My Matchmaking Partner is The School’s Top Beauty. She Seems Serious But Is Actually A Spoiled Girl At Home


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The main character, Hirase Yuzuki, is a high school student who has to go on an arranged marriage to take over the family business when his older brother runs away to study abroad.

He doesn’t want to accept the arranged marriage that his parents have set up for him, but then, Kashiwagi Yukina, His classmate and the school’s top beauty, appears.

[I fell in love with you at first sight! Please marry me!] […Yes?]

…Huh? It’s a completely different impression from the one at school…

And so, begins my life together with Yukina.

I wonder what’s going to happen…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Omiai no Aite wa Gakkou 1 no Bishoujo. Majime-sou na Kanojo wa Ie de wa Amaetagari na Onnanoko deshita
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EzuRa rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: c20
Alright, translator here, I just want to let everyone know that the raws for this series has been nuked, for whatever reason. So for that reason, I will not translate this series until it comes back, whenever that is.

All I can say about this story is it's extremely cute, sweet, but hella unrealistic, but at this point, WNs tend to be like that. I enjoyed reading it for a while, liked it a lot, and was enthusiastic about translating it. Well things happen I guess.

That's all from me.
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October 16, 2022
Status: --
The prologue feels like it’s a carbon copy, borderline plagiarism, from the novel of sakuragi sakura, which also has the premise of match making with a classmate.

Then after the prologue is a time skip into a future full of flirting... what? I’m glad the TLs ended there because I don’t know how the raw was able to drag out to 20+ chapters.
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