My Sister Caught Us In Bed


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In the presidential suite. She opened her eyes and suddenly saw a naked man lying next to her! And his lower body…

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Alpha-apodis rated it
October 18, 2020
Status: c63
I started reading, and somehow I got invested and went to MTL, and then chapter 63 came along:

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The judges put a black model on the stage, let her stand in the middle of the field, and asked the five contestants present to design three sets of clothes for her.

For ordinary models, that's fine, most people are white and beautiful, and wearing clothes on them will only make them better.

But black models, because of their dark skin, want to be outstanding, it is really not easy.

"The time I give you is twenty minutes." The judges said and did.

This time is not too much, but it cannot be said to be less. If you have inspiration, you want to design very quickly, but because this is the final, there is a shadow on the hearts of five people, because it is too much. For the sake of prudence, instead of knowing how to write it for a while.

Yan Jingya was the first to write.

Because time is really not enough, even if he keeps thinking about it this way, I'm afraid that time is gone, she might not have a single work out.

So she can only do a little bit of trial research based on the theoretical knowledge she has learned before.

It is true that black skin is not easy to look good in anything, but he saw that this black model has a very good figure, like a perfect clothes hanger. With this, Yan Jingya started with the best designed dress.


White people are suitable for acting as angels, but it doesn't matter how black people become fallen angels.


This BS from a society whose common sense of fashion is looking like a whiteboard with eyebrows, eyes, lashes and lipstick painted on it. <<less
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TheRuler rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c9
At this point just throw the whole lu guy in the bin, hopefully his not the ML cause it's only chapter 8 but there's nothing he can do to redeem him self. Basically r*pe and ab*se. And treats her as a substitute for her dead sister, very inhumane. Theres no way this seems to be getting better.
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Machaaan rated it
November 18, 2020
Status: c52
Tbh I started reading it because of its title and summary. Before anything else, would love to thanks the translator for doing a great job in translating this novel.

Move on to the story, the plot is dull and cringed so much. Not the Mary-Sue type, but the one that is beautiful but not loved by her family and hated by everyone. And somehow managed to angered every single powerful man on earth, and was schemed pretty bad by every single human that she knows just for breathing the oxygen on... more>> earth. Doesn’t make sense right? That’s how it is. I am proud of myself for making it this far. If only the plot is a little bit better than this, I might continue reading it. <<less
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