My Childhood Friend, Who I Promised to Marry in the Future, Came Back as a Swordsman


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A certain boy, Fate, had a close childhood friend who promised to marry him. However, due to her parents’ circumstances, she moves far away from him. Fate dreams of seeing her again, and aims to become a strong adventurer to become the man worthy of her. He joins an A-rank party, but he is tricked into signing a s*ave contract. The days are like hell, being overworked every day. Then one day…

“You are truly useless and incompetent.”

“Then can I have him?”

What appeared was a childhood friend who became a swordsman. When he was saved by her, everything changed for the better. Furthermore, the hidden true power of Fate is revealed… This is a story of childhood friends who join hands and walk together.

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4 Reviews sorted by

Robotmop rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: --
The writing is just bad. Full of the jp webnovel tropes you've probably all come to know deeply and hate. Instant OP just add water. Doormat mcs. FMC is supposed to be a bigshot, but takes disrespect from legit everyone, the guildmaster openly calls her a liar to her face everytime she backs up MC, saying her testimony is unreliable because she knows the MC. She's supposed to be a nationally recognized bigshot, whose social position and ability is leagues above anyone in town, someone who's supposed to be on... more>> the top of the do-not-cross/make-sure-to-please list. Guildmaster likes to doormat for hero party, they imply he's incompetent saying MC tricked them and he just says they may have a point. Writing is full of garbage like this that just makes it hard to read --- it would however be an excellent black comedy if it was intentional, unfortunately it isn't. <<less
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Mr.slowly rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: --
I agree, good start. Puts me in mind of other stories with a similar bent, but the chemistry between the two mains is on another level from what I have read before. Def want to see where this goes and how it gets there. Translation is on the plus side, very few mistakes and flows really well.
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jomuir rated it
October 14, 2023
Status: c6
Great start. I'm quite glad the MC isn't dense or self deprecating, even though he was a sl@ve. I'm sure there will be issues later on but the FL shatters his self deprecating thoughts almost immediately. I'm looking forward to the adventures they'll go on!
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Ravenpeko rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: c33
The novel is fine, it has some annoying parts and good parts. Nevertheless, it’s pretty nice for a past-time read.

First the bad parts- MC’s naivety irks me quite often but I digress because he was a s*ave for 5 years. 5 years of being succumb to that label and work will do quite a bit on someone’s mindset. But do I care, no (I do a bit), a MCs underestimating themselves is still annoying no matter what situation.

-Second, the dialouge between our character feels really bland. Like they all have... more>> thee generic surprised reaction when MC does something and the way our leads talk to each other feels like how I’d would write it if I wrote a story with talking like this. So I guess the writing feels amateurish.

For example (not from the story) :

Character 1: “I took 5 years to master this move and you have the talent to learn it in 3, if you train hard enough.”

*MC does it perfectly first try*

Character 1: “WHATTTT!?!?!?!?!? You did firsstttttt try?!?!!? That’s impossiblllllleeeee. How did you do it.”

MC: (Thinking that he did bad) “I-I I just swinged my sword. Did I mess it up?”

Side Character 1: “He did something that even character 1 only did in 5 years, in one try. I must get him on my side!”

That’s basically what some of the chapters look like. Now for the good parts:

MC and FL meet really early and there isn’t any bs misunderstanding and irritating nuisances like that and no harem (for now at least). Anddddd that’s basically it for the good parts.

Overall it’s passable and... nothing much to add. <<less
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