My Father in Law is Lu Bu


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Cosplayer Liu Mang accidentally crosses through time and arrived at the Eastern Han Dynasty wearing Aries Gold Cloth. (Saint Seiya!) He arrived on top of the walls of XiaPi right when it was about to fall to Cao Cao.

“Don’t kill me bro; I’m not working for boss Cao!”

“Hey! You’re slashing the wrong person! Boss Lu’s underlings are there! Not me!”

He accidentally saved Lu Bu who was tied up by Song Xian. He accidentally became the son in law of Lu Bu. He accidentally changed the history of the Three Kingdoms period.

When aluminum cast Gold Cloths are worn by generals like Zhang Liao and Gao Shun during the Eastern Han Dynasty, glistering on their bodies… When the soldiers in the camps are sporting mechanical crossbows… When crossbreeding of rice plants appeared on Lu Bu’s territory…

Liu Mang knows that a world belonging to Lu is coming.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Influence Building
  3. Protagonist has S E X list pt2
  4. Harem novels
  5. MY reads -_-

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/05/22 EndlessFantasy c554
11/28/22 EndlessFantasy c553
11/25/22 EndlessFantasy c552
11/07/22 EndlessFantasy c550
10/31/22 EndlessFantasy c549
10/24/22 EndlessFantasy c548
10/17/22 EndlessFantasy c547
10/10/22 EndlessFantasy c546
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09/05/22 EndlessFantasy c540-541
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33 Reviews sorted by

Bai rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: --
I'd say the author doing a decent job about the detail of history set-up (much better than Ryuurouden which I really cannot called it a ROTK story, it's fun don't get me wrong but as an aspect of detail it's really more like a fantasy based more than history based)

As for the cheat ability I'm ok with it, I kinda like this kind of story where MC didn't faced much trouble as the story go on. It might due to my past reading which more intense and heart-broken (they... more>> don't get translated into English much so many people in this site might not know about them). People who bored about the ridiculous lucky MC and hate this kind of story might be because it's the most translated genre and they read these kind of novel too much.

All and all I recommend this novel for those who didn't 'bored' these type of novel which kinda happy-go-lucky MC. It's fun, It have enough detail to keep it not too plain.

Sorry for my (very) bad english m (_ __ m) I'm not even close to native speaker. <<less
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Molenir rated it
April 27, 2016
Status: --
When I first started reading this, I really enjoyed it. It seemed to be a fresh take on this kind of story. Normal people, fighting back in the warring states period, a time traveler, who armed with knowledge of future events forced into a marriage. Interesting and fun. And for the first 100 or so chapters it was. Most of the recent chapters however have been bogged down with extremely detailed fighting. Hack, slash etc. Sorry, but I've grown bored with it. I basically skimmed the last 30 chapters, and... more>> hardly felt I'd missed anything.

I'll wait til another 50 chapters are translated, before I give it another shot. <<less
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Kal-El__ rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c6
If you are looking for historical accuracy and logic then it would be better if you ignore this novel. This novel is funny and has a pretty good translation, it's for a guilty pleaser reading only.
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Dollaaaa rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c5
I’m usually one with a high tolerance for novels. Usually I can bear when things that don’t make sense occur up to a certain point. This novel passed that point within 5 chapters. ... more>>

So MC is a normal guy in the modern day. He’s a cosplayer, and the story starts with him getting beat up at a convention and inexplicably being transported to the three kingdoms. This premise was intriguing so I decided to keep reading. Fast forward a couple chapters and MC is given temporary command of a group of soldiers. A soldier speaks to the MC and says he wants to go and follow his general (Lu Bu) as he thinks the general is going straight to his death. MC decided to just kill him on the spot for speaking back to him and lops his head off. Another 2 soldiers show some anger at their comrades death (mind you, they didn’t rise up against MC or anything) and get killed by the MC as well. For one, the soldiers were in the right. Imagine some random skinny kid speaking in a completely different manner from you comes and is suddenly your leader. You’re obviously not going to be completely convinced right away. The soldiers not treating him as their true leader made a lot of sense. The MC killing them like that without blinking an eye didn’t make sense at all. This is a guy from modern society who was in school literally hours ago...


Most of the time I don’t review novels without completing them or catching up to the current translation but I couldn’t read this one. Interesting premise but the story from what I’ve seen just doesn’t make sense. <<less
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hidadsek rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: 340
Reading up to chapter 340. I try reading some genres that I don't like (Nationalism, ruthless...) to have a different point of view but honestly, it is still bad.

MC Personality: 2/5. If he is in the modern world, he should be a psychopath. Killing his own soldier right after travelling to another world is really crazy (even if the reason is sound). He is also mass-killing a lot. There is also a problem with his thinking that only the Han suffers in war while not considering that the Han also... more>> causes other people suffering. Well, typical nationalism. It is also little to no change in his personality except something about wanting to become strong. Overall, if he is a normal Chinese, I think the world should join hand and destroy China because it is a land full of dangerous psychopaths.

Other character development: 2/5. I like Lubu character development but the rest is just too obscure. Even Lu Linqui who should have had some special characteristic is just too mediocre. Their love is also quite dry and unromantic.

Plot: 2/5: no good. The fighting is mostly just fighting spirit or using advanced technology. No special strategy or plot twist.

Viewpoint based on the OG RoT3K: 4/5 Except the part about Liu Bei, I think it is a very good illustration of the OG novel. The idea of abolishing the noble is also good. Characters biology is described quite well.

Overall not a good novel for people looking for strategy/plot twist, character development or romance. Just read when you don't have anything better to read or to try something you hate like me. <<less
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7starkiller99 rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: Completed
warning: lackluster ending

This is a strange time travel system novel but mainly in the Three Kingdoms fictional time period.

Now about our Main Character: the guy is a complete tr*sh male who was an otaku who transferred from the modern era.

... more>> The battles have momentary flashes of good writing but often bore to death. MC fluctuates from a guy who mu*ders innocent families to the last human to a pe*verted young master.

There’s casual Chinese racism, but that’s sort of what you’d expect I guess from these sort of web novels.

The main problem with the novel is the sheer boredom of reading Wikipedia like copy paste segments on Three Kingdom characters.

Besides this, the MC is drunk or drugged not once but three times so he can have s*x with ancient Chinese beauties. Usually they’re wives of someone else so MC becomes a cuckold expert.

There’s no follow up or including of the female characters except Lu Bu’s daughter who leaves, almost gets Lu Bu killed, and almost makes MC lose a city.

To add to the bad stuff, every single major battle is utterly irrational, the Three Kingdom characters have random (out of nowhere) Wuxia like internal strength that is unexplained, and everything jumps around like crazy. There’s no sense of going from one place to another.

There’s so much more wrong with the novel, like MC being seen as a wise commander for his horrible military tactics, a lot of really s*upid city sieges with improbable numbers and defenders, and a complete BS look at how much grain one needs and hundreds of chapters spent on getting some grain when they should have starved ages ago.

All in all, the novel ends up being a jumbled boring mess that you can skip through to find a few fun moments

Like where MC uses his cosplay armor to defeat ancient soldiers or when he burns down the entire lake with oil or him simply flaunting his status

but it’s ruined by all the random nonsensical whining MC has about his wives and his pitiful inability to talk to women when the author dictates & the dumbest moments like when MC fools a guy into thinking he’s Zhang Fei.

Horrible novel 1/5 <<less
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not2complex rated it
April 24, 2018
Status: c288
I do not understand why this novel is rated at least in the top 25 (maybe its just preference). I actually love this novel and constantly check for updates. Thank you to the person who started translating the novel again. The original translation that I started with only updated 1 chapter a month and it was torture. The new translator is consistent with about 4 a month.

In the novel, the MC basically only has 1 cheat which has a lot of potential if used wisely. However, "the cheat" doesn't make... more>> him OP. I looked at "the cheat" as merely a way to make up for the fact that he is already in his 20's when he transfers. The novel is realistic so don't expect a miracle every second. However, there is a consistent tension from the battles and conspiracies. <<less
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fhomme rated it
August 28, 2017
Status: c250
This story is good and very pleasant to read.

The authors not bad and knows a lot of stuffs about the three kingdoms and is good to see his point of view.

Of course, life other authors, he likes to fill his novel with a lot of redundant informations and wihout a lot of patience you can hate him to core to repeat 20 times every 10 chapters that Lu Bu is a strong tiger, incredible god of war...

... more>> It would be a very good story without the time travelling device...

Seriously what is this sh**t ?

And the novel lacks antagonists.


It is a bad thing to have Zhuge Liang one of MC support, he is like a cheat code...

Winning a war against Zhuge Liang is more thrilling...

To have Zhao Yun and Xu Shu is enough :/

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justmehere rated it
January 23, 2016
Status: --
Are you tired of reading xianxia where the MC is op as fvck?

Well this is the novel for you, btw, this is wuxia.

Some pointers on what to expect on this novel:
Brainy MC
OP father in law (which does not ruin the MC story)
On that note, this novel goes on and on about chinese history. So if you dont like rotk, you might be put of about 20% of the time.
Despite the overbearing father in law, the MC succeed in not getting killed for maintaining his harem.
Oh btw, the MC is beyond weak at first. He describe it himself, if the generals at that time has 70 war strength, his is about 5. Hell I think his soldiers are stronger.
The plot armor helps him a lot (the literal one)

Overall, I score this about 85/100
Good read, good hook.
Have some problems focusing on some story due to the grandeur scope of rotk.
In the end, the good outweigh the bad by a lot.
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Astrals rated it
January 20, 2016
Status: --
Interesting at first but gets boring because the main character only appears one in every five chapters later on.
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SrPyro rated it
December 28, 2015
Status: --
Overall Score: 42.5/50 – 85%

Hook Score: 4/5*

Development Score: 4/5

... more>> Story Score: 4.5/5

Style Score: 5/5

Grammar Score: 4/5

Originality Score: 4.5/5

Description Score: 4.5/5

Main Character Score: 4/5**

Side Characters Score: 4/5

Antagonists Score: 4/5

*: Never read a story that starts in a convention, has a MC that gets mistaken as mol*ster and beaten up for nothing. Point taken for being sent to another world for absolutely no reason given.

**: He’s spineless against a female tyrant, but doesn’t hesitate to kill 3 men without blinking and is somehow able to lead an army!?! Illogical gap. Likeable character though.

Description: The MC is forced to cosplay by the local tyrant (a girl btw) at his school and in exchange, she helps him meet girls. In a convention, she talks with him about help meeting girls and he accidentally blurts that he would be fine with her. She blushes then flares up and he runs from fear of being beaten up. In her rage, she calls him out loud, but his name sounds similar to mol*ster which is quite the taboo in conventions (and everywhere else tbh). MC gets chased and beaten up after being misunderstood as a mol*ster. Somehow, he’s sent to another world without any explanation or reason given. The new world appears to be ancient China. Saves Lu Bu and changes the fate of the war. Strength: Unexpected developments

Weakness: Unexplained plot devices (like time travel)

Latest Chapter Read for Review: 20 <<less
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deuspiscatores rated it
December 7, 2015
Status: --
the MC in this series is a chicken loser, but I find it fun.

I like when the MC that actualy is a frightened chicken in the end help Lu Bu to survive the battle in the first battle when MC transport to the past time. It give me new light about the MC.

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xtinct11 rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c178
Firstly, I think the novel could have a lot of potential but the inconsistency of the translation is annoying, The translation is sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Secondly, Different POV is good and all but I think there is too many, The MC had So little of a screen time, sometimes he doesn't look like the MC at all.

Overall my Rating for 3 is because of the translation
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