My Boyfriend Discovered My Zhihu Response


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Q: What’s a secret you’ll never let your partner know?


I wish my boyfriend would like me less, otherwise, when we break up, I don’t think I could take it.


Oy, Anon, you should see that other highly liked response. I have a deep suspicion that it’s from your boyfriend!!!

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10 Reviews sorted by

Continue12 rated it
October 12, 2023
Status: --
Too sweet🩷 Pure fluff with a bit of drama from MC (nothing too dramatic).

Honestly, if you are over thinker you would totally get mc’s problems and insecurities.

I read a lot of novels and got a bit desensitised of some tropes, plots, but this one made me squeal and giggle.
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IsaacaHawke rated it
March 28, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a cute story; the translation was fine, too. I just hated how unnecessarily convoluted the process of accessing the last three chapters was. One star less for the unnecessary headache. I read to decompress, not to add more stress.

The MC and the ML both show character growth and I loved it when they finally got down to actually communicating. I can understand where the MC comes from, but honest communication is needed in any relationship. It cannot be just one person's efforts.
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shuulys rated it
November 6, 2023
Status: Completed

Ahhh so good. Heaps of dog food. Super fluffy. So healing especially after an angsty novel. To be honest I don't think that our MC is over over thinking. In real life, alot of people have moments like this. In fact I dont think its depicted in novels that often...? So I found this novel very fresh :> so satisfying hehe
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Pessineito rated it
December 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Very cute and funny! Easy and quick read. Many thanks to the translator!! The password hunt for the NSFW chapters was also fun! ♥️
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shiroykumo rated it
December 8, 2023
Status: Completed
The translation is superb.

The story is good, interesting, but it's just that for me, I guess.

It's interesting with the format and the storyline, but just okay for me.

The at first sight and the MC's character of low self-esteem are too much for me. But I'm glad that MC managed to grow along with ML too.


Anyway, still a good read if you want a quick refreshing one.
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Butter fiend
Butter fiend rated it
December 6, 2023
Status: Completed
After the first few chapters, I thought this was definitely a 2 or 3/5 kind of story, but once it stopped just being the posts/comment communication and started showing me the actual relationships and dynamics between the MC and ML, it quickly turned into a 5/5.

For such a short story, this has a lot packed in: quiet romance, dramatic romance, comedy, unhealthy communication, healthy communication, self-doubt, affirmation of feelings, relationship (and character!) progression, gosh it has a lot!

If the first few chapters don't hook you, at least give it until... more>> it starts reading like an actual story and not Zhihu posts before you decide whether to x out. <<less
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November 21, 2023
Status: c17
The premise is interesting. A few first chapters is forum-style which is interesting. There’s only fluff. While at first I found it interesting and cute, I got bored at the chaps 10+. After ML and MC talked it out (I wish author showed how it went more), the rest feels more like a slice of life or extras.
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Fisukisuki rated it
November 16, 2023
Status: Completed
What I expected to be Fluffy good short novel of rate 9/10, I didn't expect this to be 100/10...! I'm Absolutely Pleased!!!

Wonderful MC and ML. Intriguing and Lovable! Love the people around them. And especially Love how Everlasting their love is!!!

Sweet Plot and Sweet Love Life. It's Heartwarmingly sweet. Absolutely WORTH IT!!!
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Bbsnugs rated it
November 14, 2023
Status: Completed
this is a very sweet and fluffy short story. The MC has low self esteem thinking he doesn't deserve the ML but the ML has been amazing the whole time loving the MC wholeheartedly. Nice short read.
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Marshmallow Skye
Marshmallow Skye rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: c17
so damn cute!

It's a very realistic story in all aspects. Tbh it somewhat feels like the author wrote a short story/oneshot but the characters were too adorable and she continued.

Nothing particularly dramatic happens. It's just two people sharing a life
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