My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~


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Living carefree at home is the greatest shortcut—- My house is the world’s greatest magic power spot, that being the case both my house and I were summoned to another world by some guys who were aiming for it. However, I’ve been living in this place for many years and my body is, apparently, abnormally overflowing with magic. Due to some unforeseen circumstances by those guys who summoned me, they quickly ran away. Be that as it may, there are some ill-mannered people who covet the magic leaking out of my house. I won’t give up my house to those people! I’m going to wield my power as I please!

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Ore no Ie ga Maryoku Spot Datta Ken ~ Sundeiru dake de Sekai Saikyou ~
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44 Reviews sorted by

Silvertin rated it
August 7, 2016
Status: c31
This is a nice happy, casual, and heartwarming story similar to Death march, and that is one of the things I love about it. Similar to Satou our protagonist experiments with what he can do with his magic power, lives in his house with... his house (the pink haired girl in the picture) Her name is Sakura (hope that isn't considered a spoiler! I mean, she is in the picture, she gets revealed in the first chapter and all.) Its a really laid back story really, and that's good.

The protagonist... more>> is OP to the high heavens like Satou too, Noisy outside? Yell and create shock waves powerful enough to blow them all away! <<less
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LordGrim102 rated it
December 5, 2018
Status: c211
Its so-so I guess. The novel has many plot holes and awkward logic in the way especially on the MC. It would be a great slice of life wish fulfillment if not for those problems.

Firstly the MC is ignoring common sense. Its not like he has no common sense but he just intentionally ignoring common sense. I mean not in a figure of speech common sense but literally common sense... sense. Think about it for a little and he will know the root of the problem. Most of the misunderstandings... more>> are cause of MC ignoring common sense. I think that the author wants it to be funny but it only creates a badly written conversations and low quality MC.

For the story well it is quite ordinary in terms of events. Its eventful but not excessively.

For other characters well seriously I think other characters after meeting MC wants to get stronger and I think it is really ridiculous of a reason but yeah what can I do, author wants it to be the reason. But I think there are better ways and reason to do other things as a goal. Also there's this very japanese thought process that they never really want to explain a misunderstanding to correct it or does they even bother to let the person know what they are.

All in all I will give this novel a mercy and rate it 3 stars for ordinary story sequence but that's all. In my opinion the story is literally not entertaining. It's all easy when MC is there and saves the day but he never intends for them to save but only in the process of his actions and all but its get old when it happens again and again and again. Please spare me the hellish rinse and repeat if you have no better story to write then end the novel for goodness sake.

Lastly this novel doesn't pass as a slice of life especially the comedy please tear it down and remove it completely cause its really bad. The author doesn't know how to make a comedy. The action is one sided beating of the enemy. The fantasy is having magic and dragons??? that's all for fantasy, there's no magic mechanics and the magic that I read are mostly fire, water, earth, wind, golem, spirits, transformation and magic amplification the end. Harem? is there harem in this novel? I don't think so. They all just fawn on the MC for no reason or for shallow reason (seriously that's why japanese people have low birth rate because they are childish when it comes to romance). Also the MC only recognize only his magic spot spirit (house) as his partner and nothing else, so harem is a no-no at least at chapter 200. <<less
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dieseldargon rated it
September 19, 2018
Status: c137
This is not a deep story. The plot is barely extant, the characters are so flat they're practically one dimensional, and the main character is so powerful that there will literally never be a reason for him or anyone around him to change and grow. Its a total wish fulfillment train, the main character can do anything, has power beyond reporach, gets to f*ck his house (uh, house spirit I mean) and nothing bad ever happens to him. That said, sometimes it's fun to read a mediocre story in which... more>> the main character is blatantly overpowered and definitely doesn't have a piss fetish. (Wait what?)

Most of the credit for this story being decent has to go to the translator. The translation on this is really well executed, the writing flows very nicely, making for an enjoyable and easy read. I'd say that if you have a day to kill, give this a read. <<less
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ajmc93 rated it
January 6, 2018
Status: c141
Hovers between mediocre and average. Here's a summary of the story: Daily life of an aimless overpowered hikikomori. There's a kind of light hearted and simple feeling to it, that might just be laziness on the author's part.

Overall, feels like a downgraded version of Ainana Hiro's Death March.
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SeventhTale rated it
April 3, 2017
Status: c44
I expect this one to be a slice of life kind of novel and it is, but it seems everything is half assed to me. I rarely gave low rating in jp novel especially if it's slice of life, but this one is ughhhh...

If I summarize the story it'll go like this:
"A man and a house got transported in otherworld, came to know that the man has a huge magic, and grow apples while driving away every annoying existence."

Everything the MC did became admirable for others, though he's just a lazy bum staying in his house, not surprised when transported to otherworld, everything is so easy for him. The witch princess sees him fighting to protect his house, and she found it admirable that he is fighting for protecting something, even she herself is going to fight while letting the citizen run away.

I endured up to chapter 44 but because there's no interesting thing happens except from the main plot of the volume. Slice of life should at least relaxing to read. This one is one of those annoying transport world/harem.
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Thormation rated it
July 2, 2016
Status: c25
If you are looking for a farcical slice-of-life story about a guy with a godlike OP level who stays in his (sentient) house all day and is thick as a lead brick, then this is the story for you!

If not, then run for the hills. This series defies the logic of common sense, even WN common sense. 25 chapters in, there have only been 5 named characters, not including the MC who has not actually been named. His name is not important, it seems. All we, the readers, need to... more>> know about him is that he was a Japanese salaryman that lived alone in his house, and one day he woke up and he and his house were in the middle of a fantasyland forest, and his house was also a hot chick that wanted to be boned by the MC, because reasons. And in the first chapter, he defeats an entire invading force, simply by yelling at them.

You will need a strong love of the ludicrous to appreciate this series. If you have that, then you might find this a pleasant distraction, as the chapters are fairly short and preposterously easy to read. <<less
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sgrey rated it
July 5, 2018
Status: c189
There is no overarching story here, just a comedy about OP shut-in who doesn't want to go out of his house. MC starts off apathetic and kind of dumb, then because the story requires him to actually do things, he becomes a bit less apathetic but is still dumb. Overall it starts off somewhat interesting but becomes increasingly boring after about first 30 or 40 chapters. All of the bad things that can potentially happen have no impact because MC is so OP that there is no danger and you... more>> know he will solve the problem super quick. He is kind of shutting himself out of the world, so he exists in his own bubble. His personality is really non-existent, other than he sleeps all the time. The novel soon loses any merit in reading it because there is just one pattern that happens all the time, and the same one or two gags that reused over and over again. It just becomes a bother to read. The novel has many good elements, but they are wasted. There was a potential to be a pretty good comedy, but at this point, it is unlikely to happen. Still, it's not the worst novel out there. <<less
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MagneticMagnet rated it
June 5, 2018
Status: c180
House magic is a blatant wish fulfillment novel that doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Our MC got broken OP power one day when he woke up after being transferred into another world. He uses this strength to laze at home while pretty girls who yearn for him take care of him and give him stuff. MC has zero interest in the fact his house had been transferred to another world and there's a dragon in his back yard. He just chases it off and goes back to sleep. And that's... more>> what you can expect of him for the rest of the story.

The other characters are nothing special either, though the wandcrafter girl and her friends are passable. Maybe it's because some of them get at least a little character development, unlike the rest.

Storywise there's a simple story that gives a reason to add more characters and our MC a chance to conveniently happen to be around to solve whatever problems the others can't handle. Also, most chapters include a line where someone complements MC's power whether he's nearby or not. The chapters are short but at least the author does think a little about the whole story, as seen in the foreshadowing in the beginning of every volume.

Who should read it? Anyone looking for a wish fulfillment novel. It's pretty good for what it is. Maybe for the girls. But for anything else... just skip it. <<less
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Sai47s rated it
February 23, 2017
Status: c56
Another story with an interesting beginning, but in the end the author has failed to develop an interesting continuation. The result is a lazy and unleavened hero - a homebody, who only does that bounces from small enemies. Simply put a story about everyday life in the wizarding world. Heroes have a lot of strength from the start, but do not use it to achieve a greater goal or another interesting way. The characters and the characters are not very interesting and noteworthy. A positive aspect is the fraction of... more>> humor in this story. Rate this work is completely justified, and there is not something to be done. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
January 11, 2017
Status: c47
Giving it 5 stars is far too much. It hasn't been 15 chapters and there's already a s*x scene! No romantic feelings has the MC developed. The heroine Sakura feels more like a s*ave and I have not felt attached to this character at all. It feels like the Author fails in making a good "old fashion house wife" since all she's there is to look cute.

I do love that hes a typical dense OP but there has to be a limit on how ignorant he can be. I love... more>> the summary of the story and its interesting but there's hardly a plot! And so far the story hasn't gone anywhere. There's no World building and some of the ideas of creating OP home is crappy. I was really expecting more...

I do enjoy reading this Japanese novel so far though. Its a lighthearted read and Hesty adorableness makes it worth it! But really sometimes it feels like a little kid wrote this...

I fear that he will have s*x with Hesty next. The MC obviously will need to raise a heir one day and have a kid but he can't with Sakura... There has been no tag of Polygamy yet. If he does ill certainly drop this! The story would had been better without Sakura probably. I also hate how he treats well the Princess, the very girl who summoned him! Does he not feel angry or anything towards her?

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slay_mithos rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c10
Completely happy go lucky story of a shut in that is overpowered as hell.

Fairly entertaining as a brainless comedy, but worth very little in term of an actual story.

Characters are under developed, explanations are very sparse, short chapters without any build-up, and not-so-hidden s*xual innuendo (with his house no less...) are the main "bad" points.

... more>> if you read it just as a side story thing, it's good enough, but if you want an actual story with characters, plot, world building and so on, it's not here that you will find it.

As a result, I give it a 3 for "average", but depending on how you approach it, it could very much be 2 (the only "nice" thing is that it's short comedy in the style of a side story for any of your usual novel), or a 4 (because it's still entertaining if that's what you were looking for). <<less
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Weslykan rated it
July 2, 2016
Status: c25
I like this a lot... I mean yeah it's got clichés but the MC isn't a wimp and he does as he pleases. It's a good laugh and an enjoyable slow paced story so far and I'm looking forward to seeing if there are adventures in store.
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Oblos rated it
June 16, 2023
Status: c254
I hate to admit it but... nothing happens. This is not like in a metaphorical sense like some neat plot idea, or even intentional like a slice of life.

Nothing happens. Like, I think 35% of the series as of now is taken on a single beach trip. It is actually incredible just how f*cking slogged and awful the author's pacing is. The series also does not deserve a good portion of its tags, as some of them have no consequence.

I.e. pregnancy among others. He bangs a spirit and she gets... more>> "pregnant" by spawning materials to use. So like, is one of the dude's bathrooms or shovels one of his kids screaming in existential agony?

Idek, and neither dles the author.

I don't really have any decent comparisons, even your run of the mill garbage isekai gets more done is forced exposition by chapter 5 than this series did by chapter 50, or at the rate it was going, chapter 500.

TLDR: very skippable, not recommended, just read a garbage isekai and imagine a house girl in the mindless harem instead. <<less
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Nevermore101 rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: c254
I liked it. If your looking for something light-hearted and in no way serious, then I recommend this. However, if your looking for something serious, look somewhere else.

The overall premise isn’t bad but it’s taken in a weird direction toward the beginning. Furthermore, I cant say i’m too big a fan of the main character. Still, its a fun read for people who just want something easy going and fun. Its like a weird version of An A-Ranked Adventurer’s Slow-Life.

although, I have to say the manga went way extra in... more>> their character designs. 😅 <<less
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Nvelist rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: c196
This is a great story. A nice relaxation from such other stories that goes intense and battle mania.

I get it that some get bored over this but that because there less danger and action here for to take.

Basically its a warm up good slice of life.

... more>> Hot and cold, warm and dry feeling. Necessity to some wanted a peaceful recluse life.

That's where this story tells.

The protagonist is an OP character. Not the means to use the power he has over to annoying things like take over the world or such or destiny sliding down and up. No destiny here for him to go varying pointless drama, genre, saga and blah blah blah. So without those annoying fate, only sight living humbly and peaceful.

Of course there's a taste of harem but not there yet for the protagonist to go taste the girls. His faithful somehow to his housewife Sakura, the house spirit. Cutely and interesting interaction but him is slightly dense over the other girls feelings for him. Well he ain't wimpy since he's a man of honor, honoring his housewife to various nights.

Either way a good and great novel. No doubt a plot of no annoying clandestine world threat and such. Just simple life of a godlike MC. <<less
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BrotherofHavok rated it
June 30, 2018
Status: c148
A real quick & dirty story to read. If you want an slice-of-life OP MC who can't even begin to use his powers efficiently because he has too much mana than this is the story for you. Otherwise if you're looking for serious plots, character development and an actual world building story than this is not for you.
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dragonmage124 rated it
December 29, 2017
Status: c139
Well lets start with no plot even after 139 chapters you get nothing in terms of plot.

Now lets talk about the story world... ok not enough to tell you other then he somehow went to a different world and so far as we know he is in some kingdom outside some town ran by the a princess (just because of her magic power and oh ya she is great at paper work) near (few days travel) a fort known for the amount of dungeons near/under it and a local nest... more>> of dragons (less than a days flight) that do not trouble the town/fort people (but they fly and bug the MC just because he radiates magic like a walking nuke).

Now the MC personality... none and I mean none he eats he sleeps and he is very intimate with the spirit of his house (to the point the house grows more rooms often since that seems to be the running joke of housebirth) and he builds stuff just so he can be lazier... and like a normal jap story he is denser then <insert densest intergalactic object here> in terms of EQ as several girls all but strip crawl into his bed (since the house spirit does not count as a person as she is the house in every sense of the word only due to 'reasons' she can manifest a human body to move around inside herself or to leave her real body to walk around).

And lastly the wealth the MC masses in days is more then the local towns treasury and he gets all that wealth mainly selling apple juice. <<less
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Adastria Lillith
elhessan rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c51
This isn't as bad as the other say nor is as exceptional. Yes the idea is unusual, but the execution is poor. If you want serious reading, this is not for you. If you want to see a self-satisfaying novel for wasting your time, you may read this. 3 stars from me

And while some people feel annoyed by the fetish that they say the author had, I do think it's annoying if you don't share the same fetish as the author do. But hey, it's not a reason to give... more>> a bad rating, I mean I hate NTR (netorare and netori alike), so I just need to avoid those kind of novel. I think NU needs to add Fetish tag so that people can avoid the type of fetish that they cannot stand. <<less
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Kin rated it
August 29, 2017
Status: --
The title alone explained everything.

Our MC act like doesnt even care/realize how powerful he became.

Yes, harem lol. But it seem he only loyal to his own house' (sakura) atm.


i can tell you 1 thing, unlike other op japanese MC, he is bold enough to fuxk his own house and got pregnant' lol.


P/S - my vote should be 3+ stars but changed it to 5 due to bad 1 star rating.
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ldiefeaith00 rated it
June 9, 2017
Status: c79
I dont know why other reader give this 1 or 2 star... but I guess it just the preferences in the genre of the story... in my opinion it seems okay if you like OP MC then this is one those story... but the negative side is the story has no plot.... so its kinda like doraemon with a different story everytime but still maintains the connection everytime... it also kinda like a slice of life because the MC is lazy and dont want to move a lot so maybe... more>> this is the reason others dropped this novel it just that the problem keeps happening around him even if he doesnt want to... its might look like a coincedence that its happening around so he just have no choice and he forcibly act to save the day... so thats the kind of story this is... with a action sort of style using wood style magic even if theres so many kind of magic around there this is one I am confused though.. he has this unlimited source of power but I dont know why the author sticks with just making golem and wood type magic... maybe this is also one of the reason why the readers dislike it lack of imagination of what type of magic hes using... but if you would like to read this just out of curiosity then I guess its not all a waste of time it has this sort of "fuwa fuwa" feels in the story. <<less
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