amazing, and I can't get enough of it. The characters are great, and the plot is pretty great too. Sure, it's an isekai novel, but it's not a harem isekai novel. The MC is Jesus kirito, but at the same time the world and the other characters acknowledge him as an actual deity rather than just another dense Jesus. If you like isekai novels and you like world building, then this is definitely the novel for you. I'd totally give the novel itself 5/5 stars for its smart characters, and interesting setting. I love World building series!

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Ann_Risha rated it
April 14, 2018
Status: v3c5 part1
It's a good isekai novel compared to others. While the main complaint of most is that the MC was too OP, having the power to erase and create chemical substances and see the disease is a power that is indeed OP, but essential to the development of the story. It is an isekai story after all, OPness is most often found. But in my opinion, this OPness is forgivable. In this story the MC actually had a good background (he was a pharmacist) to explain the reason why he's very... more>> knowledgeable in medicine. His "previous knowledge from his original world" is actually being implemented with a proper reason. Sure there are times when he knows how to build something almost completely unrelated to his medical career, but compared to a highschooler who probably shouldn't know how to build a microscope, a pharmacist, a professional who has experience, is way better than your average teen from the 21st century. Thanks to his powers, he can create medicine and chemical compounds to cure the sick. How would you expect a pharmacist in the 21st century create medicine in a medieval-like era? Where would he even get the materials and equipment to compound medicine? Instead of making us focus on the technicalities and chemistry behind it, the author has given us a simple way to understand and at the same let the story flow and be fun: powers. But even with the presence of powers, the story still continues to flow smoothly (or as smooth as a light novel can be) while not letting the powers be the centerpiece of the story. Plus, the author actually made the effort to research on pharmacutics and not just spout nonsense. Personally, I'd like some OP in my isekai light novels. This one is especially fantastical without the total unrealism some isekai novels have. <<less
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seanna2k rated it
April 10, 2024
Status: v4c17
Just so you know, to synthesize modern pharmaceutics, you first need to be able to synthesize modern chemical compounds. Something that is not possible yet in the medieval era. Especially synthesizing modern petrochemicals and other modern chemical synthesis processes. Go back to school and redo your studying! A lot of modern pharmaceutics are not possible without being able to handle organic chemistry, especially manipulating hydrocarbons properly.
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Potatoh rated it
April 25, 2023
Status: --
I personally think it's good despite the OPness of the MC. I mean it's a magical world setting so his abilities can be excused. In addition he's an incarnation of a God. One star less for other things like performing surgery when his expertise is on pharmacology, while he is to some extent able to diagnose and prescribe he still is not a doctor.

I would recommend a manhwa of you like this type of isekai medical genre: Doctor's Rebirth.

Good looking doc gets isekaied to jianghu and performed amazing feats.
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FunnyFear rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: v3
Well... In the first place, the medicine itself is boring, using the knowledge of a scientist from our world, he knows the formula for every case and does everything by it. Secondly, although the plot itself generates conflicts, but MC with his powers solves everything instantly, literally in a chapter.

Any rectal candle at full heals people and everyone is so excited about the healing, that they immediately begin to grovel before him, all praise him as a god, put him in statues (the author is very fond of this move).
Especially ridiculous when the inhabitants of the rescued fishing Podunk find themselves far away, in the factory MC and say how they realized the importance of medicine and came here to help the community, producing medicine (remember before MC cauterized wounds and don't worry).

He is afraid of the nakedness of girls (for example, in the bathhouse), although he is a lot of years old, hiding from his brother, whom he can destroy with a single attack.
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cosme7 rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Finished a few hours ago, using JP's direct translation into my PT-BR language.
1. Story ★★★ - I found the premise very interesting at the beginning, of the Novels that address this topic, it is one of the best, I must agree that its power is very broken, and I'm not even talking about the power of DIAGNOSIS, but the power of CREATION & ERASE these two are the biggest problem in my opinion, because it's easy, of course YOU NEED TO KNOW the name of the component, but even so it's broken, not having his part looking for the substance, he's going to another University and interaction with this world is null and the World-Building is OK at best.
Of course, the MC's intention is not to be dependent on power, and at various times he leaves the DIAGNOSIS to other characters, as technological development takes place, he depends less on both that power and CREATION, but in the beginning it's too easy.
But the story got lost for me in the end, it makes sense but at the same time, it was OK for Meh at most.
About Story some observations ALL SPOILERS:
- Final:

My problem with the Finale was "splitting" the consciousness between worlds, it works like this if I want to go to the earth's body I go and Falma Original goes back to his body and they keep making this exchange, inserted quantum physics, theories of ropes and etc... And that for me WAS UNNECESSARY.

- About Religion:

Religion is not treated as a monster, and they have their reasons for operating the way it does, the problem is that the MC tramples on the bases of those teachings, such as inserting abortion, just because of an irresponsible Queen from another country, that made me angry, let's reward irresponsibility -.-.

- Other Story Details:

In addition to what has already been mentioned, having inserted the Romance lightly, and not having developed it, besides, only for the end of the work, is that he turns to traditional medicine, he even thinks about the families that lost their source of income, and the way he dealt with it was even good, the problem was that it took too long, and the author could have developed this along with the modern part at the beginning, using his knowledge of substances with the herbs of that world would be more interesting, it would be more fantastic, and that's where the power of CREATION comes in.

2. Character ★★ - For me it's the saddest part, some even have a more shallow development, and the romance is practically null, these characters develop the pharmaceutical part well, but at this point I'm separating the "personal" from the "professional", and has some characters that appear abruptly, without having been previously inserted.
- Some thoughts on how I saw the MC:

You understand the MC's fears, especially in the "loving" part, but at the same time he's very cowardly, in short, that's his personality, but he didn't have any development, you understand why he doesn't believe in God and even the fear of him not wanting to develop a relationship... But even with the full proof in front of him, the MC is stubborn, both for God's part and for love.

3. Enjoyment ★★★ - If I say I didn't like the premise and how it developed the industry I'd be lying, BUT in other departments it leaves a lot to be desired and precisely because of the lack of character development it breaks this part, surely some of these details can be corrected in LN.
- Tension moments:

There are at most 4 moments of tension in the work, and 2 of them you feel, but what happens there doesn't go forward, and it has to do with Ellen & Lotte.


4. General ★★ or 5/10 - The author has 4 other works that connect to this story directly or indirectly, and personally I'm not going to read them, referring to the scientific part is perfect, he does his research work and etc... But as always when it comes to the religious part like any author Jp sh*t happens, it doesn't impact the plot, but the way it was done displeased me. Of course, depending on your worldview, opinion about WN will change dramatically.
If you read this review thank you very much and may God bless you!
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