My Mom Got A Contract Marriage


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Lilica was a girl that spent her days in the slums with her alcoholic mother.

However, one day…

“Kyaa, it’s hot! No!”

With a scream, her mother woke up and asked nonsensically, “Lily, you’re alive! You’ve become younger?”

“What’s the date?”

She’s lost her mind!

“This can’t be… I’ve returned!”

She started spouting more puzzling things, even going so far as to say, “I need to go to the Imperial Ball and meet the Emperor!

Lilica began to worry that something had gone wrong with her Mother’s mind…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mother's Contract Marriage (Serialized Title)
My Mom Entered A Contract Marriage
My Mother Got Married By Contract
엄마가 계약결혼 했다
Related Series
The Female Lead’s Daughter after the Bad Ending (1)
How to Extend a Marriage Contract (1)
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  4. My Favorite Korean Romance Novels
  5. KR Novels with Manhwa (FL Version)

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11 Reviews

Dec 06, 2022
Status: --
Hi, former translator here. When I read the synopsis of this novel, I expected something overflowing with humour sprinkled with dramatic moments. A story that would place a broken relationship between a mother and her daughter at the heart of the plot. And it wasn't it 🙃

There is no abuse to discuss since Lilyca forgives everything from the first chapters. We have no progression in their relationship; the mother and the daughter remain in a perpetual balance where the traumatic past has little importance. The balance is sometimes tilted, but... more>> it always regains its equilibrium.

We also find the very redundant cliché where the FL catches people to put them in her harem of simps like a trainer would collect pokémons. Lilyca only needs to breathe for the whole world to be at her feet. She has a cute face and is sound of mind, which seems to be enough for an entire palace to cherish her, because apparently "she's the only one who's d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t". Aaaargh.

The only relationship that has given her a minimum, like really a minimum of difficulty, is Atil. Unsurprisingly, he was in the pokeball on the second try. "All right! You caught an Atil! Well done, Lilyca!"


But that's just the forgivable clichés since it was to be expected. Yet, I'm not going to lie, a bit more built-up would be appreciated.
First, where's the drama? There's nothing but fluff for miles and miles. And who says fluff without drama, says tons of useless slice-of-life moments:

· Lilyca is picking-up berries
· Lilyca got pocket money
· Lilyca got a poney
· Lilyca is mounting her poney
· Lilyca is gardening
· Lilyca is catching more people in her harem
· Lilyca is eating sweets
· Lilyca got an upset stomach
· Lilyca is getting more pocket money
· Lilyca is mounting her poney again


You get the gest. I did not sign-up to read the daily story of an 8-year-old where nothing happens, where everyone could get down on their knees to make her smile and where it's the apocalypse if she's sad. And WHEN something happens, it is always the same recipe: a character has to be physically hurt. Since obviously, the author does not know how to write drama otherwise. It's the same pattern, over and over; Lilyca's monotonous fluff -> she or another character gets hurt -> drama time -> Lilyca's monotonous fluff again. Hello? Any emotional/psychological drama here? Maybe it will arrive later on, but I'm already quite advanced in my reading and still nothing gripping. It will hopefully get fixed in the manhwa, I have faith in Choo Hye Yeon.

Lack of foreshadowing

Lilyca is one of the last purely human wizards and Alteos wants to teach her. Great, something is finally happening and it may be related to her weird sixth sense. But huh? Wait, what? She's some sort of prodigy that's able to realise complicated artefacts off-screen in less than ten chapters and use them perfectly so that she's never in a troubling situation? Who could have seen it c.o.m.i.n.g? -_-

For example,
· Badly hurt ML is suffering. No worries! FL made a magical cream in advance. It's super effective!
· A sensitive conversation between Bryn, Lauv and her? No problem! She made this super duper noise-cancelling ring in advance! Without even needing to tell the readers she could make something like that or show them the process since it could indeed be a useful artefact in the future.
· Lauv is suffering? OMG I know immediately what to do! Let's make this pretty rock to make him better! OMG it was the right idea and it's working perfectly on my first try! Amazing!


No hardships whatsoever
This is connected to my last paragraph. As explained, there are no difficulties in Lilyca's life, and everything is always working out great. What am I saying? It's working amazing! No matter what Lilyca is trying to do, she does it well. Even when it's not something she intended

(aka other characters misunderstanding her intentions, like when Mommy thought she was a genius 'cause she chose a sweet radish), it's always working out in her favour.


No high-stakes
· Lydia needs to do everything in her power to ensure her daughter's safety even after they leave the palace. Success? Being able to live in comfort. Failure? Poverty/Death.
· Atil needs to oversee his princely duties while always being alert and on top of things. Success? Being emperor. Failure? Death by assassination.
· Lat, being the prime minister and aid of the emperor. Success? Recognition, good salary, healthy empire and emperor. Failure? Sandar family and empire are ruined + moody emperor.

This is just to illustrate that side characters have a clearer goal and higher stakes than MC. It hurts to say since it was this original idea that brought me to read this novel, but MC is goalless. Contrary to her mother who has plans and does some scheming, MC is just there, waiting for things to happen to her. And it's not even a comedy. She's enjoying life and relaxing with her newfound friends. I'm not saying it's wrong, she is an 8 years-old who's been living a tough life. But it does not make a good story. She wants to be a good princess for her mother and that's pretty much sums it up? Even if she fails, there'll be no repercussions since everyone loves her. And if she does it right, they'll love her even more.

Despite having a likeable MC and magical elements, the lack of drama, hardships and stakes with the overabundance of fluff and useless daily life scenes, make the novel unbalanced and "unimmersive". The pace is too slow as the reader is perpetually walking with a cane stick wondering where the story is going. When the author will finally make the story move forward and show relationship progress (and not just fawning over MC's cuteness) is still unclear. But with the arrival of the manhwa this month, there's still hope this story will become engaging. Just not with the webnovel. <<less
49 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 31, 2022
Status: c2
the writing? amazing. the translation? lovely. the mc? she's my daughter now.

the mom? if I could kill a bit*h through a screen she would be my first target. and I know that the entire point of the plot is that she was shitty and now she's better after "coming back from the past" but it's just... she's irredeemable to me.

i don't care how much the mom apologizes for being an alcoholic piece of sh*t who forced her daughter to grow up too early, ill always hate her. the mom literally... more>> stole the MCs money she (WHO IS LIKE FIVE!!!) worked for to pay their rent and she's like "sorry I had to go to a ball so I could find ur dad" like girl... get f*cked I hate that b*tch.

and I know that's the entire purpose of the plot is to show how she changes and now cherishes her daughter but I just...i genuinely hate that character and it destroys the novel for me. I love the MC and I would love for it to be all about how she rises from the bottom and escapes her parasite of a mother.

if you can't stand it when a child's parent is a piece of shit, don't read this. but if you're here for the redemption? by all means go ahead I just don't think the mom even can be redeemed <<less
33 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 29, 2022
Status: c20
I came from the manhwa and I gave it the usual 20 chapters treatment and I should say it was one of my most stifling experiences in recent times. Below is my review with a couple of spoilers so read at your own discretion. TLDR; don't read this book.

... more>>

I won't get into the spoiler territory too much but mom is literally the worst human being I have come across. She is a regressor with the generic goal of I will protect my family this time. HOWEVER, prior to regression she was an alcoholic and a child abuser both emotionally and implied physically. On the first day of her regression, she steals her daughter's hard-earned money WHICH she was hiding because she wanted to pay rent so that she and her abusive alcoholic mother could be safe from the monstrous (from her perspective) landlord. Not for one second the regressor has even thought about other means to get money. She could sold her hair, she could have asked for a loan from somewhere, she could steal or even who*e herself out but noooooooo, she had to coax her child to sleep then immediately stole the money and left WITHOUT telling MC anything. She didn't even leave a note. Because of that MC refused to go home and she is a goddamn little girl in the SLUMS!! What if something happened to her? It is the dead of night. What if she gets kidnapped or worse? Then she sends an ESCORT to get her? Lady are you too good to go and get your own daughter? Why not go yourself? Literally! What is the one reason keeping you from going and getting your own daughter instead of sending a stranger?

Despite that MC forgives her. Why? Because she is an emotionally abused child craving for maternal love.

What's worse? The Regressor says she did it all for her. Like bruh!! The little girl was happy in the slums. She only needed you. You could have taken job as a barmaid or even leave the capital go to the countryside to be farmers and you would have been happy. But noooooooo, YOU have to be rich and strong so you are only telling yourself you are doing this for your daughter.

Then after marriage regressor doesn't even visit MC once and MC has to go and visit her for a week straight everyday to be refused. Why? Because regressor is tired from tumbling in the bed with the step dad all night. Why? Because she is doing it for MC...

The audacity of this b*tch!!!!!!

But when she does see her and MC learns its because of the step dad she forgives the mother. Why? Because regressor is doing this for HER.

Another arc in the future. MC is stood up outside under the sun so regressor buys her an umbrella. The problem? It's too big and heavy for a child her age. Why? Because it is adorned by jewels and laced with gold. Even MC says herself that it is too heavy but she likes it. Why? Because her mother bought it for HER!!


I have never felt so stifled before both by the mother and the daughter. Mother keeps saying she does everything for the MC while she visits her rarely (90% of the visits are initiated by the MC) and keeps saying everything is for her sake. The MC on the other hand keeps forgiving her because she doesn't know any better and wants love from her mother. Anyway, don't read it. If I knew Korean I would have cursed the author's whole family for writing something dumb like that and then act like regressor actually atoned for her misdeeds.

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Dec 30, 2021
Status: c2
The premise is good. It's a fresh perspective on the whole 'going back in time after getting k-worded' plot. Since it's told mostly from the child of the person who seemed to have gone back in time.

I really want to see where this goes.

The mother is visibly regretting her past choices and trying to do what she can to give her daughter a better life. The daughter is confused by her sudden change but since it seems to be a change for the better, the daughter is just glad that... more>> her mother has changed some.

I kinda want to see the mother actually struggle with her alcohol addiction since even though she went back in time, her body is still that of an alcoholic. Though I don't think the author will write about it. So I guess there'll be some unrealistic parts here.

Pacing is kinda too fast. Not even a whole day has passed and suddenly the mother was able to get dressed up and enter the palace? Hmm.

Haven't read enough to accutately judge it but overall might be a good story? The reviews on the raws are pretty good too. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 18, 2023
Status: c27

The mom haves one

the child haves one

... more>> the dad haves one

the brother

the maid

EVEYONE haves one...

People complain that the mom wasn't "the perfect mom" the moment the story started... geez it's as if people grow and make mistakes and learn and try to do better, but nononono they want someone that suddenly is completely perfect. just because she died and turned back time

Dude you are not born knowing how to be a good parent, she was the worst but she's also conscious and wants to improve

The story is slow, because it builds the world as it moves, step by step, while also building the characters and the circumstances, and the arches, and the mistery and everything is well portrayed, it takes it's time to do what needs to be done to achieve what the author wants to achieve.

Little princess is not perfect, mom is not perfect, emperor is definitely not perfect.

Yes there are a lot of clichés, but they are done competently, and the story is told trough ONE POV most of the time (the daughter) that makes it imperative that you LEARN to READ between the lines of what is happening because what the daughter doesn't perceive is part of the politics and reasons of the empire being how it is.

It's beautifully portrayed, with enough dept to swim comfortably, but the POV makes it seem like it's all "flowers and rainbows" when it's not at all like that.

MC is mary sueish, but she also feels inadequate at times and simplifies everything in a very straightforward manner... but when her feelings overflow from the "play pretend" it MEANS something.

Read it, don't pay attention to the people complaining because they didn't get what they wanted when they wanted it, they probably didn't understand the story anyway. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 25, 2022
Status: --
Its a pretty refreshing take on the regression concept. It takes the pov of the child of the regressor and its pretty interesting.

True there isn't much in the life of the child. If this story's FL was the mother (AKA The regressor) then maybe we would see more action but despite not having the drama I was expecting, its a pretty nice story.

A part of me was also not really expecting much since like many regression stories, families/loved ones of the regressor don't really get to do much. Usually they... more>> are mentioned to be living happily and/or normally, usually thanks to said person and thats just it. I wasn't really expecting our child FL to do anything amazing, especially since she's a just an ordinary kid but its still a cute story to read.

There are a couple of things here and there that is a bit lacking. Pacing is a little fast (but again things would probably be different if the FL was the mom)

Our FL's story is still a touching one since we get to see our innocent child FL's dream of having a happy family slowly fulfilling and is finally receiving the love and affection she always wanted from her mother. Some would say they would rather have a story in which the child grows away from the mom due to the mom's former toxic self but lets not forget, the FL is literally an innocent kid who's world revolves around her only parent despite the fact they are toxic to them, which im sure there are also complicated cases like that in rl.

Its not really a story for everyone. There are things here that other people might found questionable or unsatisfying but its a nice story of the pov of the regressor's daughter so I'm all in. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly I was expecting some sort of mother-daughter bonding story and the mom trying to make up for her abuse and neglect towards her absolutely adorable daughter but all I got was a workaholic mom who busied herself with business and ... more>>

f*ed with the emperor she's swore to have only married through contract


There where times where they bond together but it only lasts like what, 1 day because she comes back to work and or

bond with the emperor and whatnot

. I genuinely liked Lilyca and I think she deserved a bit more compensation than a kiss in the cheek and tuck in the bed type.

The way Lilyca dies in the past life was absolutely heartbreaking, having to hide her mother from getting captured and got herself taken instead, and when she was about to be hanged, her mother's only thought was that Lilyca would never reveal her location and watched as her daughter gave her a smile on her final moment.
She online regretted it when she was dying herself and when she learnt that the reason why she returned to the past was because of Lilyca's final wish to make her mother well (or sumn idk I read mtl), it was so satisfying to see her grieve. Though I wished she could've shown more remorse about the daughter that loved her enough to die for her


All in all pretty disappointing, I know the title talks about her mother entering a marriage contract and all but after knowinh it was a "time fix-it" story I expected more improvement between their relationship.

Only redeeming quality for me was Lilyca and Athil having the most adorable sister-brother relationship.

P.S. Please don't take my review as the reason why u wont read this story. This is my opinion and its better for you to read it yourself and evaluate the story. <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 10, 2023
Status: c25
I don't like the MC or the mother. Lydia seems to ignore the abuse she has done before, not even properly apologizing for it. And Lylica just lets everything happen to her, being the ever so forgiving protagonist (which I'm reaaaaally tired of by now, it's like they are going to die if they show just a bit of anger or resentment). The author says she is mature for her age but honestly sometimes I wondered whether she was eight or four during reading.
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Dec 22, 2023
Status: c68
I want to write a review in defense of the mother. Not saying the mother doesn't have her flaws just that she is a bit more complex of a character then just a suddenly good previously bad mom. Same goes for the MC

majors spoiler to give a bit of context

... more>>

The world is filled with people who has their blood mixed with plants/animal and the MC is the last remaining "real human" allowing her to use magic. MC is powerful because the typical pure heart. The mother was regressed back in time by the MC's magic after the mothers made MC pervious life (?) miserable/was the cause of her death (kinda? A bit more complex then that but ya) and now the MC is tied to fate (basically drawn to the plot)


    • MC did not regress back in time, only the mother did. Even if the mother explained to MC about what she did before the regression, MC is unlikely to believe her due to the alcoholism. So even if the mother gave a proper apology to her about the action in the previous timeline MC can't understand the weight of the apology. So I don't find it strange the daughter immediately accepts the apology. MC is clearly abused but it is well established that she thinks of her mother like a goddess. That does not mean the previous neglect is forgotten and it does not make the mother a good mom after the regression.
    • The daughter on multiple occasions distrust and even goes against her mother's judgment (especially early on)

      MC trying to stop the mother to go to the ball, deciding on a escort, merchant scam

      Because of this the mother tries hard to build up her reputation and seem more reliable to her.
    • The mother clearly cares and is overprotective of her daughter

      Because she knows the future trying to get rid of the escort who rampaged previously, the hunting festival where she thought of locking her up in a tower until the day she died previously, trying to distance the emperor and MC early on

    • Her struggles from her previous life is not gone. When we get her perspective you can she how her old way of thinking is not gone, but works to not act on them and tries to be more flexible/understand her daughter

      thinking of locking her up in a tower, in the escort situation there was a line where she said "why don't you listen to me mother knows best", the alcoholism is seldomly mentioned but there is mentions of her avoidance of it, also the situation where she stole the silver coin

    • She stole a silver coin from her but soon returned it. She then explained her action to her daughter and apologized properly. I don't know if prioritizing MC's safety over emotion makes her a good or bad parent but that's a debate for another day.
    • It isn't right that most of the time it's the daughter visiting her mother but it is clear that she is extremely busy and cherishes her visit. Even plans after the contract to spend one on one time once she knows the future is secured.

      Also the first few visit turned down due to night wrestling seems bad but its made clear that the mother didn't trust the emperor and probably doing it out of appeasement more then pleasure

5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 02, 2024
Status: c1
hmmm how to describe this... The novel is good. Very unique. It's on the POV of those whose family member is a regressor. Reading it makes me feel sympathy and realism of those who are adjusting to the sudden changes of the regressor. While their acts before regression cannot be forgotten, they still inflicted trauma and unconscious mistrust from the children.

I admit, the MC's mom is frustrating and makes me mad — because she is not perfect and acted like the POV of many mother regressor novels. While she did... more>> many amazing things in the country, she still has those old habits that even as a reader felt like gaslighting their children despite really caring for them.

The Emperor, we can say he is the ML of the story of the MC's Mom. He is very supportive and despite looking indifferent, we can see that he too, has made a mistake for raising Atil, the eldest, because of his lack of knowledge in parenting.

Again, Both characters are Imperfect and its okay for us readers to be frustrated with the story. But because of those traits they shown to be more "human" or becoming human. Even with experience or long lifespan, there are still room to learn.

I havent finished the novel, but I hope the story would give depth to the plot and not only family and world building. <<less
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Jan 13, 2024
Status: --
Came here from the manhwa cause the art was beautiful and the premise was interesting.

The idea of the mom going back in time is interesting as we can see the MC struggle to believe that her mom has really changed. It's interesting cause it shows how jarring and unbelievable the sudden change can be from outsider pov.

The MC's character is believable cause she's an 8 yr old kid and wants to see the best of her parent. Lord knows how many times I've turned a blind eye to my dad's... more>> toxic behaviour cause I wanted to be loved.

Here though the good things end. The MC literally has no goals cause she's a kid who finally gets some peace and stability in life which she didn't have before. It makes sense that she doesn't have dreams beyond survival at first cause of her hard life. But this makes it very hard to continue reading about MC's fluffy life cause the other characters have so much more in stake.

Overall I liked the outsider pov to a time traveling person idea.

Other than that it's meh 2.8 stars <<less
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