Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)


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One day, Japan was transferred to another world.

Because of its poor food production and previous reliance on imports from other countries, Japan faced a food shortage crisis. To slow the effects of starvation from its populace, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency. The Japan Air Self-Defense Force explored the surrounding area and found a land mass about 1000 kilometers to the southwest―the continent of Rodenius.

Japan was able to resolve its food shortage after entering into diplomatic relations with the Principality of Kua Toine and the Kingdom of Quira. However, at that time, another country on the continent, the hegemonic Kingdom of Rowlia, declared war on Kua Toine and Quira.

In light of this new crisis, how will Japan respond? A survival story on a national scale!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Summoning Japan (WN)
Related Series
Nihonkoku Shoukan (LN) (Light Novel)
Gate – Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri (3)
Rune Troopers (3)
Magic Bullet in Magic Land (1)
Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World (1)
Manuke FPS (1)
The Legendary Mechanic (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Magic fantasy world
  2. All the rest.~
  3. For those wandering souls out there
  4. My favourite
  5. The Vault

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/04/21 Hana Bara Hana c92
07/02/21 Hana Bara Hana c91
07/02/21 AvianTL c90.5
06/30/21 Hana Bara Hana c90
06/28/21 Hana Bara Hana c89
06/24/21 Hana Bara Hana c88
06/23/21 Hana Bara Hana c87
06/22/21 Hana Bara Hana c86
06/20/21 Hana Bara Hana c85
06/18/21 Hana Bara Hana c84
06/11/21 Hana Bara Hana c83
06/09/21 AvianTL c63
06/09/21 Hana Bara Hana c82
06/06/21 Hana Bara Hana c81
06/06/21 AvianTL c62
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30 Reviews sorted by

BLKCandy rated it
June 11, 2019
Status: c43
This one was... bad. Technology discrepancy was extreme, even excluding Japan. We have technology ranging from the classic fantasy medieval to WWII in the same world, despite everyone being within the range to communicate and trade thanks to the mana communication tech.

Japan economy. Real world Japan depends on imports like every country in the world. Losing of most of the internet, fuel import, food import, raw and processed materials, machinery parts, and technology. Large part of Japan needs international trade for their work one way or another and the novel... more>> act like it was just 'some trouble' not 'catastrophic'.

Major empire diplomacy was incredibly idiotic with how ignorant they were and the whole massacre thing. Why would they try to strongarm Japan? To annex them? Why would the empire want to annex Japan if they don't know how advanced/rich Japan was? Pretty much every single diplomat in the novel is unbearably s*upid.

I just can't... <<less
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Nightow1 rated it
June 7, 2019
Status: c42
I'd class this as gun fantasy p*rn with a massive application of wish fulfilment, the kind that believes that "I got big gun, my big gun never misses" from a writer who probably has never fired any gun other than his inbuilt one before in his life.

If you are expecting rationality and realism in this series, forget it, it is seriously just gun p*rn (and tank p*rn and fighter p*rn and warship p*rn) written to "kill" targets that can't even fight back. It's like the Stormtrooper vs Star Trek redshirts... more>> joke. The stormtrooper misses every shot. The Red Shirt dies anyway. This story is written with such a Japan bias it's like Han Solo vs the Red Shirts. I'm still waiting for the chapter that the enemy dies because a Japanese soldier sneezed and his sneeze caused a Force 10 hurricane.

The bright side to this is that the translator is very skilled and even translated, the material is easy to read.

I'll list this series down as a "guilty pleasure" if you like that kind of thing but it's not really to my taste. <<less
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SunsetChaos rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c35
I like Gate. I love stories with technology gap, modern science/technology vs pre-modern and magic. Yup this is my kind of story..... but one thing that really irks me is how s*upid it is sometimes.

A peaceful Japan got transported to a more hostile world... Wait, genius idea! Let's allow Japanese civilians to go on leisure tourism in a country that is currently in an active state of war with an empire well known for their cruelty who were already hostile to Japan. Omfg big surprise! The Japanese tourists got massacred,... more>> publicly executed, slaughtered like the sheeps they are! Who would've guessed. <<less
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TottalNooB rated it
March 25, 2022
Status: c100
I'd like to say that the negative reviews are mostly dumb in my opinion the ones that say "japan bias" are the ones that should be deleted because that comment is just idiotic, it's a Japanese novel by a Japanese Author, had it been an American it would have American Bias etc, after all, if you read the novel you would see many critics of Japanese bureaucracy and refusal to act, not only that further in the novel the Japanese Military (I refer to Air/Navy/Ground) does fail and the enemy... more>> even with inferior tech does get some wins.

Now on with the real review, the novel is pretty well done in my opinion, it explains the "new world" well and it tries to show different ways the countries work and how different eras would react as well as different types of civilizations tech/magic. I also think it's good that it's not just a kingdom expansion novel, a modern japan would not want to expand or deal with the hassle of it, that said I do think (or at least hope) that if this situation were to happen that the country wouldn't be so easygoing as to let other nations strongman them so easily, but the truth is it wouldn't be the first time that strong nations refuse to believe they are inferior we have the Opium War as an example where China believed it would never lose vs Britain or Japan vs Russia, so I could see some of the reasons for why diplomats and the people of these strong nations refuse to consider themselves beneath Japan.

That said I think the novel is more than well balanced and for the critics of how the author is just a gun enthusiast that knows nothing about them I advise those people to seriously read further into the novel because the author shows a high knowledge of Japanese military equipment and (some) modern tactics which on some research were real.

That said the one thing the author doesn't show is the possible Nationalistic take that the public could that with the attacks received that said the story is just being written and it has been shown some Japanese people having negative thoughts towards the enemy so let's see where it goes. <<less
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M4tilda rated it
May 17, 2021
Status: c68
This novel satisfied my modern-vs-medieval/fantasy fetish. It always gives me excitement and thrills. I really like the way Japan rekts the countries in the New World. Moreover, I think I'm not the only one who cackled like a madman every time Japan annihilates a prideful country.
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LTigh rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: c52
Everyone makes comparisons to GATE, which is understandable considering GATE's popularity. However, it's more correct to compare this to SM Sterling's "Islands in the Sea Of Time" series, except without the indestructible YASSS-Queen fetish and the author's OTHER fetish of graphically describing bestiality forced on the straw feminist character (who's there to contrast the not-straw STRONK FEMALE MAIN CHARACTER WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN BECAUSE SHE'S A LESBIAN. Seriously, look at a picture of Sterling, it just screams "I'm one of those 'Allies' that winds up getting Harvey Weinstein'd"). Like... more>> Sterling, however, it's a civilian's musings and thought exercises on what would happen if a modern society was transplanted into another era, and how its dealings with the natives would affect that world and how that would in return affect the modern society.

Instead of Nantucket, a small little vacation island off the coast of Massachusetts, we have the entire Island Nation of Japan being transported, not to the past but to a fantasy world which has seen entire nations transplanted there in the past, from all different sorts of universes and parallel realities over the course of millenia, and how this has turned the world into a free-for-all with fantasy weapons versus modern armaments of various eras


In later chapters, we find that a Zero fighter plane from either Japan's past or possibly a parallel universe version of Japan had been transported onto the world eons ago. In addition, we are introduced to Japan's version of Atlantis, the Continent of Mu, whose disappearance from the pages of Earth history are explained by it having been transported to this world 12 thousand years ago. There's also yet another empire that seems to be a parallel earth version of WWII-era Imperial Japan, with the same aggressive expansionist tendencies, so there's Modern GLORIOUS NIPPON vs WWII GLORIOUS NIPPON to look forward to in addition to modern ordinance vs Dragons in the future, I suppose.


But yeah, like Sterling, Nihonkoku Shoukan's author seems to have a particular focus and ignores some interesting points, including the presence of U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine bases as well as 50, 000 U.S Military personnel stationed all over Japan (not to mention all that U.S. Military hardware), and whatever portion of the 32 million annual foreign tourists that happened to be visiting Japan when it was transported, as well has Japanese nationals of foreign descent. Perhaps whoever facilitated the transport was kind enough to send the U.S. Military assets back, as well as the foreign nationals.

In addition, Japan as a whole tends to make various political blunders and rash decisions in order to move the plot forward and has no basis in realism. Lots of plot holes, but it further emphasizes the author's particular focus and lack of knowledge in certain areas, or rather, his decision not to focus on those areas for the sake of dramatic license. In that sense, the comparison to GATE falls a bit short, the author of GATE was served in the Japanese military and was familiar enough to give a good portrayal of how modern military tactics and weapons would fare against fantasy-world magic and warfare. "Japan in the Sea of Isekai" attempts to expand this into other areas outside of military engagements into foreign relations with the nations of the new world, but we see in the WN version where it sometimes falls short.

Maybe it ruins the immersion for some, but it just reinforces the idea that it's just a thought-exercise, and should be enjoyed as that, nothing more. <<less
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Amaneblz rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: c116
Honestly saying, the story sucks, the setting is quite good, the execution is plainly bad, overall not a recommended read. A lot of error and unrealistic things happened throughout the story, to be honest. It's kind of hard to just wave your hand around and said it does not matter and keep reading, because it really bad.

    • The setting: Okay, so what do we got? A country that is transported to another world. Hmm, sound fun. Now what? You have superior technological superiority, in an unknown world, with low-life civilizations. You have magic, etc but they are too bad for your superior Japanese Democracy stuff. Magic is not mentioned too much, there are nothing about it, everything will be solved by modern technology and another world "magik". It's just another typical GATE. Boring.
    • The internal: You have a National Diet, and you supposed that they will just go with whatever you put in? What about factions? There are, a lot of faction in the internal political system of the current Japan, and if you ever want to date back to the time of the Japanese Empire, assassinations and tricks are normal things. Right now, there are the Liberal Democratic Party, Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan Innovation Party, and more. There are extremist, leftist, right activist, conservatives, militarism supporters, etc. What will all of those react to problems emerged from an unknown world? How will everything go? A story like this should invest in, saying, to have political fights appear on the screen, with internal affairs to highlight how to actual government acts and respond to different situations and environments, pre-planning and grand schemes, not just some "hey let's do A and B.". Sometimes, negotiating with your government's council means you can't achieve everything perfectly. Ther must be sacrifices in some places, the choice to give up somes, and gains somes. Not everyone likes you and your policy, you need a compromise. Basically, the lacking of such details rendered the entire government structure incompetent and tasteless.

    • The people: In the story, little was known about Japan's people reaction. No outcry, no one ever asking anything, even though this is a armageddon type of event. They treat it like if it's a normal thing, or just the author is too lazy to tell about it. It's supposed to be very bad, in fact, there will be civil unrest, since this kind of event is out of the blue. No one ever question anything. Public go around to travel like it normal, just want to see another land around that is new to be found. Seriously? What about magic? Won't students, scientist and other type scholars be interested in it? All of those magic is physic-bending phenomena, why you are not invested in it? And what about your family? In total, as of 2019-2021, there are about 1.4 millions Japanese around the world, apart from the mainland. What about them? Nobody where have they gone to? What about transportation? Foreign visitor and civilian from different country around the world before you are transferred? What about them? It's rather pathetic, and I think it will be a good addition for the story if the author actually want to reflect, or tell a story, focus on Japanese in the new world. Other else, meh, it's lame.
    • The foreign politics: It feels like a wet dream about democracy and "freedom", as well as some other "peace". The government is s*upid, if not to say pathetic. Of a world in such a era of 1300s-1800s, the age of discovery, wars, expansions, empires, can they just go around and said "let's make peace?". Oh yeah it's great. In a world of imperialism, despotism, monarchy, you go around and just go as "don't invade us please, we will trade" and think that they will just agree? Pathetic. You can't suppose to do that, in such a world that is so different from yours. Experience can help just that of knowing this is similar to some part of your original world, nothing else. Flexibility, there's none. You can't make peace, when everyone else has a vision for war and conquest. And you still pursue it, after you killed their soldiers, massacred their cities, then hailing we come with peace? Then again, You have some s*upid mind in the area, too. Oh well just let tourists go and visit a nation that is having war with another nation, which itself is not famous for having any kind of human rights, or not killing civilian prisoners. And when they kill our people, Ohhh suprised. I guess we will never know why they didn't ever think of that when they send over their civilian over there without protection, other than a few sticks.
    • Culture: What, are we here to see Japanese cultures? Isn't it the opposite? Of how the foreign cultures look like, and how can Japan's culture blends in? In all of the story it's mostly about how others are impressed of Japan's culture and stuff like that, without even shedding a single light on the traditions, cultures and heritages of other countries. What they have, what made them unique, there are nothing as world build here. It's just "Ah so we have this guy over there, this guy over here, and done.". Seriously?
    • Economic. Oh come on. Where's all your bonding, bank notes, Foreign Exchange Reserve? Where are your trades, your imports, your export? Can your export-based corporations survive without any market to consume it, especially when the law of prohibiting the widespread of technology is enacted? Can your f**king import-based industry produce anything, without the import that you dearly held back then? What about companies which export software and selling services oversea? Your country has a huge chunks of it for services, but in this state, there's no one to even offer the services. You now lost the ISS, the Global Positioning System, how are you supposed to do if your satellite just kaboom? What about the path, the orbit, the star system? You can eat, yes, but how much? Author, do you know that Japan heavily relied on import for everything, including food? Once you are stripped off from your earth resource, everything will go wild. Yes you still can eat, but how much? How expensive? Also, the oil drilling in the story is so short, maybe the author just think that okay so we just suck it all out, while in reality, The development of an oil and gas field costs millions of dollars and may require long time (5-10 years) to be fully realized. And your oil reserve is 44, 115, 000 barrels, enough for... around 10 days without imports. Still nothing happened?
    • The military: Just like GATE, it's all glory and no tears. Get a small ship into a big meeting. No shit. Shelling all around the world without even concerning how will you refill those bullets. Firing SM-3s without even realized that you don't even have license to manufacture such things. Go full 'magic sucks, our weapon best' with one-side battles, no casualties, even though the opponents has law-bending thingy? Soldiers never complain, never bad, you are good, everyone is bad, best performance, no error, it's all fun and games that you go around and shoot everyone that you are ordered to? What about logistic? What about planning? Tactics? Strategic gains? "Oh sh*t we have around a bunch of ships coming what are we going to do?" "let's slam a bunch of missile that we have no reserve left, never call the 7th Fleet for help. never even bother laying a fast minefield that we are superior against them, and fire a bunch of expensive torpedoes into a bunch (again) of antiques from WWII? Fighting tactics? No, just go boom boom. Everything is so boring that the action scene, I just want to skip and see the result. No losing or stalemate, just winning. Coping, to be exact. And yet someone around there still said that the author knows about military, but as far as I saw, his knowledge is just like a bunch of wikipedia headlines and newspaper stuff, incorporated with flawed logic in modern warfare combat tactics and operation. And he doesn't even know what the JSDF has in their storage to do the job. What a nonsense.
Overall, a bad read for me. It's too shine and rainbow, s*upid logic and execution, poorly developed, lacking too much, a lot of issues more, and copium is everywhere. 2/5 is because the character is at least, likable a bit, if not to say they are pathetic as the story.
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July 5, 2021
Status: c60
While I like this kind of plot, the approach of other countries with low technology is left to be desired. They always ridicule another country for the difference in technologies only to end up with a slap in their face. It felt like reading typical Chinese arrogant young master troupe getting face shaped.

The other countries' intelligence was reduced for then glorify Japanese technology might. But Japanese intelligence remained questioned. Their conduct in this story made me a bit frustrated.

... more>>

Why do they always let themselves suffer first before taking action? Why not try to take caution or prevent an enemy attack? I knew Japan only execute self defend acts, but, c'mon, it's already in another world. After so many accidents they need to make a new policy.

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LivingCorpse rated it
March 19, 2019
Status: c31
This is just GATE all over again. But hey, I love GATE so it's fine.

This wn is unique in which there's actually no set Protagonist... No if I stretch it, the protagonist is Japan itself. This story chronicles the "Adventure" of Japan in isekai, so you know where it's going...

... the good ol, primitive barbaric fantasy countries in awe of the Glorious Japan big boomstick!

... more>> Mmm... nice... stick those 120mm gun far up those pesky dragons ass. Yes! Jam it up till they taste the 21st century in their mouth!

Ha... Ha... *Slurp* my apologies, I seem to get too excited.

Anyway, this novel is great for those who loves Fantasy vs Science story and those who already read similar novel such as GATE and Rune Troopers. Though if there's one thing I want to complain is that the author seems to like to include intermission chapter whenever stuff start to get interesting. I kinda hate this trick, and that's why it only got 4 star instead of perfect 5. <<less
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Jeremy51992 rated it
January 25, 2019
Status: C21
I like isekai series it has a "what will happen if it will become true". From diplomatic to militaristic way of governing. Well, good thing it's not China but Japan got summon. Hehehe
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TheUnspoken rated it
May 24, 2021
Status: c74
Pros:It's entertaining once it gets rolling and the worldbuilding is really elaborate.

Cons:It's really slow and unsatisfying most of the time. The other countries and Japan also takes a lot of Ls first before Japan gets moving.

Tldr: It's good popcorn fun but I don't really recommend it if you don't like slow developments.

Tips: Read it by arcs not by chapters since it has a lot of cliffhangers.
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Mantan rated it
January 17, 2019
Status: c13
I've been the type of people who enjoy OP Slaughter, In this case, Guns Vs Medieval is like my haven. The Translating is pretty clear and Straight. I Can't Review it profesionally, but I can Say I Love it.
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Brajac04 rated it
June 4, 2020
Status: c52
This novel is really interesting! Now, I've read the WN on Syosetu and came to chapter 110. That last chapter was published in 4th month which is now a month or from the date I am writing this review. It is regrettable because the publishing is slow but oh well... The point is, the novel is so interesting that it fills me with excitement. I am not an expert but for me at least, I like how are they explaining strategies and equipment trough the story (I don't know if... more>> the story has mistakes about all that stuff but hey...). Overall, from my amateur standpoint I really like the novel and thus I give it 5 stars! :) <<less
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HentMas rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: c107
It started interesting!

Then it devolved into the same formula and repetition over and over and over and over...
There are some interesting tidbits in between arches that make for a more compelling reading, but the main meat which are supposed to be the "battles" play out exactly the same.

I came here expecting "Risk, the novel" with politics and war or something like that, instead we got "Dragon ball Z" applied between countries (obviously Japan is Goku haha).

I don't mind the "logic" between the countries and the "reasoning" of how Japan runs their international relationships based on their constitution (although I know jack sh*t about it so the author could be pulling it out of his arse and I would be non the wiser) for setting up the stage it works well enough.

But outside of the "Maou" arch and some individual short stories like visiting the enclosed island in a chopper and the romance story between a JSDF commander and a middle aged lady from fantasy land I find that the battles are kinda bland.

Couple of "oh shit" moments sprinkled here and there to break the monotony but still, they feel too superficial and lack substance to mark the difference.

It's a nice power trip fantasy but it gets fairly repetitive quite fast... still I am enjoying it though? hahaha.
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krossite rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: ss 0.5 part5
This is entertaining and I want to keep reading it, but it's also kinda bad.
The world Japan found themselves in seems interesting and have many secrets to be found, including some that's quite close to Japan themselves, in addition to the usual isekai things like otherworlders shock and react to new OP people plop down in their world - but this time it's an entire country with comparatively much higher tech.
Too bad the author don't seems to understand much about politics, economics, or military - aside from something one could quickly glance from wikis.
Battles seems to be the main way Japan (and the author) show off their power, but they're shallow and bland :

When there're air battles/strikes the skies would be clear, sea battles on calm open seas, attacks would "evaporated" their targets in single shots or "broken in half" for ships (a bit beliveable early on with Japan's modern tech against mediaval - Renaissance era ships and some WW2 era tanks later, less so with WW2 era planes/cannons against magic ships that apparently can explode in single hit with normal shots and bombs), while attacks from the "less developed" sides would basically means nothing, such as wyvern's fireball directly hitting modern attack copter and both copter and pilots seems to be completely fine, or a more-or-less Victorian era artillery directly hit a WW2 "Japanese" tank and couldn't even scratch it. There is one occasion with some semblance of armies using terrain to their advantage in the "hollow moutain" that's basically a very huge and wide cave, but it's just an excuse for the story to use Japan's tank against enemy tanks without both side's planes swooping around.
The pre-curpstomp "hubris speech" also feels the same for pretty much everyone : "We are stong!" *their own armies getting blown up* "Oh no!". Seriously, I barely simplified it.

One moment that stick out to me and made me realize how shallow the author's understanding of military stuff is comes from, ironically, a submarine part, where a WW2 era sub got attack and sunk by Japan's homing torpedo.
I'm not an expert, and my "understanding "of this tech comes from the game Cold Water, but homing torpedoes have 2 stages of pings : regular "searching" pings and more rapid "homing" pings when they found and heading for their targets.
If the story had shown the sub's crews (from the country that still trying to develop working homing torpedoes but yet to have one) hearing the pings, wondering if it is trying to search for them, then realizing that it indeed does when they notice the pings get faster and closing in on them, the dread from that could easily add much more life to the story and give the readers some interesting tidbits about how homing torpedoes work. But the story only had the torpedo pinging regularly, and while the crews did shown fear, I felt much less dread reading through that part compared to a Cold Water clip of a sub trying to hide, run and dodge homing torpedoes.

The writing often repeated itself, about 1/5 - 1/3 of each chapters can be just the author repeat what the characters just talked about, but now in narration style that didn't add anything to the story.

All in all, this is a good story in binge skim through, because each chapters by themselves don't have that much meat despite their word counts, but the lores are interesting enough. Disappointingly, it seems to think their main strengh is their badly setup an excuted battle scenes.
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PlagueOtaku rated it
September 8, 2021
Status: c-104
This novel had an interesting premise, what would a modern country do in an alternative world. But it fails to deliver, first the inconsistency of events.

1. WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE SO CALM?. In a real world scenario, panic would rain havoc in the streets, crime will go up and everyone would go crazy. Imagine suddenly getting kidnap you would not stay calm in that situation.

2. Japan heavily relies on export, in food, in fuel and many other thing. The moment they get cut off from earths resources, everything will... more>> freeze. The markets gonna go up, people will starve and mayhem will insure.

though they explained it, it would still be insufficient. Even if you have food storages, I doubt it can feed all of Japan and will they have enough resources to make sure everyone receives its fair share. Sound like a logistical nightmare.


3. WHY THE HELL, ARE YOU FREELY ALLOWING INFORMATION TO FLOW OUTSIDE?. Like seriously, you are in a new planet with absolutely technological superiority. Why the hell are giving it away like candies?, it s*upid no retarted to even do it you are in a world we’re you have no allies and no information regarding in this world. So why give you’re only advantages to them, it’s like telling you’re killer that his gun is on safety rather than choking the living day light out of him.

4. And why is everyone in the political table so friendly?, and a LOT more thing that would fry you’re brain.

This novel is nothing more but a popcorn read, where medical warrior vs modern soldiers fight. It’s unlike Gate where it captures real world politics and the course of having something like it. Here it’s basically mowing down grass, no one is ambitious enough to see the benefits of being transported in a non-polluted and resource rich world with almost no military disadvantages.

If you’re looking at Swords vs guns novel then it’s a good read, especially without diving on the murky waters that is politics. But if you’re like me, who like a bit of realism to the novels then this is a hard pass. <<less
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kazuki minami
kazuki minami rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: c83
I love this web novel it make my heart boil with excitement for that I give it 5star hope it continue for long run
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posinw rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: c65
It’s hard to say whether this novel is good or not. To say it plainly, it’s like reading One Punch Man in novel form. You knew right away that Japan can win everything easily. But the novel stall its punchline so much you got annoyed by it
Don’t get me wrong it’s a good novel to read but I also want to point out a notable flaws in it.

- Japanese in this novel is too nice. It’s actually disturbing how they are so nice it felt like this is a propagonda novel.

- The disparity between each country technology is too weird. Some country is using biplane while the other felt like they are in middle age.

- the filler chapter is Sooooooo Longggggg it felt annoying.

but overall, it’s good if you have nothing better to read.
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SkyboundInfinity rated it
April 16, 2021
Status: c65
This novel is not outstanding as a novel by any means. However, it's just really satisfying and I personally really enjoy reading about Japan beating up all the evil countries through shear technological superiority.

A unique part of the novel is that it's told more from the perspective of the countries involved rather than individual characters, meaning there's none of that drama, lovey-dovey, misunderstanding, or harem BS. Things are easy to understand and most of all, satisfying. People often draw similarities between Japan Summons and GATE, but this novel has depicts... more>> a much broader picture of the world than just a single guy going around making a harem and exploring the world like a classic isekai.

As long as you don't take the world-building critically and purposefully pick out plot holes and errors, I think it can be a fun and relaxing read for anybody.

The translations by A Mob of Deer are absolutely brilliant; they're extremely high quality and thorough. <<less
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Kosmiko rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: c106
  • I suppose that by this time, it's no longer a hiatus but a complete drop which is a shame because this was a very exiting WN from my point of view. Although I finished reading the chapter a long time ago, I come here from time to time with the hope to see it revived once again, but alas, it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I managed to find the manga in 3 different languages and different stages, but for some reason it seems as if the manga also will end up being dropped.
  • 2021 Dec. 27 I'm dropping this one.
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