Night Tide


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Watching the waves together tonight, waiting for the tides of emotion to rise.

CP: Xiang Wan & Chao Xin



Age gap (around 13 years old)

Child-rearing (non-biological)

“One night sex” (not really ONS, but similar plot about having s*x without being together)

Fake substitute

*The meaning of “warning” here is that the above-mentioned plot may possibly appear. Please take heed if you mind, but there is no guarantee that all of the above-mentioned plot will appear or appear as you imagine.

The second novel in Pat Pat Series.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Pat Me Please (Prequel)
What Era Do You Think This Is (Sequel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Tbr gl
  2. i like girls
  3. Baihe
  4. IDK Yuri
  5. My Favorite GL Novel That Hooked Me Up

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/18/23 CNYuriTranslation c34
09/16/23 CNYuriTranslation c33
09/12/23 CNYuriTranslation c32
09/09/23 CNYuriTranslation c31
09/09/23 CNYuriTranslation c30
09/07/23 CNYuriTranslation c29
09/05/23 CNYuriTranslation c28
09/04/23 CNYuriTranslation c27
09/01/23 CNYuriTranslation c26
08/31/23 CNYuriTranslation c25
08/29/23 CNYuriTranslation c24
08/26/23 CNYuriTranslation c23
08/25/23 CNYuriTranslation c22
08/23/23 CNYuriTranslation c21
08/21/23 CNYuriTranslation c20
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The Hamster Overlord
The Hamster Overlord rated it
November 28, 2023
Status: c63
There are two ways to go about rating this novel - on its lonesome and as a sequel to "Pat me please".

I will first talk about it as a story on its own.

It is an interesting story. The author is very good at character dynamics, and writing interesting characters in general.

... more>> The main two characters in the novel's focus are Xiang Wan and Chao Xin.

Xiang Wang is the secondary love interest of Pat me please, the daughter of the Prime Minister from Ancient China, who has come to our time and has to start living again "from scratch".

Her getting adjusted to the new reality, beginning her carreer as a voice actor and learning to stand on her own two feet was covered in the previous book, so at the beginning of this one, she is not a "foreign" existence and is well-acclimated.

Still, her main character conflicts directly tied to her past persist: she still doesn't know a lot of small details about how to live in the society, she is still awkward, she still is yet to let go of her past, even if she lies to herself, she is alone - she has friends yes, but at the end of the day she does not have a "home".

Chao Xin is her senior in the industry. She is a big name, and outwardly, she is very strong, confident, rich, successful.

We quickly find that there is more to her thn that, and despite her outer appearance, things are not as simple as they seem for her.

Chao Xin is even more awkward than Xiang Wan, and strangely enough, less acclimated to society than her.

I'd call her less mature, but it's not exactly true. She takes care of her adopted daughter Pai Pai, and she knows how to take responsibility. She is not some lost little lamb.

But she is still very awkward in places - for example she doesn't know how to dress and thus dresses in the same style all the time, because it was praised once.

It's interesting to read these people. I like it. Especially considering how well-written (and translated!) this story is from a stylistic point of view.

Now, to comparing it with Pat me please...

I'll admit, this novel is a lot less interesting than Pat me please.

I think it has to do with a lack of conflict? Back then, the entire novel was one big dillema fit inside a love triangle and it had me on the edge of the seat the entire time it was translated.

Right now there is no conflict. Both XW and CX are mature adults who, unlike the protagonist of the previous novel Yu Zhou will not overthink with her strong imagination, will talk things out and will come to a decision they both agree with - together.

It's like the "how it should be done" version of Pat me please. Which, inevitably, makes things less exciting.

Oh well, it's just my bad taste, hahaha <<less
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kwirkee76 rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: c38
I really want to slap myself right now. I tried to wait until this was mostly translated but waiting was something I could no longer do. Now the real waiting begins. Arrrghhh!!! *ahem* Okay, I've calmed down.

This is a very enjoyable novel; much like the preceding one, which, if you haven't read yet, you definitely should. Personally, I think you can't read this without having read that. It's like having a bite of cake when you could be eating the whole slice.

Similar to the first novel, I feel this story... more>> reads very maturely, very worldly. I don't mean that it's x-rated (not by any stretch of the imagination) but that its very essence feels like life. Complex and interesting but also very simple. A day in the life. How wonderful if we could watch this story as a Tv series. It'd be like the L Word but with a lot less drama, probably.

There's quite an age gap between the main players. If that's not your cup of tea, then steer clear but please, don't tack on a one star rating (because how in the hell would that make any sense, right??) In any context, the relatively huge gap might be an issue, simply due to the completely different stages of life they are in. One is just starting her journey into adulthood while the other is quite entrenched in what adulthood is mostly about (ie. mortgages/car loans and being responsible for another little human being). But somehow, it seems to work out rather beautifully. I think it might have to do with how even though the younger one is, well, young, she conversely is literally an old soul in a young body. She's gone through a lot in her short life and having come from a completely different (and ancient) era, she is already quite mature in her mindset. They're naive in similar ways; that is, both are young at heart when it comes to notions of love. This is a terrain they can navigate and traverse together, learning as they go along. It is wonderfully beautiful.

I want to thank the translator. It's done extremely well and I appreciate it very much. It doesn't matter how good a story is written; if it's translated poorly, even Shakespeare would read like sh*t. So, thank you, dear translator.

I think I've managed to say quite a lot without actually saying anything much. Ha ha. Give this story a read... I don't think you will regret it. <<less
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Empathatic rated it
December 29, 2023
Status: c75
So, as Hamster Overlord (I love this username) said, there are definitely two ways to read this.

The first is to read it as a sequel to Pat Me Please and hope that XW finds happiness away from an idiot. The second is to read it on its own. For me this story shines better than its predecessor and works well if you read it either way.

This is because I personally really, really, really hate love triangles. Pat Me Please was an especially egregious example of a love triangle for me... more>> because, and minor spoilers for Pat Me Please: (though the synopsis of this story is already a spoiler for Pat Me Please)


In Pat Me Please the main character Yu Zhou spends almost seventy of the one hundred total chapters slowly building a relationship with Xiang Wan. During that time we're told of how poorly her ex-girlfriend, Su Chang, treated her and took her for granted. Then the author smashes the relationship between YZ and XW and at about chapter eighty makes it about YZ insecurely pursuing SC, treating her like crap in the process. It personified every reason I hate love triangles. Toxic relationships forgiven because they're more passionate, leaving the less dysfunctional character out in the cold.


This story is much sweeter with way less drama and pointless back and forth. Its a good story in its own right, so don't give it a pass just cause it might not have as much drama. If you want more angst go read Pat Me Please, it has enough to fill a couple celebrity drama stories, with plenty left over. I'm kidding, it's not that bad or I wouldn't have made it through. Just not my cup of tea really.

Not that there's anything wrong with liking angst or drama. It all comes down to personal preferences really. Just know that the stories, while tied together, are still different. <<less
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