My Cute Boyfriend’s Delicious Recipe


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Tamura Takashi is Shima Kuuga’s lover. Tamura’s been thinking about Shima-san for a long while, and he’s finally managed to make him his lover, but Shima-san turns out to be a bit more pure than he’d thought, and things aren’t going quite as Tamura imagined. The two of them lead quite the laid-back life. (Shima-san’s feelings, after he decided to go out with Tamura.)

– sequel to “Cute s*x Friend, Devilish Best Friend”
– there is one more entry in this series, called A Cute Devil’s Sweet Nectar, which i’ll also be doing.

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Related Series
Cute S*x Friend, Devilish Best Friend (Prequel)
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  1. Next Reading List 6

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/27/23 Foxaholic 18 c38
11/26/23 Foxaholic 18 c37
11/25/23 Foxaholic 18 c36
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11/18/23 Foxaholic 18 c29
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11/16/23 Foxaholic 18 c27
11/15/23 Foxaholic 18 c26
11/14/23 Foxaholic 18 c25
11/13/23 Foxaholic 18 c24
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