Cute S*x Friend, Devilish Best Friend


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Yoshiyuki Kagura and Takashi Tamura have been close since high school – not just close, they’ve been sleeping together. Their relationship has continued, as loosely defined as ever, even now that they’ve started working at the same place. The two of them lead quite the laid-back life.

(a sort of slice-of-life tale about Tamura and Kagura’s relationship and how it changes as they head into their thirties. very smutty, with dashes of humor and seriousness for flavor. also, there are two sequels that i will be picking up. (^_^) )

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My Cute Boyfriend’s Delicious Recipe (Sequel)
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January 30, 2024
Status: c76
Just like the relationship between these two friends, my feelings on this story are complicated. To be honest there is drama in the story, it's just that it's all relationship drama. My genuine reaction to the end was me going "What?... what. WHAT?!?!" out loud because I honestly didn't expect the story to end the way it did. It's really hard to give a proper review without spoilers so I'll hide most of it but just to note, if you read the summary of the sequel you'll basically understand what... more>> was the result/ending.


I really didn't expect that the story would end up with these two NOT dating??? I was absolutely bamboozled, I sat there flabbergasted because it's been a looong time since I've seen a pairing mentioned in the summary and kinda hinted that they'll be together, only for it to genuinely not end up that way.

See, a big portion of the drama between these two is the fact that TT feels that no one could genuinely hold down his best friend YK while simultaneous feeling possessive of YK himself, getting upset when he sees YK playfully flirt with their team leader. On the other hand, YK thinks that he's undeserving of love, but he genuinely loves TT and wants him to be with someone better than himself. Because of his low self esteem, he continuously pushes TT into pursuing Shima-san after he notices TT's growing attraction to him. Like I said, if you read the summary to the sequel you'll know what happens and it was a shock, but after letting it sit; I think I actually appreciate how realistic this ending is. After all, if you keep pushing people to others, then obviously they would end up with another.

The story itself isn't bad either, both YK and TT actually act like adults and have depth to them. You see how they both care for the other pretty deeply but refuse to dance beyond the boundary of "casual" and into "serious" in their relationship, and they both accept the consequences of their actions like adults when they happen. I quite like how the story shows how just because two people love each other, doesn't mean they'll end up together.


Overall this is a slice-of-life office story mixed with a ton of complicated relationship drama that actually feels realistic with realistic outcomes. It's not a bad story, I was desperately trying to get to the end because I wanted to see how their relationship would be like in the end, but I do think the ending might rub some people the wrong way. The story is very reminiscent of a josei manga or live-action love drama in written form, which might not be everyone's cup of tea. However if you appreciate stories that follow realism or logic, I think you'd enjoy this one. <<less
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January 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Okay, I've also finished reading the sequel, and oooh booyyyy, sheet, let's just say that I'm flabbergasted, confused, exasperated, and quite possibly, bamboozled.

Now I'm sad. So sad :')

I will not say much, just that don't get too atached to the two main characters, no they did not die, it's a very slice-of-life novel, with no drama (god how I wish that there's at least SOME drama), it's just that.... Just... Omg, I'm heart broken. Ugh, sob.
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